Molecular Ecology
SCOPUS (1992-2023)SCIE-ISI
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY
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Việc xác định các nhóm cá thể đồng nhất về di truyền là một vấn đề lâu dài trong di truyền học quần thể. Một thuật toán Bayesian gần đây được triển khai trong phần mềm
We have designed two taxon‐selective primers for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region in the nuclear ribosomal repeat unit. These primers, ITS1‐F and ITS4‐B, were intended to be specific to fungi and basidiomycetes, respectively. We have tested the specificity of these primers against 13 species of ascomycetes, 14 of basidiomycetes, and 15 of plants. Our results showed that ITS4‐B, when paired with either a ‘universal’ primer ITS1 or the fungal‐specific primer ITS1‐F, efficiently amplified DNA from all basidiomycetes and discriminated against ascomycete DNAs. The results with plants were not as clearcut. The ITS1‐F/ITS4‐B primer pair produced a small amount of PCR product for certain plant species, but the quantity was in most cases less than that produced by the ‘universal’ ITS primers. However, under conditions where both plant and fungal DNAs were present, the fungal DNA was amplified to the apparent exclusion of plant DNA. ITS1‐F/ITS4‐B preferential amplification was shown to be particularly useful for detection and analysis of the basidiomycete component in ectomycorrhizae and in rust‐infected tissues. These primers can be used to study the structure of ectomycorrhizal communities or the distribution of rusts on alternate hosts.
Genotypes are frequently used to identify parentage. Such analysis is notoriously vulnerable to genotyping error, and there is ongoing debate regarding how to solve this problem. Many scientists have used the computer program
Paternity inference using highly polymorphic codominant markers is becoming common in the study of natural populations. However, multiple males are often found to be genetically compatible with each offspring tested, even when the probability of excluding an unrelated male is high. While various methods exist for evaluating the likelihood of paternity of each nonexcluded male, interpreting these likelihoods has hitherto been difficult, and no method takes account of the incomplete sampling and error‐prone genetic data typical of large‐scale studies of natural systems. We derive likelihood ratios for paternity inference with codominant markers taking account of typing error, and define a statistic Δ for resolving paternity. Using allele frequencies from the study population in question, a simulation program generates criteria for Δ that permit assignment of paternity to the most likely male with a known level of statistical confidence. The simulation takes account of the number of candidate males, the proportion of males that are sampled and gaps and errors in genetic data. We explore the potentially confounding effect of relatives and show that the method is robust to their presence under commonly encountered conditions. The method is demonstrated using genetic data from the intensively studied red deer (
The Quaternary cold periods in Europe are thought to have heavily influenced the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation in both animals and plants. The phylogeographies of 10 taxa, including mammals (
Trong vài năm gần đây, vi vệ tinh đã trở thành một trong những dấu ấn phân tử phổ biến nhất được sử dụng với nhiều ứng dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Độ biến thể cao và sự dễ dàng tương đối trong việc đánh giá là hai đặc điểm chính khiến vi vệ tinh rất được quan tâm trong nhiều nghiên cứu di truyền. Nhược điểm chính của vi vệ tinh là chúng cần được cô lập
We present a new approach for defining groups of populations that are geographically homogeneous and maximally differentiated from each other. As a by‐product, it also leads to the identification of genetic barriers between these groups. The method is based on a simulated annealing procedure that aims to maximize the proportion of total genetic variance due to differences between groups of populations (spatial analysis of molecular variance;
A compilation was made of 307 studies using nuclear DNA markers for evaluating among‐ and within‐population diversity in wild angiosperms and gymnosperms. Estimates derived by the dominantly inherited markers (RAPD, AFLP, ISSR) are very similar and may be directly comparable. STMS analysis yields almost three times higher values for within‐population diversity whereas among‐population diversity estimates are similar to those derived by the dominantly inherited markers. Number of sampled plants per population and number of scored microsatellite DNA alleles are correlated with some of the population genetics parameters. In addition, maximum geographical distance between sampled populations has a strong positive effect on among‐population diversity. As previously verified with allozyme data, RAPD‐ and STMS‐based analyses show that long‐lived, outcrossing, late successional taxa retain most of their genetic variability within populations. By contrast, annual, selfing and/or early successional taxa allocate most of the genetic variability among populations. Estimates for among‐ and within‐population diversity, respectively, were negatively correlated. The only major discrepancy between allozymes and STMS on the one hand, and RAPD on the other hand, concerns geographical range; within‐population diversity was strongly affected when the former methods were used but not so in the RAPD‐based studies. Direct comparisons between the different methods, when applied to the same plant material, indicate large similarities between the dominant markers and somewhat lower similarity with the STMS‐based data, presumably due to insufficient number of analysed microsatellite DNA loci in many studies.
Hybridization may influence evolution in a variety of ways. If hybrids are less fit, the geographical range of ecologically divergent populations may be limited, and prezygotic reproductive isolation may be reinforced. If some hybrid genotypes are fitter than one or both parents, at least in some environments, then hybridization could make a positive contribution. Single alleles that are at an advantage in the alternative environment and genetic background will introgress readily, although such introgression may be hard to detect. ‘Hybrid speciation’, in which fit combinations of alleles are established, is more problematic; its likelihood depends on how divergent populations meet, and on the structure of epistasis. These issues are illustrated using Fisher’s model of stabilizing selection on multiple traits, under which reproductive isolation evolves as a side‐effect of adaptation in allopatry. This confirms a priori arguments that while recombinant hybrids are less fit on average, some gene combinations may be fitter than the parents, even in the parental environment. Fisher’s model does predict heterosis in diploid F1s, asymmetric incompatibility in reciprocal backcrosses, and (when dominance is included) Haldane’s Rule. However, heterosis arises only when traits are additive, whereas the latter two patterns require dominance. Moreover, because adaptation is