Sedimentary evolution of the northwestern Alboran Sea during the Quaternary
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Five depositional bodies occur within the Quaternary deposits of the northwestern Alboran Sea: Guadalmedina-Guadalhorce prodelta, shelf-edge wedges, progradational packages, Guadiaro channel-levee complex, and debris flow deposits. The sedimentary structure reflects two styles of margin growth characterized: 1) by an essentially sediment-starved outer, shelf and upper slope and by divergent slope seismic facies; 2) by a prograding sediment outer shelf, and parallel slope seismic facies. Eustatic oscillations, sediment supply, and tectonic tilting have controlled the type of growth pattern, and the occurrence of the depositional bodies. Debris flows were also controlled locally by diapirism.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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