FEBS Letters

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Polyprenyl phosphate prevents inactivation of yeast glycosyl transferase by detergents
FEBS Letters - Tập 108 - Trang 111-115 - 1979
G. Palamarczyk, L. Lehle, W. Tanner
Verification of the interdomain contact site in the inactive monomer, and the domain‐swapped fold in the active dimer of Hsp33 in solution
FEBS Letters - Tập 586 - Trang 411-415 - 2012
Yoo-Sup Lee, Kyoung-Seok Ryu, Seo-Jin Kim, Hyun-Suk Ko, Dae-Won Sim, Young Ho Jeon, Eun-Hee Kim, Wahn-Soo Choi, Hyung-Sik Won

Upon dimerization by oxidation, Hsp33 functions as a molecular chaperone in prokaryotes. Previously published structures of both the inactive and active species are of doubtful relevance to the solution conformations since the inactive (reduced) crystal structure was dimeric, while the active (oxidized) species was crystallized with a truncation of its regulation domain. The interdomain contact site of the inactive monomer, identified in this work, is consistent with that previously observed in the reduced dimer crystal. In contrast, fluorescence quenching of the active dimer contradicted the results expected from the domain‐swapped fold observed in the truncated dimer crystal. The results of this study provide important new information concerning controversial issues in the activation process of Hsp33.

The primary structure of ratfish insulin reveals an unusual mode of proinsulin processing
FEBS Letters - Tập 208 - Trang 445-450 - 1986
J.Michael Conlon, Eva Dafgård, Sture Falkmer, Lars Thim

The primary structure of insulin from the Holocephalan fish, Hydrolagus colliei (the ratfish), has been established by automated Edman degradation as:

Activation of the A2A adenosine receptor inhibits nitric oxide production in glial cells
FEBS Letters - Tập 429 - Trang 139-142 - 1998
Chaya Brodie, Peter M Blumberg, Kenneth A Jacobson

Selective adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists have marked effects on the outcome of cerebral ischemia, and adenosine receptors are expressed on astrocytes. In this study we examined the effects of various adenosine receptor agonists on the production of nitric oxide and the induction of iNOS in astrocytes activated by LPS/IFN‐γ and TNF‐α/IL‐1β and on the production of TNF‐α. Treatment of the cells with the A2A receptor agonist CGS 21680 inhibited both NO production and iNOS expression induced by stimulation with either LPS/IFN‐γ or TNF‐α/IL‐1β, whereas the A1 and A3 receptor agonists, CPA and Cl‐IB‐MECA, respectively, did not have significant inhibitory effects. The inhibitory effect of the A2A receptor agonist was antagonized by the specific A2A receptor antagonist CSC. The A2A agonist also exerted a small inhibitory effect on the production of TNF‐α. Similar inhibitory effects on the production of NO were obtained by cyclic AMP‐elevating reagents, such as forskolin and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Our findings suggest that activation of the A2A receptor inhibits NO production and iNOS expression likely via increased cAMP.

Phylogeny of neurophysins Complete amino acid sequence of whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and MSEL‐neurophysin
FEBS Letters - Tập 88 - Trang 91-93 - 1978
M.T. Chauvet, P. Codogno, J. Chauvet, R. Acher
An approach to the identification of adenosine's inhibitory site on adenylate cyclase
FEBS Letters - Tập 140 - Trang 80-84 - 1982
Roger A. Johnson
Horizontal transfer of a bacterial gene involved in polyglutamate biosynthesis to the plant‐parasitic nematode Meloidogyne artiellia
FEBS Letters - Tập 508 - Trang 470-474 - 2001
Pasqua Veronico, John Jones, Mauro Di Vito, Carla De Giorgi

Analysis of a genomic fragment from the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne artiellia revealed the presence of a gene which, in bacteria, is involved in the formation of polyglutamate capsule. Searching of various databases, including the Caenorhabditis elegans genome sequence and the large EST datasets from a variety of parasitic nematodes, showed that no similar genes have been identified in other nematodes or in any other eukaryotic organisms. The M. artiellia gene has a typical eukaryotic structure and its mRNA is present in the intestine. The gene is expressed in all life cycle stages tested. These findings demonstrate horizontal gene transfer may be important in catalyzing the diversification of nematode lineages.

The crystal structure of apo‐pseudoazurin from Alcaligenes faecalis S‐6
FEBS Letters - Tập 368 - Trang 432-434 - 1995
Kyriacos Petratos, Maria Papadovasilaki, Zbigniew Dauter

The 3D structure of the apo‐pseudoazurin (copper free pseudoazurin) from Alcaligenes faecalis strain S‐6 is determined and refined at pH 6.7 using X‐ray diffraction data to 1.85Åresolution. The final crystallographicR‐factor is 0.164. Comparing the structures of apo‐pseudoazurin and the native (Cu2+) protein, we observed limited differences ranging between 0.1–0.4Åat the vicinity of the copper site, at the loops connecting the secondary structural elements, at certain β‐strands and at the amino and car☐y termini of the protein.

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