Journal of Personality



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Social Psychology

Phân tích ảnh hưởng

Thông tin về tạp chí


Journal of Personality publishes scientific investigations in the field of personality. It focuses particularly on personality and behavior dynamics, personality development, and individual differences in the cognitive, affective, and interpersonal domains. The journal reflects and stimulates interest in the growth of new theoretical and methodological approaches in personality psychology.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Recurrent Personality Dimensions in Inclusive Lexical Studies: Indications for a Big Six Structure
Tập 77 Số 5 - Trang 1577-1614 - 2009
Gerard Saucier
ABSTRACT Previous evidence for both the Big Five and the alternative six‐factor model has been drawn from lexical studies with relatively narrow selections of attributes. This study examined factors from previous lexical studies using a wider selection of attributes in 7 languages (Chinese, English, Filipino, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, and Turkish) and found 6 recurrent factors, each with common conceptual content across most of the studies. The previous narrow‐selection‐based six‐factor model outperformed the Big Five in capturing the content of the 6 recurrent wideband factors. Adjective markers of the 6 recurrent wideband factors showed substantial incremental prediction of important criterion variables over and above the Big Five. Correspondence between wideband 6 and narrowband 6 factors indicate they are variants of a “Big Six” model that is more general across variable‐selection procedures and may be more general across languages and populations.
The behavioral consequences of shyness<sup>1</sup>
Tập 45 Số 4 - Trang 596-611 - 1977
Paul A. Pilkonis
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care as a Preventive Intervention to Promote Resiliency Among Youth in the Child Welfare System
Tập 77 Số 6 - Trang 1869-1902 - 2009
Leslie D. Leve, Philip A. Fisher, Patricia Chamberlain
ABSTRACT Demographic trends indicate that a growing segment of families is exposed to adversity such as poverty, drug use problems, caregiver transitions, and domestic violence. Although these risk processes and the accompanying poor outcomes for children have been well studied, little is known about why some children develop resilience in the face of such adversity, particularly when it is severe enough to invoke child welfare involvement. This paper describes a program of research involving families in the child welfare system. Using a resiliency framework, evidence from 4 randomized clinical trials that included components of the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care program is presented. Future directions and next steps are proposed.
High Self‐Control Predicts Good Adjustment, Less Pathology, Better Grades, and Interpersonal Success
Tập 72 Số 2 - Trang 271-324 - 2004
June P. Tangney, Roy F. Baumeister, Angie Luzio Boone
AbstractWhat good is self‐control? We incorporated a new measure of individual differences in self‐control into two large investigations of a broad spectrum of behaviors. The new scale showed good internal consistency and retest reliability. Higher scores on self‐control correlated with a higher grade point average, better adjustment (fewer reports of psychopathology, higher self‐esteem), less binge eating and alcohol abuse, better relationships and interpersonal skills, secure attachment, and more optimal emotional responses. Tests for curvilinearity failed to indicate any drawbacks of so‐called overcontrol, and the positive effects remained after controlling for social desirability. Low self‐control is thus a significant risk factor for a broad range of personal and interpersonal problems.
Virtue, Personality, and Social Relations: Self‐Control as the Moral Muscle
Tập 67 Số 6 - Trang 1165-1194 - 1999
Roy F. Baumeister, Julie J. Exline
Morality is a set of rules that enable people to live together in harmony, and virtue involves internalizing those rules. Insofar as virtue depends on overcoming selfish or antisocial impulses for the sake of what is best for the group or collective, self‐control can be said to be the master virtue. We analyze vice, sin, and virtue from the perspective of self‐control theory. Recent research findings indicate that self‐control involves expenditure of some limited resource and suggest the analogy of a moral muscle as an appropriate way to conceptualize virtue in personality. Guilt fosters virtuous self‐control by elevating interpersonal obligations over personal, selfish interests. Several features of modern Western society make virtue and self‐control especially difficult to achieve.
A Framework for Profile Similarity: Integrating Similarity, Normativeness, and Distinctiveness
Tập 76 Số 5 - Trang 1267-1316 - 2008
R. Michael Furr
ABSTRACT Many questions in personality psychology lend themselves to the analysis of profile similarity. A profile approach to issues such as personality judgment, personality similarity, behavioral consistency, developmental stability, and person‐environment fit is intuitively appealing. However, it entails conceptual and statistical challenges arising from the overlap among profile similarity and normativeness, which presents potential confounds and potential opportunities. This article describes the normativeness problem, articulating the need to evaluate profile similarity alongside normativeness and distinctiveness. It presents conceptual and psychometric foundations of a framework differentiating these elements for pairs of profiles. It derives two models from this framework, and it discusses the application of their components to a variety of research domains. Finally, it presents recommendations and implications regarding the use of these components and profile similarity more generally. This approach can reveal and manage potential confounds, and it can provide theoretical insights that might otherwise be overlooked.
Interpersonal Orientation and the Accuracy of Personality Judgments
Tập 71 Số 2 - Trang 267-295 - 2003
Dawne Vogt, C. Randall Colvin
AbstractAre those who are more invested in developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships able to provide more accurate judgments of others' personality characteristics? Previous research has produced mixed findings. In the present study, a conceptual framework was presented and methods were used that overcome many of the problems encountered in past research on judgmental accuracy. On four occasions, 102 judges watched a 12‐min videotaped dyadic interaction and described the personality of a designated target person. Judges' personality characteristics were described by self, parents, and friends. Results revealed that psychological communion was positively associated with judges' accuracy in rating targets' personality characteristics. In addition, whereas women were more communal and provided more accurate judgments than men, the relationship between communion and accuracy held after controlling for the effect of gender. Finally, preliminary findings suggested that interpersonally oriented individuals may sometimes draw on information about themselves and about stereotypical others to facilitate accurate judgments of others.
Cardiac vagal flexibility and accurate personality impressions: Examining a physiological correlate of the good judge
Tập 86 Số 6 - Trang 1065-1077 - 2018
Lauren J. Human, Wendy Berry Mendes
AbstractObjectiveResearch has long sought to identify which individuals are best at accurately perceiving others' personalities or are good judges, yet consistent predictors of this ability have been difficult to find. In the current studies, we revisit this question by examining a novel physiological correlate of social sensitivity, cardiac vagal flexibility, which reflects dynamic modulation of cardiac vagal control.MethodWe examined whether greater cardiac vagal flexibility was associated with forming more accurate personality impressions, defined as viewing targets more in line with their distinctive self‐reported profile of traits, in two studies, including a thin‐slice video perceptions study (N = 109) and a dyadic interaction study (N = 175).ResultsAcross studies, we found that individuals higher in vagal flexibility formed significantly more accurate first impressions of others' more observable personality traits (e.g., extraversion, creativity, warmth). These associations held while including a range of relevant covariates, including cardiac vagal tone, sympathetic activation, and gender.ConclusionIn sum, social sensitivity as indexed by cardiac vagal flexibility is linked to forming more accurate impressions of others' observable traits, shedding light on a characteristic that may help to identify the elusive good judge and providing insight into its neurobiological underpinnings.
Accuracy of Judging Affect and Accuracy of Judging Personality: How and When Are They Related?
Tập 85 Số 5 - Trang 583-592 - 2017
Judith A. Hall, Sarah D. Gunnery, Tera D. Letzring, Dana R. Carney, C. Randall Colvin
AbstractObjectivesThe present research is concerned with the relation between accuracy in judging targets' affective states and accuracy in judging the same targets' personality traits. In two studies, we test the link between these two types of accuracy with the prediction that accuracy of judging traits and of judging states will be associated when fundamental affective qualities are shared.MethodIn Study 1, affective states and personality traits of 29 targets were rated by 124 judges whose individual accuracy was scored as the correlation between their ratings and target criterion scores (across targets). In Study 2, a comparable analysis was done using 30 different targets and 330 different judges.ResultsAccuracy in judging distressed affect was significantly positively correlated with accuracy in judging Neuroticism in both studies, as well as in a meta‐analysis across the two studies. Accuracy in judging positive affect was significantly positively correlated with accuracy in judging Extraversion in one of the two studies, with the meta‐analysis across the two studies being significant.ConclusionsThese findings provide preliminary evidence for a new model (State and Trait Accuracy Model) that outlines when concordance in accuracy across traits and states should be expected.
On the Relationship Between Interoceptive Awareness and Alexithymia: Is Interoceptive Awareness Related to Emotional Awareness?
Tập 79 Số 5 - Trang 1149-1175 - 2011
Beate M. Herbert, Cornelia Herbert, Olga Pollatos