Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Japan , SPRINGER

Lĩnh vực:
Waste Management and DisposalMechanics of Materials

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Effect of polyethylene addition to coal on hydrogasification enhancement
Tập 16 - Trang 151-155 - 2013
Hajime Yasuda, Osamu Yamada, Mamoru Kaiho, Hideki Nakagome
Hydrogasification of a coal/polyethylene mixture was carried out using a low concentration of polyethylene in the samples with the aim of industrial application. Coal/polyethylene mixtures in the ratio of 90:10 and 75:25 were used in this study. A hydrogasification experiment was conducted using a unique batch reactor at 1073 K under a 7.1 MPa hydrogen atmosphere. The reaction time varied from 1 to 80 s. The results revealed a methane yield from the mixtures that was noticeably greater than the values calculated from experimental results obtained from coal and polyethylene respectively, assuming no mutual influences. A significant synergistic effect was observed even when the polyethylene content was as low as 10 %. It is suggested that there might be an advantage in hydrogasification processes if waste plastics are mixed with coal, such content being practically assumed.
Methane recovery from acidic tofu wastewater using an anaerobic fixed-bed reactor with bamboo as the biofilm carrier
Tập 23 - Trang 537-547 - 2021
Dewi Nilawati, Norihisa Matsuura, Ryo Honda, Hiroe Hara-Yamamura, Neni Sintawardani, Ryoko Yamamoto-Ikemoto
Wastewater generated during acid coagulation in tofu processing has high organic concentrations and low pH. Several small industries in Indonesia discharge such wastewater without treatment, necessitating economical treatment to control water pollution. In this study, the feasibility of methane production from the treatment of acidic tofu processing wastewater was investigated. For this, anaerobic treatment of tofu processing wastewater using a fixed-bed reactor employing cut bamboo as the carrier was examined and compared to an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor. Without neutralization, the fixed-bed reactor outperformed the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor at a chemical oxygen demand load of 4.3 kg chemical oxygen demand/m3 day. The highest total organic carbon removal efficiency and methane gas yield were 95% and 0.98 L/g total organic carbon removed, respectively. The two most abundant bacteria were the genus Paludibacter and the unclassified Bacteriodetes; both from the family Porphyromonadaceae. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens from the genera Methanoculleus and Methanobacterium were the dominant archaea, indicating that hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was a major methane formation pathway.
A review of waste paper recycling networks focusing on quantitative methods and sustainability
Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 55-76 - 2021
Cristiane Maria Defalque, Fernando Augusto Silva Marins, Aneirson Francisco da Silva, Elen Yanina Aguirre Rodríguez
Catalyst durability in steam reforming of thermally decomposed waste wood
Tập 12 - Trang 10-16 - 2010
Jun Kobayashi, Katsuya Kawamoto
Thermal gasification and reforming technologies applicable over a wide temperature range were investigated for high efficiency and for the calorific value of the gas evolved from organic waste such as woody debris. The durability of the reforming catalyst and the availability of catalyst regeneration were investigated using laboratory-scale catalytic reformers and a gasifier. Commercial Ni-based catalyst and calcined limestone (CaO) were applied to the reforming reaction. The results of woody waste gasification and reforming revealed the hydrogen concentration produced to be sustained at a high catalyst temperature of 1123 K, which prevented the catalyst from deactivating. The results also indicated that catalyst regeneration by air oxidation at the same temperature would be effective for enhancing catalytic activity.
Effects of fly ash addition on physical properties of porous clay-fly ash composites via polymeric replica technique
Tập 19 - Trang 794-803 - 2016
W. H. Chan, M. N. Mazlee, Zainal Arifin Ahmad, M. A. M. Ishak, J. B. Shamsul
The porous composites of clay and fly ash have the potential to be used in many fields, such as catalyst support and gas adsorbents. In this study, various ratios of fly ash (1–2) with different percentage of suspension (50–70 wt%) were applied to produce porous clay-fly ash composites via polymeric replica technique. Fabrication process starts by mixing clay and fly ash in distilled water to form slurry. The process is followed by fully immersing polymer sponge in slurry. The excess slurry is then removed through squeezing. Finally, the sponge coated with slurry is sintered at 500 and 1250 °C for 1 h. It is found that the compressive strength of porous composites improves significantly (0.178–1.28 MPa) when the amount of clay-fly ash suspension mixture (50–70 wt%) increases. The compressive strength of porous composites is mainly attributed to the mullite, quartz and amorphous phase formations. These results are supported by X-ray diffraction analysis. On the other hand, increase in the amount of suspension reduces the apparent density (from 2.44 to 2.32 g/cm3) and porosity (from 97 to 85 %). The reduction in apparent density is believed to be caused by the presence of high fly ash content in porous composites. The melted fly ash cenospheres have closed the internal pores and increased density of samples. Higher suspension level not only reduces porosity, but also increases close pores of the porous composites. The results are justified through the observation from the structures of porous clay-fly ash composites.
Recycling of plastic packaging waste in Bandung City, Indonesia
Tập 16 - Trang 509-518 - 2013
Mochammad Chaerul, Ahmad Reza Fahruroji, Takeshi Fujiwara
Economic growth, changing consumption and production patterns are resulting in rapid increase in the generation of plastic wastes, including plastic packaging waste (PPW). A variety of PPW is identified in the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream. In this paper, quantity and composition of PPW at generators (residential and nonresidential sectors) and at the informal sector of waste recycling were measured, and accordingly the flow of PPW within Bandung City, Indonesia was analyzed. Though the generation rate per capita is not so high (25.1 g per day), total PPW generated by 2.3 million inhabitants in Bandung becomes 58.4 tonnes per day (3.76 % of total MSW generated). Due to lack of integrated MSW management, most of PPW is neither collected properly nor disposed of in appropriate manner by the municipality. Collection of valuable wastes including PPW is done predominantly by the informal sector without regard to health and safety. It is predicted that total PPW recycled by various informal waste recycling players like scavengers, junkmen, intermediates, and dealers is 27.5 tonnes per day (64.6 % of total PPW generated). Interviews regarding the existing handling methods and incentives preferred by generators to increase the recycling rate are also presented.
Current status and research on E-waste issues in Asia
Tập 8 - Trang 1-12 - 2006
Atsushi Terazono, Shinsuke Murakami, Naoya Abe, Bulent Inanc, Yuichi Moriguchi, Shin-ichi Sakai, Michikazu Kojima, Aya Yoshida, Jinhui Li, Jianxin Yang, Ming H. Wong, Amit Jain, In-Suk Kim, Genandrialine L. Peralta, Chun-Chao Lin, Thumrongrut Mungcharoen, Eric Williams
Rapid economic growth in Asia and the increasing transboundary movement of secondary resources will increasingly require both 3R endeavors (reduce, reuse, recycle) in each country and appropriate control of international material cycles. Recently, managing electrical and electronic waste (E-waste) has become an important target for domestic and international material cycles from the viewpoints of environmental preservation and resource utilization efficiency. To understand the current status of E-waste issues in the context of international material cycles and to discuss the future tasks related to achieving 3R in the region, we organized the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) E-waste Workshop in December 2004. This article reviews past studies on E-waste and briefly describes the topics presented and discussions held at the workshop. The topics at the workshop included E-waste generation, recycling systems, international trade, and environmental impacts. In addition, we discussed various issues such as terminology, current environmental concerns, and possible solutions. Transboundary shipments of E-waste should be conducted taking into consideration the concept of sustainable development. The direction of future research and possible collaborations are also discussed.
Recycling potential of powdered cigarette waste in the development of ceramic materials
Tập 22 Số 5 - Trang 1672-1681 - 2020
Geovana D. Girondi, Markssuel Teixeira Marvila, Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo, Charles Cosme de Souza, Djalma Souza, Jorge de Brito, Carlos Maurício Fontes Vieira
Evaluation of the use of marble waste in hydrated lime cement mortar based
Tập 21 Số 5 - Trang 1250-1261 - 2019
Markssuel Teixeira Marvila, Jonas Alexandre, Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo, Euzébio Bernabé Zanelato