The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
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A modified Hodgkin–Huxley model to show the effect of motor cortex stimulation on the trigeminal neuralgia network
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 9 - Trang 1-23 - 2019
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a severe neuropathic pain, which has an electric shock-like characteristic. There are some common treatments for this pain such as medicine, microvascular decompression or radio frequency. In this regard, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is another therapeutic method to reduce pain, which has been recently attracting the therapists’ attention. The positive effect of tDCS on TN was shown in many previous studies. However, the mechanism of the tDCS effect has remained unclear. This study aims to model the neuronal behavior of the main known regions of the brain participating in TN pathways to study the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation. The proposed model consists of several blocks: (1) trigeminal nerve, (2) trigeminal ganglion, (3) PAG (periaqueductal gray in the brainstem), (4) thalamus, (5) motor cortex (M1) and (6) somatosensory cortex (S1). Each of these components is represented by a modified Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model. The modification of the HH model was done based on some neurological facts of pain sodium channels. The input of the model involves any stimuli to the ‘trigeminal nerve,’ which cause the pain, and the output is the activity of the somatosensory cortex. An external current, which is considered as an electrical current, was applied to the motor cortex block of the model. The results showed that by decreasing the conductivity of the slow sodium channels (pain channels) and applying tDCS over the M1, the activity of the somatosensory cortex would be reduced. This reduction can cause pain relief. The proposed model provided some possible suggestions about the relationship between the effects of tDCS and associated components in TN, and also the relationship between the pain measurement index, somatosensory cortex activity, and the strength of tDCS.
Neurally plausible mechanisms for learning selective and invariant representations
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 10 - Trang 1-15 - 2020
Coding for visual stimuli in the ventral stream is known to be invariant to object identity preserving nuisance transformations. Indeed, much recent theoretical and experimental work suggests that the main challenge for the visual cortex is to build up such nuisance invariant representations. Recently, artificial convolutional networks have succeeded in both learning such invariant properties and, surprisingly, predicting cortical responses in macaque and mouse visual cortex with unprecedented accuracy. However, some of the key ingredients that enable such success—supervised learning and the backpropagation algorithm—are neurally implausible. This makes it difficult to relate advances in understanding convolutional networks to the brain. In contrast, many of the existing neurally plausible theories of invariant representations in the brain involve unsupervised learning, and have been strongly tied to specific plasticity rules. To close this gap, we study an instantiation of simple-complex cell model and show, for a broad class of unsupervised learning rules (including Hebbian learning), that we can learn object representations that are invariant to nuisance transformations belonging to a finite orthogonal group. These findings may have implications for developing neurally plausible theories and models of how the visual cortex or artificial neural networks build selectivity for discriminating objects and invariance to real-world nuisance transformations.
Noise-Induced Precursors of State Transitions in the Stochastic Wilson–Cowan Model
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 5 - Trang 1-27 - 2015
The Wilson–Cowan neural field equations describe the dynamical behavior of a 1-D continuum of excitatory and inhibitory cortical neural aggregates, using a pair of coupled integro-differential equations. Here we use bifurcation theory and small-noise linear stochastics to study the range of a phase transitions—sudden qualitative changes in the state of a dynamical system emerging from a bifurcation—accessible to the Wilson–Cowan network. Specifically, we examine saddle-node, Hopf, Turing, and Turing–Hopf instabilities. We introduce stochasticity by adding small-amplitude spatio-temporal white noise, and analyze the resulting subthreshold fluctuations using an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck linearization. This analysis predicts divergent changes in correlation and spectral characteristics of neural activity during close approach to bifurcation from below. We validate these theoretical predictions using numerical simulations. The results demonstrate the role of noise in the emergence of critically slowed precursors in both space and time, and suggest that these early-warning signals are a universal feature of a neural system close to bifurcation. In particular, these precursor signals are likely to have neurobiological significance as early warnings of impending state change in the cortex. We support this claim with an analysis of the in vitro local field potentials recorded from slices of mouse-brain tissue. We show that in the period leading up to emergence of spontaneous seizure-like events, the mouse field potentials show a characteristic spectral focusing toward lower frequencies concomitant with a growth in fluctuation variance, consistent with critical slowing near a bifurcation point. This observation of biological criticality has clear implications regarding the feasibility of seizure prediction.
Methods to assess binocular rivalry with periodic stimuli
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 10 - Trang 1-21 - 2020
Binocular rivalry occurs when the two eyes are presented with incompatible stimuli and perception alternates between these two stimuli. This phenomenon has been investigated in two types of experiments: (1) Traditional experiments where the stimulus is fixed, (2) eye-swap experiments in which the stimulus periodically swaps between eyes many times per second (Logothetis et al. in Nature 380(6575):621–624, 1996). In spite of the rapid swapping between eyes, perception can be stable for many seconds with specific stimulus parameter configurations. Wilson introduced a two-stage, hierarchical model to explain both types of experiments (Wilson in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100(24):14499–14503, 2003). Wilson’s model and other rivalry models have been only studied with bifurcation analysis for fixed inputs and different types of dynamical behavior that can occur with periodically forcing inputs have not been investigated. Here we report (1) a more complete description of the complex dynamics in the unforced Wilson model, (2) a bifurcation analysis with periodic forcing. Previously, bifurcation analysis of the Wilson model with fixed inputs has revealed three main types of dynamical behaviors: Winner-takes-all (WTA), Rivalry oscillations (RIV), Simultaneous activity (SIM). Our results have revealed richer dynamics including mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs) and a period-doubling cascade, which corresponds to low-amplitude WTA (LAWTA) oscillations. On the other hand, studying rivalry models with numerical continuation shows that periodic forcing with high frequency (e.g. 18 Hz, known as flicker) modulates the three main types of behaviors that occur with fixed inputs with forcing frequency (WTA-Mod, RIV-Mod, SIM-Mod). However, dynamical behavior will be different with low frequency periodic forcing (around 1.5 Hz, so-called swap). In addition to WTA-Mod and SIM-Mod, cycle skipping, multi-cycle skipping and chaotic dynamics are found. This research provides a framework for either assessing binocular rivalry models to check consistency with empirical results, or for better understanding neural dynamics and mechanisms necessary to implement a minimal binocular rivalry model.
Drift–diffusion models for multiple-alternative forced-choice decision making
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 9 - Trang 1-23 - 2019
The canonical computational model for the cognitive process underlying two-alternative forced-choice decision making is the so-called drift–diffusion model (DDM). In this model, a decision variable keeps track of the integrated difference in sensory evidence for two competing alternatives. Here I extend the notion of a drift–diffusion process to multiple alternatives. The competition between n alternatives takes place in a linear subspace of
dimensions; that is, there are
decision variables, which are coupled through correlated noise sources. I derive the multiple-alternative DDM starting from a system of coupled, linear firing rate equations. I also show that a Bayesian sequential probability ratio test for multiple alternatives is, in fact, equivalent to these same linear DDMs, but with time-varying thresholds. If the original neuronal system is nonlinear, one can once again derive a model describing a lower-dimensional diffusion process. The dynamics of the nonlinear DDM can be recast as the motion of a particle on a potential, the general form of which is given analytically for an arbitrary number of alternatives.
Giới hạn tách rời của các điểm phân kỳ Hopf đồng nhất với ứng dụng vào sự hai trạng thái cảm nhận Dịch bởi AI
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 9 - Trang 1-33 - 2019
Chúng tôi nghiên cứu động lực học phát sinh khi hai bộ dao động đồng nhất được kết nối gần ngưỡng phân kỳ Hopf, trong đó chúng tôi giả định rằng một tham số ϵ tách rời hệ thống tại $\epsilon =0$. Sử dụng một dạng chuẩn cho các hệ thống đồng nhất $N=2$ đang trải qua phân kỳ Hopf, chúng tôi khám phá các thuộc tính động lực học. Việc so khớp các hệ số dạng chuẩn với một mạng lưới dao động Wilson–Cowan liên kết giúp hiểu rõ về các loại hành vi khác nhau phát sinh trong mô hình về sự hai trạng thái cảm nhận. Đáng chú ý, chúng tôi phát hiện ra sự hai trạng thái giữa các giải pháp cùng pha và ngược pha, điều này cho thấy khả năng đồng bộ hóa có thể hoạt động như cơ chế mà thông qua đó các đầu vào tuần hoàn có thể được phân tách (thay vì thông qua liên kết ức chế mạnh, như trong các mô hình hiện có). Qua việc sử dụng liên tục số, chúng tôi xác nhận phân tích lý thuyết của mình cho độ mạnh liên kết nhỏ và khám phá các biểu đồ phân kỳ cho độ mạnh liên kết lớn, nơi mà sự xấp xỉ dạng chuẩn không còn hợp lệ.
#phân kỳ Hopf #đồng bộ hóa #hai trạng thái cảm nhận #mạng lưới dao động Wilson–Cowan #động lực học
Orientation Maps in V1 and Non-Euclidean Geometry
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 5 - Trang 1-45 - 2015
In the primary visual cortex, the processing of information uses the distribution of orientations in the visual input: neurons react to some orientations in the stimulus more than to others. In many species, orientation preference is mapped in a remarkable way on the cortical surface, and this organization of the neural population seems to be important for visual processing. Now, existing models for the geometry and development of orientation preference maps in higher mammals make a crucial use of symmetry considerations. In this paper, we consider probabilistic models for V1 maps from the point of view of group theory; we focus on Gaussian random fields with symmetry properties and review the probabilistic arguments that allow one to estimate pinwheel densities and predict the observed value of π. Then, in order to test the relevance of general symmetry arguments and to introduce methods which could be of use in modeling curved regions, we reconsider this model in the light of group representation theory, the canonical mathematics of symmetry. We show that through the Plancherel decomposition of the space of complex-valued maps on the Euclidean plane, each infinite-dimensional irreducible unitary representation of the special Euclidean group yields a unique V1-like map, and we use representation theory as a symmetry-based toolbox to build orientation maps adapted to the most famous non-Euclidean geometries, viz. spherical and hyperbolic geometry. We find that most of the dominant traits of V1 maps are preserved in these; we also study the link between symmetry and the statistics of singularities in orientation maps, and show what the striking quantitative characteristics observed in animals become in our curved models.
How Adaptation Makes Low Firing Rates Robust
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 7 - Trang 1-21 - 2017
Low frequency firing is modeled by Type 1 neurons with a SNIC, but, because of the vertical slope of the square-root-like f–I curve, low f only occurs over a narrow range of I. When an adaptive current is added, however, the f–I curve is linearized, and low f occurs robustly over a large I range. Ermentrout (Neural Comput. 10(7):1721-1729, 1998) showed that this feature of adaptation paradoxically arises from the SNIC that is responsible for the vertical slope. We show, using a simplified Hindmarsh–Rose neuron with negative feedback acting directly on the adaptation current, that whereas a SNIC contributes to linearization, in practice linearization over a large interval may require strong adaptation strength. We also find that a type 2 neuron with threshold generated by a Hopf bifurcation can also show linearization if adaptation strength is strong. Thus, a SNIC is not necessary. More fundamental than a SNIC is stretching the steep region near threshold, which stems from sufficiently strong adaptation, though a SNIC contributes if present. In a more realistic conductance-based model, Morris–Lecar, with negative feedback acting on the adaptation conductance, an additional assumption that the driving force of the adaptation current is independent of I is needed. If this holds, strong adaptive conductance is both necessary and sufficient for linearization of f–I curves of type 2 f–I curves.
Retroactive interference model of forgetting
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience - Tập 11 - Trang 1-15 - 2021
Memory and forgetting constitute two sides of the same coin, and although the first has been extensively investigated, the latter is often overlooked. A possible approach to better understand forgetting is to develop phenomenological models that implement its putative mechanisms in the most elementary way possible, and then experimentally test the theoretical predictions of these models. One such mechanism proposed in previous studies is retrograde interference, stating that a memory can be erased due to subsequently acquired memories. In the current contribution, we hypothesize that retrograde erasure is controlled by the relevant “importance” measures such that more important memories eliminate less important ones acquired earlier. We show that some versions of the resulting mathematical model are broadly compatible with the previously reported power-law forgetting time course and match well the results of our recognition experiments with long, randomly assembled streams of words.
Tổng số: 109
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