Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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A planimetric study of the mean epithelial thickness (MET) of the molluscan digestive gland over the tidal cycle and under environmental stress conditions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 44 Số 1 - Trang 81-94 - 1990
Untersuchungen zur lichtinduzierten Chromatophorenverlagerung beiFucus vesiculosus
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 333-346 - 1978
Light-induced transmission changes, measured microphotometrically in the brown algaFucus vesiculosus, are mainly the result of chromatophore displacements. Dose-response curves, as well as observations by microscope, have shown that the typical low-intensity arrangement occurs at 1 000 lux and the complete high intensity arrangement at 20 000 lux. The arrangements of the chromatophores — as well as their shapes — in dim light, strong light and darkness have been investigated. The chromatophore arrangements are different in the epidermal, cortical and medullary cells. In dim light the chromatophores are relatively large. The chromatophores of the epidermis are placed in the plasma layer of the inner cell halves. In the cortical and medullary cells the chromatophores occupy mainly the cell walls facing the light. In strong light the chromatophores are shorter and tend to become spherical. In the epidermis facing the light they move into the basal part of the cells, in the cortical and medullary cells they move to the center of the cell surrounding the nucleus. After some days of darkness the chromatophores of the epidermal cells occupy the inner periclinal and 2/3 of the anticlinal cell walls. In the cortical and medullary cells they are evenly distributed in the cytoplasmic layer at the wall. Obviously, the transmission changes measured are mainly due to chromatophore displacements in the cortical cells. Changes in shape and size play a minor role.
Die Temperaturabhängigkeit semilunarer und diurnaler Schlüpfrhythmen bei der intertidalen MückeClunio marinus (Diptera, Chironomidae)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 36 - Trang 427-464 - 1983
On Helgoland (North Sea), the imagines ofClunio emerge during two seasonal periods (late spring and summer) from water temperatures of 8°–18 °C. The temperature dependence of the known semilunar eclosion rhythm ofClunio (correlated in nature with the spring tides every 14–15 days) was tested in the laboratory. Between 15° and 23 °C the semilunar eclosion maxima varied by only one day within the artifical 15-day zeitgebercycle, below 15 °C they were delayed up to 8 days at 8 °C. However, the days of pupation were approximately independent of the temperature level. One can conclude the existence of a temperature-independent physiological switch inducing the pupation only within a few days of the semilunar zeitgeber-cycle. Moreover, a semilunar synchronized differentiation of the imaginal discs already starts in the preceding larval instar, indicating an additional physiological switch. A model is suggested in which the semilunar eclosion rhythm and its relatively slight temperature dependence is explained by the action of two physiological switches which are coupled with the endogenous temperature-compensated lunar timing mechanism on the same days of the 15-day zeitgeber-cycle. In the laboratory, the diurnal eclosion and its underlying circadian timing mechanism (correlated on Helgoland with the time of spring low water in the late afternoon) also proved to be temperature independent between 12° and 20 °C. A comparison of field and laboratory data showed very similar results at temperatures around 18 °C (summer swarming period). In contrast, the midges emerged on all days of the semimonthly cycle of springs and neaps during the spring swarming period. This lack of semilunar synchronization may be the consequence of fluctuating temperatures during the larval and pupal development in spring time due to a general rise in the water temperature (4°–8 °C) and to short temperature rises up to 18 °C during exposure of the intertidal habitat at about low tide. Since some higher parts of theClunio habitat suitable for egg deposition are exposed on almost every day of the semimonthly cycle, even such animals that undergo lunar unsynchronized metamorphosis can reproduce within the short imaginal life duration (ca 2 h) if they emerge just about the time of low water. In correspondence with the daily delay in the times of low water by about 50 min, the diurnal eclosion rhythm was in fact modified with the tides during the spring period resulting in shifts of the diurnal eclosion time of up to 12 hours within the semimonthly cycle of springs and neaps.
Phytoplankton and nutrients in the Helgoland region
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 42 - Trang 435-467 - 1988
During recent decades, phytoplankton stock on the one hand and inorganic nutrients (P and bound N) on the other have increased considerably in the southern North Sea, as demonstrated at a permanent station (since 1962) near the island Helgoland. This correlation between phytoplankton and inorganic P and N need not have anything to do with causality; exceptional algal blooms have been observed and reported in the literature since in the 19th century. Furthermore, these increases (four-fold for phytoplankton and two-fold for nutrients) are in the same range as the fluctuations from year to year under different hydrographical conditions. A detailed investigation carried out in 1981 demonstrated the presence of a slowly growing phytoplankton population. Starting with a considerable stock of flagellates in spring, it reached a peak in cell numbers over a long reproduction period which contrasted with the normal duration of a spring bloom of diatoms. These processes were not related to a limited production by P or N. A considerable concentration of these nutrients was permanently available in the form of inorganic compounds. The total amount of nutrients surpassed by far the portion incorporated in the phytoplankton. This is a consequence of the fact that small organisms have a high metabolic rate. Therefore, the relation between stock and production (daily production ≈stock) is completely different from that known e.g. in agriculture. The nutrients exist during the vegetation period mainly in the form of dissolved organic matter that is accessible to plankton. The great dynamics of this system, including a phase shifting during the year between inorganic P, N, Si, and production, indicates the significance of permanent and fast remineralization. Calculations demonstrate that the natural nutrient content of seawater normally satisfies the demands of phytoplankton present in the North Sea area under study. Only in the more productive coastal region (salinity<30 associated with fresh water run-offs of low nutrient content — an unrealistic assumption in the German Bight) might some limitation be observed. For diatoms, silicate may represent a critical component, but a high dynamic force exists in the presence of small Si concentrations. Therefore, a lack of silicon must not represent any limitation; however, knowledge on the silicon system is insufficient up to now.
Second international symposium on quantitative biology of metabolism (Helgoland, 1965): opening address
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 1-3 - 1966
Studies on the seasonal biochemistry of the Northern krillMeganyctiphanes norvegica in the Kattegat
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1987
The lugwormArenicola marina: A model of physiological adaptation to life in intertidal sediments
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 50 - Trang 37-68 - 1996
The results of more than two decades of intensive research on the physiological and biochemical features of the lugworm are reviewed with the aim of drawing a general and comprehensive picture of the adaptation of this species to the special conditions of living in the tidal zone, which may also hold true for the majority of invertebrates found in this habitat.
Composition and structure of the molluscan assemblage associated with a Cymodocea nodosa bed in south-eastern Spain: seasonal and diel variation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 66 - Trang 585-599 - 2012
The molluscan taxocoenosis associated with a Cymodocea nodosa seagrass bed was studied throughout 1 year in Genoveses Bay, in the MPA “Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar” (south-eastern Spain). A total of 64,824 individuals were collected and 54 species identified. The molluscan fauna was mainly composed of gastropods (99.56% of individuals, 43 spp.). The families Rissoidae (72.98%, 11 spp.) and Trochidae (16.93%, 7 spp.) were the most abundant and diversified in terms of number of species. Rissoa monodonta (47.1% dominance), Rissoa membranacea (25.1%) and Gibbula leucophaea (11.6%) proved the top dominant species in both diurnal and nocturnal samples. Bivalves (0.41%, 10 species) and cephalopods (0.03%, 1 species) represented only a low percentage of the molluscan taxocoenosis. The molluscan assemblage was mainly composed of species with a wide geographical distribution in Europe, followed by strictly Mediterranean species. The abundance was significantly higher in the cold (December, March) than in the warm months (June, July). Species richness (S) was higher in nocturnal than in diurnal samples, reaching maximal values in diurnal samples of March and June. Shannon–Wiener diversity (H′) values were generally higher in nocturnal samples than in diurnal ones, displaying minimum values in December and June, respectively. Evenness was similar in diurnal and nocturnal samples, with maximum values in July in both groups. S and H′ were also significantly different between diurnal and nocturnal samples. Multivariate analyses based on both qualitative and quantitative data showed a significant seasonal and diel variation. Diel changes revealed to be more distinct than seasonal ones.
Distribution and population characteristics of the alien talitrid amphipod Orchestia cavimana in relation to environmental conditions in the Northeastern Baltic Sea
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 60 - Trang 121-126 - 2006
The talitrid amphipods were found for the first time in the Northeastern Baltic Sea in 1999. Orchestia cavimana inhabited damp wracks cast up on shore within a 200 m area of Saaremaa Island. In the following year, the species expanded its range to a few kilometres. In 2002, six additional locations of O. cavimana were found in Saaremaa Island and two locations in the Northwestern part of Estonia. Abundances and biomasses were highest in the first year of the invasion. In the following years, the values stabilized on remarkably lower levels. Population characteristics of the species varied significantly between locations. The average biomass and abundance were 9 g dw m−2 and 1975 ind m−2, respectively. Wrack biomass and interaction between wrack biomass and exposure were the best predictors of the abundances and biomasses of O. cavimana. Humidity explained additional variability in biomasses. The size structure of the population of O. cavimana was mostly related to humidity and wrack biomass. The Southern coast of the Baltic Sea may be regarded as the initial donor region for the Estonian populations of O. cavimana. The vector of this invasion is most likely related to the natural dispersal of the drifting algae but human activities as a transport vector can not be excluded. The incredible speed of the invasion of O. cavimana and its high biomasses indicate that the species will very likely extend its distribution along the coast of the Northeastern Baltic Sea in the following years.
Acid phosphatase activity in liver macrophage aggregates as a marker for pollution-induced immunomodulation of the non-specific immune response in fish
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 57 - Trang 166-175 - 2003
The activity of acid phosphatase in liver macrophage aggregates (MA-AP) of different fish species was used as a marker for a pollution-induced modulation of the digestive capacity of phagocytes, since functions of the non-specific immune response play a central role in the maintenance of animals' health. Based upon the investigation of more than 900 individual flounders (Platichthys flesus) and mullets (Liza aurata), natural variations, gender-specific differences and pollution-induced alterations in AP activity are demonstrated in this study. MA-AP activity was dependent on temperature and season but, nevertheless, distinctions between differently polluted areas were visible in all sampling campaigns with lowest MA-AP activity in fish from the polluted areas of the German Bight and the Israeli coast of the Mediterranean Sea. For organochlorine contaminants, as well as for mercury and copper, a significant correlation could be observed between residue concentrations in fish tissues and MA-AP activity. In all cases, except mercury which showed a positive correlation, AP activity was suppressed in animals with a high contaminant burden. MA-AP activity turned out to give reliable and consistent results for a quantification of immunomodulation in both fish species.
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