Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Cơ quản chủ quản: SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands
Lĩnh vực:
Economics and Econometrics
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Các bài báo tiêu biểu
Price freezes and gas pass-through: an estimation of the price impact of electricity market restructuring
Tập 63 - Trang 87-116 - 2023
This article examines the impact of market restructuring on retail prices, using the restructuring of the electricity industry as a case study. Utilizing synthetic control as an estimation strategy, this paper finds retail competition reduced retail prices across all sectors by an average of $1.5/MWh, relative to their counterfactual outcome. On average, prices fell for residential and commercial users and rose for industrial users. The price differential is consistent with the enactment of price ceilings and increased pass-through of changes in the price of natural gas.
A market test for natural monopoly in local exchange
Tập 8 - Trang 103-124 - 1995
Is the incumbent local exchange carrier (LEC) a natural monopolist? The analysis indicates that the LEC cost function is not supportable: LECs appear to be either nonsustainable natural monopolies or non natural monopolies over the set of services they currently offer. However, recent technological changes suggest that whether LECs are natural monopolies over their current offerings is immaterial for policy making, because competitors are enjoying economies of scope in offering both LEC and non LEC services. Based on these results, deregulation of LECs is discussed in a Type I/Type II error framework.
On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits
Tập 38 - Trang 274-291 - 2010
This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price-based and quantity-based emission regulations. First, we show that in contrast to uniform taxes, under tradable emissions permits (TEPs), the fall in permit price produced by technology adoption reduces the benefits of violating the environmental regulation at the margin and leads firms to modify their compliance behavior. Moreover, when TEPs are used, the deterrent effect of the monitoring effort is reinforced by the effect that technology adoption has on the extent of violations. Second, we show that the regulator may speed up the diffusion of new technologies by increasing the stringency of the enforcement strategy in the case of TEPs while in the case of uniform taxes, the rate of adoption does not depend on the enforcement parameters.
On the use of labels in credence goods markets
Tập 33 - Trang 237-252 - 2008
We analyze credence goods markets in the case of two firms. Consumers know that the quality of the good varies but do not know which firm is of high quality. First, we show that the high quality producer may be unable to monopolize the market, or even to survive in some cases, in situations where it is efficient and trusted by all consumers. Second, although a label restoring full information improves welfare, it may also reduce both firms’ profits by intensifying competition. Since even the high quality producer may not wish to label its product, in such cases the label must be mandatory. Third, an imperfect label which moves everybody’s beliefs closer to the truth without restoring full information may produce adverse results on market structure and welfare, either by increasing or by reducing the variance of beliefs.
Environmental quality and welfare effects of improving the reporting capability of citizen monitoring schemes
Tập 42 - Trang 264-286 - 2012
Public participation in environmental monitoring to alert regulators to possible non-compliance events has been credited with improving environmental quality and regulatory efficiency. At the same time, the reporting capability of such citizen monitoring schemes is known to be limited due to technical and organizational deficiencies. Recent enthusiasm for outside interventions that address these deficiencies in order to lower environmental harm and raise overall welfare therefore seems justified. A game-theoretic analysis of a monitoring and enforcement regime with citizen monitoring shows, however, that the effects of such interventions are likely to be subtle. A higher reporting capability of citizens involves substitution effects that have ambiguous effects on the regulator’s monitoring and enforcement costs: Welfare can actually decline and environmental improvements will fall short of expectations. In an extreme scenario we show that improved citizen monitoring can even have adverse effects on environmental quality.
Using Revealed Preferences to Infer Environmental Benefits:Evidence from Recreational Fishing Licenses
Tập 28 - Trang 157-179 - 2005
We develop and apply a new method for estimating the economic benefits of an environmental amenity. The method is based upon the notion of estimating the derived demand for a privately traded option to utilize an open access good. In particular, the demand for state fishing licenses is used to infer the benefits of recreational fishing. Using panel data on state fishing license sales and prices for the continental United States over a 15-year period, combined with data on substitute prices and demographic variables, a license demand function is estimated with instrumental variable procedures to allow for the potential endogeneity of administered prices. The econometric results lead to estimates of the benefits of a fishing license, and subsequently to the expected benefits of a recreational fishing day. In contrast with previous studies, which have utilized travel cost or hypothetical market methods, our approach provides estimates that are directly comparable across geographic areas. Our findings show substantial variation in the value of a recreational fishing day across geographic areas in the United States. This suggests that current practice of using benefits estimates from one part of the country in national or regional analyses may lead to substantial bias in benefits estimates.
Competitive electricity markets with consumer subscription service in a smart grid
Tập 41 - Trang 155-180 - 2012
This paper presents a theory of consumer subscription service, unifying priority service and dynamic pricing within a two-settlement system in ways that foster efficient risk management and competitive electricity markets. Consumer subscription service entails transactions in two time periods: a forward transaction that allows consumers to select service options to hedge financial risks and a spot transaction that allows consumers to secure electricity on demand. The difference between the forward subscription and the actual consumption is settled at spot prices determined in a competitive wholesale electricity market. Priority service offers consumers choices from a menu of reliability-differentiated service options with compensatory insurance for curtailments. Following the principles of revelation and competitive consistency, the priority service menu provides consumers opportunities to choose options that are consistent with their individual preferences and demand characteristics. Combining priority service and dynamic pricing, consumer subscription service is Pareto superior to an undifferentiated service design. Overall, consumer subscription service provides consumers incentives and tools for efficient demand management fostering price-responsive demand in competitive electricity markets. It facilitates an essential linkage between competitive wholesale and retail markets in ways that would enable consumers to be engaged in the process of the industry’s transition toward a smart grid future.
Corporate pollution control strategies and labor demand: evidence from China’s manufacturing sector
Tập 53 Số 3 - Trang 298-326 - 2018
An experimental investigation of soft price caps in uniform price auction markets for wholesale electricity
Tập 36 - Trang 44-59 - 2009
This paper presents the results from an auction experiment using industry professionals and student participants who compete in a simulated wholesale market for electricity. Motivated by the intervention by FERC in response to the “meltdown” of the California spot market, we investigate the effect of including a “soft” price cap in a uniform price auction as a means of mitigating high prices. When prices are driven above the soft cap, offer curves become flat, in contrast to the hockey stick shape observed in a typical uniform price auction for electricity. This flat offer curve leads to market prices that are relatively insensitive to both generation costs and demand reductions.
Strategic incentives under vertical integration: the case of wireline-affiliated wireless carriers and intermodal competition in the US
Tập 34 - Trang 282-298 - 2008
In its review of the Cingular/AT&T Wireless merger, the FCC noted the potentially conflicting incentives of wireline-affiliated (vertically integrated) versus independent (non-integrated) wireless carriers to act as intermodal competitors in the wireline exchange access market. Specifically, because Cingular and Verizon Wireless are owned by wireline carriers, they may have an incentive to compete “less aggressively” within their parents’ wireline territories while AT&T Wireless, an independent wireless carrier, would not. This paper examines these and other hypotheses by examining pre-merger data on the wireless plans offered by the three carriers. The empirical analysis suggests that AT&T Wireless did not design its plans based upon a regional strategy, whereas Cingular offered substantially smaller-minute wireless plans within its parents’ wireline territories. However, the results also suggest that Verizon Wireless did not design its plans in a markedly different fashion within and outside of its parent’s wireline region. It is posited that these findings might reflect the differing ownership and control structures of Cingular and Verizon Wireless.