Biotechnology Progress
SCOPUS (1985-2023)SCIE-ISI
Cơ quản chủ quản: WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell
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Only within the past decade has the potential of metal biosorption by biomass materials been well established. For economic reasons, of particular interest are abundant biomass types generated as a waste byproduct of large‐scale industrial fermentations or certain metal‐binding algae found in large quantities in the sea. These biomass types serve as a basis for newly developed metal biosorption processes foreseen particularly as a very competitive means for the detoxification of metal‐bearing industrial effluents. The assessment of the metal‐binding capacity of some new biosorbents is discussed. Lead and cadmium, for instance, have been effectively removed from very dilute solutions by the dried biomass of some ubiquitous species of brown marine algae such as
The application of biotechnology to the production of commodity products (fuels, chemicals, and materials) offering benefits in terms of sustainable resource supply and environmental quality is an emergent area of intellectual endeavor and industrial practice with great promise. Such “biocommodity engineering” is distinct from biotechnology motivated by health care at multiple levels, including economic driving forces, the importance of feedstocks and cost‐motivated process engineering, and the scale of application. Plant biomass represents both the dominant foreseeable source of feedstocks for biotechnological processes as well as the only foreseeable sustainable source of organic fuels, chemicals, and materials. A variety of forms of biomass, notably many cellulosic feedstocks, are potentially available at a large scale and are cost‐competitive with low‐cost petroleum whether considered on a mass or energy basis, and in terms of price defined on a purchase or net basis for both current and projected mature technology, and on a transfer basis for mature technology. Thus the central, and we believe surmountable, impediment to more widespread application of biocommodity engineering is the general absence of low‐cost processing technology. Technological and research challenges associated with converting plant biomass into commodity products are considered relative to overcoming the recalcitrance of cellulosic biomass (converting cellulosic biomass into reactive intermediates) and product diversification (converting reactive intermediates into useful products). Advances are needed in pretreatment technology to make cellulosic materials accessible to enzymatic hydrolysis, with increased attention to the fundamental chemistry operative in pretreatment processes likely to accelerate progress. Important biotechnological challenges related to the utilization of cellulosic biomass include developing cellulase enzymes and microorganisms to produce them, fermentation of xylose and other nonglucose sugars, and “consolidated bioprocessing” in which cellulase production, cellulose hydrolysis, and fermentation of soluble carbohydrates to desired products occur in a single process step. With respect to product diversification, a distinction is made between
Electron microscopy of lignocellulosic biomass following high‐temperature pretreatment revealed the presence of spherical formations on the surface of the residual biomass. The hypothesis that these droplet formations are composed of lignins and possible lignin carbohydrate complexes is being explored. Experiments were conducted to better understand the formation of these “lignin” droplets and the possible implications they might have on the enzymatic saccharification of pretreated biomass. It was demonstrated that these droplets are produced from corn stover during pretreatment under neutral and acidic pH at and above 130 °C, and that they can deposit back onto the surface of residual biomass. The deposition of droplets produced under certain pretreatment conditions (acidic pH;
Maltodextrins of varying molecular weights, maltose, and sucrose were used to study the effect of molecular weight, water plasticization, and composition on glass transition temperature (
Bioethanol is a fuel‐grade ethanol made from trees, grasses, and waste materials. It represents a sustainable substitute for gasoline in today's passenger cars. Modeling and design of processes for making bioethanol are critical tools used in the U.S. Department of Energy's bioethanol research and development program. We use such analysis to guide new directions for research and to help us understand the level at which and the time when bioethanol will achieve commercial success. This paper provides an update on our latest estimates for current and projected costs of bioethanol. These estimates are the result of very sophisticated modeling and costing efforts undertaken in the program over the past few years. Bioethanol could cost anywhere from $1.16 to $1.44 per gallon, depending on the technology and the availability of low cost feedstocks for conversion to ethanol. While this cost range opens the door to fuel blending opportunities, in which ethanol can be used, for example, to improve the octane rating of gasoline, it is not currently competitive with gasoline as a bulk fuel. Research strategies and goals described in this paper have been translated into cost savings for ethanol. Our analysis of these goals shows that the cost of ethanol could drop by 40 cents per gallon over the next ten years by taking advantage of exciting new tools in biotechnology that will improve yield and performance in the conversion process.
Differential scanning calorimetry was used to determine the phase transitions of dried and rehumidified amorphous lactose, sucrose, and a mixture of sucrose and Amioca. Glass‐transition, crystallization, and melting temperatures decreased with increasing moisture content. The time to crystallization of amorphous lactose held isothermally above the glass‐transition temperature decreased as the temperature was increased. Isothermal crystallization time of lactose was a function of the temperature difference between the holding temperature and the glass‐transition temperature independently of moisture content. Amorphous biological materials are metastable showing temperature, moisture content, and time‐dependent phase transitions that affect their drying behavior, stickiness, storage stability, and quality.
Sepabeads‐EP (a new epoxy support) has been utilized to immobilize‐stabilize the enzyme penicillin G acylase (PGA) via multipoint covalent attachment. These supports are very robust and suitable for industrial purposes. Also, the internal geometry of the support is composed by cylindrical pores surrounded by the convex surfaces (this offers a good geometrical congruence for reaction with the enzyme), and it has a very high superficial density of epoxy groups (around 100 μmol/mL). These features should permit a very intense enzyme‐support interaction. However, the final stability of the immobilized enzyme is strictly dependent on the immobilization protocol. By using conventional immobilization protocols (neutral pH values, nonblockage of the support) the stability of the immobilized enzyme was quite similar to that achieved using Eupergit C to immobilize the PGA. However, when using a more sophisticated three‐step immobilization/stabilization/blockage procedure, the Sepabeads derivative was hundreds‐fold more stable than Eupergit C derivatives. The protocol used was as follows: (i) the enzyme was first covalently immobilized under very mild experimental conditions (e.g., pH 7.0 and 20 °C); (ii) the already immobilized enzyme was further incubated under more drastic conditions (higher pH values, long incubation periods, etc.) in order to “facilitate” the formation of new covalent linkages between the immobilized enzyme molecule and the support; (iii) the remaining epoxy groups of the support were blocked with very hydrophilic compounds to stop any additional interaction between the enzyme and the support. This third point was found to be critical for obtaining very stable enzymes: derivatives blocked with mercaptoethanol were much less stable than derivatives blocked with glycine or other amino acids. This was attributed to the better masking of the hydrophobicity of the support by the amino acids (having two charges).