Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

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Psychiatry and Mental Health

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Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica acts as an international forum for the dissemination of information advancing the science and practice of psychiatry. In particular we focus on communicating frontline research to clinical psychiatrists and psychiatric researchers. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica has traditionally been and remains a journal focusing predominantly on clinical psychiatry, but translational psychiatry is a topic of growing importance to our readers. Therefore, the journal welcomes submission of manuscripts based on both clinical- and more translational (e.g. preclinical and epidemiological) research. When preparing manuscripts based on translational studies for submission to Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, the authors should place emphasis on the clinical significance of the research question and the findings. Manuscripts based solely on preclinical research (e.g. animal models) are normally not considered for publication in the Journal.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Relationship of psychotic symptoms to haloperidol‐stimulated prolactin release
Tập 82 Số 4 - Trang 271-274 - 1990
Jayashri Kulkarni, Nicholas A Keks, Geoffrey W. Stuart, Belinda S. Mackie, I. Harry Minas, Bruce Singh, David Copolov
ABSTRACTProlactin (PRL) response to a single dose of intravenous haloperidol (0.5 mg) was measured as a marker of tuberoinfundibular dopamine (TIDA) activity in 24 neuroleptic‐free, male, psychotic patients. The PRL responses were then correlated with psychotic symptoms measured with Andreasen's Scales for the Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms (SAPS, SANS). Correlation analyses revealed a significant inverse relationship between PRL response and the severity of delusional symptoms. There was no significant correlation between the symptoms of hallucinations, formal thought disorder, or global negative symptoms and PRL response to haloperidol, nor were there any significant correlations between basal PRL and symptom severity. These results suggest that among the positive and negative symptoms associated with psychoses, only delusions may be associated with TIDA overactivity.
Trauma exposure, postmigration stressors, and symptoms of anxiety, depression and post‐traumatic stress in Tamil asylum‐seekers: comparison with refugees and immigrants
Tập 97 Số 3 - Trang 175-181 - 1998
Derrick Silove, Zachary Steel, Patrick D. McGorry, Pooja Basthi Mohan
Compared to research on displaced persons whose refugee status has been endorsed prior to arriving in Western countries, there is little systematic information available about levels of past trauma, postmigration living difficulties and psychiatric symptoms amongst asylum‐seekers who claim refugee status only after arrival. Asylum‐seekers, authorized refugees and immigrants of Tamil background were recruited by personal contact and mail‐out in Sydney, Australia. A total of 62 subjects, constituting approximately 60% of the estimated pool of Tamil asylum‐seekers, agreed to participate in the study. They returned statistically significantly higher scores than immigrants (n=104) on measures of past trauma, symptoms of anxiety, depression and post‐traumatic stress, and on all dimensions of postmigration difficulties. Asylum‐seekers did not differ from refugees (n=30) on measures of past trauma or psychiatric symptoms, but they scored higher on selective components of postmigration stress relating to difficulties associated with their insecure residency status. Although limited by sampling and diagnostic constraints, the present study suggests that asylum‐seekers may be a high‐risk group in relation to ongoing stress in the postmigration period.
Risk factors and peripheral biomarkers for schizophrenia spectrum disorders: an umbrella review of meta‐analyses
Tập 137 Số 2 - Trang 88-97 - 2018
Lazaros Belbasis, Cristiano A. Köhler, Nikos C. Stefanis, Brendon Stubbs, Jim van Os, Eduard Vieta, Mary V. Seeman, Celso Arango, André F. Carvalho, Εvangelos Εvangelou
ObjectiveThis study aimed to systematically appraise the meta‐analyses of observational studies on risk factors and peripheral biomarkers for schizophrenia spectrum disorders.MethodsWe conducted an umbrella review to capture all meta‐analyses and Mendelian randomization studies that examined associations between non‐genetic risk factors and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. For each eligible meta‐analysis, we estimated the summary effect size estimate, its 95% confidence and prediction intervals and the I2 metric. Additionally, evidence for small‐study effects and excess significance bias was assessed.ResultsOverall, we found 41 eligible papers including 98 associations. Sixty‐two associations had a nominally significant (P‐value <0.05) effect. Seventy‐two of the associations exhibited large or very large between‐study heterogeneity, while 13 associations had evidence for small‐study effects. Excess significance bias was found in 18 associations. Only five factors (childhood adversities, cannabis use, history of obstetric complications, stressful events during adulthood, and serum folate level) showed robust evidence.ConclusionDespite identifying 98 associations, there is only robust evidence to suggest that cannabis use, exposure to stressful events during childhood and adulthood, history of obstetric complications, and low serum folate level confer a higher risk for developing schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The evidence on peripheral biomarkers for schizophrenia spectrum disorders remains limited.
Subject and observer‐rated quality of life in schizophrenia
Tập 103 Số 5 - Trang 387-392 - 2001
Paul B. Fitzgerald, Chat Williams, N. Corteling, Sacha Filia, Karren Brewer, Alieh Adams, Anthony R.A. de Castella, T. Rolfe, Peter Davey, Jayashri Kulkarni
Objective: We aimed to explore the relationship between objectively rated quality of life and subjective measures of social functioning and life satisfaction. Method: Participants of the Schizophrenia Care and Assessment Program (SCAP) study at Dandenong in Australia were included in this analysis. Subjective ratings of several domains of social functioning and life satisfaction were taken from the SCAP instrument and comparisons made with data from the Quality of Life scale rated by research staff as well as several psychopathology measures. Results: Subjectively reported life satisfaction was not related to positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia but did correlate with depressive symptoms. Quality of Life scale measures correlated with negative symptoms on most domains. There was very limited overlap in domain items between the life satisfaction and quality of life measures. Conclusion: Life satisfaction and objectively rated quality of life are not closely related and appear to have different determinants in patients with schizophrenia.
Recent life events, Social support and suicide
Tập 89 Số s377 - Trang 65-72 - 1994
Maarit Venermo, Hannu T. Aro, Jouko Lönnqvist
The occurrence of recent life events during the last 3 months, and Social support received were studied in a nationwide suicide population (N = 1,067) in Finland. Recent life events were reported in 80 % of the suicides. Job problems (28 %), family discord (23 %), somatic illness (22 %), financial trouble (18 %), unemployment (16 %), separation (14 %), death (13 %) and illness in family (12 %) were the most common life events. Sex differences were found in recent life events: any life event, separation, financial trouble, job problems and unemployment were more common among males. The mean number of life events was also higher among males.Living alone was more common among female victims. Females had children more often than males. In terms of friendships, more females had a close friend, whereas more males had friends sharing common interests. Females had complained of loneliness more often than males. Those females who had lived alone had encountered a recent death more often than other females. The male victims who had lived alone had experienced separation, financial trouble and unemployment during the last 3 months more frequently than other males, suggesting a concurrent stressor effect of these recent life events with living alone in male suicides.
Trihexyphenidyl abuse: therapeutic implications for negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
Tập 75 Số 1 - Trang 91-94 - 1987
Robert Z. Fisch
ABSTRACT— Trihexyphenidyl (THP) and other antiparkinsonian drugs are known to be substances of abuse. This is true both in abusers of other substances and in chronic schizophrenics, the latter being infrequent abusers of other drugs. Most reports on the abuse of antiparkinsonian drugs among schizophrenic patients warn against the possible harm of this self‐medication. The present article describes the different effects of THP on both schizophrenic and non‐schizophrenic abusers. The subjective experience in most chronic schizophrenic patients who abuse THP is positive: they claim that THP makes them feel and function better. In the light of these findings, the author suggests that research on the possible benefits of THP in contrast to the potential harm in chronic, residual schizophrenic patients is warrented.
Tập 61 Số S280 - Trang 183-199 - 1980
Bernard J. Carroll, John F. Greden, Roger F. Haskett, Michael Feinberg, A. Ariav Albala, F. I. R. Martin, Robert T. Rubín, Barbara Heath, Peter T. Sharp, Wilson McLeod, M. F. McLeod
Higher cortisol awakening response in young adolescents with persistent anxiety problems
Tập 116 Số 2 - Trang 137-144 - 2007
Kirstin Greaves‐Lord, Robert F. Ferdinand, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Frouke Sondeijker, J. Ormel, Frank C. Verhulst
Objective:  The aims of the present study were to test the association between current anxiety problems and basal cortisol levels in a large population sample of young preadolescents, and to test if HPA‐axis activity differs between individuals with no, only current, or persistent anxiety problems.Method:  Cortisol levels of 10‐ to 12‐year olds (n = 1768) from the general population were measured on three time points during the day. A self‐report questionnaire (RCADS) was used to assess current anxiety, a parent‐report questionnaire (TPBQ) to assess anxiety problems at age 4.Results:  Associations between cortisol levels and current anxiety problems were not found. However, individuals with persistent anxiety problems had higher morning cortisol levels and a higher cortisol awakening response.Conclusion:  Apparently, only persistent, and not current, anxiety problems are associated with higher HPA‐axis activity. Alterations in HPA‐axis activity might underlie persistent anxiety problems, or result from the stress accompanied by persistent anxiety problems.
Interrater reliability of the Structured Clinical Interview for the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenia
Tập 89 Số 3 - Trang 192-195 - 1994
Eva Lindström, I M Wieselgren, Lars von Knorring
The Swedish version of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenia (PANSS) has been tested and construct validity, internal reliability and interrater reliability have been demonstrated to be quite satisfactory. However, the interrater reliability of the negative symptoms was unsatisfactory low. In this study, the Swedish version of the Structured Clinical Interview for the PANSS has been tested. The interrater reliability is increased as compared with the inter‐rater reliability achieved by means of the PANSS. As concerns the positive scale, the intraclass coefficients increased to 0.98–0.99 with the SCID‐PANSS. For the negative scale, the intraclass coefficients increased to 0.83–0.90 with the SCID‐PANSS, and for the general scale the increase was to 0.95–0.98 with the SCID‐PANSS. It was also demonstrated that the interrater reliability is higher for the positive and the negative factors derived from the PANSS than for the positive and the negative scales.
Standardized remission criteria in schizophrenia
Tập 113 Số 2 - Trang 91-95 - 2006
Jim van Os, Tom Burns, Roberto Cavallaro, Stefan Leucht, J. Peuskens, Lars Helldin, Miguel Bernardo, Celso Arango, W.W. Fleischhacker, B. Lachaux, John M. Kane
Objective:  Recent work has focussed on schizophrenia as a ‘deficit’ state but little attention has been paid to defining illness plasticity in terms of symptomatic remission.Method:  A qualitative review of a recently proposed concept of remission [N.C. Andreasen, W.T. Carpenter Jr, J.M. Kane, R.A. Lasser, S.R. Marder, D.R. Weinberger (2005) Am J Psychiatry 162: 441] is presented.Results:  The proposed definition of remission is conceptually viable, and can be easily implemented in clinical trials and clinical practice. Its increasing acceptance may reset expectations of treatment to a higher level, improve documentation of clinical status and facilitate dialogue on treatment expectations. The availability of validated outcome measures based on remission will enhance the conduct and reporting of clinical investigations, and could facilitate the design and interpretation of new studies on cognition and functional outcomes. While useful as a concept, it is important to consider that remission is distinct from recovery.Conclusion:  The introduction of standardized remission criteria may offer significant opportunities for clinical practice, health services research and clinical trials.