Journal of Autoimmune Diseases




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Endothelial cell activation and neovascularization are prominent in dermatomyositis
Tập 3 Số 1 - 2006
Kanneboyina Nagaraju, Lisa G. Rider, Chenguang Fan, Yi Wen Chen, Megan Mitsak, Rashmi Rawat, Kathleen Patterson, Cecilia Grundtman, Frederick W. Miller, Paul H. Plötz, Eric P. Hoffman, Ingrid E. Lundberg
Abstract Background

While vascular and immune abnormalities are common in juvenile and adult dermatomyositis (DM), the molecular changes that contribute to these abnormalities are not clear. Therefore, we investigated pathways that facilitate new blood vessel formation and dendritic cell migration in dermatomyositis.


Muscle biopsies from subjects with DM (9 children and 6 adults) and non-myositis controls (6 children and 7 adults) were investigated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies that recognize existing (anti-CD146) and newly formed blood vessels (anti-αVβ3) and mature dendritic cells (anti-DC-LAMP). Blood vessel quantification was performed by digitalized image analysis. Additional muscle biopsies from subjects with adult DM and non-myositis controls were used for global gene expression profiling experiments.


A significant increase in neovascularization was found in muscle biopsies of DM patients; neovascularization (αVβ3 positive capillaries and vessels per muscle fiber) was much higher in juvenile than in adult DM patients (control vs juvenile DM: Mean ± SE: 0.06 ± 0.01 vs 0.6 ± 0.05; p < 0.0001 and control vs adult DM: Mean ± SE: 0.60 ± 0.1 vs 0.75 ± 0.1; p = 0.051). Gene expression analysis demonstrated that genes that participate not only in angiogenesis but also in leukocyte trafficking and the complement cascade were highly up regulated in DM muscle in comparison to age matched controls. DC-LAMP positive dendritic cells were highly enriched at perivascular inflammatory sites in juvenile and adult DM patients along with molecules that facilitate dendritic cell transmigration and reverse transmigration (CD142 and CD31).


These results suggest active neovascularization and endothelial cell activation in both juvenile and adult DM. It is likely that close association of monocytes with endothelial cells initiate rapid dendritic cell maturation and an autoimmune response in DM.

Islet cell autoantibodies in African patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in Dar es Salaam Tanzania: a cross sectional study
- 2007
Janet Lutale, Hrafnkell Thordarson, Pål Ivar Holm, Geir Egil Eide, K Vetvik
Cerebrovascular disease associated with antiphospholipid antibodies: more questions than answers
Tập 3 - Trang 1-7 - 2006
Carolyn Hawkins, Paul Gatenby, Roger Tuck, Gytis Danta, Colin Andrews
Neurological syndromes occur in a significant number of patients with antiphospholipid antibodies. The optimal management for these patients however remains uncertain. Our study is a descriptive analysis looking retrospectively at 45 patients who presented to the principal tertiary referral centre in the Australian Capital Territory, with either cerebral arterial or venous thrombosis for which there was no obvious cause for their presentation when initially reviewed. The diagnosis was based on the clinical findings made by one of three neurologists attached to our centre. Radiological findings and the presence of either IgM or IgG anticardiolipin antibodies, IgG anti-beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies or a lupus anticoagulant were then documented. In this group of patients three subgroups were identified: 1. Individuals that fulfilled the Sapporo Classification Criteria 2. Individuals with transiently positive antiphospholipid antibodies and 3. Individuals with persistently low positive antiphospholipid antibodies. The most interesting of these three groups are those individuals with transiently positive antiphospholipid antibodies. A potential cause for presentation was identified in only one patient of this group with documented infective endocarditis and bacteraemia. Comparison with the other two groups suggested that there was little in terms of clinical presentation, radiological findings or intercurrent risk factors for thrombotic disease to distinguish between them. With disappearance of antiphospholipid antibodies, the individuals within this group have not had further thrombotic events. Our observations emphasise the problems that continue to exist in relation to the occurrence of cerebrovascular disease in the context of antiphospholipid antibodies and the optimal management of these stratified groups. Our findings also raise an as yet unanswered question as to the signficance of these transiently positive antiphospholipid antibodies. In the absence of significant intercurrent risk factors our findings would suggest that in the group we describe that they are likely to be of clinical significance.
Are classification criteria for vasculitis useful in clinical practice? Observations and lessons from Colombia
Tập 6 - Trang 1-10 - 2009
Paúl Alejandro Méndez Patarroyo, José Félix Restrepo, Samanda Adriana Rojas, Federico Rondón, Eric L Matteson, Antonio Iglesias-Gamarra
Idiopathic systemic vasculitis represents a group of clinical entities having non-specific etiology with the common characteristic of acute or chronic inflammatory compromise of the small and large vessels walls, associated with fibrinoid necrosis. To describe the most common inflammatory vascular diseases in a long historical cohort of patients from San Juan de Dios Hospital located in Bogota, Colombia using two different systems and a clinical histopathological correlation format, and to make a comparison between them. We reviewed all previously ascertained cases of vasculitis confirmed by biopsy processed between 1953 and 1990, and systematically collected data on all new cases of vasculitis from 1991 to 1997 at the Hospital San Juan de Dios (Bogota – Colombia). The cases were classified in accordance with the Chapel Hill Consensus criteria, and the system proposed by J.T. Lie. Of 165,556 biopsy tissue specimens obtained during this period from our hospital, 0.18% had vasculitis, perivasculitis or vasculopathy. These included 304 histopathological biopsies from 292 patients. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis (64 histological specimens) was the most frequently encountered type of "primary" vasculitis followed by thromboangiitis obliterans (38 specimens), and polyarteritis nodosa (24 specimens). Vasculitis associated with connective tissue diseases (33 specimens) and infection (20 specimens) were the main forms of secondary vasculitis, a category that was omitted from the Chapel Hill consensus report. We found that 65.8% of our histopathological diagnoses could not be classified according to the Chapel Hill classification, and 35.2% could not be classified according to the classification of Lie. Only 8.9% of cases remained unclassified by our system after clinical and histological correlation. Current vasculitis classification schemes are designed for classification, rather that diagnosis of disease and do not adequately address some common forms of inflammatory vascular diseases, including those of infectious etiology and unusual etiology seen in clinical practice. Based on our clinical experience, we suggest a classification outline which practitioners can use which emphasizes correlation of the clinical picture to the histopathology findings for diagnosis and therapy, which may promote better clinical practice and standardization for clinical trials.
Virus-mediated autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis
Tập 3 - Trang 1-8 - 2006
Nikolaos Grigoriadis, Georgios M Hadjigeorgiou
Epidemiological data suggest the notion that in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an acquired autoimmune disease and the cause may be an environmental factor(s), probably infectious, in genetically susceptible individuals. Several cases of viral induced demyelinatimg encephalomyelitis in human beings and in experimental models as well as the presence of IgG oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid indicate that the infectious factor may be viral. However, the absence of a specific virus identification in MS central nervous system may hardly support this notion. On the other hand, the partial response of patients with MS to immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy support the evidence of an autoimmune etiology for MS. However, the autoimmune hypothesis shares the same criticism with the infectious one in that no autoantigen(s) specific to and causative for MS has ever been identified. Nevertheless, the absence of identifiable infectious agent, especially viral does not rule out its presence at a certain time – point and the concomitant long term triggering of an autoimmune cascade of events thereafter. Several concepts have emerged in an attempt to explain the autoimmune mechanisms and ongoing neurodegeneration in MS on the basis of the infectious – viral hypothesis.
Antibodies to soluble liver antigen and α-enolase in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
Tập 1 - Trang 1-6 - 2004
Dimitrios-Petrou Bogdanos, Daniele Gilbert, Ilaria Bianchi, Simona Leoni, Ragai R Mitry, Yun Ma, Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, Diego Vergani
Antibodies to a cytosolic soluble liver antigen (SLA) are specifically detected in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). The target of anti-SLA has been identified as a ~50 kDa UGA serine tRNA-associated protein complex (tRNP(Ser)Sec), through the screening of cDNA libraries. A recent report questioned the identity of tRNP(Ser)Sec as the real SLA antigen. The latter study identified α-enolase as a major anti-SLA target, through proteomic analysis. In an attempt to explain the observed discrepancy we have investigated reactivity of SLA positive sera against α-enolase and tRNP(Ser)Sec using rat and primate liver homogenate and the recombinant antigens. Thirty-three serum samples, 11 from SLA-positive patients and 22 from SLA negative controls were investigated. SLA antibodies were detected by an inhibition ELISA and confirmed by immunoblot using human liver homogenate. Autoantibody reactivity was further evaluated using preparations of primate and rat liver homogenates. Anti-α-enolase antibody reactivity has been tested by immunoblot using recombinant α-enolase. An affinity purified goat polyclonal anti-α-enolase IgG antibody was used as reference serum sample. Anti-tRNP(Ser)Sec antibody reactivity was detected by ELISA or dot blot using recombinant tRNP(Ser)Sec antigen. The affinity purified IgG antibody directed to human α-enolase gave a band of approximately 48 kDa in both human and rat liver homogenates. A high titre anti-tRNP(Ser)Sec antibody serum gave a single band of ~50 kDa in both liver preparations. All but one anti-SLA antibody positive sera reacted with a ~50 kDa but none immunofixed a 48 kDa band. All anti-SLA antibody positive sera reacted strongly with the recombinant full length tRNP(Ser)Sec protein. None of the anti-SLA negative sera reacted with tRNP(Ser)Sec. Anti-SLA positive, and anti-SLA negative sera reacted equally against recombinant α-enolase by immunoblot. Pre-incubation of anti-SLA positive sera with tRNP(Ser)Sec completely abolished the 50 kDa band. The findings of the present study indicate that α-enolase and tRNP(Ser)Sec are both expressed in primate and rat liver and have a respective MW of 48 and 50 kDa. They also show that anti-tRNP(Ser)Sec – but not anti-α-enolase – correlates with anti-SLA antibody reactivity. Our findings indicate that tRNP(Ser)Sec is the most likely target of anti-SLA.
Transfer of efficient anti-melanocyte T cells from vitiligo donors to melanoma patients as a novel immunotherapeutical strategy
Tập 2 - Trang 1-5 - 2005
Belinda Palermo, Silvia Garbelli, Stefania Mantovani, Claudia Giachino
Vitiligo is a relatively common progressive depigmentary condition that is believed to be due to the autoimmune-mediated loss of epidermal melanocytes. High frequencies of self-reactive T lymphocytes directed toward melanocyte differentiation antigens are found in vitiligo patients and might be directly responsible for the pathogenesis of the disease. An interesting aspect of vitiligo is its relation to melanoma: cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed to self antigens shared by normal melanocytes and melanoma cells are found in both conditions, but the resulting immune reactions are completely different. From this standpoint, the selective destruction of pigment cells that occurs in cases of vitiligo is the therapeutic goal sought in melanoma research. Our working hypothesis is that vitiligo patients might represent a unique source of therapeutic cells to be used in allo-transfer for HLA-matched melanoma patients. The adoptive transfer of ex-vivo generated autologous tumor-specific T cells is a therapy that has met with only limited success, essentially because of inability to isolate therapeutically valuable T cells from the majority of tumor patients. Ideally, model systems where strong and efficient responses against the same (tumor) antigens are achieved would represent a better source of therapeutic cells. We believe it is possible to identify one such model in the melanoma-vitiligo dichotomy: T lymphocytes specific for different melanocyte differentiation antigens are found in vitiligo and represent the effective anti-melanocyte reactivity that is often ineffective in melanoma. Melanocyte-specific T cell clones can be isolated from the peripheral blood of vitiligo patients and tested for their capacity to efficiently expand in vitro without loosing their cytotoxic activity and to migrate to the skin. Cytotoxicity against melanoma patients' non-tumor cells can also be tested. In addition, it would be interesting to attempt an in vivo animal model. If the results obtained from these validation steps will be satisfactory, it might be possible to plan the clinical grade preparation of relevant clones for transfer. When translated into a clinical trial, the possibility of in vitro selecting few effective tumor-specific T cell clones for infusion, inherent with this approach, could enhance the therapeutic graft-versus-tumor effect while possibly decreasing the risk of graft-versus-host disease.
Association of Epstein-Barr virus antibody titers with a human IL-10 promoter polymorphism in Japanese women
Tập 5 - Trang 1-5 - 2008
Yutaka Yasui, Nobuyuki Hamajima, Tsuneya Nakamura, Noha Sharaf El-Din, Kazuo Tajima, John D Potter
Multiple sclerosis (MS) risk, over 10-fold higher in Western than in Asian countries, is associated with elevated IgG antibody titers against Epstein-Barr viral capcid antigen (anti-EBVCA IgG titers). Given the 84% homology of the open reading frame BCRF1 of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) to human interleukin 10 (hIL-10) and the remarkable Caucasian-vs.-Asian population differences in hIL-10 gene promoter polymorphisms, this strong association of MS risk with anti-EB-VCA IgG titers may be explained by the genetic variations in the hIL-10 gene. We evaluated anti-EB-VCA IgG titers in association with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter of hIL-10 at position -819 (hIL-10 T-819C) in a cross-sectional survey of 241 Japanese. Anti-EB-VCA IgG titer and its elevation (≥ 1:160) were evaluated, stratified by sex and hIL-10 T-819C genotype. The cytosine-allele frequencies at hIL-10 T-819C were 32.9% in women and 30.9% in men. These are consistent with the published reports of Japanese and Chinese, but substantially lower than those of Caucasians (> 70%). In women, the proportion with elevated anti-EB-VCA IgG titers (≥ 1:160) increased appreciably from 53.7% in the T/T genotype group to 66.7% in the T/C group and to 83.3% in the C/C group (P-trend = 0.037). The titers did not differ by the hIL-10 T-819C genotype in men. Anti-EB-VCA IgG titers may increase with the number of cytosine alleles at hIL-10 T-819C in women. This observed gender specific association in Japanese warrants further investigation, especially in Western populations with high MS risk.
Lack of correlation between the levels of soluble cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) and the CT-60 genotypes
Tập 2 - Trang 1-6 - 2005
Sharad Purohit, Robert Podolsky, Christin Collins, Weipeng Zheng, Desmond Schatz, Andy Muir, Diane Hopkins, Yi-Hua Huang, Jin-Xiong She
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) plays a critical role in downregulation of antigen-activated immune response and polymorphisms at the CTLA-4 gene have been shown to be associated with several autoimmune diseases including type-1 diabetes (T1D). The etiological mutation was mapped to the CT60-A/G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that is believed to control the processing and production of soluble CTLA-4 (sCTLA-4). We therefore determined sCTLA-4 protein levels in the sera from 82 T1D patients and 19 autoantibody positive (AbP) subjects and 117 autoantibody negative (AbN) controls using ELISA. The CT-60 SNP was genotyped for these samples by using PCR and restriction enzyme digestion of a 268 bp DNA segment containing the SNP. Genotyping of CT-60 SNP was confirmed by dye terminating sequencing reaction. Higher levels of sCTLA-4 were observed in T1D (2.24 ng/ml) and AbP (mean = 2.17 ng/ml) subjects compared to AbN controls (mean = 1.69 ng/ml) with the differences between these subjects becoming significant with age (p = 0.02). However, we found no correlation between sCTLA-4 levels and the CTLA-4 CT-60 SNP genotypes. Consistent with the higher serum sCTLA-4 levels observed in other autoimmune diseases, our results suggest that sCTLA-4 may be a risk factor for T1D. However, our results do not support the conclusion that the CT-60 SNP controls the expression of sCTLA-4.
Why do we need a new journal in autoimmunity?
Tập 1 - Trang 1-3 - 2004
David D'Cruz, Vitaly Ablamunits
A new online Journal of Autoimmune Diseases is created as an independent open access journal. In addition to the obvious advantages of the open access, the Journal will practice a double-blind reviewing of the manuscripts, which means that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. We believe that such a policy will reduce the influence of personal and other non-scientific factors on the reviewer's decision making.