



Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-VCH Verlag

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BiochemistryMolecular Biology

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PROTEOMICS is the premier international source for information on all aspects of applications and technologies, including software, in proteomics and other "omics". The journal includes but is not limited to proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, and systems biology approaches. Papers describing novel applications of proteomics and integration of multi-omics data and approaches are especially welcome.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

GPX4 at the Crossroads of Lipid Homeostasis and Ferroptosis
Tập 19 Số 18 - 2019
Giovanni C. Forcina, Scott J. Dixon
AbstractOxygen is necessary for aerobic metabolism but can cause the harmful oxidation of lipids and other macromolecules. Oxidation of cholesterol and phospholipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains can lead to lipid peroxidation, membrane damage, and cell death. Lipid hydroperoxides are key intermediates in the process of lipid peroxidation. The lipid hydroperoxidase glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) converts lipid hydroperoxides to lipid alcohols, and this process prevents the iron (Fe2+)‐dependent formation of toxic lipid reactive oxygen species (ROS). Inhibition of GPX4 function leads to lipid peroxidation and can result in the induction of ferroptosis, an iron‐dependent, non‐apoptotic form of cell death. This review describes the formation of reactive lipid species, the function of GPX4 in preventing oxidative lipid damage, and the link between GPX4 dysfunction, lipid oxidation, and the induction of ferroptosis.
Differential protein expression in human gliomas and molecular insights
Tập 5 Số 4 - Trang 1167-1177 - 2005
Vaibhav Chumbalkar, Chanumolu Subhashini, Vishnu M. Dhople, Curam S. Sundaram, Medicharla V. Jagannadham, Narasimha Kumar Karanam, Pasumarti N. B. S. Srinivas, Ravinutala Mythili, Mulla K. Rao, Mahesh J. Kulkarni, Sridevi Hegde, Alangar S. Hegde, Cini Samual, Vani Santosh, Lalji Singh, Ravi Sirdeshmukh
AbstractGliomas are the most common of the primary intracranial tumors with astrocytomas constituting about 40%. Using clinically and histologically assessed astrocytomas, we have studied their protein profiles using a two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis‐mass spectrometry approach and identified differentially expressed proteins which may be useful molecular indicators to understand these tumors. Examination of the protein profiles of 27 astrocytoma samples of different grades revealed 72 distinct, differentially expressed proteins belonging to various functional groups such as cytoskeleton and intermediate filament proteins, heat shock proteins (HSPs), enzymes and regulatory proteins. Based on the consistency of their differential expression, 29 distinct proteins could be short‐listed and may have a role in the pathology of astrocytomas. Some were found to be differentially expressed in both Grade III and IV astrocytomas while others were associated with a particular grade. A notable observation was underexpression of Prohibitin, a potential tumor suppressor protein, Rho‐GDP dissociation inhibitor, Rho‐GDI, a regulator of Rho GTPases and HSPs as well as destabilization of glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, major protein of the glial filaments, in Grade III malignant tumors. We attempt to explain glioma malignancy and progression in terms of their combined role.
Visualizing fungal metabolites during mycoparasitic interaction by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging
Tập 16 Số 11-12 - Trang 1742-1746 - 2016
Matthias Holzlechner, Sonja Reitschmidt, Sabine Gruber, Susanne Zeilinger, Martina Marchetti‐Deschmann
Studying microbial interactions by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) directly from growing media is a difficult task if high sensitivity is demanded. We present a quick and robust sample preparation strategy for growing fungi (Trichoderma atroviride, Rhizoctonia solani) on glass slides to establish a miniaturized confrontation assay. By this we were able to visualize metabolite distributions by MALDI MSI after matrix deposition with a home‐built sublimation device and thorough recrystallization. We present for the first time MALDI MSI data for secondary metabolite release during active mycoparasitism.
Analysis of differently expressed proteins and transcripts in gills of <b><i>Penaeus vannamei</i></b> after yellow head virus infection
Tập 7 Số 20 - Trang 3809-3814 - 2007
Triwit Rattanarojpong, Hao‐Ching Wang, Chu‐Fang Lo, Timothy W. Flegel
AbstractIn this proteomic analysis of gills from yellow head virus (YHV)‐infected Penaeus vannamei, we identified 13 spots with up‐regulated protein expression levels and five spots with down‐regulated levels. LC‐nanoESI‐MS/MS indicated that the up‐regulated proteins included enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and amino acid metabolism. The other up‐regulated proteins were arginine kinase, imaginal disk growth factor (IDGF) and a Ras‐like GTP binding protein. By contrast, expression levels were reduced for an SCP‐calcium binding protein (SCP), actin‐1, a valosin‐containing protein, and Rab11. Time‐course assays by real time RT‐PCR revealed no significant increase in mRNA level of glycolytic enzymes and arginine kinase. However, a significant decrease in SCP mRNA was observed. The present results are consistent with previously published work and suggest that a decrease in SCP expression may play an important role in the shrimp response to viral infections in general.
Proteome analysis of human colon cancer by two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
Tập 4 Số 3 - Trang 793-811 - 2004
David B. Friedman, Salisha Hill, Jeffrey W. Keller, Nipun B. Merchant, Shawn Levy, Robert J. Coffey, Richard M. Caprioli
AbstractTwo‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2‐D DIGE) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to investigate tumor‐specific changes in the proteome of human colorectal cancers and adjacent normal mucosa. For each of six patients with different stages of colon cancer, Cy5‐labeled proteins isolated from tumor tissue were combined with Cy3‐labeled proteins isolated from neighboring normal mucosa and separated on the same 2‐D gel along with a Cy2‐labeled mixture of all 12 normal/tumor samples as an internal standard. Over 1500 protein spot‐features were analyzed in each paired normal/tumor comparison, and using DIGE technology with the mixed‐sample internal standard, statistically significant quantitative comparisons of each protein abundance change could be made across multiple samples simultaneously without interference due to gel‐to‐gel variation. Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization‐time of flight (MALDI‐TOF) and tandem (TOF/TOF) MS provided sensitive and accurate mass spectral data for database interrogation, resulting in the identification of 52 unique proteins (including redundancies due to proteolysis and post‐translationally modified isoforms) that were changing in abundance across the cohort. Without the benefit of the Cy2‐labeled 12 sample mixture internal standard, 42 of these proteins would have been overlooked due to the large degree of variation inherent between normal and tumor samples.
Proteomic analysis of p16<sup>ink4a</sup>‐binding proteins
Tập 7 Số 22 - Trang 4102-4111 - 2007
Elielson Souza‐Rodrígues, Josep Marı́a Estanyol, Erica Friedrich‐Heineken, Eva María Olmedo Moreno, Jorge Vera, Núria Canela-Canela, Sònia Brun, Neus Agell, Ulrich Hübscher, Oriol Bachs, Montserrat Jaumot
AbstractThe p16ink4a tumor suppressor protein plays a critical role in cell cycle control, tumorogenesis and senescence. The best known activity for p16ink4a is the inhibition of the activity of CDK4 and CDK6 kinases, both playing a key role in cell cycle progression. With the aim to study new p16ink4a functions we used affinity chromatography and MS techniques to identify new p16ink4a‐interacting proteins. We generated p16ink4a columns by coupling the protein to activated Sepharose 4B. The proteins from MOLT‐4 cell line that bind to p16ink4a affinity columns were resolved by SDS‐PAGE and identified by MS using a MALDI‐TOF. Thirty‐one p16ink4a ‐interacting proteins were identified and grouped in functional clusters. The identification of two of them, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and minichromosome maintenance protein 6 (MCM6), was confirmed by Western blotting and their in vivo interactions with p16ink4a were demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence studies. Results also revealed that p16ink4a interacts directly with the DNA polymerase δ accessory protein PCNA and thereby inhibits the polymerase activity.
Proteomic analysis of selected prognostic factors of breast cancer
Tập 4 Số 3 - Trang 784-792 - 2004
Kylie Roberts, Kiron Bhatia, Peter Stanton, R Lord
AbstractThe incidence of breast cancer is on the rise but as yet there is no guaranteed beneficial treatment for many of the sufferers. The treatments specific for breast and other hormone‐sensitive cancers work well at times, however, the population of women that they will benefit is relatively small. Many are limited to surgical, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy options. Here, using two‐dimensional electrophoresis (2‐DE) in conjunction with a silver stain and Western blotting approach, we attempt to locate selected known prognostic markers for breast cancer. With these results, we can exclude these proteins from the future search for potential pharmaceutical targets, using the same techniques. The proteins that were located include the estrogen receptor‐α, β‐casein, cytokeratin 7, calponin and bax. For each protein an estimated Mr and pI was gained. Each protein was found in multiple variants. By locating these proteins the number of unknown proteins found on the 2‐DE gel has been reduced, helping the future search for novel markers that are shown as being differentially expressed between healthy and cancerous tissue samples.
Ruthenium (II) tris‐bathophenanthroline disulfonate is well suitable for Tris‐Glycine PAGE but not for Bis‐Tris gels
Tập 7 Số 4 - Trang 524-527 - 2007
Jan Moebius, Katrin Denker, Albert Sickmann
AbstractPre‐cast bis(2‐hydroxyethyl)iminotris(hydroxymethyl)methane (Bis‐Tris) gels have proven to be very suitable for pre‐fractionation for LC‐MS/MS analysis due to high reliability and long stability. To visualize proteins within gels fluorescence dyes proved to be a good tradeoff between sensitivity and MS‐compatibility. The custom‐made ruthenium dye represents a low‐cost alternative regarding fluorescence‐based protein visualization with high sensitivity. We demonstrate, that this dye is incompatible with Bis‐Tris gels, while using Tris‐Glycine gels a competitive sensitivity to commercially available stains can be achieved.
About the mechanism of interference of silver staining with peptide mass spectrometry
Tập 4 Số 4 - Trang 909-916 - 2004
Sophie Richert, Sylvie Luche, Mireille Chevallet, Alain Van Dorsselaer, Emmanuelle Leize‐Wagner, Thierry Rabilloud
AbstractThe mechanism by which silver staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels interferes with mass spectrometry of peptides produced by proteolysis has been investigated. It was demonstrated that this interference increases with time between silver staining and gel processing, although the silver image is constant. This suggested an important role of the formaldehyde used in silver staining development in this interference process. Consequently, a formaldehyde‐free staining protocol has been devised, using carbohydrazide as the developing agent. This protocol showed much increased peptide coverage and retained the sensitivity of silver staining. These results were however obtained at the expense of an increased background in the stained gels and of a reduced staining homogeneity.
Improved Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) staining and destaining protocol for a better signal‐to‐background ratio and improved baseline resolution
Tập 4 Số 3 - Trang 599-608 - 2004
Andreas Lamanda, Alain Zahn, Daniel Röder, Hanno Langen
AbstractIn proteomics the ability to visualize proteins from electropherograms is essential. Here a new protocol for staining and destaining gels treated with Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) is presented. The method is compared with the silver‐staining procedure of Swain and Ross, the Ruthenium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) stain described by Rabilloud (Rabilloud T., Strub, S. M. Luche, S., Girardet, S. L. et al., Proteomics 2001, 1, 699–704) and the SYPRO Ruby gel stain. The method offers a better signal‐to‐background ratio with improved baseline resolution for both sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gels and two‐dimensional gels.