Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Sắp xếp:
On compactification of metric spaces
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 61-74 - 1963
Iff:X →X* is a homeomorphism of a metric separable spaceX into a compact metric spaceX* such thatf(X)=X*, then the pair (f,X*) is called a metric compactification ofX. An absoluteG
δ-space (F
σ-space)X is said to be of the first kind, if there exists a metric compactification (f,X*) ofX such that
$$f(X) = \mathop \cap \limits_{i = 1}^\infty G_i $$
, whereG
i are sets open inX* and dim[Fr(G
Surjective homomorphisms between surface braid groups
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2019
Characterizingω 1 and the long line by their topological elementary reflections
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 127 - Trang 81-91 - 2002
Given a topological space 〈X, T〉 ∈M, an elementary submodel of set theory, we defineX
Mto beX ∩M with the topology generated by {U ∩M : U ∈T ∩M}. We prove that it is undecidable whetherX
Mhomeomorphic toω
1 impliesX =X
M,yet it is true in ZFC that ifX
Mis homeomorphic to the long line, thenX =X
M.The former result generalizes to other cardinals of uncountable confinality while the latter generalizes to connected, locally compact, locally hereditarily LindelöfT
2 spaces.
OnL 2-homology and asphericity
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 99 - Trang 271-283 - 1997
We useL
2 methods to show that if a group with a presentation of deficiency one is an extension ofZ by a finitely generated normal subgroup then the 2-complex corresponding to any presentation of optimal deficiency is aspherical and to prove a converse of the Cheeger-Gromov-Gottlieb theorem relating Euler characteristic and asphericity. These results are applied to the Whitehead conjecture, 4-manifolds and 2-knot groups.
Positive solution for an indefinite fourth-order nonlocal problem
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 241 - Trang 775-794 - 2021
We prove the existence of a positive solution for the problem
$${\rm{\gamma}}{{\rm{\Delta}}^2}u - m\left(u \right){\rm{\Delta}}u = \mu a\left(x \right){u^q} + b\left(x \right){u^p},\,\,{\rm{in}}\,{\rm{\Omega ,}}\,\,\,\,\,u = {\rm{\gamma \Delta}}u = 0,\,\,{\rm{on}}\,\,\partial {\rm{\Omega ,}}$$
where Ω ⊂ ℝN is a bounded smooth domain, γ ∈ {0, 1},0 < q > 1 < p, m is weakly continuous in
$${H^2}\left({\rm{\Omega}} \right) \cap H_0^1\left({\rm{\Omega}} \right),a \in {L^\infty}\left({\rm{\Omega}} \right)$$
is nonnegative and b is a bounded potential which can change sign. The solution is obtained via a sub-supersolution approach when the parameter µ > 0 is small.
A Rolle Type Theorem for Cyclicity of Zeros of Families of Analytic Functions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 206 - Trang 95-107 - 2014
$${\{ {f_{\lambda ;j}}\} _{\lambda \in V;1 \leqslant j \leqslant k}}$$
be families of holomorphic functions in the open unit disk
$${\text{D}} \subset {\Bbb C}$$
⊂ ℂ depending holomorphically on a parameter λ ∈ V ⊂ ℂ
. We establish a Rolle type theorem for the generalized multiplicity (called cyclicity) of zeros of the family of univariate holomorphic functions
$${\left\{ {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^k {{f_{\lambda ;j}}} } \right\}_{\lambda \in V}}$$
at 0 ∈ D. As a corollary, we estimate the cyclicity of the family of generalized exponential polynomials, that is, the family of entire functions of the form
$$\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^m {{P_k}(z){e^{{Q_k}(z)}}} $$
, z ∈ ℂ, where P
and Q
are holomorphic polynomials of degrees p and q, respectively, parameterized by vectors of coefficients of P
and Q
A homogeneous space whose complement is rigid
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 214 - Trang 583-595 - 2016
We construct a homogeneous subspace of 2ω whose complement is dense in 2ω and rigid. Using the same method, assuming Martin’s Axiom, we also construct a countable dense homogeneous subspace of 2ω whose complement is dense in 2ω and rigid.
Some sets obeying harmonic synthesis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 88-93 - 1976
LetX be a (not necessarily closed) subspace of the dual spaceB
of a separable Banach spaceB. LetX
denote the set of all weak
limits of sequences inX. DefineX
, for every ordinal numbera, by the inductive rule:X
= (U
.There is always a countable ordinala such thatX
is the weak
closure ofX; the first sucha is called theorder ofX inB
. LetE be a closed subset of a locally compact abelian group. LetPM(E) be the set of pseudomeasures, andM(E) the set of measures, whose supports are contained inE. The setE obeys synthesis if and only ifM(E) is weak
dense inPM(E). Varopoulos constructed an example in which the order ofM(E) is 2. The authors construct, for every countable ordinala, a setE inR that obeys synthesis, and such that the order ofM(E) inPM(E) isa.
Tổng số: 4,125
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