Gender difference in quality of life (QoL) among outpatients with schizophrenia in a tertiary care setting

BMC Psychiatry - Tập 21 - Trang 1-9 - 2021
Saleha Shafie1, Ellaisha Samari1, Anitha Jeyagurunathan1, Edimansyah Abdin1, Sherilyn Chang1, Siow Ann Chong1, Mythily Subramaniam1
1Research Division Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, Singapore

Tóm tắt

Patients with mental illness report lower quality of life (QoL) compared to the general population. Prior research has found several differences in clinical features and experiences of male and female patients with schizophrenia. Given these differences, it is also important to explore if there are any gender differences in terms of their QoL. This study aimed to investigate differences in QoL between and within each gender among outpatients with schizophrenia in Singapore. A total of 140 outpatients were recruited through convenience sampling at the Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. QoL was measured using the brief version of World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) which consists of four domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. QoL scores of males and females were compared using independent t-tests, and multiple linear regressions were used to examine sociodemographic correlates of QoL in the overall sample and within each gender. There was no significant difference in QoL domain scores between genders. Among males, Indian ethnicity (versus Chinese ethnicity) was positively associated with physical health (β=3.03, p=0.018) while males having Technical Education/ Diploma/ A level education (versus Degree and above) were positively associated with social relationships domain (β=2.46, p=0.047). Among females, Malay ethnicity (versus Chinese ethnicity) was positively associated with physical health (β=1.95, p=0.026) psychological health (β=3.21, p=0.001) social relationships (β=2.17, p=0.048) and environment (β=2.69, p=0.006) domains, while females who were separated/divorced (versus single) were inversely associated with psychological health (β=− 2.80, p=0.044) and social relationships domains (β=− 4.33, p=0.011). Females who had Secondary and below education (versus Degree and above) were inversely associated with social relationships (β=− 2.29, p=0.028) and environment domains (β=− 1.79, p=0.048). The findings show the importance of treatments targeting QoL to attend to both the clinical features of the illness as well patient’s sociodemographic characteristics.

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