
Marine Biology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Verlag , Springer Heidelberg

Lĩnh vực:
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsEcologyAquatic Science

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Age and growth in Odontocymbiola magellanica (Gastropoda: Volutidae) from Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia, Argentina
- 2007
Gregório Bigatti, Pablo E. Penchaszadeh, Maximiliano Cledón
Trophic ecology of the stomiid (Pisces: Stomiidae) fish assemblage of the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Strategies, selectivity and impact of a top mesopelagic predator group
Tập 127 - Trang 179-192 - 1996
T. T. Sutton, T. L. Hopkins
The trophic ecology of the stomiid assemblage (Pisces, Stomiiformes, Stomiidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, a region with physical and biological characteristics typical of oligotrophic low-latitude regimes, was investigated. Over 1400 specimens representing 69 species and 17 genera were examined. Four patterns of feeding were evident among the abundant stomiids: (1) myctophid predation; (2) zooplankton/small micronekton predation; (3) penaeidean shrimp predation; and (4) copepod/micronekton predation. One rare species preyed on cephalopods. Il was concluded that stomiids exhibited a high level of prey-selectivity, particularly considering the broad range of prey types available in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The absence of numerically dominant potential prey (e.g.Cyclothone spp., sternoptychids) in the diets of piscivorous stomiids is possibly a function of feeding periodicity coupled with stomiid vertical migration. Stomiids may feed at night in the upper 200 m on vertically migrating myctophids while disregarding co-occurring nonmigrating prey during the daytime. Integration of stomiid abundance and diet data suggests that: (1) stomiids are the dominant upper trophic-level predators of the Gulf of Mexico mesopelagial, (2) stomiids inflict the highest predation impact on myctophids in low-latitude midwater ecosystems, and (3) the historic use of predation-avoidance arguments to explain certain mesopelagic phenomena (e.g. vertical migration, ventral photophores) appears to be substantiated by estimates of stomiid predation-impact. The stomiids may serve as key trophic mediators in the transfer of energy from the mesopelagial to the bathyand benthopelagial.
A survey of the shrimp resources of Nigeria
Tập 11 - Trang 178-189 - 1971
E. O. Bayagbona, V. O. Sagua, M. A. Afinowi
Previous planned resources surveys of the Nigerian coastal waters were performed with research vessels, gear and personnel not specialised for shrimp fishing. The results have, therefore, only indicated relative abundance of shrimps in the areas fished, rather than showing the absolute catches which a commercial fishing vessel in the area may expect to make. The present survey used two commercial shrimp trawlers together with their crews, who already had long experience of shrimp trawling both in the Nigerian shrimp grounds and elsewhere. Four shrimp species were caught: Penaeus duorarum, P. kerathurus, Parapeneopsis atlantica and Parapenaeus longirostris. Of these, P. duorarum, P. atlantica and P. longirostris are of commercial importance, P. duorarum being the most important. The distributions and concentrations of these 3 species are shown, together with the size distribution of P. duorarum, and the fish by-catch at each station. With the exception of the transect off the Nun Entrance, all transects sampled showed areas of high concentrations of P. duorarum, that is, 54 to 113 lbs (24 to 51 kg) of head-on shrimps per hour of trawling. The oceanographic conditions prevailing at the time of the survey were normal for the area. Records of previous shrimp landings from the area show a regular seasonal variation and the period of the survey to be one of lowest catches. The catch rates obtained in this survey are, therefore, the minimum which might be expected for the year. From a consideration of the operating costs of the type of shrimp trawler considered adequate for use in the area, it is found that the break-even shrimp catch is about 41 lbs (19 kg) of head-on per hour.
Distribution and diversity of deep-sea sponge grounds on the Rosemary Bank Seamount, NE Atlantic
Tập 163 - Trang 1-11 - 2016
F. D. McIntyre, J. Drewery, D. Eerkes-Medrano, F. C. Neat
A towed camera survey revealed extensive sponge grounds on the deep slopes of the Rosemary Bank Seamount in the NE Atlantic. An Agassiz trawl deployed in the same area yielded samples for taxonomic validation and comparison to the visual survey. The sponge grounds were observed between 1200 and 1440 m depth. Eight species were identified in the trawl samples from five genera: Geodia, Thenea, Pheronema, Aphrocallistes and Craniella. In addition, there were 2 unresolved species of Craniella, one of Hexadella and 2 other unidentifiable Porifera species. Seven taxa were consistently identified from the video footage. Craniella longipilis was numerically dominant across all depths, but other species showed significant change in abundance with depth. At shallower depths Pheronema carpenteri was more prevalent, whereas the encrusting species Hexadella sp. increased in frequency with depth. Although all species have been previously reported from the North Atlantic, community composition at Rosemary Bank appears to be more diverse than other regions. Estimates of the number of sponges within the surveyed area suggest around 88 million sponges may be present. The community appears to be largely in pristine condition and the recent designation of Rosemary Bank as a nature conservation MPA should help ensure it remains so.
Fate of domoic acid ingested by the copepod Acartia clausi
Tập 148 Số 1 - Trang 123-130 - 2005
Isabel Maneiro, Paula Iglesias, Cástor Guisande, I. Riveiro, Aldo Barreiro, Soultana Zervoudaki, Edna Granéli
Genotype-dependent fecundity and temporal variation of spawning in hybrid mussel (Mytilus) populations
Tập 105 - Trang 153-162 - 1990
J. P. A. Gardner, D. O. F. Skibinski
Mussel samples were collected at 4 to 6 wk intervals throughout 1987 from two hybridMytilus edulis/M. galloprovincialis populations, at Croyde Bay and Whitsand Bay, in southwest England. These were analyzed at two polymorphic loci which are diagnostic for allozyme differences which typifyM. edulis andM. galloprovincialis. Dry mantle weight as a function of shell length was determined for all individuals of each sample. Size-frequency data for the two populations was obtained in September 1987 and March 1988. For all genotypes at both sites, fecundity was a function of shell length, and in both populations the frequency ofM. galloprovincialis alleles was positively correlated with shell length. At both sites, allozyme genotype explained a significant amount of variation in mantle weight either when assessed as a main effect or when assessed as an interaction with shell length or time of collection. At Croyde,M. galloprovincialis mussels had greater estimated fecundity per unit length than theM. edulis mussels. Differences in the timing of spawning activity between theM. edulis and theM. galloprovincialis mussels were inferred, and these differences might act to reduce the amount of interbreeding at Croyde. At Whitsand, a reduced level of variability in the timing of spawning activity and fecundity between the genotypes was observed and explained by a higher degree of genetic mixing. Because theM. galloprovincialis mussels had (1) a greater estimated fecundity at any length, and (2) a greater mean length than theM. edulis mussels, the mean genotypic annual fecundity perM. galloprovincialis mussel was 2.8 times greater than an individualM. edulis mussel at Croyde, and 2.2 times greater than an individualM. edulis mussel at Whitsand. This evidence thatM. galloprovincialis mussels have an advantage in fecundity, and thus perhaps in fertility, taken together with the evidence thatM. galloprovincialis also has a higher viability, indicates directional selection in favour of theM. galloprovincialis phenotype. Because of the observed temporal stability of the population it seems likely that this selection is counterbalanced by a massive imigration ofM. edulis spat from neighbouring populations.
Exudation of dissolved organic carbon by brown algae
Tập 26 Số 2 - Trang 117-125 - 1974
K. Moebus, Kenneth M. Johnson