Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Virusähnliche Strukturen in einem Lymphknoten bei Lupus erythematosus visceralis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 367-370 - 1971
H. K. Müller-Hermelink, K. Lennert
The electron microscopic investigations of a lymph node in systemic lupus erythematosus revealed cytoplasmic inclusions of interwoven, net-like, electron dense appearance. They were found predominantly in lymphocytes, activated lymphocytes, immunoblasts, plasma cell precursors and plasma cells. Rarely they occurred in reticulum cells. Most probably those structures represent the inner (nucleoproteid) component of myxoviruses (influenza- or parainfluenza-virus) or paramyxoviruses.
Zellen und Matrix im Blasenknorpel einer durch D-Penicillamin veränderten Ratten-Tibiaepiphysenfuge
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 322-332 - 1971
U. N. Riede
D-Penicillamine induces an osteolathyrism in rat epiphyseal plate. In hypertrophic cartilage single cell necrosis and morphologically unaltered chondrocytes are found. In cartilage matrix collagenous fibrils show periodic cross-bandings, which repeat at intervals of about 640 Å. The cartilagineous mineral compaired with the controls contains amorphous calcium phosphate in a higher amount.
Immune suppression and histophysiology of the immune response
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 43 - Trang 43-54 - 1983
A. A. Van den Broek, F. J. Keuning, R. Soeharto, N. Prop
Seven daily intramuscular (im) injections of cortisone acetate (25 mg/Kg b.w.) given to rats or rabbits produced, (i) a pronounced reduction in the numbers of small lymphocytes in thymus-independent areas, (ii) atrophy of the thymic cortex, (iii) atrophy of germinal centres and (iv) a consequent depressed production of germinal centre-derived cells. Lymphocyte depletion was not caused by cell lysis. Moreover cell traffic between peripheral lymphoid organs did not seem to be altered. A revival of the depressed germinal centres in cortisone-treated (inbred) rats could be achieved by a transfer of bone-marrow cell suspensions from normal, cortisone-treated or T-cell-deprived animals. It was concluded that cortisone acetate arrests the migration of B-lymphocytes from the bone marrow to germinal centres in peripheral lymphoid organs, and that the accumulations of lymphoid cells in the bone marrow of cortison-treated animals might be composed of immature or mature T- and B-lymphocytes.
Demonstration of the extracellular alveolar lining layer (surfactant) in human lungs
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 243-252 - 1972
Y. Kapanci, R. Tosco, J. Eggermann
The structure of the extracellular alveolar lining layer in 3 human lungs is described. This lining was composed of 2 layers: a) a highly osmiophilic surface layer, b) a base layer. The surface layer consisted of lamellar structures with 40 Å intervals. It was fragile and broken in many areas. The base layer molded the irregularities of the alveolar surface; it frequently appeared in the form of “tubular myelin”. In the latter the intervals between lamellae were about 450 Å. The demonstration of these structures was achieved by routine intratracheal instillation of glutaraldehyde and osmium post-fixation. The lining layer is interpreted as a constituent of pulmonary surfactant.
The paracortical area in dermatopathic lymphadenitis and other reactive conditions of the lymph node
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 45 - Trang 289-299 - 1984
J. J. van den Oord, C. de Wolf-Peeters, R. de Vos, V. J. Desmet
We compared the paracortical area in 4 cases of dermato-pathic lymphadenitis (DL) with the same area in 11 cases of various other reactive conditions of the lymph node by immuno- and enzymehis-tochemical techniques. In addition, electron microscopy was performed on threee cases of DL. The paracortical nodules in DL proved to be composed of a variable number of dendritic, OKT6+ OKIa+ ATP-ase+ cells, admixed with helper T-lymphocytes. All other lymph nodes studied lacked dendritic OKT6+ cells, whereas OKIa positivity was found in the cortical (follicular centers and mantle zones) and paracortical area (lymphocytes and scattered dendritic cells). Short incubation for ATPase revealed a paracortical, pericellular staining pattern in cases of DL, whereas in all other cases this staining pattern was observed only after long incubation times. On electron microscopy, three types of dendritic cells were found in DL, namely interdigitating reticulum cells (IDRC), Langerhans cells (LC) and macrophages. Intermediate forms between IDRC and LC, containing a few Birbeck granules and a well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, were found. It is suggested that immunoreactivity for the monoclonal antibody 0KT6 is restricted to cases of DL, and is due to the appearance of dendritic cells that have LC-characteristics. These cells either arrive from the skin along afferent lymph vessels, or are the result of a local transformation process of IDRC that acquire LC-characteristics, i.e. OKT6 immunoreactivity and Birbeck granules.
Immunohistochemical demonstration of collagenase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) in synovial lining cells of rheumatoid synovium
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 59 - Trang 305-312 - 1990
Yasunori Okada, Yukio Gonoji, Isao Nakanishi, Hideaki Nagase, Taro Hayakawa
Degradation of fibrillar collagens is a central process in joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. Collagenase responsible for the collagenolysis has been immunolocalized on the extracellular matrix components at the cartilage/pannus junction in the rheumatoid joint, but very little is known about cellular source of the proteinase. In this paper monospecific antibodies against collagenase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) were applied to rheumatoid and normal synovium to identify cells synthesizing and secreting the enzyme and its inhibitor. By treating the specimens with the monovalent ionophore, monensin, both collagenase and TIMP could be immunolocalized in hyperplastic synovial lining cells in rheumatoid synovium, but not in the cells of normal synovium. Dual immunolocalization studies demonstrated that the majority of the lining cells (approximately 64%) produce both collagenase and TIMP, while approximately 3% of the cells were positive only for collagenase, and 11 % only for TIMP. Neither collagenase nor TIMP was immunolocalized on the extracellular matrix components in the synovia examined. These data suggest that synovial lining cells in rheumatoid arthritis secrete both collagenase and TIMP into the joint cavity. The role of collagenase in joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis is discussed with reference to the regulation of the activity by TIMP.
Studies on the pathogenesis of ischemic cell injury
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 35 - Trang 189-199 - 1980
Yrjö Collan, Elizabeth McDowell, B. F. Trump
Flocculent densities in the matrix of mitochondria have become quite important in cell pathology since, when prominent, they indicate irreversible cell injury. The morphology and chemical nature of these flocculent densities have been studied in kidney after various periods of autolysis in vitro in whole tissue samples and in isolated mitochondria. After 30 to 60 min of ischemia, flocculent densities were seen only occasionally and they were most prominent in samples subjected to mechanical damage during isolation. However, in 2- and 4-h samples numerous densities were seen. The size of the densities increased with time, being about 1,400 Å in diameter at 4 h. Densities were also seen in mitochondria isolated in medium containing EDTA. They were seen only in the mitochondrial matrix, and could occasionally be found in condensed mitochondria. Small densities were generally round but larger ones varied in shape and often appeared as aggregates of smaller densities. Digestion of the densities from water-soluble glycol methacrylate embedded samples was successful with pronase, but neither acid nor lipid solvents were effective. Calcium or inorganic phosphate content of isolated mitochondria did not show an increase parallel to the occurrence of flocculent densities. The results suggest that the densities consist predominantly of protein and are probably formed through denaturation of proteins of the mitochondrial matrix and/or of the inner membrane.
Ultrastructural modifications of mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum of liver and spleen after a period of hypoxia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 Số 1 - 1971
H Firket, M.L. Beaumariage
Cytological studies of carcinogen-treated bovine pancreatic ductal organ explants
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 45 - Trang 355-363 - 1984
James H. Resau, Raymond T. Jones
In order to develop a model to study cytological alterations in human pancreatic cancer, we have exposed bovine pancreatic ductal organ expiants to a single dose of 2.5 μg per ml ofN-methyl-N-nitroso-N’-nitroguanidine (MNNG). At serial time intervals, contact cytology smears of the expiants were prepared and stained with the Papanicolaou stain. Control samples contained classic tall columnar and cuboidal ductal cells. Cells were uniform in size, shape, staining characteristics, and nuclear morphology. Ductal expiants exposed to MNNG progressed through a series of dysplastic and atypical stages during the first 5 to 12 days in culture. Chromatin became increasingly more granular and nucleoli increased in both number and size. Exposed cells were larger than controls and had many dysplastic features. From day 15 to 30, the cells underwent changes morphologically consistent with those of human pancreatic adenocarcinomas.
The pattern of lymphocytes in the thymus and spleen after labeling with3H-thymidine and3H-deoxycytidine
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 28 - Trang 287-299 - 1978
B. Helpap, U. Dachselt
Adult male untreated mice (NMRI) were investigated after radioactive labeling with3H-thymidine and3H-deoxycytidine to find out whether the lymphocytes in the cortex and medulla of the thymus as well as in the perifollicular and periarteriolar regions of the spleen show a labeling pattern which allows a classification into T- and B-lymphocytes. The percentages of radioactively labeled small lymphocytes and their mean grain counts were determined. The percentages of radioactively labeled small lymphocytes after3H-TdR and3H-CdR showed no significant differences in both splenic zones. The grain counts over the lymphocyte nuclei in the periarteriolar zone showed lower values after3H-TdR than after3H-CdR. The lymphocytes in the perifollicular zone were strongly labeled with3H-TdR and weakly labeled with3H-CdR. In the thymus medulla, lymphocytes were weakly labeled with3H-thymidine and strongly labeled with3H-CdR. In the cortex no significant differences were observed. 75 to 80% of the small lymphocytes in the peripheral blood were weakly and 20–25% strongly labeled after3H-TdR. Therefore there are similarities in the radioactive labeling pattern of thymic medulla lymphocytes and that of small lymphocytes of the periarteriolar zone of the spleen by both DNA precursors. The small lymphocytes in the peripheral T-dependent tissue zones, for example in the spleen, as well as in the mixed lymphocyte population of the peripheral blood can be differentiated from the B-lymphocytes through the difference in the amount of incorporation of3H-thymidine and3H-deoxycytidine.
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