
Theoretical and Applied Genetics




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Golden SusPtrit: a genetically well transformable barley line for studies on the resistance to rust fungi
Tập 127 - Trang 325-337 - 2013
F. K. S. Yeo, G. Hensel, T. Vozábová, A. Martin-Sanz, T. C. Marcel, J. Kumlehn, R. E. Niks
We developed ‘Golden SusPtrit’, i.e., a barley line combining SusPtrit’s high susceptibility to non-adapted rust fungi with the high amenability of Golden Promise for transformation. Nonhost and partial resistance to Puccinia rust fungi in barley are polygenically inherited. These types of resistance are principally prehaustorial, show high diversity between accessions of the plant species and are genetically associated. To study nonhost and partial resistance, as well as their association, candidate gene(s) for resistance must be cloned and tested in susceptible material where SusPtrit would be the line of choice. Unfortunately, SusPtrit is not amenable to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Therefore, a doubled haploid (DH) mapping population (n = 122) was created by crossing SusPtrit with Golden Promise to develop a ‘Golden SusPtrit’, i.e., a barley line combining SusPtrit’s high susceptibility to non-adapted rust fungi with the high amenability of Golden Promise for transformation. We identified nine genomic regions occupied by resistance quantitative trait loci (QTLs) against four non-adapted rust fungi and P. hordei isolate 1.2.1 (Ph.1.2.1). Four DHs were selected for an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency test. They were among the 12 DH lines most susceptible to the tested non-adapted rust fungi. The most efficiently transformed DH line was SG062N (11–17 transformants per 100 immature embryos). The level of non-adapted rust infection on SG062N is either similar to or higher than the level of infection on SusPtrit. Against Ph.1.2.1, the latency period conferred by SG062N is as short as that conferred by SusPtrit. SG062N, designated ‘Golden SusPtrit’, will be a valuable experimental line that could replace SusPtrit in nonhost and partial resistance studies, especially for stable transformation using candidate genes that may be involved in rust-resistance mechanisms.
Genetic control of ?-Amylase production in wheat
Tập 64 Số 4 - Trang 309-316 - 1983
M. D. Gale, C. N. Law, A. J. S. Chojecki, R. A. Kempton
Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for heading date and plant height in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Tập 91 - Trang 374-381 - 1995
Zhikang Li, S. R. M. Pinson, J. W. Stansel, W. D. Park
‘Lemont’ and ‘Teqing’ are both semidwarf rice varieties that differ in heading date by only 6 days. However, when ‘Lemont’ and ‘Teqing’ are crossed there is transgressive segregation for both heading date (HD) and plant height (PH). By testing 2418 F4 lines with 113 well-distributed RFLP markers, we identified and mapped chromosomal regions that were largely responsible for this transgressive segregation. QHd3a, a QTL from ‘Lemont’ that gives 8 days earlier heading, was identified on chromosome 3 approximately 3 cM from the marker RG348. Another QTL with a large effect, QHd8a, which gives 7 days earlier heading, was identified on chromosome 8 of ‘Teqing’ between RG20 and RG1034. Along with a QTL, QHd9a with a phenotypic effect of 3.5 days, these genomic regions collectively explain 76.5% of the observed phenotypic variance in heading date. Four QTLs which altered plant height from 4 to 7 cm were also mapped; these collectively explain 48.8% of the observed phenotypic variation in plant height. None of the QTLs for plant height mapped to chromosome 1, the location of the semidwarf gene sd-1. All three of the HD loci mapped to approximately the same genomic locations as PH QTLs, and in all cases, there was a reduction in height of approximately 1 cm for every day of earlier heading. The correspondence between the HD and some of the PH loci suggests that genes at these chromosome locations may have pleiotropic effects on both HD and PH. The observed heterosis in the F1 plants for HD can be largely explained by the dominance for earliness of the identified HD loci and distribution of earlier heading alleles in the parents. However, overdominance observed at one of the PH QTL may, at least in part, be responsible for the observed heterosis in PH.
Characterization of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in cultivated rice contributing to field resistance to sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani)
Tập 91 - Trang 382-388 - 1995
Zhikang Li, S. R. M. Pinson, M. A. Marchetti, J. W. Stansel, W. D. Park
Sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is one of the most important diseases of rice. Despite extensive searches of the rice germ plasm, the major gene(s) which give complete resistance to the fungus have not been identified. However, there is much variation in quantitatively inherited resistance to R. solani, and this type of resistance can offer adequate protection against the pathogen under field conditions. Using 255 F4 bulked populations from a cross between the susceptible variety ‘Lemont’ and the resistant variety ‘Teqing’, 2 years of field disease evaluation and 113 well-distributed RFLP markers, we identified six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to resistance to R. solani. These QTLs are located on 6 of the 12 rice chromosomes and collectively explain approximately 60% of the genotypic variation or 47% of the phenotypic variation in the ‘Lemont’x‘Teqing’ cross. One of these resistance QTLs (QSbr4a), which accounted for 6% of the genotypic variation in resistance to R. solani, appeared to be independent of associated morphological traits. The remaining five putative resistance loci (QSbr2a, QSbr3a, QSbr8a, QSbr9a and QSbr12a) all mapped to chromosomal regions also associated with increased plant height, three of which were also associated with QTLs causing later heading. This was consistent with the observation that heading date and plant height accounted for 47% of the genotypic variation in resistance to R. solani in this population. There were also weak associations between resistance to R. solani and leaf width, which were likely due to linkage with a QTL for this trait rather than to a physiological relationship.
Identification and validation of genomic regions that affect shoot fly resistance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Tập 122 Số 8 - Trang 1617-1630 - 2011
C. Aruna, V. R. Bhagwat, R. Madhusudhana, Vittal Sharma, Talib Hussain, R. B. Ghorade, H. G. Khandalkar, S. Audilakshmi, N. Seetharama
Genetic dissection of fruit quality traits in the octoploid cultivated strawberry highlights the role of homoeo-QTL in their control
Tập 124 - Trang 1059-1077 - 2012
E. Lerceteau-Köhler, A. Moing, G. Guérin, C. Renaud, A. Petit, C. Rothan, Béatrice Denoyes
Fruit quality traits are major breeding targets in the Rosaceae. Several of the major Rosaceae species are current or ancient polyploids. To dissect the inheritance of fruit quality traits in polyploid fleshy fruit species, we used a cultivated strawberry segregating population comprising a 213 full-sibling F1 progeny from a cross between the variety ‘Capitola’ and the genotype ‘CF1116’. We previously developed the most comprehensive strawberry linkage map, which displays seven homoeology groups (HG), including each four homoeology linkage groups (Genetics 179:2045–2060, 2008). The map was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for 19 fruit traits related to fruit development, texture, colour, anthocyanin, sugar and organic acid contents. Analyses were carried out over two or three successive years on field-grown plants. QTL were detected for all the analysed traits. Because strawberry is an octopolyploid species, QTL controlling a given trait and located at orthologous positions on different homoeologous linkage groups within one HG are considered as homoeo-QTL. We found that, for various traits, about one-fourth of QTL were putative homoeo-QTL and were localised on two linkage groups. Several homoeo-QTL could be detected the same year, suggesting that several copies of the gene underlying the QTL are functional. The detection of some other homoeo-QTL was year-dependent. Therefore, changes in allelic expression could take place in response to environmental changes. We believe that, in strawberry as in other polyploid fruit species, the mechanisms unravelled in the present study may play a crucial role in the variations of fruit quality.
A consensus linkage map of rye (Secale cereale L.) including 374 RFLPs, 24 isozymes and 15 gene loci
Tập 97 - Trang 1279-1288 - 1998
A. Börner, V. Korzun
 Consensus linkage maps were constructed for all seven rye chromosomes using 12 basic RFLP maps. The maps presented contain a total of 413 markers. The number of markers per chromosome varies from 41 (chromosome 3R) to 83 (chromosome 1R). In addition to 374 RFLP and 24 isozyme markers 15 gene loci were incorporated, determining the traits reduced plant height, self fertility, male sterility restoration, vernalization response, resistance against powdery mildew, chlorophyll deficiency, hairy leaf sheath, hairy peduncle, waxy endosperm, waxless plant and absence of ligules. The maps presented allow the selection of markers for the fine mapping of certain regions of the rye genome. In terms of the known chromosomal rearrangements within the Triticeae its utilization can also be extended for mapping in wheat and barley.
Production and genetic characterization of near-isogenic lines in the bread-wheat cultivar Alpe
Tập 90 - Trang 650-658 - 1995
N. E. Pogna, R. Redaelli, P. Vaccino, A. M. Biancardi, A. D. B. Peruffo, A. Curioni, E. V. Metakovsky, S. Pagliaricci
Two biotypes of the bread-wheat cultivar Alpe were shown to possess contrasting alleles at each of the glutenin (Glu-B1, Glu-D1, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3) and gliadin (Gli-B1 and Gli-D1) loci on chromosomes 1B and 1D. Fourteen near-isogenic lines (NILs) were produced by crossing these biotypes and used to determine the genetic control of both low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits and gliadins by means of one-dimensional or two-dimensional electrophoresis. Genes coding for the B, C and D groups of EMW subunits were found to be inherited in clusters tightly linked with those controlling gliadins. Southern-blot analysis of total genomic DNAs hybridized to a γ-gliadin-specific cDNA clone revealed that seven NILs lack both the Gli-D1 and Glu-D3 loci on chromosome 1D. Segregation data indicated that these “null” alleles are normally inherited. Comparison of the “null” NILs with those possessing allele b at the Glu-D3 locus showed one B subunit, seven C subunits and two D subunits, as fractionated by two-dimensional A-PAGExSDS-PAGE, to be encoded by this allele. Alleles b and k at Glu-B3 were found to code for two C subunits plus eight and six B subunits respectively, whereas alleles b and k at Gli-B1 each controlled the synthesis of two β-gliadins, one γ and two ω-gliadins. The novel Gli-B5 locus coding for two ω-gliadins was shown to recombine with the Gli-B1 locus on chromosome 1B. The two-dimensional map of glutenin subunits showed α-gliadins encoded at the Gli-A2 locus on chromosome 6A. The use of Alpe NILs in the study of the individual and combined effects of glutenin subunits on dough properties is discussed.
Lycopersicon esculentum lines containing small overlapping introgressions from L. pennellii
- 1992
Yuval Eshed, Mohamad Abu-Abied, Yehoshua Saranga, Dani Zamir
Identification of genomic regions affecting plant height in sorghum and maize
Tập 90 - Trang 380-388 - 1995
M. G. Pereira, M. Lee
The objective of this study was to use restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to determine the genetic location and effects of genomic regions controlling plant height in sorghum. F2 plants (152) from the cross CK60 x PI229828 were used. Genomic and cDNA clones (106) identified 111 loci distributed among ten linkage groups covering 1299 cM. Interval mapping identified four regions, each in a separate linkage group. These regions may correspond to loci (dw) previously identified by alleles with qualitative effects. Also, these regions identified in sorghum may be orthologous to those previously reported for plant height in maize. Gene effects and gene action varied among genomic regions. In each region, PI229828 alleles resulted in increased plant height. Each region accounted for 9.2–28.7% of the phenotypic variation. Positive, additive effects ranged from 15 to 32cm. Tallness was dominant or overdominant and conferred by alleles from PI229828 for three quantitative trait loci (QTL). At the fourth QTL, PI229828 contributed to increased plant height, but short stature was partially dominant. One digenic interaction was significant. The presence of a PI229828 allele at one region diminished the effects of the other region. A multiple model indicated that these four regions collectively accounted for 63.4% of the total phenotypic variation. The utility of this information for germplasm conversion through backcross breeding is discussed.