Dressed states analysis of lasing without population inversion in a three-level ladder scheme: Approximate analytic time dependent solutions

Laser Physics - Tập 19 - Trang 290-304 - 2009
D. Braunstein1, R. Shuker2
1Department of Physics, The Sammi Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer sheva, Israel
2Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel

Tóm tắt

A dressed-state study of lasing without population inversion from a three level atom interacting with a bi-chromatic laser field, in the ladder configuration, is formulated. We allow the atomic system to be dressed by both laser filed photons (double dressing). The evolution of the system under consideration is being explored both analytically and numerically, within the transient regime. Time dependent approximate analytic solutions for dressed-state populations and coherences are derived, within the so called “secular approximation,” under resonant conditions. We also present time dependent numerical solutions for population and coherences in the off-resonance regime. A spectral analysis is also performed revealing the structure of various dressed states transitions. These are shown to be composed of quintets centered about the frequencies of the coupling and probe laser fields and having sidebands located symmetrically at positions shifted from line center at the Rabi and double Rabi frequencies.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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