Journal d'Analyse Mathematique

Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu

Sắp xếp:  
Convergence and degeneracy of quasiconformal maps of Riemannian manifolds
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 69 - Trang 1-24 - 1996
Jacqueline Ferrand
Conformal conservation law, time decay and scattering for nonlinear wave equations
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 91 - Trang 269-295 - 2003
Kunio Hidano
We study the implications of the conformal conservation law for the time decay of solutions of nonlinear wave equations and present some improvements over previous work of Ginibre and Velo. We also consider the theory of nonlinear scattering and prove asymptotic completeness in a weighted Sobolev space.
The parabolic logistic equation with blow-up initial and boundary values
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 118 - Trang 297-316 - 2012
Yihong Du, Rui Peng, Peter Pol áçik
In this article, we investigate the parabolic logistic equation with blow-up initial and boundary values $${u_t} - \Delta u = a(x,t)u - b(x,t){u^p}in\Omega \times (0,T),$$ $$u = \infty on\partial \Omega \times (0,T) \cup \overline \Omega \times \{ 0\} ,$$ where Ω is a smooth bounded domain, T > 0 and p > 1 are constants, and a and b are continuous functions, b > 0 in Ω × [0, T) and b(x, T) ≡ 0. We study the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions and their asymptotic behavior near the parabolic boundary. We show that under the extra condition that $$b(x,t) \ge c{(T - t)^\theta }d{(x,\partial \Omega )^\beta } on \Omega \times \left[ {0,T} \right)$$ for some constants c > 0, θ > 0, and β > −2, such a solution stays bounded in any compact subset of Ω as t increases to T, and hence solves the equation up to t = T.
Local large deviations for periodic infinite horizon Lorentz gases
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - - Trang 1-34 - 2023
Ian Melbourne, Françoise Pène, Dalia Terhesiu
We prove optimal local large deviations for the periodic infinite horizon Lorentz gas viewed as a ℤd-cover (d = 1,2) of a dispersing billiard. In addition to this specific example, we prove a general result for a class of nonuni-formly hyperbolic dynamical systems and observables associated with central limit theorems with nonstandard normalisation.
Further generalizations of the Grunsky inequalities
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 23 - Trang 353-380 - 1970
R. N. Pederson, M. Schiffer
An example of a measure preserving map with minimal self-joinings, and applications
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 35 - Trang 97-122 - 1979
Daniel J. Rudolph
On absolutely continuous invariant measures and Krieger-type of Markov subshifts
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - - 2022
Nachi Avraham-Re’em
Conical square function estimates in UMD Banach spaces and applications to H ∞-functional calculi
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 106 Số 1 - Trang 317-351 - 2008
Tuomas Hytönen, Jan van Neerven, Pierre Portal
Extrema for gap power series of positive real part
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 14 - Trang 379-391 - 1965
I. J. Schoenberg
Dimensional lower bounds for Falconer type incidence theorems
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique - Tập 139 Số 1 - Trang 143-154 - 2019
Jonathan DeWitt, Kevin Ford, Eli Goldstein, Steven J. Miller, Gwyneth Moreland, Eyvindur A. Palsson, Steven Senger
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