Reading Research Quarterly

SSCI-ISI SCOPUS (1996-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
EducationDevelopmental and Educational Psychology

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Aligning Theory and Assessment of Reading Fluency: Automaticity, Prosody, and Definitions of Fluency
Tập 45 Số 2 - Trang 230-251 - 2010
Melanie Kühn, Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Elizabeth B. Meisinger

Over the past decade, fluent reading has come to be seen as a central component of skilled reading and a driving force in the literacy curriculum. However, much of this focus has centered on a relatively narrow definition of reading fluency, one that emphasizes automatic word recognition. This article attempts to expand this understanding by synthesizing several key aspects of research on reading fluency, including theoretical perspectives surrounding automaticity and prosody. It examines four major definitions of reading fluency and their relationship to accuracy, automaticity, and prosody. A proposed definition is presented. Finally, the implications of these definitions for current assessment and instruction are considered along with suggestions for reenvisioning fluency's role within literacy curriculum.

عبر العقد الماضي أصبحت مرونة القراءة عنصراً محورياً لمهارة القراءة والقوة القائدة في المنهاج الدراسي المتعلق بمعرفة القراءة والكتابة. ومع ذلك تمحور كثيراً من هذا التركيز على تعريف ضيق نسبياً لدى المرونة القرائية وهو الذي يشدد على التعريف التلقائي على الكلمة. لذا تحاول هذه المقالة إلى توسيع هذا الفهم من خلال تضافر بضعة مظاهر رئيسية من الأبحاث المتعلقة بمرونة القراءة بما فيها أبعاد نظرية حول التلقائية والنثرية. وتفحص المقالة أربعة تعاريف رئيسية لمرونة القراءة وعلاقتها بالدقة والتلقائية والنثرية. ولقد تم تقديم تعريف محتمل وأخيراً يتم الأخذ بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذه التعاريف للتقييم والتعليم بالإضافة إلى إعادة النظر في دور المرونة في منهاج معرفة القراءة والكتابة الدراسي.


Au cours des dix dernières années, la lecture courante est devenue une composante centrale du savoir lire et une locomotive dans les programmes de littératie. Cependant, une large part de cet intérêt s'est centré sur une définition relativement étroite de la lecture courante, celle qui met l'accent sur la reconnaissance automatique des mots. Cet article se propose d'élargir cette compréhension en faisant la synthèse d'aspects majeurs des recherches relatifs à la lecture courante, notamment des perspectives théoriques concernant l'automaticité, et de la prosodie. Nous proposons une définition alternative. Nous considérons enfin les implications de ces définitions pour l'enseignement et l'évaluation actuels ainsi que des suggestions en vue d'un réexamen du rôle de la lecture courante dans les programmes de littératie.

За последнее десятилетие беглость стала основным критерием качества чтения и краеугольным камнем учебных программ по становлению грамотности. Однако само представление о беглости зачастую выглядит достаточно однобоко: упор делается исключительно на автоматическое опознавание слов. Авторы статьи пытаются расширить это представление, синтезировав ключевые аспекты беглости, фигурирующие в различных исследованиях и теоретических работах. Авторы рассматривают четыре существующих определения беглого чтения и их связь с точностью, автоматизмом и просодией и предлагают свое, синтезированное определение. Затем обсуждается значение этих определений для подхода к обучению и оцениванию и предлагается пересмотреть роль такого параметра, как беглость чтения, в программах по развитию грамотности.

En los últimos diez años, leer con fluidez se ha convertido en un componente central de la lectura hábil y una fuerza principal del currículo de alfabetización. Sin embargo, gran parte de este esfuerzo se ha enfocado en una definición muy restringida de la fluidez al leer: reconocer palabras automáticamente. Este artículo trata de expandir este entendimiento juntando varios aspectos claves de la investigación sobre la fluidez al leer, entre ellos perspectivas teóricas sobre la automaticidad y la prosodia. Se examinan cuatro definiciones fundamentales de la fluidez al leer y su relación a la precisión, la automaticidad, y la prosodia. Se sugiere una definición. Por último, se consideran las implicaciones de estas definiciones para la evaluación y la instrucción hoy día y se hacen sugerencias para volver a pensar sobre el rol de la fluidez en el currículo de alfabetización.

The Social Construction of Intertextuality in Classroom Reading and Writing Lessons
Tập 28 Số 4 - Trang 304 - 1993
David Bloome, Ann Egan-Robertson
Assessing narrative comprehension in young children
Tập 38 Số 1 - Trang 36-76 - 2003
Alison H. Paris, Scott G. Paris

This article explains the creation and validation of the Narrative Comprehension of Picture Books task (NC task), an assessment of young children's comprehension of wordless picture books. Study 1 explored developmental changes among 158 K‐2 children in narrative comprehension and the correlations among children's performance on the NC task and other measures of early reading. There was significant improvement with increasing age on NC task measures. Significant concurrent validity was found between the NC task and oral reading comprehension for readers and between the NC task and several prereading skills for prereaders. Study 2 tested the generalizability of the NC task by giving a sub‐sample of students (n = 91) two additional picture books using the NC task procedures. Intertask correlations showed that children were consistent on each of the NC task dependent variables across the three books. The same developmental trends by grade and reading ability were evident on all three versions of the task. Study 3 confirmed the generalizability of the NC task across children, books, and testers, and it revealed sensitivity to longitudinal growth in children's comprehension skills. There was little evidence of practice effects influencing NC scores. Study 3 also revealed significant concurrent and predictive validity between NC measures and other assessments of early reading skills such as the Gates McGinitie Reading Test and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. The NC task is a valid quantitative measure of young children's comprehension that is sensitive to developmental changes and adaptable to various books. We discuss how narrative comprehension is fundamental to beginning reading and how the NC task may be used for classroom instruction and assessment.

Vocabulary Acquisition through Shared Reading Experiences
Tập 28 Số 4 - Trang 360 - 1993
Monique Sénéchal, Edward H. Cornell
Reading Attitudes of Middle School Students: Results of a U.S. Survey
Tập 47 Số 3 - Trang 283-306 - 2012
Michael C. McKenna, Kristin Conradi, Camille Lawrence, Bong Gee Jang, Joseph P. Meyer

To examine the current state of reading attitudes among middle school students in the United States, a survey was developed and administered to 4,491 students in 23 states plus the District of Columbia. The instrument comprised four subscales measuring attitudes toward: recreational reading in print settings, recreational reading in digital settings, academic reading in print settings, and academic reading in digital settings. Factor analysis confirmed the factor structure corresponding to the four subscales, and reliability coefficients for these subscales ranged from 0.78 to 0.86. Correlations among the subscales varied considerably, due largely to the recreational digital subscale. Analyses of variance subsequently confirmed a pattern for the recreational digital subscale that differed from that of the others. For academic digital, recreational print, and academic print, the attitudes of females were more positive than those of males; however, for attitudes toward recreational reading in digital settings, the pattern was reversed. In addition, results for three of the subscales showed a gradual worsening of attitudes from 6th to 8th grade. The exception was academic print, for which attitudes did not differ by grade. No interactions were observed between grade and gender for any of the subscales. Results are discussed in the context of attitude theory and the rapid evolution of digital literacy and its social uses by adolescents.

The efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children's emergent story understanding
Tập 39 Số 4 - Trang 378-393 - 2004
Maria T. de Jong, Adriana G. Bus

A counterbalanced, within‐subjects design was carried out to study the efficacy of electronic books in fostering kindergarten children's emergent story understanding. The study compared effects of children's independent reading of stories electronically with effects of printed books read aloud by adults. Participants were 18 four‐ to five‐year‐old Dutch kindergarten children in the initial stages of developing story comprehension but beyond just responding to pictures. Electronic reading produced experiences and effects similar to adult‐read printed books. Children frequently interacted with the animations often embedded in electronic stories, but there was no evidence that the animations distracted children from listening to the text presented by electronic books, nor that the animations interfered with story understanding. Findings suggested that children at this stage of development profited from electronic books at least when electronic books are read in a context where adults also read books to children.

Se Elaboró un diseño balanceado intra‐sujetos para estudiar la eficacia de los libros electrónicos en la promoción de la comprensión emergente de cuentos en niños de nivel inicial. El estudio comparó los efectos sobre los niños de la lectura electrónica independiente con la lectura oral de libros impresos hecha por adultos. Participaron 18 niños daneses de nivel inicial de cuatro a cinco años que se hallaban en las primeras fases de desarrollo de la comprensión de cuentos, apenas superada la etapa de responder sólo a las imágenes. La lectura electrónica produjo experiencias y efectos similares a los libros impresos leidos por adultos. Los niños interactuaron frecuentemente con las animaciones que acompañan a menudo los cuentos electrónicos, pero no se observó evidencia de que las animaciones distrajeran a los niños de escuchar el texto presentado en los libros electrónicos, ni tampoco de que las animaciones interfirieran con la comprensión de los cuentos. Los hallazgos sugieren que los niños en esta fase del desarrollo aprovechan los libros electrónicos, al menos cuando dichos libros se leen en un contexto en el que los adultos también leen cuentos a los niños.

Es wurde ein ausgewogenes Design innerhalb der Themen ausgeführt, um die Eindrücke von elektronischen Büchern zur Förderung des emporkommenden Verständnisses der Kinder von Erzählungen im Kindergarten zu untersuchen. Die Studie verglich Eindrücke der Kinder beim selbständigen elektronischen Lesen von Erzählungen mit Eindrücken beim lauten Vorlesen von Erwachsenen aus gedruckten Büchern. Die Teilnehmer bestanden aus 18 vier‐ bis fünfjährigen holländischen Kindern im Kindergarten in den Anfangsstufen der Entwicklung des Erzählungsverständnisses, jedoch fortgeschrittener als bloßes Reagieren auf Bilder. Elektronisches Lesen bewirkte Erfahrungen und Effekte ähnlich den durch Erwachsenen gelesenen gedruckten Büchern. Die Kinder gingen häufig gegenseitig auf die in den elektronischen Erzählungen eingebetteten Animationen ein, jedoch gab es keinen Beweis dafür, dass die Animationen Kinder vom Zuhören der von den elektronischen Büchern vermittelten Texte ablenkten, noch dass die Animationen das Erzählungsverständnis beeinträchtigten. Die Erkenntnisse legten nahe, dass Kinder in diesem Entwicklungsstadium von elektronischen Büchern profitierten, zumindest wenn elektronische Bücher in einem Kontext gelesen werden, wo Erwachsene ebenfalls den Kindern aus Büchern vorlesen.

Un plan expérimental contrebalancé intra‐sujets a été construit pour étudier l'efficacité des livres électroniques sur l'amélioration des débuts de la compréhension d'histoires chez des enfants de maternelle. L'étude compare les effets de la lecture autonome d'histoires par des enfants aux effets produits par la lecture de livres lus à haute voix par des adultes. Les participants étaient 18 enfants hollandais de maternelle âgés de quatre à cinq ans, au moment où ils commencent à comprendre une histoire, juste après celui où ils se contentent de réagir à des images. La lecture électronique produit des expériences et des effets semblables à ceux de livres lus par des adultes. Les enfants interagissent fréquemment avec les animations qui sont souvent inclues dans les livres électroniques, mais rien n'indique que ces animations aient distrait les enfants de l'écoute du texte que présentent les livres électroniques, ni qu'elles aient interféré avec la compréhension de l'histoire. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants à ce niveau de développement tirent avantage des livres électroniques, au moins quand ils sont lus dans un contexte où les adultes lisent également des livres aux enfants.

Relationships of Instruction to Amount of Reading: An Exploration of Social, Cognitive, and Instructional Connections
Tập 30 Số 1 - Trang 8 - 1995
John T. Guthrie, William D. Schafer, Yuh Yin Wang, Peter Afflerbach
Heightening Fourth-Grade Students' Sensitivity to Sources of Information for Answering Comprehension Questions
Tập 20 Số 3 - Trang 282 - 1985
Taffy E. Raphael, Clydie A. Wonnacott