Reasons for extractions, and treatment preceding caries-related extractions in 3–8 year-old childrenSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 122-130 - 2012
N. Mansour Ockell, M. Bågesund
AIM: This was to analyse the tooth types extracted and the reasons for extractions in 3–8 year-old Swedish children. Another aim was to determine what treatments and attendance patterns preceded the caries-related extractions. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A retrospective study of all 5,045 dental records of the 3–8 year-olds at six public dental clinics in a Swedish county was performed to find all extractions performed during one year and the reason for each extraction. The dental records, that included a caries-related extraction of a primary molar, were further analysed to find possible non-attended dental visits and treatments preceding the extraction. STATISTICS: The data were analysed using Pearson correlation test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Chi-2 test. RESULTS: 309 (4 permanent and 305 primary) extractions were performed in 206 (119M, 87F) (4.1%) of the patients. The primary molar was the tooth type most frequently extracted, while the central primary incisor was the tooth most frequently extracted. Reasons for extractions were; caries: 60.5%, orthodontics: 11.3%, trauma: 10.4%, other reasons: 17.8 %. Dental records from 100 children with caries-related extractions of primary molars were analysed. A previous treatment had been performed in 51.0% of the caries-related extractions of primary molars, but only 24.0% had any long term restoration material with glass ionomer cement, composite resin or compomer. Non-attendance frequency prior to caries-related extraction of primary molar was higher (P=0.004) among the non-treated children, but 40.1% of the non-treated children had no missed appointments. Caries-related extractions were more common among boys (p=0.0315). CONCLUSIONS: Every 25th child in the age-group 3–8 years had extractions performed during a one-year period. Only every second primary molar had received any treatment before caries-related extraction, and only 24% had received long-term restorations. A considerable number (40%) of the non-treated children had no missed appointments before the caries related extractions. The routines for dental care and caries treatment in the primary dentition need a revision.
Treatment choice for first permanent molars affected with molar-incisor hypomineralization, in patients 7–8 years of age: a questionnaire study among Swedish general dentists, orthodontists, and pediatric dentistsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 1-11 - 2024
A. Hajdarević, E. Čirgić, A. Robertson, N. Sabel, B. Jälevik
The aim of this study was to investigate attitudes and preferred therapy choice for first permanent molars (FPM) with Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH). An online questionnaire was sent out to general dentists (n = 559) working in the Public Dental Service in Region Västra Götaland, orthodontists (n = 293), and pediatric dentists (n = 156) (members from each interest association), in Sweden. The questionnaire contained three parts: general questions regarding the respondents, patient cases, and general questions regarding extraction of FPMs with MIH. Statistics were carried out using Chi-squared tests, with a significance level of 5%. A response rate of 36% was obtained. Orthodontists and pediatric dentists were more prone to extract FPMs with both moderate and severe MIH, compared to general dentists. When restoring FPMs with moderate MIH, resin composite was preferred. Compared to the general dentists, the pediatric dentists were more prone to choose glass-ionomer cement in the FPMs with severe MIH. The most common treatment choice for FPMs with mild MIH was fluoride varnish. “When root furcation is under development of the second permanent molar on radiographs” was chosen as the optimal time for extracting FPMs with severe MIH, and the general dentists based their treatment decisions on recommendations from a pediatric dentist. Extraction of FPMs with moderate and severe MIH is considered a therapy of choice among general dentists and specialists, and the preferred time of extraction is before the eruption of the second permanent molar.
Idiopathic resorption of impacted mesiodentes: a radiographic studySpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 291-296 - 2015
T. M. S. Mensah, H. Garvald, M. Grindefjord, A. Robertson, G. Koch, C. Ullbro
Although a large number of mesiodentes are left in situ, only a few are found in radiographs from epidemiological studies of adult populations. This leads to the development of a hypothesis that mesiodentes may be resorbed and disappear over time. The aim of this study was to radiographically investigate the frequency of resorptions and pathologies in relation to mesiodentes left in situ. The study population consisted of 44 individuals, with 49 mesiodentes left in situ at an early age. The individuals were 18–38 years old when re-examined. The inclusion criteria were that the mesiodentes had been diagnosed in childhood and left in situ, and that each individual was over 18 years of age at the time of re-examination. Either digital or analogue intraoral radiographs were used at the re-examination and compared with earlier analogue radiographs. Forty-one per cent of the impacted mesiodentes showed resorptions—from limited to nearly complete resorption. No pathologies in connection to the mesiodentes were found. About half of the mesiodentes examined displayed resorption. No pathologies caused by the mesiodentes were recorded.
Short communication: A pan-European comparison of the management of carious primary molar teeth by postgraduates in paediatric dentistrySpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 Số 1 - Trang 41-46 - 2012
Foley, J. I.
AIM: To assess the preferences amongst European postgraduates (PG) in Paediatric Dentistry for the treatment of a child with differing caries severity in a primary molar tooth. STUDY DESIGN: An on-line structured questionnaire. METHODS: All European Paediatric Dentistry PGs were contacted by e-mail and asked to participate in an on-line questionnaire. The survey described four different case scenarios of a 5-year-old child, presenting with a mesio-occlusal cavity in tooth 85 with varying symptoms and signs. Treatment options were listed and participants asked to select the single most preferred treatment for each case. The same scenarios were presented for both non-anxious and dentally-anxious patients. RESULTS: Responses were received from 32/56 (F: 27; M: 5) PGs. A range of treatment options were selected for patients with no indication of pulpal involvement for non-anxious patients whilst the Hall technique was selected by 16/32 students for a dentally-anxious patient. For both a non-anxious and dentally-anxious patient, the preferred option for a tooth which produced pulpal symptoms was extraction selected by 16/32 students in both cases, although the mode of extraction differed. CONCLUSION: There was no consistency of response by PGs in Paediatric Dentistry within Europe. The Hall technique appeared to be a favoured option by half of the students for treatment of an asymptomatic carious primary molar tooth in a dentally-anxious child patient. Dental extraction was an option for a tooth demonstrating pulpal symptoms in both non-anxious and dentally-anxious patients.
Association between maxillary canine impaction and other dental anomalies: radiological study of a mixed dentition children’s cohort from an orthodontic clinicSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2023
Olga-Elpis Kolokitha, D Balli, A-E Zarkadi, Sotiria Gizani
To investigate the significance of association between maxillary impacted canines and various dental anomalies.
Files of 874 orthodontic patients were evaluated for the presence of maxillary impacted canines. From this sample, a group of 97 patients (39 males and 58 females) with at least 1 impacted maxillary canine consisted the study group. This group was compared to a control group of 97 patients (42 males and 55 females) that was created by random selection from the initial sample without maxillary canine impaction. The impaction diagnosis was made from the panoramic radiographs. Chi-square test was used to perform the analysis for significant associations. Stepwise discriminant analysis, binary logistic regression and classification tree were used to identify best combinations.
Statistically significant difference was found for peg-shaped maxillary lateral incisors and infraoccluded deciduous molars. The presence of peg-shaped upper lateral incisors arises the probability of impacted canine to 83.3%, a distal displaced unerupted second premolar to 63.16% and the impaction of any other teeth to 80% as showed by the classification tree.
The presence of peg-shaped maxillary lateral incisors and infraocclusion of deciduous molars can be considered major valuable early risk indicators for maxillary canine impaction, because they manifest before the maxillary canine eruption. Special consideration should be given on distal displaced unerupted second premolar and the impaction of any other teeth. Patients with these dental anomalies are candidates for future interceptive treatment for canine eruption.
Sự chấp nhận của phụ huynh đối với các kỹ thuật quản lý hành vi tiên tiến trong nha khoa nhi ở các gia đình có nền văn hóa khác nhau Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 707-713 - 2021
L. Al Zoubi, J. Schmoeckel, M. Mustafa Ali, CH. Splieth
Nghiên cứu này nhằm tìm hiểu sự khác biệt về sự chấp nhận của phụ huynh đối với các kỹ thuật quản lý hành vi tiên tiến (BMT) trong các bối cảnh văn hóa khác nhau (Đức so với Jordan). Một mẫu thuận tiện gồm 100 phụ huynh của các bệnh nhi tại Đại học Greifswald/Đức và Đại học Jordan/Jordan đã hoàn thành bảng hỏi để đánh giá mức độ chấp nhận của họ đối với bốn BMT tiên tiến (kìm giữ thụ động, kìm giữ chủ động, gây mê nitrous oxide và gây mê toàn thân) bằng thang điểm Likert năm điểm. Trong cả hai nhóm, gây mê nitrous oxide là BMT tiên tiến được chấp nhận nhiều nhất (trung bình 3.78 ± 1.34/3.22 ± 1.50, tương ứng). Kỹ thuật ít được chấp nhận nhất ở Đức là kìm giữ thụ động (2.05 ± 1.18) và ở Jordan là gây mê toàn thân (2.11 ± 1.30). Các phụ huynh ở Đức thể hiện sự chấp nhận gây mê nitrous oxide cao hơn đáng kể so với các phụ huynh ở Jordan (p = 0.010), trong khi các phụ huynh ở Jordan có xu hướng chấp nhận kìm giữ thụ động nhiều hơn (p = 0.001). Sự chấp nhận tất cả các BMT tiên tiến tăng lên đáng kể trong cả hai nhóm khi sự điều trị trở nên khẩn cấp. Nền văn hóa của phụ huynh và tính khẩn cấp của điều trị ảnh hưởng đến sự chấp nhận của các BMT khác nhau. Hơn nữa, thái độ của phụ huynh đối với các kỹ thuật dược lý đã thay đổi, khi gây mê nitrous oxide thường xuất hiện là kỹ thuật tiên tiến được ưa thích nhất trong cả hai nhóm.
#kỹ thuật quản lý hành vi #sự chấp nhận #văn hóa #gây mê nitrous oxide #nha khoa nhi
Regional early development and eruption of permanent teeth: case reportSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 59-63 - 2016
A. M. Al Mullahi, A. Bakathir, S. Al Jahdhami
Early development and eruption of permanent teeth are rarely reported in scientific literature. Early eruption of permanent teeth has been reported to occur due to local factors such as trauma or dental abscesses in primary teeth, and in systemic conditions. Congenital diffuse infiltrating facial lipomatosis (CDIFL) is a rare condition that belongs to a group of lipomatosis tumours. In this disorder, the mature adipocytes invade adjacent soft and hard tissues in the facial region. Accelerated tooth eruption is one of the dental anomalies associated with CDIFL. A 3-year-old boy presented with a swelling of the lower lip localised early development and eruption of permanent teeth and dental caries involving many primary teeth. The planned treatment included biopsy of the swollen lower lip to confirm the diagnosis, surgical reduction and reconstruction of lip aesthetics. The management of the carious primary teeth included preventative and comprehensive dental care and extractions. These procedures were completed under general anaesthesia due to the child’s young age and poor cooperation. The lip biopsy showed features of CDIFL such as the presence of infiltrating adipose tissue, prominent number of nerve bundles and thickened vessels. The high recurrence rate of CDIFL mandates long-term monitoring during the facial growth period of the child. Follow-up care by the paediatric dentist and maxillofacial surgeon has been required to manage all aspects of this congenital malformation. This rare disorder has many implications affecting child’s facial aesthetics, psychological well being, developing occlusion and risk of dental caries. A multi-disciplinary approach is needed for management of this condition.