Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Cognitive Load Theory and Complex Learning: Recent Developments and Future Directions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 Số 2 - Trang 147-177 - 2005
Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, John Sweller
Self-efficacy and achievement behaviors
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 173-208 - 1989
Dale H. Schunk
In this article self-efficacy research is reviewed in domains relevant to education. Research addressing cognitive skills, social skills, motor skills, and career choices has shown that self-efficacy is an important construct that helps to explain students' learning and performance of achievement-related behaviors. Research also has identified variables that are associated with educational contexts and that signal to students how well they are achieving or making progress in learning. These task-engagement variables include models/social comparative information, goal setting, attributional and performance feedback, strategy instruction, cognitive processing, and reward contingencies. A suggested future self-efficacy research agenda might include maintenance and generalization of changes in self-efficacy, the identification of additional task-engagement variables, instrument development and validation, integration of efficacy information from diverse sources, developmental influences on self-efficacy, and teachers' sense of efficacy.
Environmental, cognitive, and metacognitive influences on text revision: Assessing the evidence
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 Số 3 - Trang 239-297 - 1996
Earl C. Butterfield, Douglas J. Hacker, Luann R. Albertson
Comprehension Tools for Teachers: Reading for Understanding from Prekindergarten Through Fourth Grade
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 379-401 - 2014
Carol McDonald Connor, Beth M. Phillips, Michael Kaschak, Kenn Apel, Young-Suk Kim, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Elizabeth C. Crowe, Shurita Thomas-Tate, Lakeisha Cooper Johnson, Christopher J. Lonigan
This paper describes the theoretical framework, as well as the development and testing of the intervention, Comprehension Tools for Teachers (CTT), which is composed of eight component interventions targeting malleable language and reading comprehension skills that emerging research indicates contribute to proficient reading for understanding for prekindergarteners through fourth graders. Component interventions target processes considered largely automatic as well as more reflective processes, with interacting and reciprocal effects. Specifically, we present component interventions targeting cognitive, linguistic, and text-specific processes, including morphological awareness, syntax, mental-state verbs, comprehension monitoring, narrative and expository text structure, enacted comprehension, academic knowledge, and reading to learn from informational text. Our aim was to develop a tool set composed of intensive meaningful individualized small group interventions. We improved feasibility in regular classrooms through the use of design-based iterative research methods including careful lesson planning, targeted scripting, pre- and postintervention proximal assessments, and technology. In addition to the overall framework, we discuss seven of the component interventions and general results of design and efficacy studies.
Social interaction in the acquisition of knowledge
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 293-310 - 1993
Clotilde Pontecorvo
A review of features and results of a research program concerning social interaction in knowledge construction that covers more than 10 years of research is given. Starting from a Vygotskian theoretical background, interactive dimensions are considered as an instrument for curriculum change in different domains and, subsequently, as an experimental treatment in young children's education. In particular, arguing within school settings appears to be a crucial tool for learning to reason and to explain: Knowledge domains become characterized by epistemic procedures, which are implemented in arguing, and by shared reasoning within adequate educational settings.
Moderation of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: Juxtaposition of Evolutionary (Darwinian-Economic) and Achievement Motivation Theory Predictions Based on a Delphi Approach
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 33 - Trang 1353-1378 - 2021
Herbert W. Marsh, Kate M Xu, Philip D Parker, Kit-Tai Hau, Reinhard Pekrun, Andrew Elliot, Jiesi Guo, Theresa Dicke, Geetanjali Basarkod
The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE), the negative effect of school-/class-average achievement on academic self-concept, is one of educational psychology’s most universal findings. However, critiques of this research have proposed moderators based on achievement motivation theories. Nevertheless, because these motivational theories are not sufficiently well-developed to provide unambiguous predictions concerning moderation of the BFLPE and underlying social comparison processes, we developed a Theory-Integrating Approach; bringing together a panel of experts, independently making theoretical predictions, revising the predictions over several rounds based on independent feedback from the other experts, and a summary of results. We pit a priori hypotheses derived from achievement motivation theories against the more parsimonious a priori prediction that there is no moderation based on previous BFLPE empirical research and Darwinian-economic theory (N = 1,925 Hong Kong students, 47 classes, M age = 12 years). Consistent with both BFLPE research and Darwinian perspectives, but in contrast to achievement motivation theory predictions, the highly significant BFLPE was not moderated by any of the following: prior achievement, expectancy-value theory variables, achievement goals, implicit theories of ability, self-regulated learning strategies, and social interdependence theory measures. Although we cannot “prove” that there are no student-level moderators of the BFLPE, our synthesis of social comparison posited in the BFLPE theory and an evolutionary perspective support BFLPE’s generalizability. We propose further integration of our Theory-Integrating Approach with traditional Delphi methods, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to develop a priori theoretical predictions and identify limitations in existing theory as an alternative form of systematic review.
Integration in the Achievement Motivation Literature and the Hierarchical Model of Achievement Motivation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 35 - Trang 1-31 - 2023
Andrew J. Elliot, Nicolas Sommet
Integration is a valuable yet underutilized process in scientific literatures, including the achievement motivation literature. In this piece, we advocate for and illustrate the benefits of giving integration a central place within the achievement motivation literature. We pay particular attention to the hierarchical model of achievement motivation that is explicitly and intensively integrative in nature. We believe that this hierarchical model may be used as a theoretical foundation from which to organize and bring together the many different constructs and concepts in the extant literature. We further believe that the most important contributions to the literature in the next decade and beyond will be integrative—bringing together what is currently separate to form a more complete and comprehensive whole.
Context-Sensitive Cognitive and Educational Testing
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 857-884 - 2017
Robert J. Sternberg
This article reviews four interrelated approaches to reducing an inequitable gap in cognitive and educational test scores between individuals of a dominant culture and individuals of other cultures or subcultures. These approaches include (a) use of broader measures, (b) performance- and project-based assessments, (c) direct measurement of knowledge and skills relevant to environmental adaptation, and (d) dynamic assessment. It is concluded that when appropriate assessment is done that recognizes students’ diverse cultural and social backgrounds, equity can increase, predictive validity of cognitive and educational tests can increase, and at the same time, racial/ethnic/culture differences can decrease.
Correction to: Context-Sensitive Cognitive and Educational Testing
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 1291-1291 - 2018
Robert J. Sternberg
The following parts of “Context-Sensitive Cognitive and Educational Testing” by R. J. Sternberg draws heavily from Sternberg, R. J. (2014), The development of adaptive competence. Developmental Review, 34, 208–224.
A Meta-analysis of the Worked Examples Effect on Mathematics Performance
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 35 - Trang 1-33 - 2023
Christina Areizaga Barbieri, Dana Miller-Cotto, Sarah N. Clerjuste, Kamal Chawla
The current meta-analysis quantifies the average effect of worked examples on mathematics performance from elementary grades to postsecondary settings and to assess what moderates this effect. Though thousands of worked examples studies have been conducted to date, a corresponding meta-analysis has yet to be published. Exclusionary coding was conducted on 8033 abstracts from published and grey literature to yield a sample of high quality experimental and quasi-experimental work. This search yielded 43 articles reporting on 55 studies and 181 effect sizes. Using robust variance estimation (RVE) to account for clustered effect sizes, the average effect size of worked examples on mathematics performance outcomes was medium with g = 0.48 and p = 0.01. Moderators assessed included example type (correct vs. incorrect examples alone or in combination with correct examples), pairing with self-explanation prompts, and timing of administration (i.e., practice vs. skill acquisition). The inclusion of self-explanation prompts significantly moderated the effect of examples yielding a negative effect in comparison to worked examples conditions that did not include self-explanation prompts. Worked examples studies that used correct examples alone yielded larger effect sizes than those that used incorrect examples alone or correct examples in combination with incorrect examples. The worked examples effect yields a medium effect on mathematics outcomes whether used for practice or initial skill acquisition. Correct examples are particularly beneficial for learning overall, and pairing examples with self-explanation prompts may not be a fruitful design modification. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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