Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Transformative urban development is urgent to achieve future sustainable development and wellbeing. Transformation can benefit from shared and cumulative learning on strategies to guide urban development across local to national scales, while also reflecting the complex emergent nature of urban systems, and the need for context-specific and place-based solutions. The article addresses this challenge, drawing on extensive transdisciplinary engagement and National Strategy co-development processes for Australia. This includes generation of two frameworks as boundary objects to assist such transdisciplinary strategy development. An ‘enabling urban systems transformation’ framework comprises four generic overarching transformation enablers and a set of necessary underpinning urban capacities. This also built cumulatively on other sustainability and urban transformation studies. A complementary ‘knowledge for urban systems transformation’ framework comprises key knowledge themes that can support an integrated systems approach to mission-focused urban transformations, such as decarbonising cities. The article provides insights on the transdisciplinary processes, urban systems frameworks, and scoping of key strategies that may help those developing transformation strategies from local to national scales.
• Transdisciplinary national urban strategy development is used to distil generic frameworks and strategy scopes with potential international application.
• The frameworks also build on other published framings to support convergent, cumulative and transdisciplinary urban science.
• The ‘enabling transformations’ and ‘urban knowledge’ frameworks include the perspective of those developing sustainable urban systems strategies.
• The enabling framework also informs ‘National Urban Policy’ and ‘Knowledge and Innovation Hub’ strategies, and prevailing power imbalances.
• The knowledge framework can help frame urban challenges, missions and knowledge programs.
• An urban ‘transformation imperative’ and ‘strategic response’ can be co-developed from local to national scales.
• Local initiative is crucial to drive urban strategies, but sustained national leadership with coherent policy across sectors and scales is also key.
• Diversity in engagement participation and processes generates whole-of-urban-systems and local-to-national perspectives.
• Urban solutions are context-specific but generic frameworks can help collaborative issue framing and responses.
• Collaborative issue framing informed by generic frameworks can bring broader perspectives to context-specific and contested policy and practice issues.
The inauguration of Medellín, Colombia’s aerial cable car in 2004, is widely seen as a key turning point in reversing the city’s historical reputation for drug and gang-related crimes towards greater inclusiveness and public safety. Analyses of Medellín’s transformation have tended to focus on establishing the immediate positive outcomes achieved from the cable car and assessing persistent inequality and the fragile balance between enfranchisement and top-down institutional control. In this paper, we take these interpretations of Medellín’s transformation as our starting point and propose that a lasting legacy is to be found in the way the city plans for and works in disinvested areas. Our focus is on examining the elements that have made transformation possible in Medellín. We begin by exploring a set of framing conditions during the period of 1991 to 2000 (‘Before Line K’) and then outline the implementation of Metrocable and its shorter-term outcomes (‘Executing Line K’), before finally reflecting on the wider transformative impacts of this experience (‘Beyond Line K’). As key takeaways, we highlight the role of national policy, municipal finance, and community engagement in bringing a highly informal space into the reach of public institutions, thus providing insights for urban decision-makers looking to do the same.
Các sáng kiến bền vững, chẳng hạn như các quán sửa chữa (Repair Cafes), là những địa điểm đổi mới có tiềm năng góp phần vào một quá trình chuyển đổi bền vững tại các đô thị. Sử dụng khung phân tích đa cấp, chúng tôi khám phá tầm nhìn về sự thay đổi của 12 quán sửa chữa ở Berlin để hiểu cách mà các thành viên tin rằng phong trào có thể tạo ra sự thay đổi. Chúng tôi phân tích động lực và nhân khẩu học của các nhóm người dùng khác nhau trong các quán sửa chữa để hiểu ai có tiếng nói trong đó. Chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng các quán sửa chữa có hai tầm nhìn chính về sự thay đổi mà yêu cầu sự tham gia rộng rãi. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi cũng phát hiện rằng sự phân biệt ngầm từ các tình nguyện viên 'chuyên gia' kỹ thuật đã làm nản lòng sự tham gia của phụ nữ và các tầng lớp xã hội thấp hơn. Kiến thức rằng các quán sửa chữa không nhất quán trong các tầm nhìn về sự thay đổi mà họ tuyên bố và các thực hành của họ có những hệ luỵ đối với vai trò của họ trong các quá trình chuyển đổi bền vững đô thị.