Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Spatial distribution of human liver aldehyde dehydrogenase isoenzymes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 111 - Trang 461-466 - 1999
I. Piotr Maly, Valérie Crotet, D. Sasse
 To elucidate the pattern of lesions in the liver parenchyma after ethanol ingestion, the quantitative distribution profiles of both the cytosolic and the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase isoenzyme activities were determined by the use of ultrathin-layer electrophoresis. It was found that in human liver parenchyma, both isoforms of aldehyde dehydrogenase are almost homogeneously represented in the liver acinus. These quantitative data are supported by the results of an improved histochemical technique. Moreover, sex differences were not detected either in activity or in the distribution pattern. Consequently, it can be assumed that it is not the activity of total aldehyde dehydrogenase or its isoforms which is responsible for the higher susceptibility of the perivenous zone to alcohol-dependent damage.
Heterogeneous distribution of type I nitric oxide synthase in pulmonary vasculature of ovine fetus
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2000
Ching Tzao, Peter A. Nickerson, James A. Russell, B Noble, Robin H. Steinhorn
Semi-quantitative estimation of changes in noradrenaline content and intraneuronal distribution in the rat vas deferens by fluorescence histochemistry
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 50 - Trang 129-145 - 1976
Clare Stanford
A semi-quantitative histochemical assay for noradrenaline was developed, based on the assumption that the rate of reaction of noradrenaline with paraformaldehyde depends on transmitter concentration. Changes in organ noradrenaline content caused by drugs or cold-stress were associated with similar changes in fluorescence intensity of organ samples taken for microscopy. Differences in the fluorescence intensity of experimental and control tissues were also found when there was no change in total noradrenaline content, suggesting that fluorescence intensity is not a simple function of whole organ noradrenaline content. Changes in the relative fluorescence of experimental tissues with different paraformaldehyde exposures suggested that the intraneuronal distribution of noradrenaline may affect the rate of development of fluorescence. Analysis of the time course of the fluorescence reaction showed that this was best described by the sum of two first-order exponential components of different half-life. Further results suggested that the first, fast component represents vesicle-bound noradrenaline, while the slow component represents extragranular transmitter.
Mucopolysaccharides in odontogenesis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 328-341 - 1970
Dennis W. Lennox, D. Vincent Provenza
Localization of sulfomucopolysaccharides in developing teeth of Swiss albino mice was detected by S35 autoradiography and histochemistry. A positive correlation was found to exist between autoradiographic and histochemical data with regard to the localization of sulfomucopolysaccharides. Autoradiography, however, revealed some sites of localization which were not detectable by histochemistry, namely, the odontoblasts and stratum intermedium. Fetuses which received the isotope via maternal injection at the cap stage of tooth development and were sacrificed after 2 hours of isotope action displayed rapid incorporation of the isotope in the components of the dental papilla. In the enamel organ, however, only moderate activity was recorded. When the time interval between injection and sacrifice of the experimental animals was increased to 20 hours, intense activity was observed in the enamel organ. With progressively longer intervals between injection and sacrifice, S35 was demonstrable first in odontoblasts and later in the predentin. This occurred as a band or active zone which migrated toward the dentino-enamel junction. With the increasing intervals between injection and sacrifice, first the odontoblasts were active, then predentin was active while the odontoblasts became reduced in activity, after which the dentin matrix gained activity while the predentin decreased somewhat in activity. This pattern is consistent with appositional growth. A linear band of activity was not observed in the enamel matrix; rather, the activity was present as a diffuse stippling over a relatively large area of the matrix. The sulfomucopolysaccharide which existed in dentin matrix was postulated to have originated from the cells of both the odontoblastic layer and the dental papilla.
Effects of the cholinotoxin, AF 64A, on neuronal trace-metal distribution in the rat hippocampus and neocortex
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 81 - Trang 497-500 - 1984
P. Szerdahelyi, P. Kása, A. Fisher, I. Hanin
Ethylcholine mustard aziridinium ion (AF64A) is a neurotoxin which is specific for cholinergic nerve terminals. Besides its effects on elements of the acetylcholine system, we observed that, after 2 and 8 days, a single 20-nmol intracerebroventricular dose altered the Timm's staining of certain regions of the central nervous system and reduced the tissue levels of trace metals. In the hippocampal formation, there was a considerable decrease in the staining of the neuropil of the stratum radiatum and stratum oriens, which contain cholinergic nerve terminals. A reduction in staining was also demonstrated in the perikarya of cortical pyramidal cells. The diminished trace-metal level in both regions was confirmed by quantitative measurements of zinc and copper levels. A similar reduction was not observed at a lower dose (8 nmol) of the cholinotoxin. The results led to the conclusion that AF64A may cause the decrease of the trace-metal content of the postsynaptic neurons through an indirect mechanism.
Masking of epitopes in tissue sections
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 81 Số 6 - Trang 525-531 - 1984
D. Dahl, Milena Grossi, A. Bignami
Multiscale fluorescence imaging of living samples
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 158 - Trang 301-323 - 2022
Yicong Wu, Hari Shroff
Fluorescence microscopy is a highly effective tool for interrogating biological structure and function, particularly when imaging across multiple spatiotemporal scales. Here we survey recent innovations and applications in the relatively understudied area of multiscale fluorescence imaging of living samples. We discuss fundamental challenges in live multiscale imaging and describe successful examples that highlight the power of this approach. We attempt to synthesize general strategies from these test cases, aiming to help accelerate progress in this exciting area.
Nile red staining of lysosomal phospholipid inclusions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 97 Số 4 - Trang 349-354 - 1992
Wendy J. Brown, Tim R. Sullivan, Phillip Greenspan
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