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The immunology of tuberculosis: From bench to bedside
Respirology - Tập 15 Số 3 - Trang 433-450 - 2010
Keertan Dheda, Stephan Schwander, Bingdong Zhu, Richard N. van Zyl-Smit, Ying Zhang

Tuberculosis (TB) is an international public health priority and kills almost two million people annually. TB is out of control in Africa due to increasing poverty and HIV coinfection, and drug‐resistant TB threatens to destabilize TB control efforts in several regions of the world. Existing diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions for TB are suboptimal. Thus, new vaccines, immunotherapeutic interventions and diagnostic tools are urgently required to facilitate TB control efforts. An improved understanding of the immunopathogenesis of TB can facilitate the identification of correlates of immune protection, the design of effective vaccines, the rational selection of immunotherapeutic agents, the evaluation of new drug candidates, and drive the development of new immunodiagnostic tools. Here we review the immunology of TB with a focus on aspects that are clinically and therapeutically relevant. An immunologically orientated approach to tackling TB can only succeed with concurrent efforts to alleviate poverty and reduce the global burden of HIV.

MUC5AC and inflammatory mediators associated with respiratory outcomes in the British 1946 birth cohort
Respirology - Tập 18 Số 6 - Trang 1003-1010 - 2013
Lauren Johnson, Syed Imran Ali Shah, Andrew Loh, Lynne E. Vinall, Ana Teixeira, Karine Rousseau, John W. Holloway, Rebecca Hardy, Dallas M. Swallow
AbstractBackground and objective

Dysregulation of respiratory mucins, MUC5AC in particular, has been implicated in respiratory disease and MUC5AC expression is up‐regulated in response to environmental challenges and inflammatory mediators. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of genetic variation on susceptibility to common respiratory conditions.


The association of MUC5AC and the closely linked genes MUC2 and MUC5B with respiratory outcomes was tested in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development, a longitudinal birth cohort of men and women born in 1946. Also examined were the functional variants of the genes encoding inflammatory mediators, IL13, IL1B, IL1RN, TNFA and ERBB1, for which there is a likely influence on MUC5AC expression and were explored potential gene–gene interactions with these inflammatory mediators.


Statistically significant associations between the 3'ter MUC5AC simple nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1132440 and various non‐independent respiratory outcomes (bronchitis, wheeze, asthma, hay fever) were reported while the adjacent loci show slight (but largely non‐statistically significant) differences, presumably reflective of linkage disequilibrium (allelic association) across the region. A novel association between bronchitis and a non‐synonymous functional ERBB1SNP, rs2227983 (aka epidermal growth factor receptor:R497K, R521K) is also reported and evidence presented of interaction between MUC5AC and ERBB1 and between MUC5AC and IL1RN with respect to bronchitis. The ERBB1 result suggests a clear mechanism for a biological interaction in which the allelic variants of epidermal growth factor receptor differentially affect mucin expression.


The MUC5AC association and the interactions with inflammatory mediators suggest that genetically determined differences in MUC5AC expression alter susceptibility to respiratory disease.

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis associated with influenza B
Respirology - Tập 10 Số 1 - Trang 116-119 - 2005
Nobuchika Hasejima, Kunio Yamato, Shinji Takezawa, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Chikabumi Kadoyama

Abstract:  Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) usually occurs in immunocompromised patients. However, rarely, this infection can occur in normal hosts. This review of the literature identified 13 cases of IPA associated with influenza, of which 12 had influenza A and the type of influenza was not mentioned in the other case. Reported here is a case of IPA, which was associated with influenza B, in a 63‐year‐old immunocompetent woman. Her lungs showed gross invasion and she was treated with itraconazole and amphotericin B. She required mechanical ventilation for about 5 months but recovered completely. This is the first reported case of IPA associated with influenza B.

Long‐term follow‐up after bronchoscopic lung volume reduction treatment with coils in patients with severe emphysema
Respirology - Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 319-326 - 2015
Jorine E. Hartman, Karin Klooster, Kiki Gortzak, Nick H.T. ten Hacken, Dirk‐Jan Slebos
AbstractBackground and objective

Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction coil (LVR‐coil) treatment has been shown to be safe and clinically effective in patients with severe emphysema in the short term; however, long‐term safety and effectiveness has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to investigate the long‐term safety and effectiveness of LVR‐coil treatment in patients with severe emphysema.


Thirty‐eight patients with severe emphysema (median age is 59 years, forced expiratory volume in 1 s is 27% predicted) who were treated in LVR‐coil clinical trials were invited for a voluntary annual visit. Safety was evaluated by chest X‐ray and recording of adverse events and by efficacy by pulmonary function testing, 6‐min walk distance (6MWD) and questionnaires.


Thirty‐five patients visited the hospital 1 year, 27 patients 2 years and 22 patients 3 years following coil placement. No coil migrations were observed on X‐rays. At 1‐year follow‐up, all clinical outcomes significantly improved compared with baseline. At 2 years, residual volume % pred, modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) and the SGRQ score were still significantly improved. At 3 years, a significant improvement in mMRC score remained, with 40% of the patients reaching the 6MWD minimal important difference, and 59% for the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) minimal important difference.


Follow‐up of the patients treated with LVR‐coils in our pilot studies showed that the coil treatment is safe with no late pneumothoraces, coil migrations or unexpected adverse events. Clinical benefit gradually declines over time; at 3 years post‐treatment, around 50% of the patients maintained improvement in 6MWD, SGRQ and mMRC.

Clinical trial registration

NCT01220908 and NCT01328899 registered at

Springing forward to medium‐term results for endobronchial coils for emphysema
Respirology - Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 176-178 - 2015
Pallav L. Shah, Samuel V. Kemp

See article, page 319

Heat shock response decreases endotoxin‐induced acute lung injury in rats
Respirology - Tập 4 Số 4 - Trang 325-330 - 1999
Younsuck Koh, Chae‐Man Lim, Mi Jung Kim, Tae Sun Shim, Sang‐Do Lee, Woo Sung Kim, Dong‐Soon Kim, Wondong Kim

Transient whole‐body hyperthermia was reported to reduce lung damage in a rat with intra‐abdominal sepsis produced by caecal perforation.

Methodology: In order to determine the effect of heat shock response on acute lung injury induced by endotoxin, which plays a central role in the pathogenesis of sepsis, we instilled either saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) intravenously with and without heat pretreatment in rats. The heated rats had their rectal temperature raised to more than 40°C for 13 min 18 h before intravenous administration of saline or LPS.

Results: We found that the lung leak was significantly increased among the rats given LPS intravenously with (median, 0.17; range, 0.15–0.22; n = 10) and without heat pretreatment (0.23; 0.17–0.30; n = 10) compared with those of saline‐treated rats (0.13; 0.10–0.14; n = 10) (P < 0.05 in each). However, rats given LPS after heat pretreatment had significantly decreased lung leak index compared with those of LPS‐treated rats without heat pretreatment (P < 0.05). Rats administered LPS intravenously showed increased myeloperoxidase activity without heat pretreatment (19.01; 9.34–28.00 U/g; n = 10) compared with that of saline‐treated rats (7.09; 4.49–10.56 U/g; n = 5) (P < 0.05) ( Fig. 2). Myeloperoxidase activity of the rats treated with LPS with heat pretreatment (5.57; 2.87–8.96 U/g; n = 10) was significantly decreased to the level of normal control compared with that of LPS‐treated rats without heat pretreatment (P < 0.05). The levels of heat shock proteins (HSP72) in lung tissue, which were examined by western blot analysis, were increased over baseline levels at 23 h after hyperthermic stress.

Heat pretreatment decreased lung myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in rats administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 3 mg/kg) intravenously. The number of determinations is shown in parentheses. *P < 0.001 compared with saline‐treated rats. **P > 0.05 compared with saline‐treated rats. Boxplot: Box = 25–75 percentile; bold line, median value; whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values.


Conclusions: These observations show that brief heat shock response is associated with the induction of HSP72 protein synthesis and attenuated neutrophil recruitment and acute lung leak is induced by endotoxin in rats.

Exhaled nitric oxide continues to reflect airway hyperresponsiveness and disease activity in inhaled corticosteroid‐treated adult asthmatic patients
Respirology - Tập 8 Số 4 - Trang 479-486 - 2003
David W. Reid, DP Johns, Bryce Feltis, Chris Ward, E. Haydn Walters

Objective:  Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) has been used as a surrogate of airway inflammation in mild asthma. However, whether eNO levels reflect disease activity in symptomatic asthmatics receiving moderate doses of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) is more uncertain.

Methodology:  To examine the relationship between eNO levels, sputum and blood eosinophils (SpE and PbE), PD20 methacholine as a marker of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and clinical status in 28 ICS‐treated asthmatic subjects with persistent asthma compared to that in 25 symptomatic asthmatics managed with β2‐agonists alone.

Results:  As expected, eNO levels were normalized in ICS‐treated subjects and significantly elevated in the β2‐agonist only group (P < 0.001). SpE, PbE and PD20M did not differ between asthmatic groups but FEV1 was significantly worse in ICS‐treated subjects (P < 0.01). Exhaled NO levels correlated with PbE within both asthmatic groups (P < 0.005), but with SpE only in ICS‐untreated subjects (r(s) = 0.6, P < 0.05). In contrast, PD20M was negatively correlated with eNO and PbE in ICS‐treated subjects only (r(s) = − 0.4, r(s) = − 0.4, respectively, P < 0.05). SpE and PbE were strongly correlated in both asthmatic groups (r(s) = 0.8, r(s) = 0.7, respectively, P < 0.005). Exhaled NO levels, SpE and PbE were all positively associated with increased nocturnal awakenings ( P < 0.05) in ICS‐treated subjects, but not in ICS‐untreated subjects.

Conclusions:  In ICS‐treated asthma, eNO reflects clinical activity, PbE and AHR but not eosinophilic airway inflammation. Exhaled NO levels are quantitatively and relationally different in asthmatic subjects treated with ICS and continue to have potential for use as a surrogate of asthma pathophysiology in this group.

Investigation of the association between dietary intake, disease severity and airway inflammation in asthma
Respirology - Tập 18 Số 3 - Trang 447-454 - 2013
Bronwyn S. Berthon, Lesley MacDonald‐Wicks, Peter G. Gibson, Lisa G. Wood
AbstractBackground and objective

Dietary intake is an important modifiable risk factor for asthma and may be related to disease severity and inflammation, through the effects of intake of anti‐oxidant‐rich foods and pro‐inflammatory nutrients. This study aimed to examine dietary intake in asthma in relation to asthma severity, lung function, inhaled corticosteroid use, leptin levels and inflammation.


Food frequency questionnaires, spirometry and hypertonic saline challenge were completed by 137 stable asthmatics and 65 healthy controls. Plasma leptin was analysed by immunoassay. Induced sputum differential cell counts were determined.


Subjects with severe persistent asthma consumed more fat and less fibre as compared with healthy controls (odds ratio 1.04 (95% confidence interval: 1.01–1.07), P = 0.014) (odds ratio 0.94 (95% confidence interval: 0.90–0.99), P = 0.018). Among asthmatics, higher fat and lower fibre intakes were associated with lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s and airway eosinophilia. Leptin levels were increased in both male and female asthmatics as compared with healthy controls. No association existed among asthmatics between corticosteroid use and dietary intake.


It was found that asthmatics within the subgroup of severe persistent asthma have a different pattern of dietary intake as compared with healthy controls, which was associated with lower lung function and increased airway inflammation.

Obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea and metabolic syndrome
Respirology - Tập 17 Số 2 - Trang 223-236 - 2012
Jamie C.M. Lam, Jcw Mak, Msm Ip

OSA is increasingly recognized as a major health problem in developed countries. Obesity is the most common risk factor in OSA and hence, the prevalence of OSA is undoubtedly rising given the epidemic of obesity. Recent data also suggest that OSA is highly associated with the metabolic syndrome, and it is postulated that OSA contributes to cardiometabolic dysfunction, and subsequently vasculopathy.

Current evidence regarding the magnitude of impact on ultimate cardiovascular morbidity or mortality attributable to OSA‐induced metabolic dysregulation is scarce. Given the known pathophysiological triggers of intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation in OSA, the potential mechanisms of OSA–obesity–metabolic syndrome interaction involve sympathetic activation, oxidative stress, inflammation and neurohumoral changes. There is accumulating evidence from human and animal/cell models of intermittent hypoxia to map out these mechanistic pathways.

In spite of support for an independent role of OSA in the contribution towards metabolic dysfunction, a healthy diet and appropriate lifestyle modifications towards better control of metabolic function are equally important as CPAP treatment in the holistic management of OSA.

Clinical significance of serum hyaluronan in chronic fibrotic interstitial pneumonia
Respirology - Tập 18 Số 8 - Trang 1236-1243 - 2013
Yayoi Inokoshi, Yoshinori Tanino, Xintao Wang, Suguru Sato, Naoko Fukuhara, Takefumi Nikaido, Atsuro Fukuhara, Junpei Saito, Charles W. Frevert, Mitsuru Munakata
AbstractBackground and objective

Hyaluronan is an important constituent of the extracellular matrix in lungs, and growing evidence demonstrates its important biological properties in the lung. However, its role in interstitial pneumonia remains to be fully clarified. The goal of this study was to clarify the role of hyaluronan in interstitial pneumonia.


Hyaluronan in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of chronic interstitial pneumonia (CIP) patients was measured, and the correlation with clinical parameters was determined. In addition, the correlation between hyaluronan in serum and clinical parameters was analysed in patients with acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia (IP‐AE).


When compared with healthy controls, serum hyaluronan was significantly greater in patients with CIP and was positively correlated with serum biomarkers of inflammation and fibrosis, such as C‐reactive protein and surfactant protein‐D. In BAL fluid, the amount of hyaluronan was positively correlated with the percentage of inflammatory cells and the amount of CXCL8. When compared with CIP patients, patients with IP‐AE had significantly greater amounts of serum hyaluronan, and patients with the highest serum hyaluronan had the worst 60‐day outcomes.


This work suggests that serum hyaluronan may be a clinically useful biomarker of interstitial pneumonia and suggests the possibility that hyaluronan is involved in the pathogenesis of interstitial pneumonia by recruiting inflammatory cells into the lungs.

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