Hiệu quả của việc trình bày hình ảnh truyền thông thon thả lên sự hài lòng về hình thể: Một bài đánh giá phân tích tổng hợp Tập 31 Số 1 - Trang 1-16 - 2002
Lisa M. Groesz, Michael P. Levine, Sarah K. Murnen
Tóm tắtMục tiêuẢnh hưởng của các thao tác thí nghiệm đối với tiêu chuẩn sắc đẹp mỏng manh, như được miêu tả trong truyền thông đại chúng, lên hình ảnh cơ thể nữ được đánh giá bằng cách sử dụng phân tích tổng hợp.Phương phápDữ liệu từ 25 nghiên cứu (43 kích thước hiệu ứng) được sử dụng để kiểm tra tác động chính của các hình ảnh truyền thông về tiêu chuẩn thon thả, cũng như tác động điều chỉnh của các vấn đề hình ảnh cơ thể sẵn có, độ tuổi người tham gia, số lần trình bày kích thích, và loại thiết kế nghiên cứu.Kết quảHình ảnh cơ thể trở nên tiêu cực hơn đáng kể sau khi xem hình ảnh truyền thông mỏng manh so với sau khi xem hình ảnh của các mô hình kích cỡ trung bình, mô hình kích cỡ lớn, hoặc các đối tượng vô tri vô giác. Hiệu ứng này mạnh mẽ hơn trong các thiết kế giữa các chủ thể, người tham gia dưới 19 tuổi, và đối với người tham gia dễ bị kích hoạt mô hình mỏng manh.Kết luậnKết quả ủng hộ quan điểm văn hóa xã hội cho rằng truyền thông đại chúng quảng bá một lý tưởng thon thả gây ra sự không hài lòng về hình thể. Các hệ quả cho phòng ngừa và nghiên cứu về quá trình so sánh xã hội được xem xét. © 2002 bởi John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 31: 1–16, 2002.
#hình ảnh cơ thể #truyền thông đại chúng #lý tưởng thon thả #phân tích tổng hợp #không hài lòng về cơ thể #văn hóa xã hội #so sánh xã hội.
An examination of the food addiction construct in obese patients with binge eating disorder Tập 45 Số 5 - Trang 657-663 - 2012
Ashley N. Gearhardt, Marney A. White, Robin M. Masheb, Peter Morgan, Ross D. Crosby, Carlos M. Grilo
AbstractObjective:This study examined the psychometric properties of the Yale food addiction scale (YFAS) in obese patients with binge eating disorder (BED) and explored its association with measures of eating disorder and associated psychopathology.Method:Eighty‐one obese treatment‐seeking BED patients were given the YFAS, structured interviews to assess psychiatric disorders and eating disorder psychopathology, and other pathology measures.Results:Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a one‐factor solution with an excellent fit. Classification of “food addiction” was met by 57% of BED patients. Patients classified as meeting YFAS “food addiction” criteria had significantly higher levels of depression, negative affect, emotion dysregulation, eating disorder psychopathology, and lower self‐esteem. YFAS scores were also significant predictors of binge eating frequency above and beyond other measures.Discussion:The subset of BED patients classified as having YFAS “food addiction” appear to represent a more disturbed variant characterized by greater eating disorder psychopathology and associated pathology. © 2011 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2011)
Anorexia nervosa treatment: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials Tập 40 Số 4 - Trang 310-320 - 2007
Cynthia M. Bulik, Nancy D Berkman, Kimberly A Brownley, Jan Sedway, Kathleen N Lohr
AbstractObjective:The RTI International‐University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Evidence‐based Practice Center (RTI‐UNC EPC) systematically reviewed evidence on efficacy of treatment for anorexia nervosa (AN), harms associated with treatments, factors associated with treatment efficacy, and differential outcome by sociodemographic characteristics.Method:We searched six major databases for studies on the treatment of AN from 1980 to September 2005, in all languages against a priori inclusion/exclusion criteria focusing on eating, psychiatric or psychological, or biomarker outcomes.Results:Thirty‐two treatment studies involved only medications, only behavioral interventions, and medication plus behavioral interventions for adults or adolescents. The literature on medication treatments and behavioral treatments for adults with AN is sparse and inconclusive. Cognitive behavioral therapy may reduce relapse risk for adults with AN after weight restoration, although its efficacy in the underweight state remains unknown. Variants of family therapy are efficacious in adolescents, but not in adults.Conclusion:Evidence for AN treatment is weak; evidence for treatment‐related harms and factors associated with efficacy of treatment are weak; and evidence for differential outcome by sociodemographic factors is nonexistent. Attention to sample size and statistical power, standardization of outcome measures, retention of patients in clinical trials, and developmental differences in treatment appropriateness and outcome is required. © 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 2007
Psychometric properties of the eating disorder examination‐questionnaire: Factor structure and internal consistency Tập 40 Số 4 - Trang 386-389 - 2007
Carol B. Peterson, Ross D. Crosby, Stephen A. Wonderlich, Thomas E. Joiner, Scott J. Crow, James E. Mitchell, Anna M. Bardone‐Cone, Marjorie H. Klein, Daniel Le Grange
AbstractObjective:The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the factor structure and the internal consistency of the Eating Disorder Examination‐Questionnaire (EDE‐Q).Method:The EDE‐Q was administered to 203 women with bulimic symptoms, who were recruited from five Midwestern communities.Results:Acceptable levels of internal consistency were observed for the EDE‐Q total score (α = .90) and subscales: Restraint (α = .70), Eating Concern (α = 0.73), Shape Concern (α = 0.83) and Weight Concern (α = 0.72). Exploratory factor loadings using Principal Axis Analysis supported the Eating Concern and Restraint subscales. Most of the Shape Concern and Weight Concern items loaded on one factor, with the exception of the items focusing on the importance of weight and shape in self‐evaluation and preoccupation with shape and weight.Conclusion:The results of this study provide support for the internal consistency of the EDE‐Q and indicate a need for further examination of the factor structure of this instrument. © 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 2007
Homosexuality as a specific risk factor for eating disorders in men Tập 31 Số 3 - Trang 300-306 - 2002
Christopher J. Russell, Pamela K. Keel
AbstractObjectiveThe current study examined whether homosexuality is a specific risk factor for disordered eating in men.MethodMen (64 heterosexual and 58 homosexual) completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale (RSE), the Masculinity and Femininity scales of the Bem Sex‐Role Inventory (BSRI), the Bulimia Test‐Revised (BULIT‐R), the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT‐26), and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ).ResultsHomosexual men had more pathological scores on the BDI, RSE, BULIT‐R, EAT‐26, and BSQ. Additionally, homosexual men reported greater discomfort with sexual orientation. After controlling for differences in depression, self‐esteem, and comfort with sexual orientation, sexual orientation continued to account for significant variance in BULIT‐R, EAT‐26, and BSQ scores.DiscussionFuture research may benefit from exploring aspects of homosexuality that may contribute specifically to risk for disordered eating in men. © 2002 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 31: 300–306, 2002; DOI 10.1002/eat.10036
A prospective study of loss of control eating for body weight gain in children at high risk for adult obesity Tập 42 Số 1 - Trang 26-30 - 2009
Marian Tanofsky‐Kraff, Susan Z. Yanovski, Natasha A. Schvey, Cara Olsen, Jennifer Gustafson, Jack A. Yanovski
AbstractObjectiveLimited data suggest that disordered‐eating may predispose children to excessive weight gain. We investigated the relationship between baseline responses to the Eating Disorder Examination adapted for Children (ChEDE) and change in BMI (kg/m2) in children at high risk for adult obesity.MethodChildren (6–12 years) were administered the ChEDE to assess loss of control (LOC) eating, dietary restraint, and eating, shape, and weight concern. Height and weight were measured at baseline and annually.ResultsBetween July, 1999, and August, 2007, 772 measurements were obtained from 143 children over 4.5 ± 1.9 years. LOC eating predicted an increased rate of BMI growth over time (p = .02). Compared with children without LOC, those reporting LOC gained an additional mean 2.4 kg of weight per year.ConclusionLOC is a salient predictor of weight gain during middle childhood. Interventions that decrease LOC eating should be evaluated for their ability to prevent excessive pediatric weight gain. © 2008 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 2009
Longitudinal comparison of anorexia nervosa subtypes Tập 31 Số 2 - Trang 191-201 - 2002
Kamryn T. Eddy, Pamela K. Keel, David J. Dorer, Sherrie S. Delinsky, Debra L. Franko, David B. Herzog
AbstractObjectiveTo compare patients with restricting anorexia nervosa (ANR) and binge/purge anorexia nervosa (ANBP) on measures of impulsivity, course, and outcome.MethodsOne hundred thirty‐six treatment‐seeking women with AN followed prospectively for 8–12 years were reclassified at intake as 51 ANRs and 85 ANBPs according to the DSM‐IV subtyping classification. Lifetime Axis I and Axis II disorders were assessed using structured interviews; follow‐up interviews were conducted at 6–12‐month intervals to collect weekly data on eating disorder symptomatology.ResultsWomen with ANR and ANBP did not differ on history of substance abuse, kleptomania, suicidality, or borderline personality diagnosis at intake, or on rates of recovery, relapse, or mortality. By 8 years of follow‐up, 62% of women with ANR crossed over to ANBP prospectively and only 12% of women with AN never reported regular binge/purge behaviors.ConclusionsThe findings on impulsivity, course, and outcome do not support the current subtyping system. The high crossover rate in our sample from ANR to ANBP suggests that ANR represents a phase in the course of AN rather than a distinct subtype. © 2002 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 31: 191–201, 2002; DOI. 10.1002/eat.10016
Validation of the eating disorders inventory in a nonclinical population using transformed and untransformed responses Tập 15 Số 4 - Trang 387-393 - 1994
Casper Schoemaker, Tatjana van Strien, Cees van der Staak
AbstractIn the present study, the validity of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) in a Dutch nonclinical female school population was established. The data were analyzed in two ways. In the first analyses, the factorial integrity of the questionnaire, and the internal consistencies of the subscales were not found to be very satisfactory. The data showed an impressive lack of variability. It was suggested by the authors that in a nonclinical population the variability of the EDI data is being suppressed as a result of the fact that, in concordance with the manual, the original 6‐point EDI items were transformed into 4‐point items. In the second analyses, this item transformation was ejected. The psychometric properties of all EDI subscales in the present study improved. Implications for the use of the untransformed EDI as a screening instrument were discussed.
Temperament and character profile of eating disorders: A controlled study with the Temperament and Character Inventory Tập 32 Số 4 - Trang 412-425 - 2002
Secondo Fassino, Giovanni Abbate‐Daga, Federico Amianto, Paolo Leombruni, S. Boggio, Gian Giacomo Rovera
AbstractObjectiveThe question whether anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are different disorders or the extremes of a psychopathologic spectrum still has no definite answer. A way to face this problem is to examine the personality traits underlying these disorders.MethodThe Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was administered to 141 anorectics (70 Restrictor and 71 Binge‐purging), to 102 bulimics, and to 100 controls. The Temperament and Character Inventory main scales are Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, Persistence, Self‐Directedness, Cooperativeness, and Self‐Transcendence.ResultsThe personality profiles that emerged are characterized by low Novelty Seeking, high Harm Avoidance, high Persistence, and low Self‐Directedness in AN, and by high Novelty Seeking, high Harm Avoidance, and low Self‐Directedness in BN. Binge‐purging anorectics showed a personality profile midway between anorectics and bulimics.DiscussionThe dimensional study of personality through the TCI and its facets seems effective in discriminating the personality traits underlying the different subtypes of Eating Disorders. The hypothesis of an Eating Disorders spectrum and its clinical implications are discussed. © 2002 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 32: 412–425, 2002.