
Nature Communications




Cơ quản chủ quản:  NATURE PORTFOLIO , Nature Publishing Group

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Chemistry (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
Tập 4 Số 1
Lars Gamfeldt, Tord Snäll, Robert Bagchi, Micael Jonsson, Lena Gustafsson, Petter Kjellander, María C. Ruiz-Jaén, Mats Fröberg, Johan Stendahl, Christopher D. Philipson, Grzegorz Mikusiński, Erik Andersson, Bertil Westerlund, Henrik Andrén, Fredrik Moberg, Jon Moen, Jan Bengtsson
Artificial optic-neural synapse for colored and color-mixed pattern recognition
Tập 9 Số 1
Seunghwan Seo, Seo-Hyeon Jo, Sungho Kim, Jaewoo Shim, Seyong Oh, Jeong Hoon Kim, Keun Heo, Jae Woong Choi, Changhwan Choi, Saeroonter Oh, Duygu Kuzum, H.‐S. Philip Wong, Jin‐Hong Park
AbstractThe priority of synaptic device researches has been given to prove the device potential for the emulation of synaptic dynamics and not to functionalize further synaptic devices for more complex learning. Here, we demonstrate an optic-neural synaptic device by implementing synaptic and optical-sensing functions together on h-BN/WSe2 heterostructure. This device mimics the colored and color-mixed pattern recognition capabilities of the human vision system when arranged in an optic-neural network. Our synaptic device demonstrates a close to linear weight update trajectory while providing a large number of stable conduction states with less than 1% variation per state. The device operates with low voltage spikes of 0.3 V and consumes only 66 fJ per spike. This consequently facilitates the demonstration of accurate and energy efficient colored and color-mixed pattern recognition. The work will be an important step toward neural networks that comprise neural sensing and training functions for more complex pattern recognition.
Signal and noise extraction from analog memory elements for neuromorphic computing
Tập 9 Số 1
Nanbo Gong, Takakazu Ide, Seyoung Kim, Irem Boybat, Abu Sebastian, V. Narayanan, Takashi Ando
AbstractDense crossbar arrays of non-volatile memory (NVM) can potentially enable massively parallel and highly energy-efficient neuromorphic computing systems. The key requirements for the NVM elements are continuous (analog-like) conductance tuning capability and switching symmetry with acceptable noise levels. However, most NVM devices show non-linear and asymmetric switching behaviors. Such non-linear behaviors render separation of signal and noise extremely difficult with conventional characterization techniques. In this study, we establish a practical methodology based on Gaussian process regression to address this issue. The methodology is agnostic to switching mechanisms and applicable to various NVM devices. We show tradeoff between switching symmetry and signal-to-noise ratio for HfO2-based resistive random access memory. Then, we characterize 1000 phase-change memory devices based on Ge2Sb2Te5 and separate total variability into device-to-device variability and inherent randomness from individual devices. These results highlight the usefulness of our methodology to realize ideal NVM devices for neuromorphic computing.
Origami lithium-ion batteries
Tập 5 Số 1
Zeming Song, Teng Ma, Rui Tang, Qian Cheng, Xu Wang, Deepakshyam Krishnaraju, Rahul Panat, Candace K. Chan, Hongyu Yu, Hanqing Jiang
Author Correction: Near-real-time monitoring of global CO2 emissions reveals the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Tập 11 Số 1
Zhu Liu, Philippe Ciais, Zhu Deng, Ruixue Lei, Steven J. Davis, Sha Feng, Bo Zheng, Daan Cui, Xinyu Dou, Biqing Zhu, Rui Guo, Piyu Ke, Taochun Sun, Chenxi Lu, Pan He, Yuan Wang, Xu Yue, Yilong Wang, Yadong Lei, Hao Zhou, Zhaonan Cai, Yuhui Wu, Runtao Guo, Tingxuan Han, Jinjun Xue, Oliviér Boucher, Eulalie Boucher, Frédéric Chevallier, Katsumasa Tanaka, Yi‐Ming Wei, Haiwang Zhong, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Bin Chen, Fengming Xi, Miaomiao Liu, François‐Marie Bréon, Yonglong Lü, Qiang Zhang, Dabo Guan, Peng Gong, Daniel M. Kammen, Kebin He, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
A Correction to this paper has been published:
Role of export industries on ozone pollution and its precursors in China
Tập 11 Số 1
Jiamin Ou, Zhijiong Huang, Zbigniew Klimont, Guanglin Jia, Shaohui Zhang, Cheng Li, Jing Meng, Zhifu Mi, Heran Zheng, Yuli Shan, Peter K.K. Louie, Junyu Zheng, Dabo Guan
AbstractThis study seeks to estimate how global supply chain relocates emissions of tropospheric ozone precursors and its impacts in shaping ozone formation. Here we show that goods produced in China for foreign markets lead to an increase of domestic non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) emissions by 3.5 million tons in 2013; about 13% of the national total or, equivalent to half of emissions from European Union. Production for export increases concentration of NMVOCs (including some carcinogenic species) and peak ozone levels by 20–30% and 6–15% respectively, in the coastal areas. It contributes to an estimated 16,889 (3,839–30,663, 95% CI) premature deaths annually combining the effects of NMVOCs and ozone, but could be reduced by nearly 40% by closing the technology gap between China and EU. Export demand also alters the emission ratios between NMVOCs and nitrogen oxides and hence the ozone chemistry in the east and south coast.
A big data approach to improving the vehicle emission inventory in China
Tập 11 Số 1
Fanyuan Deng, Zhaofeng Lv, Lijuan Qi, Xiaotong Wang, Mengshuang Shi, Huan Liu
AbstractEstimating truck emissions accurately would benefit atmospheric research and public health protection. Here, we developed a full-sample enumeration approach TrackATruck to bridge low-frequency but full-size vehicles driving big data to high-resolution emission inventories. Based on 19 billion trajectories, we show how big the emission difference could be using different approaches: 99% variation coefficients on regional total (including 31% emissions from non-local trucks), and ± as large as 15 times on individual counties. Even if total amounts are set the same, the emissions on primary cargo routes were underestimated in the former by a multiple of 2–10 using aggregated approaches. Time allocation proxies are generated, indicating the importance of day-to-day estimation because the variation reached 26-fold. Low emission zone policy reduced emissions in the zone, but raised emissions in upwind areas in Beijing's case. Comprehensive measures should be considered, e.g. the demand-side optimization.
The structure of superantigen complexed with TCR and MHC reveals novel insights into superantigenic T cell activation
Tập 1 Số 1
Maria Saline, Karin E. J. Rödström, Gerhard W. Fischer, Vladislav Orekhov, Göran Karlsson, Karin Lindkvist‐Petersson
Motion model ultrasound localization microscopy for preclinical and clinical multiparametric tumor characterization
Tập 9 Số 1
Tatjana Opacic, Stefanie Dencks, Benjamin Theek, Marion Piepenbrock, Dimitri Ackermann, Anne Rix, Twan Lammers, Elmar Stickeler, Stefan Delorme, Georg Schmitz, Fabian Kießling
AbstractSuper-resolution imaging methods promote tissue characterization beyond the spatial resolution limits of the devices and bridge the gap between histopathological analysis and non-invasive imaging. Here, we introduce motion model ultrasound localization microscopy (mULM) as an easily applicable and robust new tool to morphologically and functionally characterize fine vascular networks in tumors at super-resolution. In tumor-bearing mice and for the first time in patients, we demonstrate that within less than 1 min scan time mULM can be realized using conventional preclinical and clinical ultrasound devices. In this context, next to highly detailed images of tumor microvascularization and the reliable quantification of relative blood volume and perfusion, mULM provides multiple new functional and morphological parameters that discriminate tumors with different vascular phenotypes. Furthermore, our initial patient data indicate that mULM can be applied in a clinical ultrasound setting opening avenues for the multiparametric characterization of tumors and the assessment of therapy response.
Secondary migration and leakage of methane from a major tight-gas system
Tập 7 Số 1
James M. Wood, Hamed Sanei
AbstractTight-gas and shale-gas systems can undergo significant depressurization during basin uplift and erosion of overburden due primarily to the natural leakage of hydrocarbon fluids. To date, geologic factors governing hydrocarbon leakage from such systems are poorly documented and understood. Here we show, in a study of produced natural gas from 1,907 petroleum wells drilled into a Triassic tight-gas system in western Canada, that hydrocarbon fluid loss is focused along distinct curvilinear pathways controlled by stratigraphic trends with superior matrix permeability and likely also structural trends with enhanced fracture permeability. Natural gas along these pathways is preferentially enriched in methane because of selective secondary migration and phase separation processes. The leakage and secondary migration of thermogenic methane to surficial strata is part of an ongoing carbon cycle in which organic carbon in the deep sedimentary basin transforms into methane, and ultimately reaches the near-surface groundwater and atmosphere.