JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

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Relaxometric characterization of human hemalbumin
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 6 - Trang 650-658 - 2001
Mauro Fasano, Simona Baroni, Alessandro Vannini, Paolo Ascenzi, Silvio Aime
Hemalbumin [i.e., Fe(III)-protoporphyrin IX-human serum albumin; Fe(III)heme-HSA] is an important intermediate in the recovery of heme iron following hemolysis. Relaxometric data are consistent with the occurrence of a hexacoordinated high-spin Fe(III) center with no water in the inner coordination sphere. The relatively high relaxation enhancement observed for an aqueous solution of Fe(III)heme-HSA (r 1p=4.8 mM–1 s–1 at 20 MHz, pH 7, and 25 °C) is ascribed to the occurrence of a strong contribution from water molecules in the second coordination sphere. Structural analysis of the putative binding region has been performed by a Monte Carlo simulated annealing procedure, which allowed us to identify His105 and Tyr148 as axial ligands. The role of a tyrosinate as the sixth Fe(III)heme ligand is supported by the pH-dependent analysis. Interestingly, when Fe(III) is replaced by Mn(III), the occurrence of a fast exchanging water molecule at pH values close to neutrality is detected. As the pH is increased, the Mn(III) containing system behaves analogously to Fe(III)heme-HSA. At higher pH, the phenolate ligand is eventually displaced by OH– from both Fe(III) and Mn(III) centers. Support for the proposed bonding scheme has been gained also from competitive binding assays for the sixth coordination site by fluoride, azide, and imidazole ligands.
Native mass spectrometry of human carbonic anhydrase I and its inhibitor complexes
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - - 2020
Carlotta Zoppi, Alessio Nocentini, Alessandro Pratesi, Luigi Messori

Native mass spectrometry is a potent technique to study and characterize biomacromolecules in their native state. Here, we have applied this method to explore the solution chemistry of human carbonic anhydrase I (hCA I) and its interactions with four different inhibitors, namely three sulfonamide inhibitors (AAZ, MZA, SLC-0111) and the dithiocarbamate derivative of morpholine (DTC). Through high-resolution ESI-Q-TOF measurements, the native state of hCA I and the binding of the above inhibitors were characterized in the molecular detail. Native mass spectrometry was also exploited to assess the direct competition in solution among the various inhibitors in relation to their affinity constants. Additional studies were conducted on the interaction of hCA I with the metallodrug auranofin, under various solution and instrumental conditions. Auranofin is a selective reagent for solvent-accessible free cysteine residues, and its reactivity was analyzed also in the presence of CA inhibitors. Overall, our investigation reveals that native mass spectrometry represents an excellent tool to characterize the solution behavior of carbonic anhydrase.

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Structure and metal binding properties of ZnuA, a periplasmic zinc transporter from Escherichia coli
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 13 - Trang 271-288 - 2007
Liliya A. Yatsunyk, J. Allen Easton, Lydia R. Kim, Stacy A. Sugarbaker, Brian Bennett, Robert M. Breece, Ivan I. Vorontsov, David L. Tierney, Michael W. Crowder, Amy C. Rosenzweig
ZnuA is the periplasmic Zn2+-binding protein associated with the high-affinity ATP-binding cassette ZnuABC transporter from Escherichia coli. Although several structures of ZnuA and its homologs have been determined, details regarding metal ion stoichiometry, affinity, and specificity as well as the mechanism of metal uptake and transfer remain unclear. The crystal structures of E. coli ZnuA (Eco-ZnuA) in the apo, Zn2+-bound, and Co2+-bound forms have been determined. ZnZnuA binds at least two metal ions. The first, observed previously in other structures, is coordinated tetrahedrally by Glu59, His60, His143, and His207. Replacement of Zn2+ with Co2+ results in almost identical coordination geometry at this site. The second metal binding site involves His224 and several yet to be identified residues from the His-rich loop that is unique to Zn2+ periplasmic metal binding receptors. Electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray absorption spectroscopic data on CoZnuA provide additional insight into possible residues involved in this second site. The second site is also detected by metal analysis and circular dichroism (CD) titrations. Eco-ZnuA binds Zn2+ (estimated K d < 20 nM), Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Cu+, and Cd2+, but not Mn2+. Finally, conformational changes upon metal binding observed in the crystal structures together with fluorescence and CD data indicate that only Zn2+ substantially stabilizes ZnuA and might facilitate recognition of ZnuB and subsequent metal transfer.
Sự tương tác của phức hợp quercetin đồng(II) với DNA: cơ chế tiềm năng của các đặc tính chống ung thư của nó Dịch bởi AI
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 14 - Trang 727-739 - 2009
Jun Tan, Bochu Wang, Liancai Zhu
Sự tương tác của phức hợp quercetin đồng(II) với DNA đã được nghiên cứu bằng cách sử dụng quang phổ UV–vis, đo huỳnh quang, đo độ nhớt, điện di gel agarose và xét nghiệm các chất phản ứng với axit thiobarbituric. Kết quả cho thấy phức hợp quercetin đồng(II) có khả năng thúc đẩy sự cắt đứt DNA plasmid, tạo ra các đứt gãy DNA đơn và kép, và xen kẽ vào các cặp base xếp chồng của DNA. Hơn nữa, phức hợp này có thể gây ra tổn thương DNA oxy hóa liên quan đến sự phát sinh các loài oxy phản ứng như H2O2 và Cu(I)OOH. Ngoài ra, các thí nghiệm độc tính tế bào thực hiện với tế bào A549 xác nhận hoạt tính gây apoptosis của nó. Chúng tôi cũng chứng minh rằng mức độ biểu hiện protein survivin trong tế bào A549 giảm, và hoạt tính tương đối của caspase-3 tăng đáng kể sau khi điều trị với phức hợp này. Do đó, kết quả của chúng tôi gợi ý rằng cơ chế chống ung thư của phức hợp quercetin đồng(II) không chỉ liên quan đến việc gây tổn thương DNA oxy hóa với sự phát sinh các loài oxy phản ứng mà còn ở sự tương tác đặc hiệu của nó với DNA.
#quercetin #đồng(II) #DNA #tổn thương DNA oxy hóa #hoạt tính chống ung thư #tế bào A549 #apoptosis
A new urolith in four cats and a dog: composition and crystal structure
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 7 - Trang 437-444 - 2001
Adrian Frank, Rolf Norrestam, Arne Sjödin
A previously unreported urolith is presented. The concrement was found in the bladder of four Persian cats and one collie dog. It contained potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, all determined by chemical analysis. The infrared spectrum of the X-ray-dense urolith displayed absorption bands in the phosphate region. A single absorption maximum at 930 cm–1 indicated the presence of inorganic pyrophosphate. A single crystal structure determination of the urolith has been performed. The results obtained are consistent with the formula [K1.0Mg1.5]4+[P2O7]4–.(H2O)5, which corresponds to 11.5% K, 10.7% Mg and 18.2% P. The structure contains negatively charged slabs of composition MgP2O7·(H2O)2 2– alternating with positively charged, hydrated Mg2+ and K+ ions. The observed P2O7 is that of a distorted eclipsed syn conformation, which is the most common geometry in the solid state according to a statistical analysis of known structural data. A simple numerical descriptor has been derived, classifying observed X 2O7 conformations. It is suggested that some genetic enzymatic dysfunction of pyrophosphate-hydrolysing alkaline phosphatase might cause the formation of this unusual urolith.
Fe–S cluster assembly in the supergroup Excavata
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 23 - Trang 521-541 - 2018
Priscila Peña-Diaz, Julius Lukeš
The majority of established model organisms belong to the supergroup Opisthokonta, which includes yeasts and animals. While enlightening, this focus has neglected protists,  organisms that represent the bulk of eukaryotic diversity and are often regarded as primitive eukaryotes. One of these is the “supergroup” Excavata, which comprises unicellular flagellates of diverse lifestyles and contains species of medical importance, such as Trichomonas, Giardia, Naegleria, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Excavata exhibits a continuum in mitochondrial forms, ranging from classical aerobic, cristae-bearing mitochondria to mitochondria-related organelles, such as hydrogenosomes and mitosomes, to the extreme case of a complete absence of the organelle. All forms of mitochondria house a machinery for the assembly of Fe–S clusters, ancient cofactors required in various biochemical activities needed to sustain every extant cell. In this review, we survey what is known about the Fe–S cluster assembly in the supergroup Excavata. We aim to bring attention to the diversity found in this group, reflected in gene losses and gains that have shaped the Fe–S cluster biogenesis pathways.
Platination of telomeric DNA by cisplatin disrupts recognition by TRF2 and TRF1
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - - 2010
Isabelle Ourliac-Garnier, Anaïs Poulet, Razan Charif, Simon Amiard, Frédérique Magdinier, Keyvan Rezaï, Eric Gilson, Marie-Josèphe Giraud-Panis, Sophie Bombard
Telomeres, the nucleoprotein complexes located at the ends of chromosomes, are involved in chromosome protection and genome stability. Telomeric repeat binding factor 1 (TRF1) and telomeric repeat binding factor 2 (TRF2) are the two telomeric proteins that bind to duplex telomeric DNA through interactions between their C-terminal domain and several guanines of the telomeric tract. Since the antitumour drug cisplatin binds preferentially to two adjacent guanines, we have investigated whether cisplatin adducts could affect the binding of TRF1 and TRF2 to telomeric DNA and the property of TRF2 to stimulate telomeric invasion, a process that is thought to participate in the formation of the t-loop. We show that the binding of TRF1 and TRF2 to telomeric sequences selectively modified by one GG chelate of cisplatin is markedly affected by cisplatin but that the effect is more drastic for TRF2 than for TRF1 (3–5-fold more sensitivity for TRF2 than for TRF1). We also report that platinum adducts cause a decrease in TRF2-dependent stimulation of telomeric invasion in vitro. Finally, in accordance with in vitro data, analysis of telomeric composition after cisplatin treatment reveals that 60% of TRF2 dissociate from telomeres.
SBIC news
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 6 - Trang 661-661 - 2013
Initial step of B12-dependent enzymatic catalysis: energetic implications regarding involvement of the one-electron-reduced form of adenosylcobalamin cofactor
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 17 - Trang 293-300 - 2011
Pawel M. Kozlowski, Takashi Kamachi, Manoj Kumar, Kazunari Yoshizawa
Density functional theory analysis was performed to elucidate the impact of one-electron reduction upon the initial step of adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzymatic catalysis. The transition state (TS) corresponding to the Co–C bond cleavage and subsequent hydrogen abstraction from the substrate was located. The intrinsic reaction coordinate calculations predicted that the reaction consisting of Co–C5′ bond cleavage in [CoIII(corrin•)]–Rib (where Rib is ribosyl) and hydrogen-atom abstraction from the CH3–CH2–CHO substrate occurs in a concerted fashion. The computed activation energy barrier of the reaction (15.0 kcal/mol) was lowered by approximately 54.5% in comparison with the reaction involving the positively charged cofactor model (Im–[CoIII(corrin)]–Rib+, where Im is imidazole; energy barrier = 33.0 kcal/mol). The Im base was detached during the TS search in the reaction involving the one-electron-reduced analogue. Thus, to compare the energetics of the two reactions, the axial Im ligand detachment energy for the Im–[CoIII(corrin•)]–Rib model was computed [7.6 kcal/mol (gas phase); 4.6 kcal/mol (water)]. Consequently, the effective activation energy barrier for the reaction mediated by the Im-off [CoIII(corrin•)]–Rib was estimated to be 22.6 kcal/mol, which implied an overall 31.5% reduction in the energetic demands of the reaction. Considering that the lengthened Co–Naxial bond has been observed in X-ray crystal structure studies of B12-dependent mutases, the catalytic impact induced by one-electron reduction of the cofactor is expected to be higher in the presence of the enzymatic environment.
Structural characterization of the mononuclear iron site in Pseudomonas cepacia phthalate DB01 dioxygenase using X-ray absorption spectroscopy
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry - Tập 1 - Trang 24-33 - 1996
Him-Tai Tsang, C. J. Batie, David P. Ballou, J. E. Penner-Hahn
 Phthalate dioxygenase (PDO) from Pseudomonas cepacia contains a Rieske-like [2Fe-2S] cluster and a mononuclear non-heme Fe(II) site. The mononuclear iron can be replaced by a variety of divalent metal ions, although only Fe(II) permits catalytic activity. We used X-ray absorption spectroscopy to characterize the structural properties of the mononuclear iron site and to follow the structural changes in this site as a function both of Rieske site oxidation state and of phthalate binding. Data for the mononuclear site have been measured directly for PDO substituted with Co or Zn in the mononuclear site, and by difference for the native 3-Fe protein. The mononuclear site was modeled well by low Z-ligation (oxygen or nitrogen) and showed no evidence for high-Z ligands (e.g., sulfur). The relatively short average first shell bond lengths and the absence of significant outer shell scattering suggest that the mononuclear site has several oxygen ligands. With Zn in the mononuclear site, the average bond length (2.00 Å) suggests a 5-coordinate site under all conditions. In contrast, the Co- or Fe-containing mononuclear site appeared to be 6-coordinate and changed to 5-coordinate when substrate was bound, since the first shell bond length changed from 2.08 to 2.02 Å (Co) or 2.10 to 2.06 Å (Fe). The implications of these findings for the PDO mechanism are discussed.
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