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Tác Động của Chỉ Dẫn Địa Lý đến Phát Triển Nông Thôn Bền Vững: Nghiên Cứu Trường Hợp Cam Cao Phong Việt Nam Dịch bởi AI
Sustainability - Tập 12 Số 11 - Trang 4711 - 2020
Hoang, Giang, Le, Ha Thu Thi, Nguyen, Anh Hoang, Dao, Quyen Mai Thi
Nghiên cứu này điều tra mối quan hệ giữa chỉ dẫn địa lý (GIs) và phát triển nông thôn bền vững tại Việt Nam, đồng thời phân tích nghiên cứu trường hợp của cam Cao Phong. Dữ liệu định tính được thu thập từ các cuộc phỏng vấn với các nhà hoạch định chính sách Việt Nam và người trồng cam nhằm tìm hiểu vai trò của chính phủ Việt Nam trong việc thiết kế và thực hiện GIs, cũng như sự tham gia của các nhà sản xuất địa phương tận dụng GIs, nhằm xác định cách thức và mức độ mà việc bảo vệ GIs ảnh hưởng đến phát triển nông thôn bền vững. Kết quả cho thấy GIs đã đóng góp tích cực vào phát triển nông thôn bền vững tại Việt Nam; tuy nhiên, một số vấn đề vẫn còn tồn tại. Nghiên cứu kết luận với các hàm ý chính sách nhằm thúc đẩy GIs và phát triển nông thôn bền vững tại Việt Nam.
#chỉ dẫn địa lý #phát triển nông thôn bền vững #cam Cao Phong #Việt Nam
Welfare with or without Growth? Potential Lessons from the German Healthcare System
Sustainability - Tập 8 Số 11 - Trang 1088
Matthias Fischer

This article is meant to be a contribution to the debate on growth and welfare. Its argument is based on results of a Grounded Theory study about the German healthcare system, which suggests that the core of the healthcare system can be expressed by two abstract basic ideas that are contradictory and yet dependent on each other. The implications of the results, both for future research on the healthcare system and for the debate on growth and welfare, are discussed. As a final suggestion, “sustainability” is proposed as a concept that could potentially resolve the debate.

Truck Impact on Buried Water Pipes in Interdependent Water and Road Infrastructures
Sustainability - Tập 13 Số 20 - Trang 11288 - 2021
Uddin, Shihab, Lu, Qing, Nguyen, Hung
In the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructures to adapt to the rapidly changing natural and social environment, the complexity of the dependencies and interdependencies within critical infrastructure systems need to be fully understood, as they affect various components of risk and lead to cascading failures. Water and road infrastructures are highly co-located but often managed and maintained separately. One important aspect of their interdependence is the impact of vehicle loading on a road on underlying water pipes. The existing studies lack a comprehensive evaluation of this subject and do not consider possible critical failure scenarios. This study constructed finite element models to analyze the responses of buried water pipes to vehicle loads under an array of scenarios, including various loads, pipe materials, pipe dimensions, and possible extreme conditions, such as corrosion in pipes and a sinkhole under the pipe. The results showed negligible impact of heavy trucks on buried water pipes. The pipe deflection under a maximum allowable truck load in the worst condition was still within the allowable range specified in standards such as those from the American Water Works Association. This implies that the impact of heavy vehicles on water pipes may not need to be considered in the context of the interdependency between water and road infrastructures, which leads to a more unidirectional dependency between these two infrastructures.
Emerging Concerns about Microplastic Pollution on Groundwater in South Korea
Sustainability - Tập 12 Số 13 - Trang 5275
Heejung Kim, Jin‐Yong Lee

If human history has thus far been divided into the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, then modern times can be considered the Plastic Age [...]

Soil Pollution from Micro- and Nanoplastic Debris: A Hidden and Unknown Biohazard
Sustainability - Tập 12 Số 18 - Trang 7255
Shamina Imran Pathan, Paola Arfaioli, Tommaso Bardelli, Maria Teresa Ceccherini, P. Nannipieri, Giacomo Pietramellara

The fate, properties and determination of microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) in soil are poorly known. In fact, most of the 300 million tons of plastics produced each year ends up in the environment and the soil acts as a log-term sink for these plastic debris. Therefore, the aim of this review is to discuss MP and NP pollution in soil as well as highlighting the knowledge gaps that are mainly related to the complexity of the soil ecosystem. The fate of MPs and NPs in soil is strongly determined by physical properties of plastics, whereas negligible effect is exerted by their chemical structures. The degradative processes of plastic, termed ageing, besides generating micro-and nano-size debris, can induce marked changes in their chemical and physical properties with relevant effects on their reactivity. Further, these processes could cause the release of toxic oligomeric and monomeric constituents from plastics, as well as toxic additives, which may enter in the food chain, representing a possible hazard to human health and potentially affecting the fauna and flora in the environment. In relation to their persistence in soil, the list of soil-inhabiting, plastic-eating bacteria, fungi and insect is increasing daily. One of the main ecological functions attributable to MPs is related to their function as vectors for microorganisms through the soil. However, the main ecological effect of NPs (limited to the fraction size < than 50 nm) is their capacity to pass through the membrane of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Soil biota, particularly earthworms and collembola, can be both MPs and NPs carriers through soil profile. The use of molecular techniques, especially omics approaches, can gain insights into the effects of MPs and NPs on composition and activity of microbial communities inhabiting the soil and into those living on MPs surface and in the gut of the soil plastic-ingesting fauna.

Security of Zero Trust Networks in Cloud Computing: A Comparative Review
Sustainability - Tập 14 Số 18 - Trang 11213
Sirshak Sarkar, Gaurav Choudhary, Shishir Kumar Shandilya, H. Azath, Hwankuk Kim

Recently, networks have shifted from traditional in-house servers to third-party-managed cloud platforms due to its cost-effectiveness and increased accessibility toward its management. However, the network remains reactive, with less accountability and oversight of its overall security. Several emerging technologies have restructured our approach to the security of cloud networks; one such approach is the zero-trust network architecture (ZTNA), where no entity is implicitly trusted in the network, regardless of its origin or scope of access. The network rewards trusted behaviour and proactively predicts threats based on its users’ behaviour. The zero-trust network architecture is still at a nascent stage, and there are many frameworks and models to follow. The primary focus of this survey is to compare the novel requirement-specific features used by state-of-the-art research models for zero-trust cloud networks. In this manner, the features are categorized across nine parameters into three main types: zero-trust-based cloud network models, frameworks and proofs-of-concept. ZTNA, when wholly realized, enables network administrators to tackle critical issues such as how to inhibit internal and external cyber threats, enhance the visibility of the network, automate the calculation of trust for network entities and orchestrate security for users. The paper further focuses on domain-specific issues plaguing modern cloud computing networks, which leverage choosing and implementing features necessary for future networks and incorporate intelligent security orchestration, automation and response. The paper also discusses challenges associated with cloud platforms and requirements for migrating to zero-trust architecture. Finally, possible future research directions are discussed, wherein new technologies can be incorporated into the ZTA to build robust trust-based enterprise networks deployed in the cloud.

Analysis of the Tourism Demand for Iberian Ham Routes in Andalusia (Southern Spain): Tourist Profile
Sustainability - Tập 11 Số 16 - Trang 4278
José Antonio Cava Jiménez, María Genoveva Millán Vázquez de la Torre, Ricardo Rojas

Iberian/serrano ham is a food product with a long tradition in the Spanish diet that is increasingly demanded by national and international consumers. Spain has 5 protected designations of origin (PDO) and two protected geographical indications (PGI) that support the quality of this product, which is manufactured only in the Iberian Peninsula. Since 2013, and based on the culinary product of ham, public entities and some businessmen have been trying to promote tourism related to ham, similar to wine-based tourism. In this study, we attempt to understand the profile of a ham tourist in the three existing routes in Andalusia, as well as ham tourism’s potential demand through seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) models. The results show that the profile of a ham tourist is similar to that of other typologies such as a tourist of wine or oil, and the demand has slow growth due to the novelty of this new tourism offering. Thus, there is a need to design strategies that allow the development of ham tourism, which will lead to an increase of wealth via employment in the local community.

Effect of Woody Biomass Gasification Process Conditions on the Composition of the Producer Gas
Sustainability - Tập 13 Số 21 - Trang 11763
Alejandro Lyons Cerón, Alar Konist, Heidi Lees, Oliver Järvik

Using woody biomass in thermochemical gasification can be a viable alternative for producing renewable energy. The type of biomass and the process parameters influence the producer gas composition and quality. This paper presents research on the composition of the producer gas from the gasification of three woody biomass species: spruce, alder, and pine. The experiments were conducted in a drop-tube reactor at temperatures of 750, 850, and 950 °C, using air as the gasifying agent, with equivalence ratios of 0.38 and 0.19. Gas chromatography with a thermal conductivity detector was used to determine the composition of the producer gas, while the production of total organic compounds was detected using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. All three wood species exhibited very similar producer gas composition. The highest concentration of combustible gases was recorded at 950 °C, with an average of 4.1, 20.5, and 4.6 vol% for H2, CO, and CH4, respectively, and a LHV ranging from 4.3–5.1 MJ/m3. The results were in accordance with other gasification studies of woody species. Higher temperatures enhanced the composition of the producer gas by promoting endothermic and exothermic gasification reactions, increasing gas production while lowering solid and tar yields. The highest concentrations of combustible gases were observed with an equivalence ratio of 0.38. Continuous TOC measurement allowed understanding the evolution of the gasification process and the relation between a higher production of TOC and CO as the gasification temperature raised.

Exploring the Dynamic Mechanisms of Farmland Abandonment Based on a Spatially Explicit Economic Model for Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study in Jiangxi Province, China
Sustainability - Tập 6 Số 3 - Trang 1260-1282
Hualin Xie, Peng Wang, Guanrong Yao

Farmland abandonment has important impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem recovery, as well as food security and rural sustainable development. Due to rapid urbanization and industrialization, farmland abandonment has become an increasingly important problem in many countries, particularly in China. To promote sustainable land-use management and environmental sustainability, it is important to understand the socioeconomic causes and spatial patterns of farmland abandonment. In this study, we explored the dynamic mechanisms of farmland abandonment in Jiangxi province of China using a spatially explicit economical model. The results show that the variables associated with the agricultural products yield are significantly correlated with farmland abandonment. The increasing opportunity cost of farming labor is the main factor in farmland abandonment in conjunction with a rural labor shortage due to rural-to-urban population migration and regional industrialization. Farmlands are more likely to be abandoned in areas located far from the villages and towns due to higher transportation costs. Additionally, farmers with more land but lower net income are more likely to abandon poor-quality farmland. Our results support the hypothesis that farmland abandonment takes place in locations in which the costs of cultivation are high and the potential crop yield is low. In addition, our study also demonstrates that a spatially explicit economic model is necessary to distinguish between the main driving forces of farmland abandonment. Policy implications are also provided for potential future policy decisions.

Analysis of Farmland Abandonment at Parcel Level: A Case Study in the Mountainous Area of China
Sustainability - Tập 8 Số 10 - Trang 988
Tiechou Shi, Xiubin Li, Liangjie Xin, Xiaohong Xu

Chongqing municipality, the main study area of this paper, is a mountainous city in Southwest China, where massive rural populations migrated to cities and towns in recent years. This study extracted abandoned farmland figure spots from farmland distribution maps of 2002 and 2011 on a 1:10,000 scale. Further, this research analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of farmland abandonment and its influencing factors at the parcel level from 2002 to 2011. The main influencing factors of farmland abandonment include distance of a parcel to the closest settlement, difference between the parcel elevation and the average elevation of the whole village settlement, parcel slope, and parcel size. The former three factors are positively correlated with farmland abandonment rate, and parcel size is negatively correlated. That is to say that larger commuting distance, elevation difference, and parcel slope increase the abandonment probability; and a larger parcel size can reduce the risk of abandonment.

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