Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Các bài báo tiêu biểu
Cerebral GABA-ergic and glutamatergic function in hepatic encephalopathy
Tập 6 Số 1-2 - Trang 131-144 - 1987
Dorsal root axonal regeneration in the adult frog spinal cord
Tập 5 - Trang 237-253 - 1986
The frog dorsal root provides a useful model for the study of axonal regeneration in an adult vertebrate CNS. We have used the model to compare the regeneration of two very different types of axons within the same CNS environment and have found that regenerating dorsal root, as well as rerouted motoneuron axons, display similar growth patterns in the spinal cord. Both sensory and motor axons grow preferentially in some regions and not in others. They both regenerate effectively longitudinally as well as radially within the dorsolateral fasciculus (DLF). By contrast, fewer sensory and motor axons regenerate longitudinally or radially in the dorsal funiculus (DF). This similar preferential growth of two very different populations of axons suggests that the growth patterns reflect regional differences in the cellular environment of the cord. The DLF has fascicles of unmyelinated axons separated by radial glial processes and, after dorsal root injury, is mildly gliotic. By contrast, DF has very large myelinated axons, which widely separate the radial glial processes that traverse the region. After dorsal root injury, this region is markedly gliotic and contains myelin, debris and oligodendroglia, and microglial macrophages. Our data suggest that unmyelinated axons and radial glial processes are more preferred substrates for axonal growth than myelin debris, oligodendroglia and macrophages. It is not surprising, then, that regions of the adult mammalian CNS that are characterized by large myelinated axons fail to support axonal growth. Moreover, there is some evidence that regions of the adult mammalian CNS that are characterized by unmyelinated axons support axonal growth.
Role of Circulatory disturbances in the development of post-ischemic brain edema
Tập 9 Số 1-3 - 1988
Effect of lead on Na+,K+ ATPase activity in the developing brain of intra-uterine growth-retarded rats
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 37-49 - 1986