Phát triển và xác thực Thang đo Hỗ trợ Giáo viên Ngoại ngữ (FLTSS) Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 Số 1
Majid Sadoughi, S. Yahya Hejazi
Tóm tắtHỗ trợ của giáo viên, như là một loại hỗ trợ xã hội thiết yếu và là một yếu tố quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến nhiều kết quả chính trong việc học ngôn ngữ thứ hai, có thể đóng góp đáng kể vào thành tích ngoại ngữ. Mặc dù hỗ trợ của giáo viên đã nhận được nhiều sự chú ý trong giáo dục và tâm lý giáo dục, nhưng lại ít được chú trọng trong nghiên cứu về ngôn ngữ ngoại và ngôn ngữ học ứng dụng. Do đó, nghiên cứu hiện tại nhằm lấp đầy khoảng trống nghiên cứu này bằng cách phát triển và xác thực một thang đo chuyên biệt để đo lường các loại hình hỗ trợ của giáo viên mà học viên tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ ngoại (EFL) cảm nhận. Một tập hợp các mục ban đầu được xây dựng dựa trên một số thang đo hỗ trợ giáo viên chung và phỏng vấn bán cấu trúc với các học viên EFL. Sau đó, các mục đã được gửi cho một hội đồng chuyên gia và tính hợp lệ nội dung của chúng được kiểm tra bằng chỉ số hợp lệ nội dung. Sau một loạt các phân tích nhân tố khám phá và xác nhận, phiên bản cuối cùng của Thang đo Hỗ trợ Giáo viên Ngoại ngữ (FLTSS) đo lường bốn loại hình hỗ trợ giáo viên mà học viên cảm nhận, cụ thể là: hỗ trợ cảm xúc, hỗ trợ công cụ, hỗ trợ đánh giá và hỗ trợ thông tin, đã được chuẩn bị. Kết quả kiểm tra các loại hợp lệ và độ tin cậy khác nhau chỉ ra rằng thang đo phù hợp để đo lường các loại hình hỗ trợ giáo viên mà học viên cảm nhận. Một số đề xuất cho nghiên cứu tiếp theo được trình bày.
Organization of ideas in writing: what are raters sensitive to?Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 1-13 - 2013
Rachael Ruegg, Yuko Sugiyama
Whether foreign language writing is rated using analytic rating scales or holistically, the organization of ideas is invariably one of the aspects assessed. However, it is unclear what raters are sensitive to when rating writing for organization. Which do they value more highly, the physical aspects of organization, such as paragraphing and the existence of organization markers, or deeper textual aspects, such as the coherent flow of ideas? This study investigates whether raters of timed essays value paragraphing, cohesive devices or coherence more when assigning a score for organization. The current study used multiple regression to ascertain what raters of the writing section of an in-house proficiency test were sensitive to when rating writing for organization using an analytic rating scale. The number of paragraphs, number of cohesive devices and coherence within 116 timed essays were evaluated and it was found that raters seem to value the physical aspects of organization more than the deeper textual aspects. Specifically, the number of paragraphs and the number of cohesive devices predicted differences in scores assigned for organization. In addition, the scores assigned for content were significantly predictive of scores for organization.
Students' Perceptions of the Impact of the College English TestSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 1-18 - 2012
Hongli Li, Qi Zhong, Hoi K Suen
Designed to assess college students' English ability, the College English Test (CET) is regarded as the most influential English test in China. This study investigates students' perceptions of the impact of the CET on their English-learning practices and their affective conditions. A survey was administered to 150 undergraduate students at a university in Beijing. It was found that students perceived the impact of the CET to be pervasive. In particular, the majority of the respondents indicated that the CET had a greater impact on what they studied than on how they studied. Most of the students surveyed felt the CET had motivated them to make a greater effort to learn English. Many students seemed to be willing to put more effort on the language skills most heavily weighted in the CET. About half of the students reported a higher level of self-efficacy in regard to their overall English ability and some specific English skills as a result of taking or preparing for the CET. However, many students also reported experiencing increased pressure and anxiety in relation to learning English. This study provides important evidence about how the CET influences college students' English learning in China, and directions for further research are also suggested.
Investigating the factor structure of the Test of English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) and its relation to test takers’ perceived test task valueSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 1-28 - 2022
Keita Nakamura
This study investigated the scoring and criterion-related validity of the TEAP, a newly developed Test of English for Academic Purposes. In this study, scoring validity was examined by investigating the factor structure, while criterion-related validity was examined by first investigating the longitudinal change of test takers’ perceived test task value toward the measured construct and then investigating the relationship of test takers’ perceived value to the factor structure of the TEAP. Confirmatory item-level factor analysis was conducted using the data obtained from 2217 first-year university students comparing four models (unitary, correlated, receptive-productive, higher order). Additional confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to first investigate the longitudinal change of perceived value toward the measured construct and then to investigate the relationship of test takers’ perceived value of the construct measured by the test to the factor structure of the TEAP. The results show that the higher-order model was the best-fitting model. This confirmed a previous small-scale study suggesting the generalizability of the test’s factor structure. Furthermore, it was found that test takers’ perceived values measured at the start of university positively affected the values measured about 6 months later. In addition, perceived values measured both at the start of university study and about 6 months later positively correlated with the higher-order factor of the test. The results provide further support of the scoring validity of the test. In addition, a positive relationship between the higher-order factor of TEAP and the factors of perceived values provide evidence of the usefulness of test takers’ perception to further support the criterion-related validity of the test.
Learner-oriented assessment matters: testing the effects of academic buoyancy, reflective thinking, and learner enjoyment in self-assessment and test-taking anxiety management of the EFL learnersSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 Số 1
Asep Nurjamin, David-Eli Salazar-Espinoza, Natalya Saenko, Elia Bina
AbstractStudents may better keep tabs on their own development by engaging in self-assessment (S-A), academic buoyancy (AB) construction, and reflective thinking (RT). Although S-A, AB, and RT have been known for a long time, very little is known regarding their potential effects on test-taking anxiety (TTA) and learner enjoyment (LE). Therefore, this study aimed to present a framework depicting the dynamic interaction of AB, RT, LE, S-A, and TTA. Specifically, 394 EFL students from Turkey were given the Academic Buoyancy Scale (ABS), the Reflective Thinking Questionnaire (RTQ), the Test-Taking Anxiety Scale (TTAS), the Core of Self-Assessment Questionnaire (CSAQ), and the Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale (FLES). Higher levels of S-A, AB, RT, and LE were associated with more S-A and less TTA among EFL students, as shown by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of this research have important implications for the development of S-A, AB, and RT practices and the introduction of learning-oriented evaluation in educational settings.
Designing and validating an assessment agency questionnaire for EFL teachers: an ecological perspectiveSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 1-22 - 2023
Farhad Ghiasvand, Akbar A. Jahanbakhsh, Pardis Sharifpour
Teacher agency is a pivotal element of professionalism and second/foreign language (L2) education. However, its role in L2 assessment has remained under-researched. Part of this negligence is due to the absence of a validated questionnaire to measure the construct and its underlying components. To address this gap, drawing on the ecological perspective, the present study developed a scale on teacher ecological assessment agency (TEAA) by gleaning data from 539 Iranian EFL teachers. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA, CFA) culminated in 5 components and 32 items in the scale. The components were labelled “Iterational”, “Projective”, “Teachers’ Practical-Evaluative View”, “Schools’ Practical-Evaluative Effect”, and “Professional/Democratic Community’s Practical-Evaluative Effect”. Furthermore, the convergent validity and reliability of the scale were statistically approved (p > .05). The study presents some implications for EFL teachers, teacher trainers, and assessment policy-makers in that they can understand and highlight the pivotal role of teacher agency in L2 assessment practices.
Interconnection between constructs and consequences: a key validity consideration in K–12 English language proficiency assessmentsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 1-17 - 2022
Mikyung Kim Wolf
In the US K–12 public school settings, each state’s annual English language proficiency (ELP) assessment, as part of an educational accountability system, has tremendous impact on English learner (EL) students’ academic paths and success. It is thus critical to establish a robust validation framework and empirical evidence to ensure that states’ ELP assessments are both appropriately interpreted and justifiably used for their intended purposes. The present article, as a perspective piece, highlights two key interrelated areas of validity concern: the construct and the consequences of ELP assessments. This article describes how the ELP construct has been redefined and operationalized in recent K–12 ELP standards and assessments in the US K–12 education settings, reflecting the current US educational reform and policy impact. Then, the article presents the ramifications these new ELP assessments have for making high-stake decisions about EL students and how construct validity issues are closely tied to consequential validity. A set of pivotal research areas pertaining to construct and consequential validity is proposed with implications for practice and policies to support EL students’ needs. Implications from interconnection between the construct and the consequences of ELP assessments and research areas suggested in this article can be applicable in other countries where language assessments are part of educational reform or accountability systems.
Developing evidence for a validity argument for an English placement exam from multi-year test performance dataSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 1-14 - 2016
James M. Sims, Antony John Kunnan
This study investigated the factor structure and factorial invariance of an English Placement Exam (EPE) from 1998 to 2011 to provide evidence for both the appropriateness of the test scores interpretations and for a validity argument. Test performance data collected from 38,632 freshmen non-English majors from a university in central Taiwan from 13 years (1998–2001, and 2003–2011) was examined using both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). EFA was performed on 6 years of data (2006–2011) to establish a baseline structure, which was then further tested using CFA on data from all the years. Results from EFA supported a three-factor oblique (correlated) solution and CFA determined that a three-factor model as the best fit for the data. This model reflected the test structure posited by the test designers (grammar, reading, and listening sections) and remained factorially invariant and factorially distinct across all years, with insignificant variation in factor loadings and model fit indices. The study concluded that the factor structure of the EPE provided evidence for a construct validity argument for the placement exam based on multi-year performance data, thus supporting the inferences regarding test scores interpretations and the soundness of score comparisons made across years.
Rating Scales Revisited: EFL Writing Assessment Context of Iran under ScrutinySpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 1-18 - 2012
Batoul Ghanbari, Hossein Barati, Ahmad Moinzadeh
Through addressing particular ideologies regarding language, meaning, level of proficiency and target writer and reader, rating criteria define and control the what and how of the assessment process. But a point which has been neglected or intentionally concealed due to concerns of practicality and the legitimacy of the native authority in setting assessment guidelines in EFL writing assessment contexts is the appropriateness of the scale. To raise attention to the current vague rating situation and consequently remedy the state, present study followed two lines of argument. First, drawing on the socio-cognitive framework of Weir (2005) for validating writing assessment, it is discussed that the important characteristic of scoring validity necessitates an appropriate choice of rating rubrics. Second, through posing a critical argument, deficiencies of the present practice of adopting rating scales are revealed and consequently it is discussed how assessment circles in native countries by setting rating standards control and dominate the whole process of writing assessment. To add more flesh to the argument, the ESL Composition Profile of Jacobs, et al. (1981) for its popularity in the Iranian EFL academic writing assessment is analyzed. A preliminary examination of the Profile shows that quite different underlying assumptions are involved. The study ends with a call to add a more local taste to the rating scales. To a large extent, developing a local rating scale that gives agency to the intricacies of Iranian EFL context in designing and developing the scoring criteria in writing assessment would be promising.