
Geo-Marine Letters

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1999-2022)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Verlag

Lĩnh vực:
Environmental Science (miscellaneous)OceanographyEarth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Neogene tectonic evolution of the Alboran Sea from MCS data
- 1992
M. C. Comas, V. Garcı́a-Dueñas, María José Jurado
Giant sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
- 1996
Michele Rebesco, Robert D Larter, Angelo Camerlenghi, Peter F. Barker
Hyperpycnal plumes and plume fronts over the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta front
Tập 6 Số 2 - Trang 97-105 - 1986
L. D. Wright, Zuosheng Yang, Brian D. Bornhold, George H. Keller, David B. Prior, William J. Wiseman
Gas hydrate accumulation at the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano
Tập 19 Số 1-2 - Trang 57-67 - 1999
G. D. Ginsburg, Alexei V. Milkov, V. A. Soloviev, А.В. Егоров, Georgy Cherkashov, Peter Vogt, Kathleen Crane, Thomas D. Lorenson, M. D. Khutorskoy
Recent structures in the Alboran Ridge and Yusuf fault zones based on swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiling: evidence of active tectonics
Tập 31 - Trang 19-36 - 2010
Pedro Martínez-García, Juan I. Soto, Menchu Comas
The seafloor of the Alboran Sea in the western Mediterranean is disrupted by deformations resulting from convergence between the African and Eurasian plates. Based on a compilation of existing and new multibeam bathymetry data and high-resolution seismic profiles, our main objective was to characterize the most recent structures in the central sector, which depicts an abrupt morphology and was chosen to investigate how active tectonic processes are shaping the seafloor. The Alboran Ridge is the most prominent feature in the Alboran Sea (>130 km in length), and a key element in the Gibraltar Arc System. Recent uplift and deformation in this ridge have been caused by sub-vertical, strike-slip and reverse faults with associated folding in the most recent sediments, their trend shifting progressively from SW–NE to WNW–ESE towards the Yusuf Lineament. Present-day transtensive deformation induces faulting and subsidence in the Yusuf pull-apart basin. The Alboran Ridge and Yusuf fault zones are connected, and both constitute a wide zone of deformation reaching tens of kilometres in width and showing a complex geometry, including different active fault segments and in-relay folds. These findings demonstrate that Recent deformation is more heterogeneously distributed than commonly considered. A narrow SSW–NNE zone with folding and reverse faulting cuts across the western end of the Alboran Ridge and concentrates most of the upper crustal seismicity in the region. This zone of deformation defines a seismogenic, left-lateral fault zone connected to the south with the Al Hoceima seismic swarm, and representing a potential seismic hazard. Newly detected buried and active submarine slides along the Alboran Ridge and the Yusuf Lineament are clear signs of submarine slope instability in this seismically active region.
The Shandong mud wedge and post-glacial sediment accumulation in the Yellow Sea
- 2001
Paul Liu, John D. Milliman, Shu Gao
Gas hydrates from the continental slope, offshore Sakhalin Island, Okhotsk Sea
- 1993
G. D. Ginsburg, V. A. Soloviev, R E Cranston, Thomas D. Lorenson, Keith A. Kvenvolden
Importance of tropical coastal environments
- 1995
Charles A. Nittrouer, G. J. Brunskill, Alberto G. Figueiredo
Sea-floor features related to hydrocarbon seeps in deepwater carbonate-mud mounds of the Gulf of Cádiz: from mud flows to carbonate precipitates
Tập 27 Số 2-4 - Trang 237-247 - 2007
Ricardo León, Luı́s Somoza, Teresa Medialdea, Francisco Javier González, V. Díaz‐del‐Río, M.C. Fernández-Puga, Adolfo Maestro, M. Pilar Mata