Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

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Aquatic toxicity of eighteen phthalate esters
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 16 Số 5 - Trang 875-891 - 1997
Charles A. Staples, William J. Adams, Thomas F. Parkerton, Joseph W. Gorsuch, Gregory R. Biddinger, Kevin H. Reinert
AbstractThe extensive database of acute and chronic aquatic toxicity data for 18 phthalate esters was reviewed and summarized for freshwater and saltwater aquatic microorganisms, algae, invertebrates, and fish. Phthalate esters have been tested with six species of microorganisms, including bacteria and protozoans. Fifteen algal species have been tested, including green and bluegreen algae in both freshwater and saltwater. Nineteen freshwater and saltwater invertebrate species inhabiting surface waters and sediments and 21 freshwater and saltwater fish inhabiting cold and warm water bodies have been tested. The results of most studies indicate that acute and chronic toxicity to microorganisms, algae, aquatic invertebrates, and fish are limited to the lower molecular weight phthalate esters (i.e., dimethyl‐, diethyl‐, diallyl‐, dipropyl‐, dibutyl‐, diisobutyl‐, and butylbenzylphthalate). In contrast, higher molecular weight phthalate esters are not acutely or chronically toxic to aquatic organisms. Although conflicting data on chronic effects for high molecular weight phthalate esters have been reported for daphnids, these inconsistencies are attributed to physical effects imposed on daphnids when exposed to test concentrations in excess of true water solubilities. Altogether, nearly 400 test results covering more than 60 species of microorganisms, algae, invertebrates, and fish are reported for both freshwater and saltwater aquatic species. While most investigators used several common species and standard protocols to assay conventional endpoints, many nontraditional species and toxicological endpoints were also used. This has created a toxicological database of both sufficient depth to compare many similar tests and sufficient breadth to encompass virtually all important types of aquatic habitats and classes of aquatic species.
Toxicity of mono‐ and diesters of <i>o</i>‐phthalic esters to a crustacean, a green alga, and a bacterium
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 22 Số 12 - Trang 3037-3043 - 2003
Susanne Jonsson, Anders Baun
AbstractThe degradation of phthalic acid diesters may lead to formation of o‐phthalic acid and phthalic acid monoesters. The ecotoxic properties of the monoesters have never been systematically investigated, and concern has been raised that these degradation products may be more toxic than the diesters. Therefore, the aquatic toxicity of phthalic acid, six monoesters, and five diesters of o‐phthalic acid was tested in three standardized toxicity tests using the bacteria Vibrio fischeri, the green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, and the crustacean Daphnia magna. The monoesters tested were monomethyl, monoethyl, monobutyl, monobenzyl, mono(2‐ethylhexyl), and monodecyl phthalate, while the diesters tested were dimethyl, diethyl, dibutyl, butylbentyl, and di(2‐ethylhexyl)phthalate, which were assumed to be below their water solubility. The median effective concentration (EC50) values for the three organisms ranged from 103 mg/L to >4,710 mg/L for phthalic acid, and corresponding values for the monoesters ranged from 2.3 mg/L (monodecyl phthalate in bacteria test) to 4,130 mg/L (monomethyl phthalate in bacteria test). Dimethyl and diethyl phthalate were found to be the least toxic of the diesters (EC50 26.2–377 mg/L), and the toxicity of the other diesters (butylbenzyl and dibutyl phthalate) ranged from 0.96 to 7.74 mg/L. In general, the phthalate monoesters (degradation products) were less toxic than the corresponding diesters (mother compounds).
Exhaustive steam distillation extraction of aromatic organics from rainbow trout and water
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 5 Số 2 - Trang 155-159 - 1986
Joseph S. Meyer, Greg Linder
AbstractExhaustive steam distillation extracted several intermediate molecular weight organic chemicals effectively from rainbow trout, but a high molecular weight organic, benzo[a]pyrene, was not extracted. Fish lipids that do not steam‐distill appear to retain extremely lipophilic organics in the boiling flask. Therefore, exhaustive steam distillation should be used cautiously in screening effluents for chemicals that are bioaccumulated.
The hazard assessment of pulp and paper effluents in the aquatic environment: A review
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 10 Số 12 - Trang 1511-1540 - 1991
James Owens
AbstractThe hazard assessment of pulp and paper effluents in the aquatic environment is a complex task. Hundreds of individual compounds in pulping effluents and site‐specific differences in processes, effluent treatment, and receiving ecosystems hinder hazard assessment. As a result, it is difficult to relate environmental effects with specific contaminants. Conventional parameters such as organic and nutrient loadings, solids deposition, and color complicate efforts to define chemical toxicants by causing environmental impacts at community and population levels. Reproduction is the most sensitive, consistent, and relevant end point tested to date in the laboratory, in mesocosms and experimental streams, and in field situations near some pulping discharges. Despite the application of a wide range of within‐organism measurements, only the induction of mixed‐function oxidase activities has been associated with exposure to particular effluent compounds in field situations. No complete mechanism of toxic action has been demonstrated that connects contaminant exposure, within‐organism responses, whole‐organism effects, and effects at the population and the community levels. Hazard assessments of pulping effluents require multidisciplinary efforts that integrate chemical, toxicological, and biological data at several organizational levels. Tiered or stepwise assessments are recommended that first clarify what adverse effects have occurred and then attempt to identify the responsible contaminants.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 9 Số 11 - Trang 1415 - 1990
Pirjo Lindström‐Seppä, Aimo Oikari
Exposure assessment of 17α‐ethinylestradiol in surface waters of the United States and Europe
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 28 Số 12 - Trang 2725-2732 - 2009
Robert E. Hannah, Vincent J. D’Aco, Paul Anderson, Mary Buzby, Daniel J. Caldwell, Virginia Cunningham, Jon F. Ericson, Andrew C. Johnson, Neil J. Parke, John Samuelian, John P. Sumpter
AbstractAn evaluation of measured and predicted concentrations of 17α‐ethinylestradiol in surface waters of the United States and Europe was conducted to develop expected long‐term exposure concentrations for this compound. Measured environmental concentrations (MECs) in surface waters were identified from the literature. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) were generated for European and U.S. watersheds using the GREAT‐ER and PhATE™ models, respectively. The majority of MECs are nondetect and generally consistent with model PECs and conservative mass balance calculations. However, the highest MECs are not consistent with concentrations derived from conservative (worst‐case) mass balance estimates or model PECs. A review of analytical methods suggests that tandem or high‐resolution mass spectrometry methods with extract cleanup result in lower detection limits and lower reported concentrations consistent with model predictions and bounding estimates. Based on model results using PhATE and GREAT‐ER, the 90th‐percentile low‐flow PECs in surface water are approximately 0.2 and 0.3 ng/L for the United States and Europe, respectively. These levels represent conservative estimates of long‐term exposure that can be used for risk assessment purposes. Our analysis also indicates that average concentrations are one to two orders of magnitude lower than these 90th‐percentile estimates. Higher reported concentrations (e.g., greater than the 99th‐percentile PEC of ∼1 ng/L) could result from methodological problems or unusual environmental circumstances; however, such concentrations are not representative of levels generally found in the environment, warrant special scrutiny, and are not appropriate for use in risk assessments of long‐term exposures.
Use of a suite of biomarkers to assess the effects of carbamazepine, bisphenol A, atrazine, and their mixtures on green mussels, <i>Perna viridis</i>
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 36 Số 2 - Trang 429-441 - 2017
Guillaume Juhel, Stéphane Bayen, Christine Goh, Wei Kit Lee, Barry C. Kelly
AbstractThe present study investigated the toxicity of several emerging contaminants: the pharmaceutical drug carbamazepine (CBZ), the plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA), and the herbicide atrazine (ATZ) in a marine bivalve. Green mussels (Perna viridis) were exposed to different concentrations of CBZ, BPA, and ATZ, either individually or as mixtures over a 7‐d period, and a suite of molecular and cellular biomarkers were analyzed: biomarkers of immunotoxicity (total hemocyte count, phagocytosis, extracellular lysozyme), genotoxicity (Comet assay), neurotoxicity (inhibition of acetylcholinesterase [AChE]), endocrine disruption (vitellin‐like proteins), and detoxification enzymes (cytochrome P4501A [CYP1A], 7‐ethoxyresorufin O‐deethylase [EROD], and glutathione‐S‐transferase [GST]). Results of the single‐chemical exposure tests highlighted the relatively low toxicity of CBZ because most biomarker responses observed were recorded at concentrations well above environmental levels. Bisphenol A exposure at environmentally realistic concentrations resulted in clear immunomodulatory, genotoxic, and endocrine‐disruptive effects. Similarly, 3 of the 10 biomarkers tested on green mussels (genotoxicity, inhibition of AchE, and EROD) responded after exposure to ATZ at environmentally relevant doses or below, and confirmed the potency of this herbicide to marine bivalves. Exposure tests using mixtures of CBZ, BPA, and ATZ also revealed that these 3 substances were generally acting in an additive manner on the selected biomarkers, at environmental doses, with some exceptions (antagonism and/or synergy) at low and high concentrations. The present study also confirms that most of the biomarkers used are suitable for biomonitoring studies with green mussels. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:429–441. © 2016 SETAC
The potential for estradiol and ethinylestradiol degradation in english rivers
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 21 Số 3 - Trang 480-488 - 2002
Monika D. Jürgens, Karlijn I. E. Holthaus, Andrew C. Johnson, Jennifer J. Smith, Malcolm J. Hetheridge, Richard J. Williams
AbstractWater samples were collected in spring, summer, and winter from English rivers in urban/industrial (River Aire and River Calder, Yorkshire, UK) and rural environments (River Thames, Oxfordshire, UK) to study the biodegradation potential of the key steroid estrogen 17β‐estradiol (E2) and its synthetic derivate ethinylestradiol (EE2). Microorganisms in the river water samples were capable of transforming E2 to estrone (E1) with half‐lives of 0.2 to 9 d when incubated at 20°C. The E1 was then further degraded at similar rates. The most rapid biodegradation rates were associated with the downstream summer samples of the River Aire and River Calder. E2 degradation rates were similar for spiking concentrations throughout the range of 20 ng/L to 500 μg/L. Microbial cleavage of the steroid ring system was demonstrated by release of radiolabeled CO2 from the aromatic ring of E2 (position 4). When E2 was degraded, the loss of estrogenicity, measured by the yeast estrogen screen (YES) assay, closely followed the loss of the parent molecule. Thus, apart from the transient formation of E1, the degradation of E2 does not form other significantly estrogenic intermediates. The E2 could also be degraded when incubated with anaerobic bed sediments. Compared to E2, EE2 was much more resistant to biodegradation, but both E2 and EE2 were susceptible to photodegradation, with half‐lives in the order of 10 d under ideal conditions.
Subchronic organismal toxicity, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and feeding response of pacific oyster (<i>Crassostrea gigas</i>) to lindane (γ‐HCH) exposure under experimental conditions
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 26 Số 10 - Trang 2192-2197 - 2007
Gerardo Anguiano, Raúl Llera‐Herrera, Emilio Rojas, Celia Vázquez‐Boucard
AbstractThis study evaluated organismal toxicity, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity and the filtration rate in response to different concentrations of subchronic lindane (gamma‐hexachlorocyclohexane [γ‐HCH]), exposure (12 d) in adult Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Oysters were exposed in vivo in laboratory aquaria to 10 different concentrations (0.0–10.0 mg/L) of γ‐HCH. The median lethal concentration (LC50) after 12 d was calculated as 2.22 mg/L. Cytotoxic effects were observed in hemocytes, where the mean cell viability was significantly decreased at 1.0 mg/L of γ‐HCH after 12 d. Genotoxicity of γ‐HCH measured by single cell gel electrophoresis assay, in hemocytes was evident at 0.7 mg/L of γ‐HCH after 12 d. After 4 h of exposure to γ‐HCH, filtration rates were reduced compared with controls to 65.8 and 38.2% at concentrations of 0.3 and 0.7 mg/L, respectively, and after 11 d of exposure, filtration rates were reduced to 60.4 and 30.9% at concentrations of 0.1 mg/L and higher. These results show the subchronic effects of γ‐HCH at different concentrations and effect sensitivities are categorized as filtration rate < genotoxicity < cytotoxicity < mortality. The relevance of integral toxicity evaluation, considering different endpoints from molecular, cellular, and individual levels is discussed.
Microcystin accumulation in freshwater bivalves from Lake Taihu, China, and the potential risk to human consumption
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 26 Số 5 - Trang 1066-1073 - 2007
Jun Chen, Ping Xie
AbstractThe potential risk through ingestion of microcystins (MC) in contaminated mollusks has not been well studied. The present paper studied seasonal changes of MC content (determined by liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry) in various organs of three species of bivalves (Cristaria plicata, Hyriopsis cumingii, and Lamprotula leai) in Lake Taihu, China, where toxic cyanobacterial blooms occurred. Coinciding with peaks of seston MC (maximum, 5.7 μg/L) and MC in cyanobacterial blooms (maximum, 0.534 mg/g), most organs showed sharp MC peaks during the summer, indicating both fast uptake and fast depuration by bivalves. Because hepatopancreas and intestine had considerably higher MC content than other organs, they are the most dangerous for human consumption. Both the present and previous studies show that the hepatopancreatic MC and total tissue MC often are correlated in various aquatic invertebrates. During the peak of the cyanobacterial blooms, C. plicata had higher hepatopancreatic MC content than the other bivalves, whereas H. cumingii had higher intestinal MC content than the other bivalves. Estimated daily intakes for humans from the consumption of whole tissues of the three bivalves were 0.48 to 0.94 μg MC‐LR equivalent/kg body weight (12‐ to 23.5‐fold the tolerable daily intake value proposed by the World Health Organization), which indicates a high risk for humans consuming these bivalves.
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