Pediatrics International

SCOPUS (1958-1961,1963-1981,1983-2023)SCIE-ISI



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

New Japanese neonatal anthropometric charts for gestational age at birth
Tập 56 Số 5 - Trang 702-708 - 2014
Kazuo Itabashi, Fumihiro Miura, Ritei Uehara, Yosikazu Nakamura

More than 10 years have passed since the previous Japanese neonatal growth charts were published, therefore the aim of this study was to develop an updated set of Japanese neonatal growth charts.


We used data from the registry database of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 2003 until 2005. A total of 150 471 singleton live births without stillbirth or severe congenital malformation were enrolled in the preliminary analysis. It was found that the distribution of the 10th centile charts based on these subjects was skewed toward lower birthweight for preterm infants, because of the significantly lower birthweight in the 10th centile in neonates delivered by cesarean section than those delivered vaginally. Therefore, the data of subjects delivered by cesarean section were also excluded.


Finally, 104 748 singleton vaginal births at 22–41 weeks of gestation were used to construct a new set of Japanese neonatal anthropometric charts. The birthweight chart is parity and sex specific. The differences between the Japanese fetal growth chart and the new neonatal birthweight chart were small.


The present new neonatal anthropometric charts may reveal unrestricted growth pattern mimicking fetal growth. Use of these charts may result in recognition of abnormal fetal growth and risk in preterm infants. Further studies are needed to evaluate the risk for adverse neonatal and long‐term outcome among small‐for‐gestational‐age infants using these neonatal charts.

Physical fitness in rural children compared with urban children in Turkey
Tập 47 Số 1 - Trang 26-31 - 2005
Mehtap Özdırenç, Ayşe Özcan, Fatma Akin, Nihal Gelecek

Abstract  Background : In a crowded modern world it is vital that the promotion of sport and exercise should be compatible with environmental and public health outcomes. This study aims to investigate the effects of environmental factors, lifestyle and leisure time activities on physical fitness in rural and urban children.

Methods : A cross‐sectional observational study of 98 rural and 74 urban healthy children (aged 9–11 years) was conducted in Turkey. A questionnaire was used in collecting information about the children's physical activity habits and their school's facilities. The physical fitness of children was evaluated with EUROFIT test battery.

Results : The rural children preferred to play football and volleyball while the urban children had a tendency to prefer indoor sports. The percent of urban children not involved in any sports activity was 35%, while this rate was 30.6% for rural children. It was also found that the urban children watched TV more than the rural children (13.4 ± 2.7 h/week, 10.9 ± 2.7 h/week, respectively). The results showed that body mass index and skinfolds thickness were higher in the urban children (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the hip–waist ratio or the hip and waist circumference between the two groups. In cardiopulmonary and motor fitness, no difference was found between the two groups. In contrast, flexibility and muscle endurance were significantly higher in the rural children.

Conclusion : The children living in the urban areas were more inactive and obese, which resulted in a decrease in their flexibility and muscle endurance fitness.

Breast‐feeding, a complex support system for the offspring
Tập 44 Số 4 - Trang 347-352 - 2002
Lars Å. Hanson, Marina Korotkova, Liliana Håversen, Inger Mattsby‐Baltzer, Mirjana Hahn‐Zoric, Sven‐Arne Silfverdal, Birgitta Strandvik, Esbjörn Telemo

The newborn has an immune system, very limited in size at birth and its postnatal expansion and maturation takes time. In the meantime the transplacental IgG antibodies from the mother play an important role for the protection of the infant. However, these antibodies act in tissues and induce inflammation and are energy‐consuming. In contrast, the milk secretory IgA antibodies stop microbes already on the mucosa preventing infection, tissue engagement and energy loss. In addition, the milk contains many protective factors such as lactoferrin and oligosacharides functioning as analogues for microbial receptors preventing mucosal attachment, the initial step of most infections. As a result, breast‐feeding significantly reduces the risk of neonatal septicemia, respiratory tract infections, otitis media, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, infection‐induced wheezing and necrotizing enterocolitis. Via several mechanisms it seems that human milk can actively stimulate the immune system of the breast‐fed infant. This reduces the risk of infections like otitis media, respiratory tract infections, diarrhea and infection‐induced wheezing for several years after the termination of breast‐feeding. Furthermore, it seems that breast‐feeding decreases the risk of attracting celiac disease and allergic diseases. The latter has been much debated, but a recent critical review of published reports gives good support for long‐term protection of allergic diseases, especially in high‐risk children.

Determination of Serum Unbound Bilirubin for Prediction of Kernicterus in Low Birthweight infants
Tập 34 Số 6 - Trang 642-647 - 1992
Hajime Nakamura, Masahiko Yonetani, Yoshiyuki Uetani, Masahisa Funato, Yokei Lee

Serum unbound bilirubin concentrations (UBC) and serum total bilirubin concentrations (TBC) were measured serially in 138 low birthweight (LBW) infants treated with phototherapy for non‐hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia. We attempted to assign the suitable critical UBC levels for predicting bilirubin encephalopathy into two different birthweight groups: a very low birthweight (VLBW) group (birthweight < 1,500 g) and an LBW group (birthweight between 1,500 g and 2,499 g). Twelve infants were diagnosed as ‘at risk’ for kernicterus, of whom 11 had signs of acute bilirubin encephalopathy and exchange transfusion. One VLBW infant had neurological sequelae at a 3 year follow‐up, although exchange transfusion was not carried out because of low TBC.

Sensitivity and specificity for predicting kernicterus were calculated at different UBC levels between 0.6μg/dl and 1.5μg/dl and TBC levels between 8 mg/dl and 26 mg/dl. The receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) curves plotted for UBC as a predictor of kernicterus were clearly shifted up and to the left compared with the curves for TBC in the VLBW and LBW groups. Thus, the UBC measurement may well provide a more rational basis for evaluating the risk of kernicterus in LBW infants. The optimal cut‐off points were derived from these curves. In the VLBW group, the sensitivity was 100% and the specificity was 96% for a UBC of 0.8μg/dl, and 80% and 64% for a TBC of 11 mg/dl. In the LBW group, the sensitivity was 100% and the specificity was 98% for a UBC of 1.0μg/dl and 71% and 78% for a TBC of 16 mg/dl. These results suggest that UBC determination is more suitable for predicting kernicterus than TBC in LBW infants with non‐hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia.

Sanfilippo syndrome: Overall review
Tập 57 Số 3 - Trang 331-338 - 2015
Fernando Andrade, Luis Aldámiz‐Echevarría, Marta Llarena, María L. Couce

Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III, Sanfilippo syndrome) is a lysosomal storage disorder, caused by a deficiency in one of the four enzymes involved in the catabolism of glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate. It is characterized by progressive cognitive decline and severe hyperactivity, with relatively mild somatic features. This review focuses on clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and follow‐up of MPS III, and provides information about supplementary tests and differential diagnosis. Given that few reviews of MPS III have been published, several studies were compiled to establish diagnostic recommendations. Quantitative urinary glycosaminoglycan analysis is strongly recommended, and measurement of disaccharides, heparin cofactor II–thrombin complex and gangliosides is also used. Enzyme activity of the different enzymes in blood serum, leukocytes or fibroblasts, and mutational analysis for SGSH, NAGLU, HGSNAT or GNS genes are required to confirm diagnosis and differentiate four subtypes of MPS III. Although there is no global consensus for treatment, enzyme replacement therapy and gene therapy can provide appropriate results. In this regard, recent publications on treatment and follow‐up are discussed.

Effects of iron deficiency anemia on hemoglobin A1c in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Tập 41 Số 4 - Trang 357-362 - 1999
Ömer Tarım, AYGUN Kucukerdogan, Ülgen Günay, Oya Eralp, I. Ercan
Mizoribine: Mode of action and effects in clinical use
Tập 44 Số 2 - Trang 196-198 - 2002
Shumpei Yokota

Mizoribine is a new immunosuppressive drug and was authorized by the Japanese Government in 1984. The strong immunosuppressive activity of mizoribine was already demonstrated in various animal models, in renal transplantation and in steriod‐resistant nephrotic syndrome. Recently, the remarkable clinical advantages of an imidazole for adults with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus nephritis and other rheumatic diseases were reported. Mizoribine is an imidazole nucleoside and the metabolites, MZ‐5‐P, exerts its activity through selective inhibition of inosine monophosphate synthetase and guanosine monophosphate synthetase, resulting in the complete inhibition of guanine nucleotide synthesis without incorporation into nucleotides. Thus, mizoribine is superior to azathioprine, in that it may not cause damages to normal cells and normal nucleic acid.

Prevalence and correlates of stunting among children in rural Pakistan
Tập 45 Số 1 - Trang 49-53 - 2003
Syed Muhammad Hussain Shah, Beatrice J. Selwyn, Stephen P. Luby, Anwar T. Merchant, Rashida Bano

Abstract Background : Protein‐energy malnutrition remains an important underlying cause of death among preschool children in Pakistan. The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of stunting and its correlates and to explore the role of sex bias in remote rural villages of south Pakistan.

Methods : We selected 1878 children less than 3 years of age through stratified random sampling from 64 villages having the number of children enrolled proportionate to the size of each village, in rural Sindh, Pakistan. Trained investigators completed child physical measurements and a maternal interview. The Z‐scores for the distribution of height‐for‐age (stunting) and weight‐for‐height (wasting) were estimated relative to those of the National Center for Health Statistics/Center for Disease Control (NCHS/CDC) reference population.

Results : A total of 483 (26%) of the 1878 children were wasted, 977 (55%) were stunted and 259 (15%) were both wasted and stunted. Mothers who were illiterate were more likely to have children who were stunted (odds ratio (OR) = 1.27, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11–1.61). Fathers who earn less than Rs. 1000 (US $20) per month (OR = 1.35, 95% CI 1.12–1.66) were more likely to have children who were stunted. Children living in an overcrowded house were more likely to be stunted (OR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.18–1.75). Male children compared to females were equally likely to be stunted (57 vs 55%, OR 1.03, 95% CI 0.86–1.25).

Conclusions : In this region of lower Sindh, stunting is more common than wasting. Female illiteracy, poor household income and overcrowding are important risk factors for stunting. The prevalent belief that in rural Pakistan, parents pay attention to feeding male children at the cost of female children is not proven by these data.

Measuring quality of life in Japanese children: Development of the Japanese version of PedsQL
Tập 52 Số 1 - Trang 80-88 - 2010
Kyoko Kobayashi, Kiyoko Kamibeppu

Background:  Health‐related quality of life (HRQL) is perceived as an important health‐care outcome. There are several systems for measuring the HRQL in adults but there are few such systems for children in Japan. Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) is valid and demonstrates excellent reliability in the USA, Europe, and Asian countries. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop the Japanese version of PedsQL.

Methods:  A two‐step procedure was performed: translation of PedsQL, followed by examination of the psychometric properties in a cross‐sectional study. The feasibility, reproducibility, internal consistency reliability, factor structure, and concurrent and clinical validity were examined.

Results:  The internal consistency reliability of the Child Self‐Reports of young children was slightly low, but that of the Child Self‐Reports of school children and adolescents was good. Further, all the Parent Proxy‐Reports had excellent alphas. The Japanese version had satisfactory feasibility for all age ranges. The intercorrelation of subscales supported the multidimensional factor structure. Clinical validity was examined by analysis of variance performed for four groups with different health conditions (healthy, chronic needs only, mental condition only, and chronic needs and mental condition). The scores of each functioning scale differed among the four groups, with the healthy group having the highest scores for all functioning scales.

Conclusions:  The Japanese version of PedsQL can be applied in community and school health settings in Japan. Because children with chronic health needs and mental conditions were included, the Japanese version of PedsQL is expected to be useful in clinical settings.

Acute myeloid leukemia in children: Current status and future directions
Tập 58 Số 2 - Trang 71-80 - 2016
Takashi Taga, Daisuke Tomizawa, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Souichi Adachi

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) accounts for 25% of pediatric leukemia and affects approximately 180 patients annually in Japan. The treatment outcome for pediatric AML has improved through advances in chemotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), supportive care, and optimal risk stratification. Currently, clinical pediatric AML studies are conducted separately according to the AML subtypes: de novo AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), and myeloid leukemia with Down syndrome (ML‐DS). Children with de novo AML are treated mainly with anthracyclines and cytarabine, in some cases with HSCT, and the overall survival (OS) rate now approaches 70%. Children with APL are treated with an all‐trans retinoic acid (ATRA)‐combined regimen with an 80–90% OS. Children with ML‐DS are treated with a less intensive regimen compared with non‐DS patients, and the OS is approximately 80%. HSCT in first remission is restricted to children with high‐risk de novo AML only. To further improve outcomes, it will be necessary to combine more accurate risk stratification strategies using molecular genetic analysis with assessment of minimum residual disease, and the introduction of new drugs in international collaborative clinical trials.