
The Royal Society




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The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: a critique of the adaptationist programme
Tập 205 Số 1161 - Trang 581-598 - 1979
Stephen Jay Gould, Richard C Lewontin

An adaptationist programme has dominated evolutionary thought in England and the United States during the past 40 years. It is based on faith in the power of natural selection as an optimizing agent. It proceeds by breaking an organism into unitary ‘traits’ and proposing an adaptive story for each considered separately. Trade-offs among competing selective demands exert the only brake upon perfection; non-optimality is thereby rendered as a result of adaptation as well. We criticize this approach and attempt to reassert a competing notion (long popular in continental Europe) that organisms must be analysed as integrated wholes, with Baupläne so constrained by phyletic heritage, pathways of development and general architecture that the constraints themselves become more interesting and more important in delimiting pathways of change than the selective force that may mediate change when it occurs. We fault the adaptationist programme for its failure to distinguish current utility from reasons for origin (male tyrannosaurs may have used their diminutive front legs to titillate female partners, but this will not explain why they got so small); for its unwillingness to consider alternatives to adaptive stories; for its reliance upon plausibility alone as a criterion for accepting speculative tales; and for its failure to consider adequately such competing themes as random fixation of alleles, production of non-adaptive structures by developmental correlation with selected features (allometry, pleiotropy, material compensation, mechanically forced correlation), the separability of adaptation and selection, multiple adaptive peaks, and current utility as an epiphenomenon of non-adaptive structures. We support Darwin’s own pluralistic approach to identifying the agents of evolutionary change.

Theory of edge detection
Tập 207 Số 1167 - Trang 187-217 - 1980
David Marr, Ellen C. Hildreth

A theory of edge detection is presented. The analysis proceeds in two parts. (1) Intensity changes, which occur in a natural image over a wide range of scales, are detected separately at different scales. An appropriate filter for this purpose at a given scale is found to be the second derivative of a Gaussian, and it is shown that, provided some simple conditions are satisfied, these primary filters need not be orientation-dependent. Thus, intensity changes at a given scale are best detected by finding the zero values of ∇ 2 G(x, y) * I(x, y) for image I, where G(x, y) is a two-dimen­sional Gaussian distribution and ∇ 2 is the Laplacian. The intensity changes thus discovered in each of the channels are then represented by oriented primitives called zero-crossing segments, and evidence is given that this representation is complete. (2) Intensity changes in images arise from surface discontinuities or from reflectance or illumination bound­aries, and these all have the property that they are spatially localized. Because of this, the zero-crossing segments from the different channels are not independent, and rules are deduced for combining them into a description of the image. This description is called the raw primal sketch. The theory explains several basic psychophysical findings, and the opera­tion of forming oriented zero-crossing segments from the output of centre-surround ∇ 2 G filters acting on the image forms the basis for a physiological model of simple cells (see Marr & Ullman 1979).

Virus interference. I. The interferon
Tập 147 Số 927 - Trang 258-267 - 1957
A. Isaacs, J. Lindenmann

During a study of the interference produced by heat-inactivated influenza virus with the growth of live virus in fragments of chick chorio-allantoic membrane it was found that following incubation of heated virus with membrane a new factor was released. This factor, recognized by its ability to induce interference in fresh pieces of chorio-allantoic membrane, was called interferon. Following a lag phase interferon was first detected in the membranes after 3 h incubation and thereafter it was released into the surrounding fluid.

Ferrier lecture - Functional architecture of macaque monkey visual cortex
Tập 198 Số 1130 - Trang 1-59 - 1977
David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel

Of the many possible functions of the macaque monkey primary visual cortex (striate cortex, area 17) two are now fairly well understood. First, the incoming information from the lateral geniculate bodies is rearranged so that most cells in the striate cortex respond to specifically oriented line segments, and, second, information originating from the two eyes converges upon single cells. The rearrangement and convergence do not take place immediately, however: in layer IVc, where the bulk of the afferents terminate, virtually all cells have fields with circular symmetry and are strictly monocular, driven from the left eye or from the right, but not both; at subsequent stages, in layers above and below IVc, most cells show orientation specificity, and about half are binocular. In a binocular cell the receptive fields in the two eyes are on corresponding regions in the two retinas and are identical in structure, but one eye is usually more effective than the other in influencing the cell; all shades of ocular dominance are seen. These two functions are strongly reflected in the architecture of the cortex, in that cells with common physiological properties are grouped together in vertically organized systems of columns. In an ocular dominance column all cells respond preferentially to the same eye. By four independent anatomical methods it has been shown that these columns have the form of vertically disposed alternating left-eye and right-eye slabs, which in horizontal section form alternating stripes about 400 μm thick, with occasional bifurcations and blind endings. Cells of like orientation specificity are known from physiological recordings to be similarly grouped in much narrower vertical sheeet-like aggregations, stacked in orderly sequences so that on traversing the cortex tangentially one normally encounters a succession of small shifts in orientation, clockwise or counterclockwise; a 1 mm traverse is usually accompanied by one or several full rotations through 180°, broken at times by reversals in direction of rotation and occasionally by large abrupt shifts. A full complement of columns, of either type, left-plus-right eye or a complete 180° sequence, is termed a hypercolumn. Columns (and hence hypercolumns) have roughly the same width throughout the binocular part of the cortex. The two independent systems of hypercolumns are engrafted upon the well known topographic representation of the visual field. The receptive fields mapped in a vertical penetration through cortex show a scatter in position roughly equal to the average size of the fields themselves, and the area thus covered, the aggregate receptive field, increases with distance from the fovea. A parallel increase is seen in reciprocal magnification (the number of degrees of visual field corresponding to 1 mm of cortex). Over most or all of the striate cortex a movement of 1-2 mm, traversing several hypercolumns, is accompanied by a movement through the visual field about equal in size to the local aggregate receptive field. Thus any 1-2 mm block of cortex contains roughly the machinery needed to subserve an aggregate receptive field. In the cortex the fall-off in detail with which the visual field is analysed, as one moves out from the foveal area, is accompanied not by a reduction in thickness of layers, as is found in the retina, but by a reduction in the area of cortex (and hence the number of columnar units) devoted to a given amount of visual field: unlike the retina, the striate cortex is virtually uniform morphologically but varies in magnification. In most respects the above description fits the newborn monkey just as well as the adult, suggesting that area 17 is largely genetically programmed. The ocular dominance columns, however, are not fully developed at birth, since the geniculate terminals belonging to one eye occupy layer IVc throughout its length, segregating out into separate columns only after about the first 6 weeks, whether or not the animal has visual experience. If one eye is sutured closed during this early period the columns belonging to that eye become shrunken and their companions correspondingly expanded. This would seem to be at least in part the result of interference with normal maturation, though sprouting and retraction of axon terminals are not excluded.

A model of neuronal bursting using three coupled first order differential equations
Tập 221 Số 1222 - Trang 87-102 - 1984
J. L. Hindmarsh, R. M. Rose

We describe a modification to our recent model of the action potential which introduces two additional equilibrium points. By using stability analysis we show that one of these equilibrium points is a saddle point from which there are two separatrices which divide the phase plane into two regions. In one region all phase paths approach a limit cycle and in the other all phase paths approach a stable equilibrium point. A consequence of this is that a short depolarizing current pulse will change an initially silent model neuron into one that fires repetitively. Addition of a third equation limits this firing to either an isolated burst or a depolarizing afterpotential. When steady depolarizing current was applied to this model it resulted in periodic bursting. The equations, which were initially developed to explain isolated triggered bursts, therefore provide one of the simplest models of the more general phenomenon of oscillatory burst discharge.

The route of re-circulation of lymphocytes in the rat
Tập 159 Số 975 - Trang 257-282 - 1964
J. L. Gowans, Emma Knight

The experiments presented in this paper support the idea that the output of small lymphocytes from the thoracic duct of the rat (about 109/day) is normally maintained by a large-scale re-circulation of cells from the blood to the lymph. It has been shown that the main channel from blood to lymph lies with in the lymph nodes and that small lymphocytes enter the nodes by crossing the walls of a specialized set of blood vessels, the post-capillary venules. In order to trace the fate of small lymphocytes, cells from the thoracic duct of rats were incubated for 1 hin vitrowith tritiated adenosine. This labelled theRNAof about 65% of the small lymphocytes and more than 95% of the large lymphocytes; it also labelled theDNAof a proportion of the large lymphocytes. The mixture of small and large labelled lymphocytes was transfused into the blood of two groups of rats which belonged to the same highly inbred strain as the cell donors. At various times after the transfusions the thoracic ducts in one group of rats were cannulated to determine the proportion of labelled cells which could be recovered in the lymph; at corresponding times, the rats in the other group were killed and autoradiographs prepared from their tissues to determine the location of the labelled cells. The radioactive label in theRNAof small lymphocytes was stable enough to ensure that the labelled small lymphocytes which were recovered in the lymph several days after a transfusion were those which had originally been transfused into the blood. When the thoracic duct was cannulated 20 to 27 h after a transfusion, about 70% of the labelled small lymphocytes which had been transfused into the blood could be recovered from the thoracic duct over a 5-day period of lymph collection. During the first 36 to 48 h after cannulation, while the total output of small lymphocytes was falling rapidly, the proportion of labelled cells in the lymph remained approximately constant. The pool of the animal’s own cells with which the labelled cells had mixed contained between 1·5 and 2 × 109small lymphocytes; this was identified as the re-circulating pool. An autoradiographic study showed that after their transfusion into the blood the labelled small lymphocytes ‘homed’ rapidly and in large numbers into the lymph nodes, the white pulp of the spleen and the Peyer’s patches of the intestine. The concentration of labelled cells in other tissues was trivial in comparison. Labelled small lymphocytes were seen penetrating the endothelium of the post-capillary venules in the lymph nodes within 15 min of the start of a transfusion; they were traced into the cortex of the nodes and finally into the medullary lymph sinuses. Labelled small lymphocytes did not migrate into the adult thymus but a few entered the thymus of newborn rats. It was concluded that the re-circulating pool of small lymphocytes was located in the lymphoid tissue, the thymus excepted, and that the rapid ‘homing’ of cells into the lymph nodes had its basis in the special affinity of small lymphocytes for the endothelium of the post-capillary venules. The interpretation of these experiments was not complicated by the presence of large, as well as of small lymphocytes in the suspensions of labelled cells which were transfused. Other experiments, in which the large lymphocytes alone were labelled with tritiated thymidine, showed that most of them migrated from the blood into the wall of the gut where they assumed the appearance of primitive plasma cells; very few divided to form small lymphocytes.

Review Lecture: Mammalian mating systems
Tập 236 Số 1285 - Trang 339-372 - 1989
T. H. Clutton-Brock

Male mammals show a diverse array of mating bonds, including obligate monogamy, unimale and group polygyny and promiscuity. These are associated with a wide variety of different forms of mate guarding, including the defence of feeding and mating territories, the defence of female groups and the defence of individual receptive females. Female mating bonds include long-term monogamy, serial monogamy, polyandry and promiscuity. Both male and female mating behaviour varies widely within species. Variation in male mating behaviour is related to the effect of male assistance in rearing young and to the defensibility of females by males. The latter is, in turn, related to female ranging behaviour and to the size and stability of female groups. Much of the variation in mammalian mating bonds and systems of mate guarding can be attributed to differences in these three variables.

Atheroma and arterial wall shear - Observation, correlation and proposal of a shear dependent mass transfer mechanism for atherogenesis
Tập 177 Số 1046 - Trang 109-133 - 1971
Giuseppe Caminiti, Jamie M. Fitzgerald, R. C. Schroter

On the basis of various observations, we argue that there is spatial variation of the time averaged wall shear rate in arteries, both overall and locally. From our own observations, and those of others, we show that the distribution of early atheroma in man is coincident with those regions in which arterial wall shear rate is expected to be relatively low, while the development of lesions is inhibited or retarded in those regions in which wall shear rate is expected to be relatively high. Such a correlation is inconsistent with a proposal, made by several workers, that there is a causative relation between arterial blood mechanics and the development of atheroma, i. e. that atheroma is associated with wall damage due to the motion of blood. Instead it immediately suggests that the process is associated with shear dependent mass transport phenomena. It has been demonstrated by others that mass transport, in the inner part of the arterial wall, is dominantly to and from blood flowing within the lumen. We review theory relevant to diffusional mass transport across such a sheared interface, and examine available experimental evidence, relating to normally occurring (quasi-steady state) and experimentally induced (transient-type) atheroma, as well as the distribution of cholesterol in arteries. These results are considered in the light of simple theoretical schemes which we develop for the movement of cholesterol, in particular, although the arguments may also be relevant to other diffusing species. Shear enhances mass transport by means of a steepening effect on the concentration gradient, thus diffusion of material from a wall is promoted when material which has already diffused is swept rapidly away, so that the concentration gradient leading to further diffusion remains steep. However, the influence of shear on the diffusion of a species, say, from just within the wall of an artery to fluid in the main stream, depends upon the relative resistances to its diffusion from within the wall to surface fluid (wall phase) and from surface fluid to fluid in the main stream (blood phase); diffusion is not appreciably shear dependent if the latter resistance is small compared with the former. Assuming simplified flow conditions and that as suggested by others cholesterol is transported in blood in association with plasma protein, we can estimate resistance for diffusion of this species in the blood phase, for different stations in the arterial system. However, we possess no definite comparable information for the wall phase; we conjecture that this resistance is relatively small, and assume shear dependence of diffusional transport of cholesterol between arterial walls and intraluminal blood. We find that a net flux of cholesterol from blood to wall, as has been suggested by others, cannot account, in terms of the proposed schemes, for the observed normally occurring (quasi-steady state) distribution of atheromatous lesions in man and in animals; mass transport is inhibited in low shear regions by the thick diffusional boundary layer. Instead it appears that cholesterol, which has been shown by others to be synthesized in arterial walls, accumulates in low shear regions because its local diffusional efflux from wall to blood is inhibited by the reduced concentration gradient. Given suitable values for relevant parameters, the theoretical schemes are also able to account for adequacy of supply of precursor to the wall for cholesterol synthesis, for the preferential occurrence that we now recognize of lesions in high shear regions in response to sudden natural or experimental elevation of blood cholesterol, and for the responses to administration of labelled cholesterol (transient type phenomena); it appears therefore possible, in terms of these schemes, to unify naturally occurring and experimentally induced atheroma. It is reported by others that platelets are associated only with advanced lesions; the correlation of naturally occurring atheroma with low shear regions, and transient type lesions with high shear regions, with the fluid mechanics being unaltered in the two situations, provides no support for the implication of platelets in the development of early atheroma. It appears that wall shear rate may be a major controlling factor in the development of atheroma, i.e. that high shear, such as is associated for example with increased cardiac output in exercise, will retard progression of the process. Its progression will also be retarded by any means which reduces the accumulation of atheromatous material, by influencing its rate of net production or diffusion.

The mechanical design of nacre
Tập 234 Số 1277 - Trang 415-440 - 1988
Andrew Jackson, Julian F. V. Vincent, R. M. Turner

Mother-of-pearl (nacre) is a platelet-reinforced composite, highly filled with calcium carbonate (aragonite). The Young modulus, determined from beams of a span-to-depth ratio of no less than 15 (a necessary precaution), is of the order of 70 GPa (dry) and 60 GPa (wet), much higher than previously recorded values. These values can be derived from ‘shear-lag’ models developed for platey composites, suggesting that nacre is a near-ideal material. The tensile strength of nacre is of the order of 170 MPa (dry) and 140 MPa (wet), values which are best modelled assuming that pull-out of the platelets is the main mode of failure. In three-point bending, depending on the span-to-depth ratio and degree of hydration, the work to fracture across the platelets varies from 350 to 1240 J m -2 . In general, the effect of water is to increase the ductility of nacre and increase the toughness almost tenfold by the associated introduction of plastic work. The pull-out model is sufficient to account for the toughness of dry nacre, but accounts for only a third of the toughness of wet nacre. The additional contribution probably comes from debonding within the thin layer of matrix material. Electron microscopy reveals that the ductility of wet nacre is caused by cohesive fracture along platelet lamellae at right angles to the main crack. The matrix appears to be well bonded to the lamellae, enabling the matrix to be stretched across the delamination cracks without breaking, thereby sustaining a force across a wider crack. Such a mechanism also explains why toughness is dependent on the span-to-depth ratio of the test piece. With this last observation as a possible exception, nacre does not employ any really novel mechanisms to achieve its mechanical properties. It is simply ‘well made’. The importance of nacre to the mollusc depends both on the material and the size of the shell. Catastrophic failure will be very likely in whole, undamaged shells which behave like unnotched beams at large span-to-depth ratios. This tendency is increased by the fact that predators act as ‘soft’ machines and store strain energy which can be fed into the material very quickly once the fracture stress has been reached. It may therefore be advantageous to have a shell made of an intrinsically less tough material which is better at stopping cracks (e. g. crossed lamellar). However, nacre may still be preferred for the short, thick shells of young molluscs, as these have a low span-to-depth ratio and can make better use of ductility mechanisms.

Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina
Tập 216 Số 1205 - Trang 427-459 - 1982
Mandyam V. Srinivasan, Simon B. Laughlin, Andreas Dubs

Interneurons exhibiting centre-surround antagonism within their recep­tive fields are commonly found in peripheral visual pathways. We propose that this organization enables the visual system to encode spatial detail in a manner that minimizes the deleterious effects of intrinsic noise, by exploiting the spatial correlation that exists within natural scenes. The antagonistic surround takes a weighted mean of the signals in neighbouring receptors to generate a statistical prediction of the signal at the centre. The predicted value is subtracted from the actual centre signal, thus minimizing the range of outputs transmitted by the centre. In this way the entire dynamic range of the interneuron can be devoted to encoding a small range of intensities, thus rendering fine detail detectable against intrinsic noise injected at later stages in processing. This predictive encoding scheme also reduces spatial redundancy, thereby enabling the array of interneurons to transmit a larger number of distinguishable images, taking into account the expected structure of the visual world. The profile of the required inhibitory field is derived from statistical estimation theory. This profile depends strongly upon the signal: noise ratio and weakly upon the extent of lateral spatial correlation. The receptive fields that are quantitatively predicted by the theory resemble those of X-type retinal ganglion cells and show that the inhibitory surround should become weaker and more diffuse at low intensities. The latter property is unequivocally demonstrated in the first-order interneurons of the fly’s compound eye. The theory is extended to the time domain to account for the phasic responses of fly interneurons. These comparisons suggest that, in the early stages of processing, the visual system is concerned primarily with coding the visual image to protect against subsequent intrinsic noise, rather than with reconstructing the scene or extracting specific features from it. The treatment emphasizes that a neuron’s dynamic range should be matched to both its receptive field and the statistical properties of the visual pattern expected within this field. Finally, the analysis is synthetic because it is an extension of the background suppression hypothesis (Barlow & Levick 1976), satisfies the redundancy reduction hypothesis (Barlow 1961 a, b) and is equivalent to deblurring under certain conditions (Ratliff 1965).