Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Who Cares for Agile Work? In/Visibilized Work Practices and Their Emancipatory Potential
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 57-70 - 2021
Alev Coban, Klara-Aylin Wenten
The future of work has become a pressing matter of concern: Researchers, business consultancies, and industrial companies are intensively studying how new work models could be best implemented to increase workplace flexibility and creativity. In particular, the agile model has become one of the “must-have” elements for re-organizing work practices, especially for technology development work. However, the implementation of agile work often comes together with strong presumptions: it is regarded as an inevitable tool that can be universally integrated into different workplaces while having the same outcome of flexibility, transparency, and flattened hierarchies everywhere. This paper challenges such essentializing assumptions by turning agile work into a “matter of care.” We argue that care work occurs in contexts other than feminized reproductive work, namely, technology development. Drawing on concepts from feminist Science and Technology Studies and ethnographic research at agile technology development workplaces in Germany and Kenya, we examine what work it takes to actually keep up with the imperative of agile work. The analysis brings the often invisibilized care practices of human and nonhuman actors to the fore that are necessary to enact and stabilize the agile promises of flexibilization, co-working, and rapid prototyping. Revealing the caring sociotechnical relationships that are vital for working agile, we discuss the emergence of power asymmetries characterized by hierarchies of skills that are differently acknowledged in the daily work of technology development. The paper ends by speculating on the emancipatory potential of a care perspective, by which we seek to inspire careful Emancipatory Technology Studies.
A Lay Ethics Quest for Technological Futures: About Tradition, Narrative and Decision-Making
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 233-244 - 2016
Simone van der Burg
Making better choices about future technologies that are being researched or developed is an important motivator behind lay ethics interventions. However, in practice, they do not always succeed to serve that goal. Especially authors who have noted that lay ethicists sometimes take recourse to well-known themes which stem from old, even ‘archetypical’ stories, have been criticized for making too little room for agency and decision-making in their approach. This paper aims to contribute to a reflection on how lay ethics can acquire more practical relevance. It will use resources in narrative ethics to suggest that in order to be relevant for action, facilitators of lay ethics interventions need to invite participants to engage in a narrative quest. As part of a quest, lay ethicists should be asked to (1) reflect on a specific question or choice, (2) use diverse (imaginative) input which is informative about the heterogeneity of viewpoints that are defended in society and (3) argue for their standpoints.
Nanotechnology Bound: Evaluating the Case for More Regulation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 105-122 - 2007
Patrick Lin
In continuing news, there is a growing debate on whether current laws and regulations, both in the US and abroad, need to be strengthened as they relate to nanotechnology. On one side, experts argue that nanomaterials, which are making their way into the marketplace today, are possibly harmful to consumers and the environment, so stronger and new laws are needed to ensure they are safe. On the other side, different experts argue that more regulation will slow down the pace of business and innovation in nanotechnology, or that self-regulation is the answer, or other opposing positions. This paper will draw out the core issues behind the debate and explain that there is more at stake than merely environmental, health and safety (EHS) worries or business interests, as it first appears. We will also suggest an alternative solution to stricter laws, since stricter laws would face formidable practical challenges, even if they are warranted.
Risk Calculation as Experience and Action—Assessing and Managing the Risks and Opportunities of Nanomaterials
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 277-295 - 2015
Christian Büscher
Discussions about the appropriate way of assessing and managing new or emerging technologies—like nanomaterials—expose the problematic relationship between scientific knowledge production and regulatory decision-making. On one hand, there is a strong demand for scientific expertise to support decisions, especially by analyzing risks and hazards when uncertainties are prevalent and society’s stakes are high. On the other hand, science is criticized for its authoritative claim to objectivity and for keeping the inherent uncertainty, ambiguity, and selectivity of scientific observation latent. Requests for more transparency in science can lead to revealing, to risk managers and the public, the indeterminacy in knowledge production processes. This has consequences for the prevalence of scientific knowledge in decision-making, because it increases uncertainty on both sides of the breach between science and decisions: scientists lose confidence regarding the scientifically tested knowledge which they pass on, and risk managers lose confidence regarding their decisions based on this knowledge. Nonetheless, the concept of “probabilistic risk assessment” remains an important heuristic for dealing with potential future events. This paper addresses questions of the function of scientific risk assessment in organized risk management. The main argument in this paper is that knowledge alone no longer functions as a mechanism for absorbing uncertainty. Accordingly, the interaction between science and decisions must enable a temporarily stable commitment to manage new threats like products and applications coming from the field of nanoscience and nanomaterials.
Risk Regulation, EU Law and Emerging Technologies: Smother or Smooth?
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2008
Geert Van Calster
Lessons from the European Regulation 1223 of 2009, on Cosmetics: Expectations Versus Reality
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 21-35 - 2019
Ricardo Santana Cabello, Piedad Gañán Rojo, Robin Zuluaga
The aim of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the application of the specific rules of nanotechnology incorporated in Regulation No. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products. It has been ten years since the European Commission had issued its proposal to start the co-decision procedure to create Regulation 1223 of 2009. Although it has been praised for noting the regulatory difference of nanomaterials over the rest of the chemicals, what has been the efficacy of the standard? It is concluded that despite what it meant, the regulation has encountered technical obstacles, thus rendering the objectives relating to nanotechnology that were proposed from the European Commission unfulfilled. This finding is inferred through legal dogmatic methodologies and the identification of nanomaterials that have not been expressly approved. Nevertheless, products incorporating nanomaterials still circulate in the European market. The precepts about nanotechnology in the regulation should be reviewed because technical inconsistencies should be avoided in future regulations or applicable regulations in contexts other than Europe. Such inconsistencies exist with respect to the high level of protection of human health that should be ensured and the provisions intended to protect consumer safety. For instance, the catalog of nanomaterials in circulation does not indicate the materials that have been approved or their toxicological profiles. To date, no comparison studies have been presented between the expectations and legislative objectives set as embodied in the regulation and debated in the European Parliament involving the actual efficacy of this regulation.
Citizen Science Fiction: The Potential of Situated Speculative Prototyping for Public Engagement on Emerging Technologies
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 1-18 - 2021
Jantien W. Schuijer, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Frank Kupper
In response to calls for a research and innovation system that is more open to public scrutiny, we have seen a growth of formal and informal public engagement activities in the past decades. Nevertheless, critiques of several persistent routines in public engagement continue to resurface, in particular the focus on expert knowledge, cognitive exchange, risk discourse, and understandings of public opinion as being static. In an attempt to break out of these routines, we experimented with an innovative engagement format that employs situated speculative prototyping to support citizens in contextualizing and discussing developments regarding—in this case—nanotechnology. This format invites participants to imagine and critically reflect on technological futures through collaborative prototyping and story-writing. In this paper, we outline five reconstructed contextualization patterns in which participants engaged during the format’s exercises and use these to assess the value of the format in the current engagement landscape. We show that situated speculative prototyping has potential in the realm of informal public engagement initiatives, taking an explorative approach, but also warn of ‘the designer fallacy’ as a prominent pitfall of prototyping that could reproduce techno-scientific framings and obstruct critical reflection on technological directions and implications if not treated with caution.
Thiết kế an toàn cho vật liệu nano - Bài học muộn từ những cảnh báo sớm cho đổi mới bền vững Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 99-103 - 2021
Maurice Edward Brennan, Eugenia Valsami-Jones
Sáng kiến khái niệm Thiết kế An toàn đang được phát triển cho vật liệu nano cung cấp một khuôn mẫu cho một cách tiếp cận đổi mới bền vững mới cho các vật liệu tiên tiến với bốn đặc điểm bền vững quan trọng. Đầu tiên, nó yêu cầu đánh giá rủi ro độc tính tiềm năng sớm hơn trong chu trình đổi mới đồng thời với chức năng hóa học và các ứng dụng thương mại có thể. Thứ hai, nó cung cấp các tùy chọn trong tương lai để giảm thử nghiệm động vật trong phòng thí nghiệm thông qua đánh giá sớm sử dụng các phương pháp độc tính dự đoán in silico, giảm thiểu số lượng trường hợp phải tiến hành thử nghiệm in vitro và in vivo. Thứ ba, nó thúc đẩy một văn hóa trách nhiệm chung về các kết quả có đạo đức và bền vững trong quy trình đổi mới bằng cách thúc đẩy đối thoại sớm giữa các nhóm có lợi ích liên quan. Cuối cùng, nó cung cấp triển vọng cho một quá trình đổi mới dân chủ hơn bằng cách bao gồm các diễn viên xã hội dân sự trong các quyết định về an toàn sản phẩm, ứng dụng thương mại và lợi ích xã hội. Tập hợp lại, bốn đặc điểm này mang đến triển vọng cho một hợp đồng xã hội mới giữa khoa học, công nghệ và xã hội nhằm hướng tới sự hòa hợp xã hội và đổi mới bền vững của những vật liệu tiên tiến.
#Thiết kế an toàn #vật liệu nano #đổi mới bền vững #đánh giá độc tính #trách nhiệm xã hội
Nation-Building and the Governance of Emerging Technologies: the Case of Nanotechnology in India
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 5-19 - 2018
Koen Beumer
Emerging technologies like nanotechnologies are governed in different ways around the world. This article draws attention to an important element that can help to explain the emergence of this diversity in governance practices: the role of nanotechnology in nation-building. By investigating the relation between nanotechnology and the nation in India, the article demonstrates that various particularities of the Indian governance of nanotechnology can be explained by the relation between science, technology, and nation-building. The article discusses four instances in which the governance of nanotechnology in India is informed by the role science and technology has in nation-building: the historical image of India as a country that can attain modernity and development by engaging with modern science and technology supported the government’s decision to free funds for nanotechnology research; the view of India as a country that cannot rely on foreign assistance to get access to the latest technologies reinforced the strategy to pro-actively pursue nanotechnology research and development itself; the historical use of science and technology as crucial elements in overcoming deeply rooted societal divisions enabled the science-centered way in which nanotechnology was governed; and the Indian ambition to become a global superpower informed the governance of nanotechnology as an object of international competition. The governance of nanotechnology in turn defines ‘Indianness’ in a post-liberalization world.
Of Nanochips and Persons: Toward an Ethics of Diagnostic Technology in Personalized Medicine
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 155-165 - 2012
Sophie Pellé, Vanessa Nurock
This paper proposes an ethical reflection on personalized medicine and more precisely on the diagnostic technology underlying it, including nanochips. Our approach is inspired by a combination of two philosophical frames of reference: first, John Dewey’s distinction between intuitive valuation and reflexive evaluation, second, John Rawls’ reflective equilibrium. We aim at what we call a ‘reflexive equilibrium’, a mutual adjustment between on the one hand, the intuitive beliefs scientists have about the ethics of the technologies they work on (‘valuations’ in Dewey’s vocabulary) and, on the other hand, the reflexive ethical assessment of these technologies (‘evaluations’). Our goal, in this paper, is to provide the first step of this process through a philosophical analysis of some valuations on individualized medicine. In order to apprehend the ethical values shaping the development of biochips, we present and analyze qualitative interviews with scientists involved in the conception and the development of biochips involving nanotechnologies. We then propose a critical assessment of the role of ethics in these scientific practices. Last, we suggest two distinct and complementary ways to solve some of the issues brought to light by the interviews, without aiming at any dogmatic or “ready-made” answer. The first of these perspectives gives a central role to the capability individuals could achieve through personalized medicine; the second approach analyses the ethical disruptions entailed by personalized medicine with a special focus on care.
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