Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Chiral de Rham Complex on Riemannian Manifolds and Special Holonomy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 318 Số 3 - Trang 575-613 - 2013
Conformal scalar fields and chiral splitting on super Riemann surfaces
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 125 - Trang 469-513 - 1989
We provide a complete description of correlation functions of scalar superfields on a super Riemann surface, taking into account zero modes and non-trivial topology. They are built out of chirally split correlation functions, or conformal blocks at fixed internal momenta. We formulate effective rules which determine these completely in terms of geometric invariants of the super Riemann surface. The chirally split correlation functions have non-trivial monodromy and produce single-valued amplitudes only upon integration over loop momenta. Our discussion covers the even spin structure as well as the odd spin structure case which had been the source of many difficulties in the past. Super analogues of Green's functions, holomorphic spinors, and prime forms emerge which should pave the way to function theory on super Riemann surfaces. In superstring theories, chirally split amplitudes for scalar superfields are crucial in enforcing the GSO projection required for consistency. However one really knew how to carry this out only in the operator formalism to one-loop order. Our results provide a way of enforcing the GSO projection to any loop.
An analytic representation of quantum field theory
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 253-268 - 1969
The connection between a space of quadratically integrable functions of real variablesq and a Hilbert space of analytic functions of complex variablesz established byBargmann is used to introduce quantised field operators for which the δ-functions of the commutation relations inq-space are replaced by analytic kernel functions inz-space, and a reference to distributions can be avoided.Bargmann's representation is first somewhat modified, so that the derivative terms in the field equations retain their form in the new representation. Local interaction terms inq-space obtain a non-local appearance inz-space. The transition to a 4-dimensional formulation inz-space has to resort to a Euclidean metric. The equations can be derived directly by starting from an action integral inz-space, and applying a variational calculus in which variations are restricted to analytic functions. Explicit analytic expressions are given for free field propagators.
Resonance Chains and Geometric Limits on Schottky Surfaces
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 337 - Trang 727-765 - 2015
Resonance chains have been observed in many different physical and mathematical scattering problems. Recently, numerical studies linked the phenomenon of resonances chains to an approximate clustering of the length spectrum on integer multiples of a base length. A canonical example of such a scattering system is provided by 3-funneled hyperbolic surfaces where the lengths of the three geodesics around the funnels have rational ratios. In this article we present a mathematically rigorous study of the resonance chains for these systems. We prove the analyticity of the generalized zeta function, which provides the central mathematical tool for understanding the resonance chains. Furthermore, we prove for a fixed ratio between the funnel lengths and in the limit of large lengths that after a suitable rescaling, the resonances in a bounded domain align equidistantly along certain lines. The position of these lines is given by the zeros of an explicit polynomial that only depends on the ratio of the funnel lengths.
Ergodic Properties of a Model for Turbulent Dispersion of Inertial Particles
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 308 - Trang 49-80 - 2011
We study a simple stochastic differential equation that models the dispersion of close heavy particles moving in a turbulent flow. In one and two dimensions, the model is closely related to the one-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation in a random δ-correlated potential. The ergodic properties of the dispersion process are investigated by proving that its generator is hypoelliptic and using control theory.
On the Regularity Criterion of Weak Solution for the 3D Viscous Magneto-Hydrodynamics Equations
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 284 - Trang 919-930 - 2008
We improve and extend some known regularity criterion of the weak solution for the 3D viscous Magneto-hydrodynamics equations by means of the Fourier localization technique and Bony’s para-product decomposition.
Compactifications ofd=11 supergravity on Kähler manifolds
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 122 Số 2 - Trang 281-292 - 1989
A Complete 2D Stability Analysis of Fast MHD Shocks in an Ideal Gas
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 236 - Trang 65-92 - 2003
An algorithm of numerical testing of the uniform Lopatinski condition for linearized stability problems for 1-shocks is suggested. The algorithm is used for finding the domains of uniform stability, neutral stability, and instability of planar fast MHD shocks. A complete stability analysis of fast MHD shock waves is first carried out in two space dimensions for the case of an ideal gas. Main results are given for the adiabatic constant γ=5/3 (mono-atomic gas), that is most natural for the MHD model. The cases γ=7/5 (two-atomic gas) and γ>5/3 are briefly discussed. Not only the domains of instability and linear (in the usual sense) stability, but also the domains of uniform stability, for which a corresponding linearized stability problem satisfies the uniform Lopatinski condition, are numerically found for different given angles of inclination of the magnetic field behind the shock to the planar shock front. As is known, uniform linearized stability implies the nonlinear stability, that is local existence of discontinuous shock front solutions of a quasilinear system of hyperbolic conservation laws.
On the Integrated Density of States for Schrödinger Operators on ℤ2 with Quasi Periodic Potential
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 223 - Trang 47-65 - 2001
In this paper we consider discrete Schrödinger operators on the lattice ℤ2 with quasi periodic potential. We establish new regularity results for the integrated density of states, as well as a quantitative version of a “Thouless formula”, as previously considered by Craig and Simon, for real energies and with rates of convergence. The main ingredient is a large deviation theorem for the Green's function that was recently established by Bourgain, Goldstein, and the author. For the integrated density of states an argument of Bourgain is used. Finally, we establish certain fine properties of separately subharmonic functions of two variables that might be of independent interest.
Mass Under the Ricci Flow
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 274 - Trang 65-80 - 2007
In this paper, we study the change of the ADM mass of an ALE space along the Ricci flow. Thus we first show that the ALE property is preserved under the Ricci flow. Then, we show that the mass is invariant under the flow in dimension three (similar results hold in higher dimension with more assumptions). A consequence of this result is the following. Let (M, g) be an ALE manifold of dimension n = 3. If m(g) ≠ 0, then the Ricci flow starting at g can not have Euclidean space as its (uniform) limit.
Tổng số: 7,989
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