In situ–Directed Growth of Organic Nanofibers and Nanoflakes: Electrical and Morphological Properties

Roana Melina de Oliveira Hansen1, Morten Madsen1, Jakob Kjelstrup‐Hansen1, Horst‐Günter Rubahn1
1NanoSYD, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark

Tóm tắt

AbstractOrganic nanostructures made from organic molecules such as para-hexaphenylene (p-6P) could form nanoscale components in future electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, the integration of such fragile nanostructures with the necessary interface circuitry such as metal electrodes for electrical connection continues to be a significant hindrance toward their large-scale implementation. Here, we demonstrate in situ–directed growth of such organic nanostructures between pre-fabricated contacts, which are source–drain gold electrodes on a transistor platform (bottom-gate) on silicon dioxide patterned by a combination of optical lithography and electron beam lithography. The dimensions of the gold electrodes strongly influence the morphology of the resulting structures leading to notably different electrical properties. The ability to control such nanofiber or nanoflake growth opens the possibility for large-scale optoelectronic device fabrication.

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