Journal of Plant Research
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Ecological studies on the timberline of Mt. Fuji
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 100 - Trang 349-363 - 1987
An ecological study of dry matter production was made in a dwarf forest dominated byAlnus maximowiczii at the timberline of Mt. Fuji. Annual gross production was estimated by two methods, namely the summation method using stem analysis and total photosynthesis calculated from leaf area and photosynthetic rate per leaf area. Seasonal changes in relative light intensity and in leaf area were measured in a quadrat. Photosynthesis and respiration rates of samples were measured in temperature-regulated assimilation chambers. The phytomass was 2,989 g d.w.m−2, and those of stems and branches, leaves, and roots were 1,672 g, 293 g, and 1,024 g respectively. The growing period of this plant was about four months and this plant expanded leaves quickly. The maximum gross photosynthetic rate was 21 mg CO2dm−2 h−1 on September 1. Annual net production estimated by examining the annual rings was 922 g d.w.m−2 year−1 and annual respiration was 735 g. Annual gross production estimated from photosynthetic rates was 1,747 g d.w.m−2 year−1. The sum of annual net production by stem analysis and respiration agree closely with gross production estimated from photosynthetic rate. Gross production of this dwarf forest is comparable to the beech forest of the upper cool temperate zone owing to the high photosynthetic rate ofAlnus maximowiczii.
Embryology of Cardiopteris (Cardiopteridaceae, Aquifoliales), with emphasis on unusual ovule and seed development
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 129 - Trang 883-897 - 2016
Cardiopteris (Cardiopteridaceae), a twining herb of two or three species distributed from Southeast Asia to Northern Australia, requires an embryological study for better understanding of its reproductive features. The present study of C. quinqueloba showed that the ovule and seed development involves a number of unusual structures, most of which are unknown elsewhere in angiosperms. The ovule pendant from the apical placenta is straight (not orthotropous), ategmic, and tenuinucellate, developing a monosporic seven-celled/eight-nucleate female gametophyte with an egg apparatus on the funicular side. Fertilization occurs by a pollen tube entering from the funicular side, resulting in a zygote on the funicular side. The endosperm is formed by the cell on the funicular side in the two endosperm cell stage. While retaining a (pro)embryo/endosperm as it is, the raphe (differentiating late in pre-fertilization stages) elongates toward the antiraphal side during post-fertilization stages, resulting in an anatropous seed. The two-cell-layered nucellar epidermis (belatedly forming by periclinal divisions), along with the raphe, envelops the embryo/endosperm entirely as the seed coat. The possibility was discussed that the arrested integument development triggers a series of the subsequent unusual structures of ovule and seed development. The fertilization mode in Cardiopteris underpins the hypothesis that the Polygonum‒type female gametophyte comprises two four-celled archegonia.
Increase in activity of IAA-synthesizing enzymes prior to cell division
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 91 - Trang 93-95 - 1978
During the course of cell division in synchronously dividing cultured tobacco cells, the activity of IAA-synthesizing enzymes increased first, then the amount of endogenous IAA, and finally, the number of dividing cells. Based on the results obtained, we discussed the role of endogenous IAA in cell division.
Biosystematic studies inErythronium (liliaceae-tulipeae)
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 88 - Trang 163-176 - 1975
The floral biology ofErythronium japonicum has been studied from two approaches: a reinvestigation of its floral morphology and a pollinator case history. The perianth, differentiated into a sepal and petal cycle, has a tubular, but free arrangement basally around a slightly stipitate ovary. The two cycles of stamens with dimorphic filaments are positioned by the differently lobed auricles of the mature sepals and petals. These auricles also form a trap-lid mechanism for the inverted nectary which also has passageways. The perianth parts are highly UV absorbant due to the presence of flavonoids. This pattern contrasts strikingly with the purple trident basal guide lines so prominent in the visible spectrum. The weakly protandrous flowers also have exserted styles, thus functioning to exclude its own pollen and insure outbreeding. These floral adaptations are related specifically to the pollination behavior ofXylocopa appendiculata, and in general to the floral evolution within the genusErythronium.
Cellular localization and detergent dependent oligomerization of rice allene oxide synthase-1
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 128 - Trang 201-209 - 2014
Allene oxide synthase-1 from Oryza sativa (OsAOS1) localizes to the chloroplast, but lacks a putative chloroplast targeting sequence typically found in dicot AOS. Here, kinetic parameters and the oligomerization state/subunit composition of OsAOS1 were characterized in vitro in the absence or presence of detergent micelles. The catalytic efficiency (k
m) of OsAOS1 reached a maximum near the critical micelle concentration for polyoxyethylene 10 tridecyl ether. Native gel analysis showed that OsAOS1 exists as a multimer in the absence of detergent micelles. The multimeric form of OsAOS1 was stably cross-linked in the absence of detergents, while only monomeric OsAOS1 was detected in the presence of detergent micelles. Gel filtration analysis indicated that the oligomeric state of OsAOS1 depends strongly on the detergents and that the monomer becomes the predominant form in the presence of detergent micelles. These data suggest that the detergent–dependent oligomeric state of OsAOS1 is an important factor for the regulation of its catalytic efficiency.
Mating types and reproductive isolation inClosterium ehrenbergii meneghini
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 94 - Trang 325-334 - 1981
Numerous clones ofClosterium ehrenbergii Meneghini were isolated from soil or liquid samples from various localities and clonal uni-algal or axenic cultures were established. Mating types of these clones were determined by crossing with tester clones. No homothallic clone has been encountered, even in such an extensively surveyed area as that in Japan. By some unknown factors, mating type ratios have been found to deviate largely from 1∶1 in some populations in liquid samples, but not in populations from soil samples. Representative clones from each locality were intercrossed with those from other localities in all possible combinations. Seven reproductively isolated groups were recognized on the basis of capability and frequency of zygospore formation. Cooccurrence of more than two groups in the same sample has been encountered in five cases out of 41 localities surveyed. In four cases the two groups found together have turned out to be completely isolated but in the last case two groups of incomplete isolation were found with the other group of complete isolation.
Competition between two naturalized dandelions,Taraxacum officinale weber andTaraxacum laevigatum DC., in mixed cultures with different levels of soil moisture
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 99 - Trang 1-14 - 1986
Taraxacum officinala andTaraxacum laevigatum were grown in mixed stands at various plant densities and mixing ratios with various levels of soil moisture to formulate the effect of soil moisture on the competitive relationship between the species. In pure stands, the mean plant weight—plant density relation for each level of soil moisture could be described by the reciprocal equation of the crowding effect. On the other hand, the response of mean plant weight to soil moisture content followed the reciprocal equation for a repulsive growth factor at the respective levels of plant density. By introducing the density conversion factor, the results of mixed stands could be successfully formulated from similar reciprocal equations. The dependence of density conversion factor on soil moisture content was also formulated. From these relations, a comprehensive formula was developed to describe the effects of plant density and soil moisture content on the growth of two species in mixed stands. Changes in the biomass in mixed stands were, examined by means of calculations based on the experimental results.
Growth strategies differentiate the spatial patterns of 11 dipterocarp species coexisting in a Malaysian tropical rain forest
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 122 - Trang 81-93 - 2008
We examined relationships between mortality rate, relative growth rate (RGR), and spatial patterns of three growth stages (small, medium, and large trees) for 11 dipterocarp species in the Pasoh 50-ha plot. Mortality rates for these species tended to be positively correlated with RGRs, although the correlation was significant only at the small-tree stage. Seven species with high growth and mortality rates exhibited peaks in spatial aggregation at small distances (<100 m) in small trees, but this aggregation disappeared in medium and large trees. In contrast, the other four species with low growth and mortality rates aggregated at large distances (>200 m) throughout the three growth stages in all but one species. Negative associations between different growth stages were observed only for the high-mortality species, suggesting density-dependent mortality. The high-mortality species showed habitat associations with topography, soil type, and the forest regeneration phase after gap formation, whereas the three low-mortality species only had associations with the forest regeneration phase. A randomization procedure revealed that these habitat associations explained little of their spatial aggregation. Our results suggest that the growth strategy has a large effect on the structuring of the spatial distribution of tree species through mortality processes.
Callose and cellulose synthase gene expression analysis from the tight cluster to the full bloom stage and during early fruit development in Malus × domestica
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 127 Số 1 - Trang 173-183 - 2014
Consistent scaling of whole-shoot respiration between Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and trees
Journal of Plant Research - Tập 134 - Trang 989-997 - 2021
Both Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and tree forests have a large biomass; they are considered to play an important role in ecosystem carbon budgets. The scaling relationship between individual whole-shoot (i.e., aboveground parts) respiration and whole-shoot mass provides a clue for comparing the carbon budgets of Moso bamboo and tree forests. However, nobody has empirically demonstrated whether there is a difference between these forest types in the whole-shoot scaling relationship. We developed whole-shoot chambers and measured the shoot respiration of 58 individual mature bamboo shoots from the smallest to the largest in a Moso bamboo forest, and then compared them with that of 254 tree shoots previously measured. For 30 bamboo shoots, we measured the respiration rate of leaves, branches, and culms. We found that the scaling exponent of whole-shoot respiration of bamboo fitted by a simple power function on a log–log scale was 0.843 (95 % CI 0.797–0.885), which was consistent with that of trees, 0.826 (95 % CI 0.799–0.851), but higher than 3/4, the value typifying the Kleiber’s rule. The respiration rates of leaves, branches, and culms at the whole-shoot level were proportional to their mass, revealing a constant mean mass-specific respiration of 1.19, 0.224, and 0.0978 µmol CO2 kg− 1 s− 1, respectively. These constant values suggest common traits of organs among physiologically integrated ramets within a genet. Additionally, the larger the shoots, the smaller the allocation of organ mass to the metabolically active leaves, and the larger the allocation to the metabolically inactive culms. Therefore, these shifts in shoot-mass partitioning to leaves and culms caused a negative metabolic scaling of Moso bamboo shoots. The observed convergent metabolic scaling of Moso bamboo and trees may facilitate comparisons of the ecosystem carbon budgets of Moso bamboo and tree forests.
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