Organic nanofibers integrated by transfer technique in field-effect transistor devices

Nanoscale Research Letters - Tập 6 - Trang 1-8 - 2011
Luciana Tavares1, Jakob Kjelstrup-Hansen1, Kasper Thilsing-Hansen1, Horst-Günter Rubahn1
1NanoSYD, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark

Tóm tắt

The electrical properties of self-assembled organic crystalline nanofibers are studied by integrating these on field-effect transistor platforms using both top and bottom contact configurations. In the staggered geometries, where the nanofibers are sandwiched between the gate and the source-drain electrodes, a better electrical conduction is observed when compared to the coplanar geometry where the nanofibers are placed over the gate and the source-drain electrodes. Qualitatively different output characteristics were observed for top and bottom contact devices reflecting the significantly different contact resistances. Bottom contact devices are dominated by contact effects, while the top contact device characteristics are determined by the nanofiber bulk properties. It is found that the contact resistance is lower for crystalline nanofibers when compared to amorphous thin films. These results shed light on the charge injection and transport properties for such organic nanostructures and thus constitute a significant step forward toward a nanofiber-based light-emitting device.

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