Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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The operating characteristic of double sampling plans by variables when the standard deviation is unknown
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 - Trang 233-251 - 2006
Wolf Krumbholz, Andreas Rohr
We deal with double sampling plans by variables for a one-sided specification limit when the quality characteristic is normally distributed with unknown standard deviation. An algorithm is presented that allows to calculate the OC of the sampling plans proposed by Bowker and Goode (1952). We give several examples. Furthermore, it is shown that the algorithm carries over to calculating the OC of the double-stage t-test.
Power kurtosis transformations: Definition, properties and ordering
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 - Trang 395-401 - 2006
Ingo Klein, Matthias Fischer
Heavy tail distributions can be generated by applying specific non-linear transformations to a Gaussian random variable. Within this work we introduce power kurtosis transformations which are essentially determined by their generator function. Examples are theH-transformation of Tukey (1960), theK-transformation of MacGillivray and Cannon (1997) and theJ-transformation of Fischer and Klein (2004).Furthermore, we derive a general condition on the generator function which guarantees that the corresponding transformation is actually tail-increasing. In this case the exponent of the power kurtosis transformation can be interpreted as a kurtosis parameter. We also prove that the transformed distributions can be ordered with respect to the partial ordering of van Zwet (1964) for symmetric distributions.
Preisindikatoren für Wohnimmobilien in Deutschland
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 88 - Trang 435- 450 - 2004
Hans-Albert Leifer*
Vermögenspreise im Allgemeinen und Immobilienpreise im Besonderen gewannen in den zurückliegenden Jahren mehr und mehr an Bedeutung. Während sie in den späten 80er Jahren (nach dem Börsencrash im Herbst 1987) und im vergangenen Jahrzehnt vornehmlich unter dem Schlagwort „asset-price inflation/deflation“ betrachtet wurden, stehen neuerdings die Tragfähigkeit und Bestandsfestigkeit der Finanzsysteme im Vordergrund. In den Ausführungen geht es vor allem um die Frage, warum, seit wann und aufgrund welcher Grunddaten die Deutsche Bundesbank auf diesem Gebiet der Preisstatistik tätig geworden ist. Dabei wird nicht nur auf das hohe Maß an Unsicherheit in den vorgelegten Angaben hingewiesen, sondern auch der „Second–Best–Charakter“ der Berechnungen hervorgehoben.
Item nonresponse on income questions in panel surveys: Incidence, imputation and the impact on inequality and mobility
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 89 - Trang 49- 61 - 2005
Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka*
This paper deals with item nonresponse on income questions in panel surveys and with longitudinal and cross–sectional imputation strategies to cope with this phenomenon. Using data from the German SOEP, we compare income inequality and mobility indicators based only on truly observed information to those derived from observed and imputed observations. First, we find a positive correlation between inequality and imputation. Secondly, income mobility appears to be significantly understated using observed information only. Finally, longitudinal analyses provide evidence for a positive inter–temporal correlation between item nonresponse and any kind of subsequent nonresponse.
K. Takezawa: Introduction to Nonparametric Regression
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 - Trang 625-626 - 2006
Karsten Webel
Using quantile regression for duration analysis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 - Trang 105-120 - 2006
Bernd Fitzenberger, Ralf A. Wilke
Quantile regression methods are emerging as a popular technique in econometrics and biometrics for exploring the distribution of duration data. This paper discusses quantile regression for duration analysis allowing for a flexible specification of the functional relationship and of the error distribution. Censored quantile regression addresses the issue of right censoring of the response variable which is common in duration analysis. We compare quantile regression to standard duration models. Quantile regression does not impose a proportional effect of the covariates on the hazard over the duration time. However, the method cannot take account of time-varying covariates and it has not been extended so far to allow for unobserved heterogeneity and competing risks. We also discuss how hazard rates can be estimated using quantile regression methods.
The Effects of Ignoring Level Shifts on Systems Cointegration Tests
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 89 Số 3 - Trang 281-301 - 2005
Carsten Trenkler
Kurtosis modelling by means of the J-transformation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 88 - Trang 35- 50 - 2004
Matthias Fischer, Ingo Klein
The H–family of distributions or H–distributions, introduced by Tukey (1960; 1977), are generated by a single transformation of the standard normal distribution and allow for leptokurtosis represented by the parameter h. Alternatively, Haynes et al. (1997) generated leptokurtic distributions by applying the K–transformation to the normal distribution. In this study we propose a third transformation, the so–called J–transformation, and derive some properties of this transformation. Moreover, so-called elongation generating functions (EGFs) are introduced. By means of EGFs we are able to visualize the strength of tail elongation and to construct new transformations. Finally, we compare the three transformations towards their goodness–of–fit in the context of financial return data.
Multilevel and nonlinear panel data models
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2006
Olaf Hübler
Multivariate control charts based on a projection approach
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 89 Số 1 - Trang 75-93 - 2005
Olha Bodnar, Wolfgang Schmid
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