Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism

SCOPUS (2006-2023)SCIE-ISI




Cơ quản chủ quản:  National Research Council of Canada , Canadian Science Publishing

Lĩnh vực:
PhysiologyPhysiology (medical)Nutrition and DieteticsEndocrinology, Diabetes and MetabolismSports ScienceMedicine (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

A practical and precise approach to quantification of body composition in cancer patients using computed tomography images acquired during routine care
Tập 33 Số 5 - Trang 997-1006 - 2008
Marina Mourtzakis, Carla M. Prado, Jessica Lieffers, Tony Reiman, Linda J. McCargar, Vickie E. Baracos

Human body composition is important in numerous cancer research domains. Our objective was to evaluate clinically accessible methods to achieve practical and precise measures of body composition in cancer patients. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-based analysis of fat and fat-free mass was performed in 50 cancer patients and compared with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and with regional computed tomography (CT) images available in the patients’ medical records. BIA overestimated or underestimated fat-free mass substantially compared with DXA as the method of reference (up to 9.3 kg difference). Significant changes in fat-free mass over time detected with DXA in a subset of 21 patients (+2.2 ± 3.2%/100 days, p = 0.003), was beyond the limits of detection of BIA. Regional analysis of fat and fat-free tissue at the 3rd lumbar vertebra with either DXA or CT strongly predicted whole-body fat and fat-free mass (r = 0.86–0.94; p < 0.001). CT images provided detail on specific muscles, adipose tissues and organs, not provided by DXA or BIA. CT presents great practical significance due to the prevalence of these images in patient diagnosis and follow-up, thus marrying clinical accessibility with high precision to quantify specific tissues and to predict whole-body composition.

Letter to the Editor: Standardized use of the terms “sedentary” and “sedentary behaviours”
Tập 37 Số 3 - Trang 540-542 - 2012
Sedentary Behaviour Research Networ
Physiological and health implications of a sedentary lifestyle
Tập 35 Số 6 - Trang 725-740 - 2010
Mark S. Tremblay, Rachel C. Colley, Travis J. Saunders, Geneviève N. Healy, Neville Owen

Sedentary behaviour is associated with deleterious health outcomes, which differ from those that can be attributed to a lack of moderate to vigorous physical activity. This has led to the field of “sedentary physiology”, which may be considered as separate and distinct from exercise physiology. This paper gives an overview of this emerging area of research and highlights the ways that it differs from traditional exercise physiology. Definitions of key terms associated with the field of sedentary physiology and a review of the self-report and objective methods for assessing sedentary behaviour are provided. Proposed mechanisms of sedentary physiology are examined, and how they differ from those linking physical activity and health are highlighted. Evidence relating to associations of sedentary behaviours with major health outcomes and the population prevalence and correlates of sedentary behaviours are reviewed. Recommendations for future research are proposed.

New Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines
Tập 36 Số 1 - Trang 36-46 - 2011
Mark S. Tremblay, Darren E. R. Warburton, Ian Janssen, Donald H. Paterson, Amy E. Latimer‐Cheung, Ryan E. Rhodes, Michelle E. Kho, Audrey L. Hicks, Allana G. LeBlanc, Lori Zehr, Kelly Murumets, Mary Duggan

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), in cooperation with ParticipACTION and other stakeholders, and with support from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), has developed the new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Children (aged 5–11 years), Youth (aged 12–17 years), Adults (aged 18–64 years), and Older Adults (aged ≥65 years). The new guidelines include a preamble to provide context and specific guidelines for each age group. The entire guideline development process was guided by the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument, which is the international standard for clinical practice guideline development. Thus, the guidelines have gone through a rigorous and transparent developmental process; we based the recommendations herein on evidence from 3 systematic reviews, and the final guidelines benefitted from an extensive online and in-person consultation process with hundreds of stakeholders and key informants, both domestic and international. Since 2006, the products of our efforts resulted in the completion of 21 peer-reviewed journal articles (including 5 systematic reviews) that collectively guided this work. The process that Canadian researchers undertook to update the national physical activity guidelines represents the most current synthesis, interpretation, and application of the scientific evidence to date.

Physical activity in prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome
Tập 32 Số 1 - Trang 76-88 - 2007
Timo A. Lakka, David E. Laaksonen

Randomised controlled trials have shown that exercise training has a mild or moderate favourable effect on many metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors that constitute or are related to the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Epidemiological studies suggest that regular physical activity prevents type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature mortality in large part through these risk factors. Although randomized controlled trials with the prevention or treatment of the MetS as the main outcome have not been published, several large randomized controlled trials provide strong evidence that favourable lifestyle changes, including regular physical activity, are effective in the prevention of type 2 diabetes in individuals who are overweight and have impaired glucose tolerance. Compliance with the current recommendations to increase the total volume of moderate-intensity physical activity and to maintain good cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness appears to markedly decrease the likelihood of developing the MetS, especially in high-risk groups. Walking is the most common form of physical activity— it improves health in many ways and is generally safe. Therefore, brisk walking for at least 30 min daily can be recommended as the principal form of physical activity at the population level. If there are no contraindications, more vigorous physical exercise or resistance training should also be considered to obtain additional health benefits. Unstructured and low-intensity physical activity may also decrease the likelihood of developing the MetS, especially when substituted for sedentary behaviours such as watching television. The measurement of maximal oxygen consumption may provide an efficient means to target even individuals with relatively few metabolic risk factors who may benefit from more intensive intervention.

Characteristics of metabolically obese normal-weight (MONW) subjects
Tập 32 Số 1 - Trang 4-12 - 2007
Florence Conus, Rémi Rabasa‐Lhoret, François Péronnet

The existence of a subgroup of normal-weight individuals displaying obesity-related phenotypic characteristics was first proposed in 1981. These individuals were identified as metabolically obese but normal weight (MONW). It was hypothesized that these individuals might be characterized by hyperinsulinemia and (or) insulin resistance, as well as by hypertriglyceridemia and high blood pressure despite having a body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2. Such characteristics could confer upon MONW subjects a higher cardiovascular risk; however, scientific data on MONW subjects are scarce since only 9 publications are directly related to this topic. Despite differences in the criteria for identifying MONW subjects and the small number of subjects involved in most of these studies, their consistent results indicate that: (i) the prevalence of the MONW syndrome ranges between 5% and 45%, depending on the criteria used, age, BMI, and ethnicity; (ii) when compared with control subjects, MONW subjects display an altered insulin sensitivity, a higher abdominal and visceral adiposity, a more atherogenic lipid profile, a higher blood pressure, and a lower physical activity energy expenditure; and (iii) MONW subjects are at higher risks for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer
Tập 33 Số 6 - Trang 1269-1283 - 2008
Rob M. van Dam

Numerous epidemiological studies have evaluated the association between coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and various cancers. This paper briefly reviews the evidence for a relation between coffee consumption and these conditions, with particular attention to methodological issues. Several early studies suggested that coffee consumption could result in a marked increase in risk of coronary heart disease and several types of cancer. However, more recent prospective cohort studies that are less prone to selection and information bias have not confirmed these findings. High consumption of unfiltered types of coffee, such as French press and boiled coffee, has been shown to increase low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations. In addition, limiting caffeinated coffee intake during pregnancy seems a prudent choice. However, evidence has been accumulating that frequent consumption of coffee may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and liver cancer. Further experimental studies are warranted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and possibly identify the components in coffee that are responsible for these putative effects. In sum, the currently available evidence on coffee and risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer is largely reassuring, and suggests that, for the general population, addressing other health-related behaviors has priority for the prevention of chronic diseases.

Acute milk-based protein–CHO supplementation attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage
Tập 33 Số 4 - Trang 775-783 - 2008
Emma Cockburn, Philip R. Hayes, Duncan N. French, Emma Stevenson, Alan St Clair Gibson

Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) leads to the degradation of protein structures within the muscle. This may subsequently lead to decrements in muscle performance and increases in intramuscular enzymes and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Milk, which provides protein and carbohydrate (CHO), may lead to the attenuation of protein degradation and (or) an increase in protein synthesis that would limit the consequential effects of EIMD. This study examined the effects of acute milk and milk-based protein–CHO (CHO-P) supplementation on attenuating EIMD. Four independent groups of 6 healthy males consumed water (CON), CHO sports drink, milk-based CHO-P or milk (M), post EIMD. DOMS, isokinetic muscle performance, creatine kinase (CK), and myoglobin (Mb) were assessed immediately before and 24 and 48 h after EIMD. DOMS was not significantly different (p > 0.05) between groups at any time point. Peak torque (dominant) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO and CON, and M compared with CHO. Total work of the set (dominant) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared with CHO and CON. CK was significantly lower (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P and M compared with CHO. Mb was significantly lower (p < 0.05) 48 h after CHO-P compared with CHO. At 48 h post-EIMD, milk and milk-based protein–CHO supplementation resulted in the attenuation of decreases in isokinetic muscle performance and increases in CK and Mb.

A socioecological framework to understand weight-related issues in Aboriginal children in Canada
Tập 37 Số 1 - Trang 1-13 - 2012
Noreen D. Willows, Anthony J. Hanley, Treena Delormier

Obesity prevention efforts in Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) communities in Canada should focus predominantly on children given their demographic significance and the accelerated time course of occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Aboriginal population. A socioecological model to address childhood obesity in Aboriginal populations would focus on the numerous environments at different times in childhood that influence weight status, including prenatal, sociocultural, family, and community environments. Importantly, for Aboriginal children, obesity interventions need to also be situated within the context of a history of colonization and inequities in the social determinants of health. This review therefore advocates for the inclusion of a historical perspective and a life-course approach to obesity prevention in Aboriginal children in addition to developing interventions around the socioecological framework. We emphasize that childhood obesity prevention efforts should focus on promoting maternal health behaviours before and during pregnancy, and on breastfeeding and good infant and child nutrition in the postpartum and early childhood development periods. Ameliorating food insecurity by focusing on improving the sociodemographic risk factors for it, such as increasing income and educational attainment, are essential. More research is required to understand and measure obesogenic Aboriginal environments, to examine how altering specific environments modifies the foods that children eat and the activities that they do, and to examine how restoring and rebuilding cultural continuity in Aboriginal communities modifies the many determinants of obesity. This research needs to be done with the full participation of Aboriginal communities as partners in the research.

Adipokines as regulators of muscle metabolism and insulin sensitivityThis paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue, entitled 14th International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference – Muscles as Molecular and Metabolic Machines, and has undergone the Journal’s usual peer review process.
Tập 34 Số 3 - Trang 396-402 - 2009
David J. Dyck

Skeletal muscle is the largest tissue responsible for the insulin-stimulated disposal of glucose. However, identifying the link between excess body fat and impaired insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle has been difficult. Several adipose-derived cytokines (adipokines) have been implicated in the impairment of insulin sensitivity, while adipokines such as leptin and adiponectin exert an insulin-sensitizing effect. Leptin and adiponectin have each been shown to increase fatty acid (FA) oxidation and decrease triglyceride storage in muscle, which may explain, in part, the insulin-sensitizing effect of these cytokines. Recent evidence strongly implicates an increased localization of the FA transporters to the plasma membrane (PM) as an important factor in the accumulation of intramuscular lipids with high-fat diets and obesity. Perhaps suprisingly, relatively little attention has been paid to the ability of insulin-sensitizing compounds, such as leptin and adiponectin, to decrease the abundance of FA transporters in the PM, thereby decreasing lipid accumulation. In the case of both adipokines, there is also evidence that a resistance to their ability to stimulate FA oxidation in skeletal muscle develops during obesity. One of our recent studies indicates that this development can be very rapid (i.e., within days), and precedes the increase in lipid uptake and accumulation that leads to insulin resistance. It is noteworthy that leptin resistance can be modulated by both diet and training in rodents. Further studies examing the underlying mechanisms of the development of leptin and adiponectin resistance are warranted.