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Đặc điểm của tế bào theo cơ chế apoptosis được đo bằng lưu lượng tế bào học
Wiley - Tập 13 Số 8 - Trang 795-808 - 1992
Zbigniew Darżynkiewicz, Silvia Bruno, G. Del Bino, Wojciech Gorczyca, Michel A. Hotz, Piotr Lassota, Frank Traganos
Tóm tắt

Bài tổng quan này mô tả nhiều phương pháp để nhận diện và phân biệt giữa hai cơ chế chết tế bào khác nhau, apoptosis và hoại tử. Đa phần các phương pháp này đã được áp dụng trong các nghiên cứu về apoptosis trong dòng tế bào bạch cầu HL-60 của người bị kích hoạt bởi các chất ức chế DNA topoizomeras I hoặc II, và trong các tế bào tuyến ức của chuột bởi cả chất ức chế topoizomeras hoặc prednisolone. Trong hầu hết các trường hợp, apoptosis chọn lọc đối với tế bào trong pha nhất định của chu kỳ tế bào: chỉ tế bào HL-60 pha S và tế bào tuyến ức G0 bị ảnh hưởng chính. Hoại tử được kích hoạt bởi nồng độ quá cao của những loại thuốc này. Các đặc điểm tế bào sau đây đã được xác định có ích trong việc nhận diện kiểu chết tế bào: (a) Sự kích hoạt endonuclease trong tế bào apoptosis dẫn đến việc chiết xuất DNA có trọng lượng phân tử thấp sau khi tế bào bị thẩm thấu, dẫn đến giảm khả năng nhuộm bằng các fluoroquinone đặc hiệu với DNA. Đo hàm lượng DNA giúp nhận diện tế bào apoptosis và phát hiện được pha đặc hiệu của chu kỳ tế bào liên quan đến tiến trình apoptosis. (b) Tính toàn vẹn màng tế bào, mất trong tế bào hoại tử nhưng không mất trong tế bào apoptosis, đã được thăm dò bằng cách loại trừ iodua propidium (PI). Sự kết hợp giữa PI và Hoechst 33342 tỏ ra là một đầu dò tuyệt vời để phân biệt các tế bào sống, hoại tử, apoptosis sớm và muộn. (c) Điện thế xuyên màng ty thể, đo thông qua khả năng giữ rhodamine 123 được giữ nguyên trong tế bào apoptosis nhưng không trong tế bào hoại tử. (d) Bơm proton lysosome phụ thuộc vào ATP, thử nghiệm thông qua khả năng hút acridine orange (AO) trong môi trường sống, cũng được giữ nguyên trong tế bào apoptosis nhưng không trong tế bào hoại tử. (e) Phân tích bivariate của tế bào được nhuộm DNA và protein tiết lộ giảm đáng kể hàm lượng protein trong tế bào apoptosis, có lẽ do sự kích hoạt của protease nội sinh. Tế bào hoại tử, có màng bị rò, có hàm lượng protein tối thiểu. (f) Nhuộm RNA cho phép phân biệt giữa tế bào G0 và G1 và như vậy có thể chứng minh rằng apoptosis lựa chọn tế bào tuyến ức G0. (g) Sự giảm trong tán xạ ánh sáng phía trước, được đi kèm bởi hoặc không có thay đổi (tế bào HL-60) hoặc tăng (tế bào tuyến ức) của tán xạ góc phải, là những thay đổi sớm trong apoptosis. (h) Độ nhạy của DNA in situ đối với sự suy thoái, tăng trong tế bào apoptosis và tế bào hoại tử. Đặc điểm này, được thăm dò bằng cách nhuộm với AO ở pH thấp, cung cấp một thử nghiệm nhạy cảm và sớm để phân biệt giữa các tế bào sống, tế bào apoptosis và tế bào hoại tử, cũng như để đánh giá đặc điểm pha chu kỳ tế bào của các tiến trình này. (i) Phương pháp chuyển dịch nick in situ sử dụng triphospohonucloside gắn nhãn có thể được sử dụng để tiết lộ đứt gãy sợi DNA, để phát hiện giai đoạn rất sớm của apoptosis. Dữ liệu cho thấy rằng lưu lượng tế bào học có thể được áp dụng trong nghiên cứu cơ bản về cơ chế sinh hóa và phân tử của apoptosis, cũng như trong lâm sàng nơi khả năng theo dõi các dấu hiệu sớm của apoptosis trong các mẫu từ các khối u của bệnh nhân có thể dự đoán kết quả của một số phác đồ điều trị. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

#Apoptosis #necrosis #lưu lượng tế bào học #HL-60 #tế bào tuyến ức #DNA topoizomeras #dấu hiệu sinh hóa #phân biệt tế bào chết #phương pháp phân định tế bào.
Flow cytometric measurements of fluorescence energy transfer using single laser excitation
Wiley - Tập 8 Số 2 - Trang 120-128 - 1987
János Szöllősi, László Mátyus, Lajos Trón, Margit Balázs, István Ember, Mack J. Fulwyler, Sándor Damjanovich

Flow cytometric energy transfer (FCET) measurements between labeled specific sites of cell surface elements (Szöllosi et al., Cytometry, 5:210–216, 1984) have been extended in a simplified form using a flow cytometer equipped with single excitation beam. This versatile and easily applicable method has several advantages over any nonflow cytometric (i.e., spectrofluorimetric) energy transfer measurements on cell surfaces: (1) The labeled ligands can be applied in excess, without washing, thereby enahling the investigation of relatively labile receptor‐ligand complexes. (2) Contributions of signals from cell debris, from cell aggregates, or from nonviable cells can be avoided by gating the data collection on the light scatter signal. (3) The heterogeneity of the cell population with respect to the proximity of the labeled binding sites can be studied. (4) In the cases of homologous ligands or of ligands binding to the same molecule but at different epitopes, the determination of fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency values can be carried out on a cell‐by‐cell basis, offering data on intramolecular conformational changes.

This modified FCET method enabled us to demonstrate the uniform density of glycoproteins, specific for Con A binding, in the plasma membrane of normal and Gross virus leukemic mouse cells of different sizes. The utility of this procedure has also been demonstrated by using the mean fluorescence intensities of the distribution curves in the calculation of the fluorescence energy transfer efficiency.

Optimal detection of apoptosis by flow cytometry depends on cell morphology
Wiley - Tập 14 Số 8 - Trang 891-897 - 1993
L. Zamai, Elisabetta Falcieri, Giorgio Zauli, Amelia Cataldi, Marco Vitale

Flow cytometry has recently become a choice technique for the quantitative analysis of apoptosis. Monoparametric DNA analysis usually allows identification of apoptotic cells as a “subdiploid” peak. Progression through apoptosis leads to chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation and eventually to cell disruption. Thus, a major problem for the flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic populations is discrimination between debris and apoptotic cells. Here we demonstrate that the best parameter on which to make such a distinction is the DNA content, no matter what type of cell is studied. In contrast, discrimination between apoptotic, non‐apoptotic cells, and debris is possible on the basis of scattering signals only in few selected cases, depending on the morphology of the intact cells. © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Identification and quantitation of apoptotic cells following anti‐CD3 activation of murine G<sub>0</sub> T cells
Wiley - Tập 14 Số 8 - Trang 883-890 - 1993
Francis J. Chrest, M Buchholz, Young Ho Kim, Taeg‐Kyu Kwon, Albert A. Nordin

Multiparameter flow cytometry and cell sorting were used to examine the process of apoptosis after activation of murine resting T cells with immobilized anti‐CD3. Activated T cells treated with Hoechst 33342 (HO‐33342) and analyzed by flow cytometry showed two major cell populations of high and low fluorescence. These populations were sorted and the DNA extracted and subjected to electrophoresis. Electrophoresis of DNA extracted from T cells showing a low level of HO‐33342 fluorescence (HO‐Low) resulted in a typical ladder pattern characteristic of internucleosomal DNA degradation associated with apoptosis, whereas the cellular DNA of the cells showing a high level of fluorescence (HO‐High) showed a narrow high molecular weight band. Multiparameter analysis further indicated that cells with HO‐High characteristics possessed corresponding high‐FSC/low‐SSC properties, whereas HO‐Low cells formed a cluster of low‐FSC/high‐SSC cells. Analysis of the DNA extracted from cells sorted on the basis of scatter properties alone confirmed that the low‐FSC/high‐SSC population contained the apoptotic cells and that the high‐FSC/low‐SSC population was comprised of viable cells. This methodology allowed us to determine the percentage of apoptotic cells following anti‐CD3 activation at various time points and to discriminate them from those in cell cycle. We could further quantitate the number of apoptotic versus viable CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the cell cycle. © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.

Flow cytometric enumeration of absolute lymphocyte number in peripheral blood using two parameters of light scatter
Wiley - Tập 6 Số 2 - Trang 172-174 - 1985
Y. Cheng Smart, Josephine H. Cox, Brian C. Murphy, Arno Enno, Robert C. Burton

A method was developed to measure the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) of whole blood using the Spectrum III automated flow cytometer. Ninety‐nine samples of human peripheral blood were analysed on the Spectrum and the Coulter Counter S Plus II, to allow for comparison of the two machines. Regression analysis was used to test the extent of agreement between the sets of measurements on the two machines. The results demonstrated that the slope of the regression line was not significantly different from one, indicating a high level of correlation between Spectrum and Coulter ALC's. However, the mean difference between Coulter and Spectrum ALC's was not equal to zero, with the Spectrum giving counts approximately 10% lower than those of the Coulter machine. This is attributed to the different ways by which the two machines define a lymphocyte, the Spectrum III by two parameters of light scatter and the Coulter S Plus II by the single parameter of cell volume.

Flow cytometric cytotoxicity assay for measuring mammalian and avian NK cell activity
Wiley - Tập 47 Số 3 - Trang 158-162 - 2002
Csaba Vízler, Tünde Nagy, Erzsébet Kúsz, Hristos Glavinas, E. Duda

Flow‐cytometric assays are convenient alternatives to classic radioactive natural killer (NK) tests. MitoTracker Green FM, a green fluorescent intracellular probe serving originally for staining mitochondria, seemed especially suitable for labeling NK target cells.

Materials and Methods

NK target cells were labeled with MitoTracker Green FM. After incubation with effector spleen cells, cell suspensions were stained with propidium iodide (PI), and flow‐cytometric analysis was performed.


MitoTracker Green FM stained efficiently each cell type we assayed, including resting cells, and it was not released from dead cells. NK assays were set up using mouse spleen effector cells and K562 NK target cells. MitoTracker Green FM and PI double staining allowed a discrimination of live and dead target cells, and the cytotoxicity values were in the expected range. Then the method was applied to a less well‐known chicken model. We found that chicken‐skin fibroblasts had a definite sensitivity to autologous splenic NK cells, sometimes as high as the sensitivity of classic NK targets.


Convenient flow‐cytometric NK tests can be performed by MitoTracker Green FM and PI staining. Using this method, we demonstrated that chicken fibroblasts are sensitive to the cytotoxic effect of autologous NK cells. Cytometry 47:158–162, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Effect of electric field pulses on the viability and on the membrane‐bound immunoglobulins of LPS‐activated murine B‐lymphocytes: Correlation with the cell cycle
Wiley - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 35-45 - 1994
Cholpon S. Djuzenova, Vladimir L. Sukhorukov, Gerd Klöck, W.M. Arnold, U. Zimmermann

The effects, of microsecond electropulses (1–kV/cm) on the viability of murine B lymphocytes and on their binding of antibodies by surface immunoglobulin (Ig) were studied in relation to the cell cycle. Before electropulsing, cultures given 48 h mitogenic stimulation showed at least two cell subpopulations, which were distinguishable by their levels of surface‐Ig expression as assessed with FITC‐labelled antibodies against mouse Ig. The immunofluorescence intensity of cells in S and G2/M phases was higher than that of G0/G1 cells.

After exposure of the mitogen‐stimulated lymphocytes to three exponentially decaying (time constantτ=5–40 μs) electric field pulses, dye exclusion assay showed that pulsing at 1 or 2 kV/cm (at 4°C or 20°C) did not cause permeabilization. Field strengths of 3, 4, or 5 kV/cm resulted in 20%, 45%, or 70% of dye‐permeable cells, respectively, if the pulsed cells were transferred to phosphate‐buffered saline on ice for 30 min. Incubation in full medium at 37°C for 30 min (“resealing”) significantly decreased the percentage of permeabilized cells. Electropulsed G0/G1 cells were not only more resistant to direct electric exposure (tolerated higher field strengths) than S+G2/M cells but also responded better to resealing.

The surface Ig of lymphocytes pulsed at higher fields and low temperature (4 or 5 kV/cm, τ =5 μs, three pulses, 4°C) was less easily immunostained than in controls or in cells pulsed at 2 kV/cm or less. At 5 kV/cm those cells that were not permeabilized showed a greater reduction in immunostaining, especially if resealed. © 1994 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Incidence of numerical chromosome aberrations in meningioma tumors as revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization using 10 chromosome‐specific probes
Wiley - Tập 50 Số 3 - Trang 153-159 - 2002
José María Sayagués, María Dolores Tabernero, A. Maíllo, P. Díaz, Ana Rasillo, Bortoluci Aglae, J.A. Gómez-Moreta, Ángel Santos‐Briz, Francisco Morales, Alberto Órfão

Objective: Although information on the cytogenetic characteristics of meningioma tumors has accumulated progressively over the past few decades, information on the genetic heterogeneity of meningiomas is still scanty. The aim of the present study was to analyze by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the incidence of numerical abnormalities for chromosomes 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, X, and Y in a group of 70 consecutive meningioma tumors. Another goal was to establish the potential associations among the altered chromosomes, as a way to assess both intertumoral and intratumoral heterogeneity. Methods: For the purpose of the study, 70 patients diagnosed with meningioma were analyzed. Interphase FISH for the detection of numerical abnormalities for chromosomes 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, X, and Y was applied to fresh tumor samples from each of the patients studied. Results: The overall incidence of numerical abnormalities was 76%. Chromosome Y in males and chromosome 22 in the whole series were the most common abnormalities (46% and 61%, respectively). Despite the finding that monosomy of chromosome 22/22q deletions are the most frequent individual abnormality (53%), we have observed that chromosome gains are significantly more common than chromosome losses (60% versus 40%). Chromosome gains corresponded to abnormalities of chromosomes 1 (27%), 9 (25%), 10 (23%), 11 (22%), 14 (33%), 15 (22%), 17 (23%), and X in females (35%) and males (23%) whereas chromosome losses apart from chromosome 22 frequently involved chromosomes 14 (19%), X in males (23%), and Y in males (32%). Although an association was found among most gained chromosomes on one side and chromosome losses on the other side, different association patterns were observed. Furthermore, in the latter group, monosomy 22/22q was associated with monosomy X in females and monosomy 14/14q was associated with nulisomy Y in males. In addition, chromosome losses usually involved a large proportion of the tumor cells whereas chromosome gains were restricted to small tumor cell clones, including tetraploid cells. Conclusions: Our results show that meningiomas are genetically heterogeneous tumors that display different patterns of numerical chromosome changes, as assessed by interphase FISH. Cytometry (Clin. Cytometry) 50:153–159, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

A Detergent‐trypsin method for the preparation of nuclei for flow cytometric DNA analysis
Wiley - Tập 3 Số 5 - Trang 323-327 - 1983
Lars L. Vindeløv, Ib Jarle Christensen, Nis I. Nissen

A new modification of our detergent technique for the preparation of nuclei for flow cytometric DNA analysis is described. The attainment of low coefficients of variation of the peaks and of quantitative staining of nuclei from different tissues was a problem with the original method. This was solved in the new modification by trypsinization of the unfixed nuclei. The nuclei were stabilized by spermine. A simple procedure for long‐term storage of samples at —80°C was integrated into the method. The fluorescence of the nuclei was stable for at least 3 hours after staining. Light exposure protection of the samples was essential. No cell loss was caused by storage or staining. The method was successfully applied on samples including: (a) Normal tissues— human lymphocytes, granulocytes and spleen. Mouse lymphocytes, bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney and thymus. (b) Human neoplasms— lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, bladder cancer and cancer of the oral cavity. (c) Human tumors in nude mice— breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma and colon cancer. (d) Mouse ascites tumors— JB‐1, L 1210, Ehrlich and P 383. It therefore seems well suited as a routine clinical procedure.

Sensitive method for measuring apoptosis and cell surface phenotype in human thymocytes by flow cytometry
Wiley - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 12-20 - 1994
Ingrid Schmid, Christel H. Uíttenbogaart, Janis V. Giorgi

A rapid, gentle, and sensitive method for quantification of cells undergoing apoptosis is presented. The method allows the simultaneous determination of dual‐color cell surface immunofluorescence. Cells are stained for 7 min with the vital dye Hoechst 33342 (HO342) for identification of live and apoptotic cells. 7‐amino‐actinomycin D (7‐AAD) is added to distinguish cells that have lost membrane integrity from apoptotic and live cells. Due to its spectral properties 7‐AAD can be utilized on cells that are dual‐surface labelled with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC) and phycoerythrin (PE). The value of the method is demonstrated on human thymocytes, which constitutively undergo programmed cell death and which show an increase in the rate of apoptosis after exposure to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX). Vital staining with HO342 permits earlier detection of apoptotic changes compared to a staining technique in which cells are treated with a hypotonic citrate solution containing propidium iodide (PI) and the apoptotic cells are represented in a hypodiploid, “sub‐G1” peak. The HO342/7AAD method may be particularly applicable to studies of programmed cell death in cells in which DNA fragmentation is difficult to detect by decreased DNA stainability. © 1994 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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