Ecological Research

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Comparing the impact of cloudiness on carbon dioxide exchange in a grassland and a maize cropland in northwestern China
Ecological Research - Tập 27 - Trang 615-623 - 2012
Yanfen Bai, Jian Wang, Baocheng Zhang, Zhihui Zhang, Ji Liang
Light quantity and quality strongly influence plant growth. However, different ecosystems have different capabilities to assimilate solar radiation. In this study, the effects of cloudiness intensity on the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) were compared between an alpine grassland (with lower leaf area index) at A’Rou and an oasis maize cropland (with higher leaf area index) at Yingke, using flux data obtained during the middle of the growing season (July–August) in 2008 and 2009. The results showed that the response of NEE to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was more negative (carbon uptake) under cloudy than under clear skies at both sites. The maximum NEE occurred when the clearness index (CI) ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 under cloudy skies. The maximum enhancements were 11.9% for solar elevation angles of 60–65° in the grassland, and 34.9% for solar elevation angles of 60–65° and 10.3% for angles of 35–40° in the maize cropland before the irrigation period. The response of NEE to CI changed slightly with solar elevation angle in the grassland compared to the maize cropland. The results indicate that enhanced NEE under cloudy skies can be attributed to increasingly diffuse PAR and interactions with environmental factors (air temperature and vapor pressure deficit).
Local adaptations of larvae of the butterfly Pieris napi to physical and physiological traits of two Arabis plants (Cruciferae)
Ecological Research - - 2009
Masaaki Ohata, Atsuko Furumoto, Naota Ohsaki
Herbivorous insects are expected to adapt to the defensive traits of local host plants. Using two closely related plants, we showed that herbivorous insects of the same species vary their adaptations according to the different traits of each of their local host plants. The leaves of the cruciferous plant Arabis flagellosa are tougher and more difficult to digest for larvae of the butterfly Pieris napi than are A. gemmifera leaves. When given A. flagellosa leaves, hatchlings from A. flagellosa fed on and ingested the leaves faster than those from A. gemmifera. Although the C/N ratios of both Arabis plants were very similar, A. gemmifera leaves were of lower intrinsic quality for larval development and were more difficult to convert to biomass than were A. flagellosa leaves. However, when A. gemmifera leaves were given, P. napi larvae originating from A. gemmifera had higher survival rates and shorter development times than did larvae originating from A. flagellosa. In addition, larvae from A. gemmifera were better able to convert leaves than were larvae from A. flagellosa. These results suggest that A. flagellosa leaves are more physically but less physiologically defended, whereas the reverse is true of A. gemmifera, and suggest that P. napi larvae adapt to the defensive traits of local host plants.
Colony-dependent sex differences in protozoan communities of the lower termite Reticulitermes speratus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Ecological Research - Tập 31 - Trang 749-755 - 2016
Tatsuya Inagaki, Kenji Matsuura
In many animals, sex differences in hormones, behavior, and immunity lead to differences in their gut microbial communities. One of the best-known examples of mutualistic symbiosis is that between lower termites and their intestinal protozoa. Although differences in the protozoan communities of different castes have been studied in lower termites, nothing is known about the sex differences in protozoan communities in neuter castes. Here, we show that termite workers have different protozoan communities according to sex depending on the colony. We investigated the communities of symbiotic protozoa living in lower termites, Reticulitermes speratus, and how they are affected by sex and caste. Workers had the largest numbers of protozoa, followed by soldiers, whereas reproductives (primary kings and secondary queens) had no protozoa. Workers showed colony-dependent sex differences in the total abundance of protozoa, whereas soldiers showed no such sex differences. There were significant sex effect and/or interaction effect between colony and sex in abundances of five species of protozoa in workers. Workers also showed significant sex differences and/or colony-dependent sex differences in proportion of six species of protozoa. These may result in sex differences in the host–symbiont interaction due to physiological or behavioral sex differences in workers that have not been recognized previously. This study has an important implication: although workers are not engaged in reproduction, their potential sex difference may affect various aspects of social interactions.
Land-use selection by dandelions in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan
Ecological Research - Tập 6 - Trang 233-246 - 1991
Kiyoshi Ogawa, Isao Mototani
Land use by native and introduced dandelion groups in man-made habitats was studied at 7090 survey points in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan, in order to clarify the replacement phenomenon occurring among dandelions. In the center of Tokyo, where the native group was rare, the percentage occurrence of the introduced group was lower than in other regions, whereas in the outskirts of Tokyo, both groups showed much higher occurrence. Roadsides, vacant areas and urban land-use categories were significantly favorable for growth of the introduced group, whereas preserved or rural land use was more favorable for the native group. Seed fertility in the introduced group was more than 80%, and was independent of population size, whereas in the native group it was not as high, and for a small population was dependent on population size, being stable at about 70% in populations larger than 70 plants. Thus, both large populations and solitary plants in the introduced group appeared to act as seed sources, making it likely that the introduced group will spread increasingly through roadsides and urban land, which are becoming more widespread as a result of urbanization. It is feared that, unless deliberately retained, the amount of preserved or rural land which has fostered large populations of the native group will further decrease with urbanization and other forms of development, thus depleting the seed sources and reducing the population.
Seasonal changes in parotid and rumen papillary development in Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas)
Ecological Research - Tập 18 - Trang 65-72 - 2003
Zhaowen Jiang, Seiki Takatsuki, Wen Wang, Junsheng Li, Kun Jin, Zhongxin Gao
The Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa Pallas) lives in the Mongolian Plateau, where conditions are dry and cold from late autumn to early spring. The climate results in apparent seasonal changes in the nutrition of forage plants on the plateau. The morphology of the gazelle’s rumen papillae and the weight of their salivary glands also reflect these changes. The relative weight of the parotids to body mass (0.8–1.3 g kg−1 and 1.8–2.7 g kg−0.75) and the surface enlargement factor (SEF) of the internal rumen wall (8.5–12.0) fell within the range of mixed (intermediate) feeders. Although previous studies in a great number of ruminants have shown that parotid mass and SEF are positively related to feed quality, we found that relative parotid mass to body mass increased in winter, the dry and cold season, during the poorest dietary conditions. The surface enlargement factor increased from autumn to winter and spring, during the poorest and best seasons in feed quality, respectively. It is possible that an increase in parotid mass is related to water shortage from both feed and habitat in winter. An increase in parotid mass, suggesting an increase in saliva production, could meet the liquid needs of the gazelles during feeding and rumination in poor and dry forage seasons. The development of rumen papilla and the consequent increase in SEF in poor food seasons should result in the effective absorption of nutrients by Mongolian gazelles.
Regeneration failure of lakeshore plants under an artificially altered water regime
Ecological Research - Tập 19 - Trang 613-623 - 2004
To reveal the effects of artificial alteration of water level regime on the regeneration of lakeshore plants from seeds, we examined the factors causing regeneration failure in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. A survey of microtopography within and around a remnant fragment of lakeshore vegetation revealed that, over a large range, the habitat is frequently inundated in spring under the current water regime, although it was rarely inundated under past water regimes. Analysis of the patterns of seedling emergence and establishment at microsites at various elevations revealed a significant negative correlation between number of inundation days and abundance or species-richness of seedlings that emerged in the spring. Most seedling deaths occurred when the study site was inundated. We suggest that regeneration failure caused by the artificial raising of the lake’s water level is one of the principal mechanisms of the recent vegetational decline in the lake.
Abundance, body size, and morphology of bumblebees in an area where an exotic species, Bombus terrestris, has colonized in Japan
Ecological Research - Tập 22 - Trang 331-341 - 2006
Teruyoshi Nagamitsu, Tanaka Kenta, Naoki Inari, Etsushi Kato, Tsutom Hiura
An exotic bumblebee species, Bombus terrestris, has colonized in Japan and becomes dominant in some local communities. We examined the effects of land use and bumblebee abundance on the number and body size of bumblebees collected using window traps in a lowland area in the southern Ishikari district, Hokkaido. In 2004, we collected 922 bumblebees of six species using 70 traps at 17 sites. A statistical model fitted to the data demonstrated that dispersion from commercial B. terrestris colonies used in greenhouses positively affected the number of B. terrestris caught by each trap. This exotic species was abundant in sites where paddy fields were prevalent, but three native species, B. hypocrita, B. ardens, and B. diversus, were abundant in sites where farms and woodlands were widespread. The local abundance of B. terrestris was not associated negatively with the number and body size of native bumblebees. Thus, we did not find any competitive interactions between exotic and native bumblebees although habitat conditions seem to be common determinants of the bumblebee populations. A morphological analysis showed that B. terrestris had intermediate tongue length between B. hypocrita and B. ardens.
Diurnal variations of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 exchange of biological soil crusts in different successional stages in the Gurbantunggut Desert of northwestern China
Ecological Research - Tập 29 - Trang 289-298 - 2014
Jing Zhang, Yuan-Ming Zhang
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) formed by different combinations of photosynthetic algae, cyanobacteria, lichens and mosses are well-developed in the Gurbantunggut Desert of northwestern China. To investigate the different responses of BSCs to environmental factors, the diurnal variations of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 exchange of BSCs in different successional stages were measured following artificial rehydration in the field. Results showed that the maximum potential quantum efficiency of PSII (F v/F m), the actual PSII efficiency (ΦPSII) and the relative rate of electron transport as well as net photosynthesis of the different successional BSCs varied similarly and changed markedly with diurnal fluctuations in light and temperature. Further analyses indicated that CO2 exchange and photosynthetic pigment content of chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl b and carotenoids increased with the developmental level of BSCs, from cyanobacterial crust to lichen crust to moss crust. The differences in responses of BSCs to environmental factors and photosynthetic pigment content may be partially attributed to differences in species composition and morphological characteristics of the various BSCs. Overall, moss crust is better adapted to a wide range of irradiance and higher temperatures than lichen and cyanobacterial crusts. Therefore, BSCs in a later successional stage are expected to play a more important role in desertification control than those of the earlier stages.
Effect of sex ratio, habitat factors and neighborhood competition on stem growth in the dioecious tree Fraxinus mandshurica
Ecological Research - Tập 29 - Trang 309-317 - 2014
Xinna Zhang, Chunyu Zhang, Xiuhai Zhao
Growth rates of male and female trees are often different in a dioecious species. In this study, we analyzed sex ratios and the effect of gender, neighborhood competition and habitat factors on the stem growth of dioecious Fraxinus mandshurica trees in a secondary conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China. The sex ratio in the 5.2-ha study area does not deviate significantly from the expected 1:1 ratio, except for trees in the large diameter classes. For dbh >40 cm, the sex ratio is male-biased. This result suggests that males have a faster rate of stem growth than females, which is usually explained by the higher cost of reproduction in the fruit-bearing females. An analysis of the dbh distributions of two successive measurements showed that the rate of stem growth of the (27) females drops off with increasing dbh and remains below that of the (35) males. A causal model was used to analyze factors affecting the rate of stem growth, showing that these rates are affected significantly and positively by soil moisture and tree size in both genders and that within-gender competition is mainly for nitrogen. Our study suggests that neighborhood competition does not affect stem growth significantly, which is a rather surprising result.
Response of litter decomposition and related soil enzyme activities to different forms of nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest
Ecological Research - Tập 26 Số 3 - Trang 505-513 - 2011
Congyan Wang, Guomin Han, Yong Jia, Xiaoyue Feng, Peng Guo, Xingjun Tian

With the continuing increase in the impact of human activities on ecosystems, ecologists are increasingly becoming interested in understanding the effects of nitrogen deposition on litter decomposition. At present, numerous studies have investigated the effects of single form of nitrogen fertilization on litter decomposition in forest ecosystems. However, forms of N deposition vary, and changes in the relative importance of different forms of N deposition are expected in the future. Thus, identifying the effects of different forms of N deposition on litter decomposition in forest ecosystems is a pressing task. In this study, two dominant litter types were chosen from Zijin Mountain in China: Quercus acutissima leaves from a late succession broad‐leaved forest and Pinus massoniana needles from an early succession coniferous forest. The litter samples were incubated in microcosms with original forest soil and treated with four different forms of nitrogen fertilization [NH4+, NO3, CO(NH2)2, and a mix of all three]. During a 5‐month incubation period, litter mass losses, soil pH values, and soil enzyme activities were determined. Results show that all four forms of nitrogen fertilization significantly accelerate litter decomposition rates in the broadleaf forest, while only two forms of nitrogen fertilization [i.e., mixed nitrogen and CO(NH2)2] significantly accelerate litter decomposition rates in the coniferous forest. Litter decomposition rates with the mixed nitrogen fertilization were higher than those in any single form of nitrogen fertilization. All forms of nitrogen fertilization enhanced soil enzyme activities (i.e., catalase, cellulase, invertase, polyphenol oxidase, nitrate reductase, urease, and acid phosphatase) during the litter decomposition process for the two forest types. Soil enzyme activities under the mixed nitrogen fertilization were higher than those under any single form of nitrogen fertilization. These results suggest that the type and activity of the major degradative enzymes involved in litter decomposition vary in different forest types under different forms of nitrogen fertilization. They also indicate that a long‐term consequence of N deposition‐induced acceleration of litter decomposition rates in subtropical forests may be the release of carbon stored belowground to the atmosphere.

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