Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Psychophysical scaling of the prism diopter unit
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 140-142 - 2013
The relation between actual and perceived prism displacement was investigated for monocular and haploscopic conditions. Five subjects made estimates of the displacement of 10 prisms ranging in power from.76 to 21.03 prism diopters. The power exponent for both monocular and haploscopic conditions approximated unity. The demonstration that perceived prism displacement is a ratio scale will allow the treatment of tests of monocular and haploscopic prism displacement by parametric statistics.
Habituation of cardiac components of the orienting reflex to stimuli repeated at fixed and variable intervals
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 263-265 - 2013
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of fixed-interval (FI) stimulus repetition on cardiac components of the orienting reflex (OR). It was predicted that variable stimulus repetition would lead to habituation of the OR. whereas a fixed (temporal conditioning) interval paradigm would inhibit such habituation. Thirty-six Ss were employed. The main hypothesis concerning the effects of FI stimulus repetition was confirmed. In addition, the data supported the use of Lang & Hnatiow’s (1962) peak-to-valley measure of the cardiac response, although the response appeared to be monophasically decelerative. not diphasic. The results suggest that stimuli having “signal functions” will continually elicit the OR. whereas stimuli not having such functions eventually lose their value as OR elicitors.
An empirical test of the unrelated question randomized response technique
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 153-156 - 2013
An empirical test was conducted to determine the degree to which respondents, interviewed using the unrelated question randomized response technique (RRT), would truthfully answer the nonsensitive question when directed to by the randomization outcome if that answer could be jeopardizing should it pertain to the sensitive question. Depending on the sensitive question, between 2% and 10% of the respondents did not answer the unrelated question truthfully. However, these percentages were much smaller than were previously found for the directed response RRT.
Spatially located visual CS effects on conditioned avoidance shuttle response (CASR) acquisition in goldfish (Carassius auratus): Training over days
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2013
Goldfish (Carassius auratus) were run for 4 days at 20 trials a day with either CS onset or CS offset conditions. In each condition, the CS was located on the same, the opposite, or both ends as the subject. Conditioned avoidance shuttle rate (CASR) was found to be a function of the magnitude of CS change for both CS onset and CS offset conditions, specifically from maximum to minimum CASR performance, both, same, opposite. The differences in this order of CASR performance vs. that where subjects are trained in a single day are interpreted as being a function of a negative phototaxis for the CS onset and a confusion reaction for the CS offset conditions, both of which affect acquisition rates in the single-day paradigm, but which acquire cue functions and augment acquisition in the multiday paradigm.
Values and Ethics Series Loyola University of Chicago and Loyola University Press
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 308-308 - 2013
Deviance probabilities: Determination of judgmental bias within Kendall’s coefficient of concordance data
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 20 - Trang 187-189 - 2013
Kendall’s coefficient of concordance is reviewed, with particular concern for nonsignificance. A statistic is presented that allows determination of whether one judge’s rankings come from the same population as the other judges’ rankings. This is ∑/D/, the sum of absolute differences in ranks that N objects receive from any two judges. Frequency distributions of ∑/D/, computed for N = 3-10 objects, were used to obtain the probability of a given /∑/’s being greater than a certain constant under the null hypothesis. This cumulative probability density function for incremental ∑/D/s is tabled. Obtained probabilities that one judge’s ranking came from the same population as all other judges’ rankings may be calculated from Bayes’ theorem. The statistic ∑/D/, associated probabilities, and comparison of one judge’s rankings with collective rankings are based on the raw data of Kendall’s W and operationally allow identification of judgmental bias.
A nonassociative schema theory of cognitive incompatibility
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1989
Erratum to: Oral vibrotactile stimulation: A study of practice effect
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 368-368 - 2013
Visual imagery vs. semantic category as encoding conditions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 291-292 - 2013
Semantic encoding was directly compared to visual imagery encoding in an experimental variant of the Craik-Tulving procedure. Sixty words were presented orally in one of five encoding conditions. Two conditions were from Experiment 9 of Craik and Tulving (1975), that is, semantic category/yes and semantic category/no. Three conditions were imagery encoding conditions: single image/good, single image/bad, and interactive imagery relating pairs of words. The results for the college students tested indicate that imagery encoding gave better immediate recognition than did deep semantic encoding. Generally, recognition scores did not differ from one another within the imagery conditions, but within the semantic conditions, semantic category/yes gave higher recognition scores than did semantic category/no. The findings call for further investigation of the cognitive processes relevant to semantic as compared to imagery encoding.
Nguyên tắc gần gũi tương đối và khoảng dừng sau phần thưởng Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 129-131 - 2013
Theo nguyên tắc gần gũi tương đối, một thước đo phản ứng phải thay đổi đơn điệu với lượng thời gian tương đối đã trôi qua trong khoảng thời gian giữa các lần thưởng. Tốc độ phản ứng trung bình trong lịch trình khoảng thời gian cố định tăng lên một cách đơn điệu với thời gian tương đối, nhưng tốc độ phản ứng lại có quan hệ không đơn điệu với thời gian đã trôi qua tương đối trong lịch trình FT FR1 phối hợp. Bài báo hiện tại chỉ ra rằng một số đặc điểm của phân bố khoảng dừng sau phần thưởng nhất quán với nguyên tắc gần gũi tương đối trong cả lịch trình khoảng thời gian cố định và lịch trình phối hợp: Xác suất kết thúc khoảng dừng sau phần thưởng, với điều kiện có cơ hội, tăng lên một cách đơn điệu với thời gian tương đối trong khoảng thời gian giữa các lần thưởng ở cả hai loại lịch trình, cho thấy rằng mối quan hệ giữa thời gian tương đối trong khoảng thời gian giữa các lần thưởng có vẻ tồn tại trong một phạm vi điều kiện rộng hơn so với việc kiểm soát tốc độ phản ứng trung bình bởi gần gũi tương đối.
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