Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Hai vấn đề trong lý thuyết phân phối giá trị Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 365-371 - 1995
Jianyong Qiao
Bài báo này bao gồm hai phần. Ở phần đầu tiên, chúng tôi đề cập đến mối quan hệ giữa bậc, bậc thấp và số lần hướng Julia của các hàm toàn phần. Ở phần thứ hai, chúng tôi nghiên cứu sự tồn tại của các nghiệm của một lớp hàm meromorphic. Lớp hàm meromorphic này có một nền tảng vật lý thú vị.
Classification of Wavelet Bases by Translation Subgroups and Nonharmonic Wavelet Bases
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2000
Qiao Wang
The structure of the set S of shiftable points of wavelet subspaces is researched in this paper. We prove that S = ℝ or $$ S = \frac{1} {q}\mathbb{Z} $$ where q∈ℕ. The spectral and functional characterizations for the shiftability are given. Furthermore, the nonharmonic wavelet bases are discussed.
On initial data of the monopole equation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 2127-2132 - 2009
Xiu Juan Zhu, Hong Yu Wang
The space-time monopole equation is the reduction of anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equations in ℝ2,2 to ℝ2,1. This equation is a non-linear wave equation, and can be encoded in a Lax pair. An equivalent Lax pair is used by Dai and Terng to construct monopoles with continuous scattering data, and then the equation can be linearized by the scattering data, allowing one to use the inverse scattering method to solve the Cauchy problem with rapidly decaying small initial data. In this paper, we use the terminology of holomorphic bundle and transversality of certain maps, parametrized by initial data, to give more initial data, with which we can use scattering method to solve the Cauchy problem of the monopole equation up to gauge transformation.
Integral Representation Formulas Related to the Lamé—Navier System
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 36 - Trang 1341-1356 - 2020
Ricardo Abreu-Blaya, Juan Bory-Reyes, Marcos Antonio Herrera-Peláez, José María Sigarreta-Almira
The paper provides integral representations for solutions to a certain first order partial differential equation natural arising in the factorization of the Lamé—Navier system with the help of Clifford analysis techniques. These representations look like in spirit to the Borel—Pompeiu and Cauchy integral formulas both in three and higher dimensional setting.
Quasi-nearest particle systems
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 92-104 - 1986
Dai Yonglong, Liu Xijian
Hazard Model with Random Treatment Time-Lag Effect
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 39 - Trang 1755-1767 - 2023
Xin Ye, Yan Yan Liu
In clinical studies, it is often that the medical treatments take a period of time before having an effect on patients and the delayed time may vary from person to person. Even though there exists a rich literature developing methods to estimate the time-lag period and treatment effects after lag time, most of these existing studies assume a fixed lag time. In this paper, we propose a hazard model incorporating a random treatment time-lag effect to describe the heterogeneous treatment effect among subjects. The EM algorithm is used to obtain the maximum likelihood estimator. We give the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator and evaluate its performance via simulation studies. An application of the proposed method to real data is provided.
A Relationship Between the Conditional g-Evaluation System and the Generator g and Its Applications
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1427-1434 - 2007
Sheng Jun Fan
In this paper, under the most elementary conditions on a backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE for short) introduced by Peng, a new relationship between the conditional g-evaluation system and the generator g of BSDE is obtained in the sense of "process", based on some recent results of Jiang. Moreover, as applications, two converse comparison theorems and two uniqueness theorems on the generators of BSDEs are proved.
Expansions for the distribution and the maximum from distributions with an asymptotically gamma tail when a trend is present
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 526-542 - 2015
Christopher S. Withers, Saralees Nadarajah
We give expansions about the Gumbel distribution in inverse powers of n and log n for M n , the maximum of a sample size n or n+1 when the j-th observation is $\mu (\tfrac{j} {n}) + e_j $ , µ is any smooth trend function and the residuals {e j } are independent and identically distributed with $P(e > r) \approx \exp ( - \delta x)x^{d_0 } \sum\limits_{k = 1}^\infty {c_k x^{ - k\beta } } $ as x→∞. We illustrate practical value of the expansions using simulated data sets.
On the Monotonicity of the Speed of Random Walks on a Percolation Cluster of Trees
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1949-1954 - 2007
Dayue Chen, Fuxi Zhang
The authors consider the simple random walk on the in.nite cluster of the Bernoulli bond percolation of trees, and investigate the relation between the speed of the simple random walk and the retaining probability p by studying three classes of trees. A sufficient condition is established for Galton–Watson trees.
Littlewood–Paley g–function on the Heisenberg Group
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 95-100 - 2005
He Ping Liu, Rui Qin Ma
We consider the g–function related to a class of radial functions which gives a characterization of the L p –norm of a function on the Heisenberg group.
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