
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Humana Press , SPRINGER

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Medicine (miscellaneous)BiochemistryEnvironmental EngineeringApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyBiotechnologyBioengineeringMolecular Biology

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Silk Mat as Bio-matrix for the Immobilization of Cholesterol Oxidase
Tập 162 - Trang 1122-1131 - 2010
Urmila Saxena, Pranab Goswami
Cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) was covalently immobilized onto the woven silk fiber (silk mat) produced by Antheraea assamensis. The immobilization was done using N-ethyl-N’-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide ligand chemistry. The attachment of ChOx to the silk mat was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and activity study. The kinetic studies of the immobilized ChOx were performed by using a biological oxygen monitor. The enzyme loading was found to be 0.046 U cm−2 of silk mat and the enzyme loading efficiency of the silk mat was estimated to be 70%. Remarkably high storage and operational stability (t1/2 of initial activities) corresponding to 13 months and 25 numbers of assay (for a period of 6 h), respectively, of the fabricated ChOx electrode were demonstrated.
RNA-Seq Analysis of Antibiotic-Producing Bacillus subtilis SC-8 Reveals a Role for Small Peptides in Controlling PapR Signaling
Tập 185 - Trang 359-369 - 2017
Byung Wook Yang, In-Cheol Yeo, Jae Hee Choi, Chandra Datta Sumi, Young Tae Hahm
Bacillus subtilis SC-8 (BSSC8) shows a narrow antimicrobial activity against the Bacillus cereus group. Previously, B. cereus-derived PapR as a signal peptide to stimulate PlcR, which plays a significant role in regulating the transcription of virulence factors, was assumed to stimulate antibiotic production in BSSC8. To better understand the functional role of PapR in the antibiotic production of BSSC8 and the interspecies interaction, the global transcriptomic profiling of BSSC8 was investigated using RNA-Seq in this study. Small peptides derived from B. cereus wild type (WTBC) and a papR-deleted mutant strain (MTBC) were individually supplied to BSSC8 cultures, and changes in global transcription levels were compared by RNA-Seq. In the presence of WTBC small peptides, more genes (80.9%) were significantly upregulated than in cells exposed to MTBC small peptides. Specifically, 48.8 and 83.4% of genes involved in glycolysis and the TCA cycle, respectively, showed changes in transcription levels in response to small peptides from both strains. Of the genes showing the alterations, 35.0% (glycolysis) and 60.0% (TCA cycle) of transcripts were significantly regulated only in response to WTBC-derived small peptides. Furthermore, the expression of biosynthetic genes encoding several known antibiotics in BSSC8 was further decreased in response to WTBC small peptides.
Expression Profiling of Bioactive Genes from a Medicinal Plant Nigella sativa L.
Tập 170 - Trang 1472-1481 - 2013
Sadia Falak, Amer Jamil
Plants respond to stress in part by modulating gene expression either constitutively or in an inducible manner which ultimately leads to the restoration of cellular homeostasis, detoxification of toxins, and recovery of growth. Upon introduction to various elicitors such as pathogen-associated molecular patterns, a massive reprogramming of plant gene expression is initiated. Differential display PCR offers rapid and multiple comparisons of gene expression to various stress durations and intensities. Nigella sativa has acclaimed many medicinal properties in traditional medicine. To explore the underlying molecular mechanisms in response to stress in the plants, Fusarium solani (a fungus) stress was induced at different time intervals ranging from 0 to 48 h. RNA was subjected to complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesis followed by PCR using different sets of anchored primers and arbitrary primers. The expression was visualized after silver staining on urea-PAGE. Out of the 23 upregulated re-amplified cDNA products, ten differential fragments showed significant homologies with domains related to cellular metabolism, signal transduction, and disease resistance. Such genes could be an informative source for developing genetically improved breeds under infectious stress.
Kinetic Modeling of Ethanol Production by Scheffersomyces stipitis from Xylose
Tập 172 - Trang 361-379 - 2013
Daniele Farias, Rafael R. de Andrade, Francisco Maugeri-Filho
This work focuses on the kinetics of ethanol production by Scheffersomyces stipitis on xylose with the development of a mathematical model considering the effect of substrate and product concentrations on growth rate. Experiments were carried out in batch and continuous modes, with substrate concentration varying from 7.2 to 145 g L−1. Inhibitory effects on cell growth, substrate uptake, and ethanol production rates were found to be considerable. Kinetic parameters were obtained through linear and non-linear regression methods. Experiments in continuous mode were performed at different dilution rates to evaluate the inhibitory effect of ethanol. A mixed mathematical model which combined Andrews and Levenspiel's models, combining substrate and product inhibition, was used. A quasi-Newton routine was applied to obtain a more accurate fitting of kinetic parameters. The parameters such as cell to product factor (Y P/X) and limiting cell yield (Y X) were shown to be dependent on substrate concentration. The kinetic model fitted satisfactorily the experimental data.
RNA-seq Analysis of Antibiotic-Producing Bacillus subtilis SC-8 in Response to Signal Peptide PapR of Bacillus cereus
Tập 172 - Trang 580-594 - 2013
In-Cheol Yeo, Nam Keun Lee, Byung Wook Yang, Young Tae Hahm
Bacillus subtilis SC-8 produces an antibiotic that has narrow antagonistic activity against bacteria in the Bacillus cereus group. In B. cereus group bacteria, peptide-activating PlcR (PapR) plays a significant role in regulating the transcription of virulence factors. When B. subtilis SC-8 and B. cereus are co-cultured, PapR is assumed to stimulate antibiotic production by B. subtilis SC-8. To better understand the effect of PapR on this interspecies interaction, the global transcriptome profile of B. subtilis SC-8 was analyzed in the presence of PapR. Significant changes were detected in 12.8 % of the total transcripts. Genes related to amino acid transport and metabolism (16.5 %) and transcription (15 %) were mainly upregulated, whereas genes involved in carbohydrate transport and metabolism (12.7 %) were markedly downregulated. The expression of genes related to transcription, including several transcriptional regulators and proteins involved in tRNA biosynthesis, was increased. The expression levels of genes associated with several transport systems, such as antibiotic, cobalt, and iron complex transporters, was also significantly altered. Among the downregulated genes were transcripts associated with spore formation, the subtilosin A gene cluster, and nitrogen metabolism.
The Antimicrobial Activity of an Acidic Phospholipase A2 (NN-XIa-PLA2) from the Venom of Naja naja naja (Indian Cobra)
Tập 176 - Trang 2027-2038 - 2015
S. Sudarshan, B. L. Dhananjaya
Microbial resistance against antibiotics is considered as a potentially serious threat to public health. Therefore, there is much interest in developing new molecules with novel modes of action. In this study, when antimicrobial potential of an acidic protein—NN-XIa-PLA2 (Naja naja venom phospholipase A2 fraction—XIa) of N. naja venom was evaluated, it demonstrated potent bactericidal action against the human pathogenic strains. It inhibited more significantly, the gram-positive bacteria, when compared to gram-negative bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranged from 17 to 20 μg/ml. It was interesting to observe that the NN-XIa-PLA2 showed comparable antibacterial activity to the standard antibiotics used. It was found that there was a strong correlation between phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activities, hemolytic, and antimicrobial activity. Further, it is found that in the presence of p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB), there is a significant decrease in enzymatic activity and associated antimicrobial activities, suggesting that a strong correlation exists between catalytic activity and antimicrobial effects, which thereby destabilize the membrane bilayer. However, other mechanisms cannot be completely ruled out. Thus, these studies encourage further in-depth study on molecular mechanisms of antibacterial properties and thereby help in development of this protein into a possible therapeutic lead molecule for treating bacterial infections.
Effects of initial pH on biological synthesis of xylitol using xylose-rich hydrolysate
Tập 84 - Trang 751-759 - 2000
Tihany A. Morita, Silvio S. Silva, Maria G. A. Felipe
Sugarcane bagasse, an agricultural residue plentiful in Brazil, was utilized for xylitol production by a biotechnological process. Am edium fermentation prepared with this xylose-rich biomass at an oxygen transfer volmetric coefficient of 10/h1 and different initial pH value was inoculated with cells of Candida guilliermondii FTI 20037. The maximum values of xylitol and cell volumetric productivities (Q p=0.56 g/[L·h] and Q p=0.11 g/[g·h]), xylitol yield factor (Y p/s=0.79 g/g), and xylose uptake rate (qs=0.197 g/[g·h]) wereattained atp H 7.0 without further pH control. The results show that the yeast performance was influeced by the pH, an im portant bioengineering prameter in this fermentation process.
Bioconversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid (FDCA) by a Native Obligate Aerobic Bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NL14
Tập 192 - Trang 455-465 - 2020
Yequan Sheng, Xin Tan, Xin Zhou, Yong Xu
2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), one of the top biomass-based platform chemical, is highly promising for resins and polymers, and it can be prepared from the bio-oxidation of hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), which can be obtained mainly from lignocellulosic glucose that has a high production potential from not edible biomass. A native strain, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NL14, that could convert HMF into FDCA is used for combining degradation and fermentation by consolidated bioprocessing (CBP). In this study, it was observed that the initial HMF concentration and pH neutralizer played important roles in the bioconversion of HMF, 5 g/L of HMF could be converted by 100% within 48 h with 0.5 g/L sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) with the production of 0.31 g/L FDCA. Extra glucose and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) addition could further promote the production of FDCA to 0.54 g/L with 100% HMF conversion and a higher conversion rate. This report could provide a potential native bacterium for furan chemicals bioconversion and bioelimination, especially for FDCA bioproduction.
Enzyme modification by MPEG with an amino acid or peptide as spacer arms
- 1991
Luciana Sartore, Paolo Caliceti, Oddone Schiavon, Francesco M. Veronese
Production, Purification, and Characterization of a Cellulase-Free Thermostable Endo-xylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum DSM 571
Tập 174 - Trang 2392-2402 - 2014
Xun Li, Hao Shi, Huaihai Ding, Yu Zhang, Fei Wang
This is the first report describing the cloning, expression, and characterization of a putative thermostable, cellulase-free xylanase (XYN) from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum DSM 571. The temperature and pH values for optimal enzyme activity of XYN were found to be 65 °C and pH 6.5, respectively. The XYN activity was apparently enhanced by Co2+, Mn2+, and Tween 60 and significantly inactivated by Al3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and SDS. The K m and V max values of XYN for the hydrolysis of beechwood xylan were 2.1 mg/ml and 222.1 U/mg, respectively. The k cat values of XYN for beechwood xylan at the optimal temperature and pH values were 481.4 s−1. XYN represents an attractive candidate for use in the large-scale production of xylooligosaccharides (XOs) from forest residues because it is an endo-xylanase capable of degrading xylan.