Microbiology (United Kingdom)



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Microbiology Society , MICROBIOLOGY SOC

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We publish high-quality original research on bacteria, fungi, protists, archaea, algae, parasites and other microscopic life forms. Topics include but are not limited to: Antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance Bacteriology and parasitology Biochemistry and biophysics Biofilms and biological systems Biotechnology and bioremediation Cell biology and signalling Chemical biology Cross-disciplinary work Ecology and environmental microbiology Food microbiology Genetics Host–microbe interactions Microbial methods and techniques Microscopy and imaging Omics, including genomics, proteomics and metabolomics Physiology and metabolism Systems biology and synthetic biology The microbiome.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

A Candida albicans cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase: cloning and expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and biochemical characterization of the recombinant enzyme
Tập 140 Số 7 - Trang 1533-1542 - 1994
Lois L. Hoyer, L B Cieslinski, Megan M. McLaughlin, Theodore J. Torphy, Allan R. Shatzman, George P. Livi
Magnesium transport in Salmonella typhimurium: biphasic magnesium and time dependence of the transcription of the mgtA and mgtCB loci
Tập 144 Số 3 - Trang 655-664 - 1998
Tao Tao, Paul F. Grulich, Lisa M. Kucharski, Ronald L. Smith, Michael E. Maguire
Salmonella typhimurium has three distinct Mg2+ transport systems, the constitutive high-capacity CorA transporter and two P-type ATPases, MgtA and MgtB, whose transcription is repressed by normal concentrations of Mg2+ in the growth medium. The latter Mg2+-transporting ATPase is part of a two-gene operon, mgtCB, with mgtC encoding a 23 kDa protein of unknown function. Transcriptional regulation using fusions of the promoter regions of mgtA and mgtCB to luxAB showed a biphasic time and Mg2+ concentration dependence. Between 1 and 6 h after transfer to nitrogen minimal medium containing defined concentrations of Mg2+, transcription increased about 200-fold for mgtCB and up to 400-fold for mgtA, each with a half-maximal dependence on Mg2+ of 0.5 mM. Continued incubation revealed a second phase of increased transcription, up to 2000-fold for mgtCB and up to 10000-fold for mgtA. This secondary increase occurred between 6 and 9 h after transfer to defined medium for mgtCB but between 12 and 24 h for mgtA and had a distinct half-maximal dependence for Mg2+ of 0.01 mM. A concomitant increase of at least 1000-fold in uptake of cation was seen between 8 and 24 h incubation with either system, showing that the transcriptional increase was followed by functional incorporation of large amounts of the newly synthesized transporter into the membrane. Regulation of transcription by Mg2+ was not dependent on a functional stationary-phase sigma factor encoded by rpoS, but it was dependent on the presence of a functional phoPQ two-component regulatory system. Whereas mgtCB was completely dependent on regulation via phoPQ, the secondary Sate Mg2+-dependent phase of mgtA transcription was still evident in strains carrying a mutation in either phoP or phoQ, albeit substantially diminished. Several divalent cations blocked the early phase of the increase in transcription elicited by the decrease in Mg2+ concentration, including cations that inhibit Mg2+ uptake (Co2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+) and those which do not (Ca2+ and Zn2+). In contrast, the second later phase of the transcriptional increase was not well blocked by any cation except those which inhibit uptake. Overall, the data suggest that at least two distinct mechanisms for transcriptional regulation of the mgtA and mgtCB loci exist.
Cadmium Resistance in Pseudomonas putida: Growth and Uptake of Cadmium
Tập 131 Số 10 - Trang 2539-2544 - 1985
Denise P. Higham, Peter J. Sadler, Michael D. Scawen
Transcriptional Regulation of the Mercury-resistance Genes of Transposon Tn501
Tập 132 Số 2 - Trang 465-480 - 1986
Peter W. M. Hermans, S. J. Ford, Nathan Brown
Staphylococcus haemolyticus – an emerging threat in the twilight of the antibiotics age
Tập 161 Số 11 - Trang 2061-2068 - 2015
Tomasz Czekaj, Marcin Ciszewski, Eligia M. Szewczyk
The epipolythiodioxopiperazine (ETP) class of fungal toxins: distribution, mode of action, functions and biosynthesis
Tập 151 Số 4 - Trang 1021-1032 - 2005
Donald M. Gardiner, Violeta Serra, Barbara J. Howlett
Statistical assessment of a laboratory method for growing biofilms
Tập 151 Số 3 - Trang 757-762 - 2005
Darla M. Goeres, Linda R. Loetterle, Martin A. Hamilton, Ricardo Murga, Douglas W. Kirby, Rodney M. Donlan
Microbial biofilms have been grown in laboratories using a variety of different approaches. A laboratory biofilm reactor system, called the CDC biofilm reactor (CBR) system, has been devised for growing biofilms under moderate to high fluid shear stress. The reactor incorporates 24 removable biofilm growth surfaces (coupons) for sampling and analysing the biofilm. Following preliminary experiments to verify the utility of the CBR system for growing biofilms of several clinically relevant organisms, a standard operating procedure for growing a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm was created. This paper presents the results of a rigorous, intra-laboratory, statistical evaluation of the repeatability and ruggedness of that procedure as well as the results of the experiments with clinically relevant organisms. For the statistical evaluations, the outcome of interest was the density (c.f.u. cm−2) of viable P. aeruginosa. Replicate experiments were conducted to assess the repeatability of the log density outcome. The mean P. aeruginosa log10 density was 7·1, independent of the coupon position within the reactor. The repeatability standard deviation of the log density based on one coupon per experiment was 0·59. Analysis of variance showed that the variability of the log density was 53 % attributable to within-experiment sources and 47 % attributable to between-experiments sources. The ruggedness evaluation applied response-surface design and regression analysis techniques, similar to those often used for sensitivity analyses in other fields of science and engineering. This approach provided a quantitative description of ruggedness; specifically, the amount the log density was altered by small adjustments to four key operational factors – time allowed for initial surface colonization, temperature, nutrient concentration, and fluid shear stress on the biofilm. The small size of the regression coefficient associated with each operational factor showed that the method was rugged; that is, relatively insensitive to minor perturbations of the four factors. These results demonstrate that the CBR system is a reliable experimental tool for growing a standard biofilm in the laboratory and that it can be adapted to study several different micro-organisms.
Localization of denitrification genes on the chromosomal map of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Tập 144 Số 2 - Trang 441-448 - 1998
Kai‐Uwe Vollack, Jieshuo Xie, Elisabeth Härtig, Ute Römling, Walter G. Zumft
Cleavage of chromosomal DNA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO by SpeI and DpnI has been used together with PFGE and Southern hybridization to establish the map location of the following principal denitrification genes: narGH (encoding the large and small subunits of respiratory nitrate reductase), nirS (cytochrome-cd 1 nitrite reductase), nirE (uroporphyrinogen-III methyltransferase for haem d 1 biosynthesis), norCB (nitric-oxide reductase complex), nosZ (nitrous-oxide reductase) and nosA (an outer-membrane protein and OprC homologue). The study also included several genes related to anaerobic or microaerophilic metabolism: napA (encoding the catalytic subunit of the periplasmic nitrate reductase), ccoN (catalytic subunit of the cytochrome-cbb 3 oxidase), hemN (oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase), an fnr-like regulatory gene, and azu and fdxA (electron carriers azurin and ferredoxin, respectively). Genes necessary for denitrification are concentrated at 20 to 36 min on the P. aeruginosa chromosome, where they form three separate loci, the nir-nor, nar and nos gene clusters. Genomic DNA of Pseudomonas stutzeri ZoBell was also subjected to SpeI restriction and Southern analysis to assign denitrification genes to individual fragments. A homologue of nosA encoding a putative component of the Cu-processing apparatus for nitrous-oxide reductase was identified. In both P. aeruginosa and P. stutzeri there is evidence for the linkage of anr (fnrA) with hemN and ccoN; and for the presence of a napA gene.
Biochemical events leading to the diversion of carbon into storage lipids in the oleaginous fungi Mucor circinelloides and Mortierella alpina
Tập 147 Số 10 - Trang 2857-2864 - 2001
James P. Wynn, Colin Ratledge, Yonghua Li‐Beisson, Yonghua Li
Alternative routes of acetyl-CoA synthesis identified by comparative genomic analysis: involvement in the lipid production of oleaginous yeast and fungi
Tập 158 Số 1 - Trang 217-228 - 2012
Tayvich Vorapreeda, Chinae Thammarongtham, Supapon Cheevadhanarak, Kobkul Laoteng