Near-surface seismic facies at the Korea Strait shelf margin and trough region

Geo-Marine Letters - Tập 16 - Trang 49-56 - 1996
D. G. Yoo1, S. C. Park1, W. C. Shin2, W. S. Kim2
1Department of Oceanography, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea
2Korea Institute of Geology, Mining & Materials, Taejon, Korea

Tóm tắt

High-resolution seismic profiles across the shelf margin and trough region of the Korea Strait reveal five shallow, near-surface facies units. These are relict coastal deposits, relict delta deposits, slumps and slides, and trough lag deposits. Most deposits represent a lowstand systems tract, formed during the last lowstand of sea level. Relict coastal deposits represent a linear sediment body along the present shelf margin at water depths of 120–150 m, whereas relict delta deposits occur on the gentle, southwestern slope of the trough at water depths of about 150–200 m. Slumps and slides are dominant at the base of slope in the central trough region. Sediments on the central trough floor were partly eroded and redistributed by strong currents, resulting in lag deposits.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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