Laser Physics

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Influence of pre-heat treatment and different light-curing units on Vickers hardness of a microhybrid composite resin
Laser Physics - Tập 19 - Trang 1276-1281 - 2009
E. G. Saade, M. C. Bandeca, A. N. S. Rastelli, V. S. Bagnato, S. T. Porto-Neto
The aim of this study was to evaluate the hardness of a dental composite resin submitted to temperature changes before photo-activation with two light-curing unite (LCUs). Five samples (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness) for each group were made with pre-cure temperatures of 37, 54, and 60°C. The samples were photo-activated with a conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and blue LED LCUs during 40 s. The hardness Vickers test (VHN) was performed on the top and bottom surfaces of the samples. According to the interaction between light-curing unit and different pre-heating temperatures of composite resin, only the light-curing unit provided influences on the mean values of initial Vickers hardness. The light-curing unit based on blue LED showed hardness mean values more homogeneous between the top and bottom surfaces. The hardness mean values were not statistically significant difference for the pre-cure temperature used. According to these results, the pre-heating of the composite resin provide no influence on Vickers hardness mean values, however the blue LED showed a cure more homogeneous than QTH LCU.
Harmonic generation beyond the Strong-Field Approximation: Phase and temporal description
Laser Physics - - 2010
J. A. Pérez-Hernández, José Luis Martínez Ramos, L. Roso, Luis Plaja
The Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for the defect-deformation instability of a surface-stressed nanolayer
Laser Physics - Tập 19 Số 3 - Trang 538-543 - 2009
V. I. Emel’yanov
Dressed states analysis of lasing without population inversion in a three-level ladder scheme: Approximate analytic time dependent solutions
Laser Physics - Tập 19 - Trang 290-304 - 2009
D. Braunstein, R. Shuker
A dressed-state study of lasing without population inversion from a three level atom interacting with a bi-chromatic laser field, in the ladder configuration, is formulated. We allow the atomic system to be dressed by both laser filed photons (double dressing). The evolution of the system under consideration is being explored both analytically and numerically, within the transient regime. Time dependent approximate analytic solutions for dressed-state populations and coherences are derived, within the so called “secular approximation,” under resonant conditions. We also present time dependent numerical solutions for population and coherences in the off-resonance regime. A spectral analysis is also performed revealing the structure of various dressed states transitions. These are shown to be composed of quintets centered about the frequencies of the coupling and probe laser fields and having sidebands located symmetrically at positions shifted from line center at the Rabi and double Rabi frequencies.
Laser frequency stabilization for atom cooling and magnetic-field compression of the trap
Laser Physics - Tập 17 - Trang 1176-1182 - 2007
S. Chakrabarti, A. Ray, A. Bandyopadhyay, D. Bhattacharyya, B. Ray, B. N. Jagatap, K. G. Manohar, P. N. Ghosh
We report a frequency stabilization technique of a diode laser in a Doppler-free atomic transition used for obtaining the magneto-optical trapping of Rb atoms. This technique, based on side locking to an atomic transition using a servo controller, is very simple and can be implemented straightforwardly to lock the laser at the red detuned frequency position required for laser cooling experiments. The number of trapped atoms and the temperature of the cold cloud have been determined. The effect of trapping the magnetic field on the cloud radius has also been analyzed.
Capillary discharge soft X-ray lasing in Ne-like Ar pumped by low main current pulses
Laser Physics - Tập 18 - Trang 1526-1529 - 2008
Y. Xie, Y. P. Zhao, M. Z. Mo, T. Liu, Q. Wang
Under the condition of the low main current pulse, the capillary discharge soft X-ray laser is obtained. The laser energy of the same discharge current amplitude at different Ar pressures and of different current amplitudes at the same Ar pressure are compared, respectively. At different Ar pressures, the amplitude of the main current pulse evidently impacts the soft X ray, especially at a pressure higher than 30 Pa. In order to obtain the laser output at a high Ar pressure, the amplitude should be increased. However, at the same Ar pressure, it might have an optimum current, in which case the laser spike is the highest and the most stationary. The laser achieving time at different amplitudes is also discussed. As far as we know, this is the first time the influence of the amplitude of the main current pulse has been analyzed.
Laser gốm Yb:YAG bơm diode với cấu trúc gương chủ động Dịch bởi AI
Laser Physics - Tập 22 - Trang 652-655 - 2012
X. J. Cheng, B. X. Jiang, L. Li, J. L. Wang, Zh. G. Yang, W. B. Cheng, X. Ch. Shi, Y. B. Pan
Bài báo này trình bày về các laser từ gốm Yb:YAG ở các nhiệt độ khác nhau. Laser gốm Yb:YAG với cấu trúc gương chủ động được bơm bằng một diode laser có bước sóng trung tâm là 940 nm. Tại 80 K, với nồng độ pha tạp 5 at % gốm Yb:YAG, năng lượng đầu ra đạt 0,68 J với tần suất lặp lại 10 Hz dưới năng lượng bơm là 2,49 J, tương ứng với hiệu suất độ dốc 40% và hiệu suất chuyển đổi 27,3%.
#laser gốm #Yb:YAG #gương chủ động #năng lượng đầu ra #hiệu suất độ dốc #hiệu suất chuyển đổi
30.6 W CW Tm3+ fiber laser of seed amplification
Laser Physics - Tập 22 - Trang 1606-1609 - 2012
Y. Liu, H. R. Wang, W. H. Li
We use all fiber single-mode lasers as seed source, all fiber amplifiers and pump laser coupling amplifier has been experimentally investigated, respectively. The max output power of all fiber amplifier is 30.6 W, corresponding slope efficiency is 39.1%. The two setups, amplifier output laser spectrum finely holds the property of seed laser spectrum, the wavelength of output laser are both 1947.6 nm, the spectrum width is less than 2 nm as same as the wavelength of seed laser. We estimate the beam quality to be M 2 = 2.42, clearly indicating nearly diffraction-limited beam propagation.
Optimization of Brillouin pump wavelength location on tunable multiwavelength BEFL
Laser Physics - Tập 19 - Trang 2110-2114 - 2009
Z. Abd Rahman, M. H. Al-Mansoori, S. Hitam, A. F. Abas, M. H. Abu Bakar, M. A. Mahdi
Optimization of Brillouin pump (BP) wavelength location on tunable multiwavelength Brillouin-erbium fiber laser (BEFL) with BP pre-amplified technique is experimentally investigated. The tunable multiwavelength BEFL is achieved by utilization a tunable band-pass filter in a laser cavity. The optimum BP power and BP wavelength location within the filter bandwidth is determined in order to obtain the maximum stable output channels. Optimum distance of launching the BP wavelength is found at 0.80 nm shorter from the center wavelength of the filter bandwidth. 15 stable output channels are achieved from the tunable fiber laser system within the optimum range of BP power which is found to be between 5.2 to 5.7 dBm.
Cold bosons in optical lattices
Laser Physics - Tập 19 - Trang 1-110 - 2009
V. I. Yukalov
Basic properties of cold Bose atoms in optical lattices are reviewed. The main principles of correct self-consistent description of arbitrary systems with Bose-Einstein condensate are formulated. Theoretical methods for describing regular periodic lattices are presented. A special attention is paid to the discussion of Bose-atom properties in the frame of the boson Hubbard model. Optical lattices with arbitrary strong disorder, induced by random potentials, are treated. Possible applications of cold atoms in optical lattices are discussed, with an emphasis of their usefulness for quantum information processing and quantum computing. An important feature of the present review article, distinguishing it from other review works, is that theoretical fundamentals here are not just mentioned in brief, but are thoroughly explained. This makes it easy for the reader to follow the principal points without the immediate necessity of resorting to numerous publications in the field.
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